WWW/LX Version 3
- Email, Newsgroups and Web browsing
from the Palmtop. A graphical User Interface, and a full TCP/IP engine.
With the E-Mail and Newsgroups component this is a powerful package for
Road Warriors. As of 1 January 2008 - COPYRIGHTED FREEWARE.
IRC/LX - This product is available now. It was written by Andreas Garzotto to extend by another strong client program the range of Internet clients which run with WWW/LX. A license for WWW/LX Plus is required for this program.
MindMap/LX or MM/LX
This is an implementation of mindmapping for the HP Palmtop. It is a
simple and intuitive tool, yet rich in features. You can create mindmaps,
add links to other maps, or files, or even images, you can manipulate
entire "branches" or single nodes, and delete, duplicate, or move them
to other locations in the map. Multiple maps can be housed within one
physical map (e.g. Weekly Department Meeting Notes can house a separate
map for each date.) Exporting the map to HTML allows easy communication
of the map to others, either in prointed form, or over the Web. Many
other uses. This will enhance your creative thinking, and provide depth
to your ideas and thoughts. Copyrighted Freeware
Quick/LX - This is an old/new product. We recently
acquired this jewel, written by Andreas Garzotto, from Shier Systems &
Software. Copyrighted Freeware
PRO/LX is a simple but effective (read this as: Tested in real situations!) Project Management tool. It integrates well with PIM/LX, but can also be used as a standalone product. It implements most aspects of CCPM (Critical Chain Project Management.) Download Copyrighted Freeware.
PIM/LX - This product was announced at the end of June 1999. It was written by Andreas Garzotto. Building on the power of PalEdit (PE), Andreas added a powerful PIM - Personal Infromation Manager - program.
This program can be used to replace the Palmtop's built-in Phonebook, Appointment book, and Notebook. It provides all the functionality of these built-in applications, and more. This program is copyrighted freeware.
TimeTracker/LX - Time Tracking System.
This is a mature, seasoned, time tracking product. If you are looking for a tool that will provide you with a way to track how much time tasks take - this is it! If you need to create multiple time billings for different customers, multiple projects per customer, multiple billing rates within a project - yes, TimeTracker/LX can do it.
And it can run right there on your Palmtop, always with you, so you won't forget even one single task, one single time period! Copyrighted Freeware.
- Advanced Battery Charging System
Automates the charging of your batteries in the Palmtop. Displays voltage continuously. Starts and stops charging as the batteries require. Copyrighted Freeware.
VOLT/LX - Voltage/Time Monitor for Non-Rechargable Batteries
Displays voltage of alkaline and lithium batteries, as well as time-on-battery, so you won't be caught with a dead battery. Copyrighted Freeware.
- Our Freeware Web Browser Software (HTML Viewer). You can view Web documents
downloaded and transferred to the Palmtop.
- Our Freeware Text Editor. This editor is similar to Memo, but has some
distinct advantages. E.G. Multiple files open, unlimited file sizes, Macros,
Works inside System Manager or in pure DOS (even on your Desktop, Lightning
fast Find, and more!