Please DO NOT ASK for support on HV.EXE, since it is freeware, AS-IS software. If HV.EXE does not work for you in certain situations, do not use it.
It is our intention to provide support and spend the time where we CAN make a difference and create value for the customer. HV.EXE can no longer be modified and so it will remain as it is now. Sorry. Your understanding and cooperation is requested.
By the way, some experts say that fax is not safer than email! They reason that fax lines can be easily bugged and "listened" to. But en email is just one among billions of data packets travelling all over the internet at any one point in time, and one would have to pull out your packets, and string them together to make a message out of it. Frankly, I have no idea who is right.
If you feel really anxious about sending your credit card number in email, there is another method:
Just use WWW/LX and POST/LX! See, the program has a built-in mechanism to encrypt the numbers in the email. It is then deciphered here, when we get your email. You can even use the WWW/LX-Post/LX in DEMO mode to send the email!
And another way to go: Send half the credit cards number in one email, and the other half in a separate email, to this address: If you put you name in both emails, we will be able to put the numbers together here...
Hopefully, all this helps.
As always, you should inform yourself about the security of emails and faxes - do not take my word because I am not an expert at this. I only repeat here what some people told us.
(By the way - Many people call this offer an "upgrade", and just to be totally technically correct, it not an upgrade offer. The upgrade offer terminated on October 20, 2000 (with flexible hours :)... This is simply an offer to purchase a NEW license for a great discount. The price happens to be VERY similar, that's all.)
What is the catch? There is one: The order must be emailed to - no faxes, please!
We created a mailing list for D&A Software to help our customers receive timely information about our products, offers, and updates.
The mailing list is managed by and you have full control to subscribe and unsubscribe when you desire. Let me assure you that by policy, D&A Software DOES NOT SHARE any customer information with anyone, for any reason.
Our experience with several mailing lists administered by Listbot has been satisfactory. We used their services in several lists, since May 2000. We took the step to place several "test" email addresses, to see if we receive Spam (junk-email) in these addresses, and so far no spam (junk-email) has arrived.
The service is provided to us for free by Listbot, and therefore you will notice that they place a small advertising in each email. We have no connection to these advertisers and WE DO NOT ENDORSE them in any way.
Thank you very much for your continued support!
Best Regards,
Avi Meshar
D&A Software
You can check out this documentation right here, on the Webpage as well! Click here to see!
We no longer offer the free upgrade to customers who purchased a previous version after January 1, 1999.
These offers were in place for 8 months, from April 6, 1998 until December 31, 1998.
We have provided upgrade licenses to all previous customers of WWW/LX
- ANY PRIOR VERSION - for $30.00. This practice will continue until December
31, 1998. After that date, there will be no upgrade licenses available,
only new licenses, for the then prevailing price.
We have also provided free upgrade licenses to all customers who have
purchased their WWW/LX Plus AFTER January 1, 1998. This provided
customers with a generous allowance in time to upgrade their product. This
practice will be discontinued on December 31, 1998. Thereafter, we will
no longer offer this upgrade.
Lastly, support for older WWW/LX versions will cease on December 31,
1998. That includes WWW/LX (WWW.EXE and HV only), WWW/LX Plus Version 1
The only supported version after December 31, 1998 will be WWW/LX Plus Version 2, which was originally released on April 6, 1998 and has been updated since then several times, as outlined above.
The change in upgrading policy will affect a very small number of customers, we believe. We must weigh the impact on them vs. the impact on continued split in the line of products we sell and support. The change in support policies will affect an equally small portion of the customers base, perhaps a handful. If they require support, we will formulate an alternative means to provide it, but we do not have it in place now.
If you have any questions about this announcement, please send them to
Thank you. Avi Meshar, D&A Software
Andreas Garzotto, D&A Software
As of Thursday, the order line is back up. You may use the same number as before for faxes and voice messages - +1 310 558 1135. If you sent us a fax during that time (August 27, 1998 and September 3, 1998), and have not received your order or a response from us, please re-send. Sorry for the inconvenience and the hassle!
MAGNIFY version 1.50 - US$ 12.00 + shipping -
Regular price US$ 19.00
VOLT/LX - US$ 5.00 + shipping - Regular price
US$ 9.95
(Note: VOLT/LX includes a US$ 5.00 coupon usable towards the purchase
of ABC/LX)
Shipping: US addresses - $5.00, Foreign addresses - $7.00
If you order both products, to same address, shipping cost is the same.
Shipping by US Postal Services.
Terms and Conditions:
We will be able to check email frequently (2-3 times each day). Faxes and voice mail will be checked only about 3 times a week. If you have any problems at all, please email to us at Of course, you can also leave a voice message (with your email address, please!) and send faxes as usual.
If you wish to order any of our products, we have a convenient Order Form document. You can save it, fill it out and email to us, or print it and fax it, whatever is more convenient for you!
If you have any suggestions, please write to Avi Meshar directly at
We are very interested in your feedback!
In fact, we need your feedback in order to fulfill our commitment to provide useful tools for you! Please let us know what kind of products would be useful to you. Let us know what you think about our current products and feel free to post any questions. Simply click here to send us an email message, or meet us on the HPHAND forum on CompuServe. Thank you.