Tool: Music Converter

Current Version: 1.3 (Released with PokeMini 0.5.5)

Convert music sheets to a data format that can be used with pm_music library


Usage: pokemini_musicconv [options]
  -asmf               Output in asm format (def)
  -cf                 Output in C format
  -i music.txt        Music input (required)
  -o music.asm        Output file
  -oh       Output header file
  -vh music           Set prefix for header definitions
  -q                  Quiet
  -v                  Verbose
  -sv                 Super-verbose
  -play varname       Play specific BGM/SFX

Play flags:
  -snddirect          Sound Engine: Direct (def)
  -sndemulated        Sound Engine: Emulated
  -piezo              Use piezo filtering (def)
  -nopiezo            Don't use piezo filtering
  -towav music.wav    Save to WAV while playing

Music sheet format


// can be used for single-line comments

/* and */ are used for multi-line comments

{ and } can be used to brace content

Numbers can have $ or 0x prefix for hexadecimal notation

PokeMini Music converter specify "s" and "q" to work as:

Pic of how Quantize and Sustain affect sound
Figure 1 - How Quantize and Sustain affects volume output

Using SHORTQ=yes allow quantize to meet the standard modern MML but sustain must still be specified.


Directive Name Description
INCLUDE anothersheet.txt Include another file
TITLE sheet title Title of the music sheet
COMPOSER composer name Composer name
PROGRAMMER programmer name Programmer name
DESCRIPTION description about this Extra description
Set output format
Overrides "-asmf" / "-cf" option
Set variable name (prefix) for definitions in the header
Overrides "-vh"
Set output header filename, don't write filename to disable header writing
Overrides "-oh"
OUTFILE music.asm
Set output filename, don't write filename to disable output wiriting
Overrides "-o"

Master time (In Timer 2 Preset at Prescale 6, CPU / 1024)
TicksPerSec = 3906.25 / (Master Time + 1);

MBPM 114, 128
MASTERBPM 114, 128

Master time in beats-per-minute in 4/4 format for certain wait value
1st Parameter = Beats per minute
2nd Parameter = Wait value (between 1 and 255)

Volume level:
mml = 0 to 15
system = 0 to 3
Reverse octave signs in MML
no = Decrease octave is < and Increase octave is >
yes = Decrease octave is > and Increase octave is <
Use shorter quantize/sustain range in MML
no = Range of 'q' and 's' commands is 0 to 64
yes = Range of 'q' and 's' commands is 0 to 8
BGM varname <pattern-list> Define Background music
PAT_T varname <trk-data>
PAT_TRACK varname <trk-data>
PATTERN_T varname <trk-data>
PATTERN_TRACK varname <trk-data>
Define Pattern (Track syntax)
SFX_T varname <trk-data>
SFX_TRACK varname <trk-data>
Define Sound effect (Track syntax)
MACRO_T uppercase-letter <trk-data>
MACRO_TRACK uppercase-letter <trk-data>
Define Macro (Track syntax)
PAT varname <mml-data>
PATTERN varname <mml-data>
Define Pattern (MML syntax)
SFX varname <mml-data> Define Sound effect (MML syntax)
MACRO uppercase-letter <mml-data> Define Macro (MML syntax)

Pattern List <pattern-list>

Syntax: varname varname ...

varname is a name of an existing pattern

Each pattern must be separated by spaces, tabs or new-lines

Loop can be marked with a | (pipe) character between spaces, this will cause to loop from the | (pipe) to end infinitely
( e.g. BGM testmusic { start_pattern | looping_pattern } )

Track data <trk-data>

Data is case-insensitive: A is the same as a

-- Insert row --

Define a row


ROW {cmd}, {cmd}... {\n}

Default: w24 v15 %128 q64 s64 xt1 xd

{cmd} Description
Cn, C-n Set note: C, D, E, F, G, A or B
n is octave number between 1 and 9
C#n, C+n Set note: C, D, E, F, G, A or B (sharp)
n is octave number between 1 and 9
%n Set pulse-width
n is between 0 to 255, ex. 128 = 50% (Square)
vn Set volume
n is 0 to 16, ex. 8 = 50% (VOLLVL=mml)
n is 0 to 3, ex. 2 = 50% (VOLLVL=system)
wn Set number of ticks to wait
n is between 1 to 255
!n:d Write to RAM
n is relative address between 0 to 255
d is data to write (8-bits)

Set quantization (gating)
n is 0 to 64, ex. 32 = 50% (SHORTQ=no)
n is 0 to 8, ex. 4 = 50% (SHORTQ=yes)

sn Set sustain
n is 0 to 64, ex. 32 = 50% (SHORTQ=no)
n is 0 to 8, ex. 4 = 50% (SHORTQ=yes)
xtn Set effect ticks
Lower number provide better quality but will use more data
xd Disable effects
xan:m Arpeggio effect (only 1 effect can be used at a time)
n is the offset of the 2nd note
m is the offset of the 3rd note
ticks will affect the speed of arpeggio
xpn Portamento effect (only 1 effect can be used at a time)
n is the offset of the note to slide
ticks will affect aliasing of the tone
xsn Set random seed number
n is a 32-bits seed number
xrn Random frequencies effect (only 1 effect can be used at a time)
n is the range of the note to generate random tones
ticks will affect aliasing of the tone

-- End Sound --

End BGM/SFX playback



-- Start Loop --

Start loop, can go 3 level depth



-- End Loop --

End loop, can go 3 level depth


ENDL {loopnum}
ENDLOOP {loopnum}
REPEAT {loopnum}

loopnum - number of loops, between 1 and 255

-- Use Macro --

Use defined macro, macro must be declared before using it


MACRO {uppercase-letter}

uppercase-letter - Single uppercase letter

MML data <mml-data>

Data is case-sensitive: A is different than a

Syntax: {mml}{mml}...

Default: w24 l4 v15 o5 %128 q64 s64 xt1 xd

Spaces and Tabs are ignored between each mml command

{mml} Description
; End sound
[ Start loop
] End loop
This will loop 1 time only
]n End loop
n is number of times the sequence is played, 1 to 256
c[n] Play note: c, d, e, f, g, a or b
n is length of note (optional), sufix of . or .. will expand note to 1.5% and 1.75% respectively
c-[n] Play note: c, d, e, f, g, a or b (Flat)
n is length of note (optional), sufix of . or .. will expand note to 1.5% and 1.75% respectively
c+[n], c#[n] Play note: c, d, e, f, g, a or b (Sharp)
n is length of note (optional)
sufix of . or .. will expand note to 1.5% and 1.75% respectively
r[n] Rest / Silence
n is length of rest (optional)
sufix of . or .. will expand note to 1.5% and 1.75% respectively
%n Set pulse-width
n is between 0 to 255, ex. 128 = 50% (Square)
Set pulse-width in percentage
n is between 0 to 100, ex. 50 = 50% (Square)
vn Set volume
n is 0 to 16, ex. 8 = 50% (VOLLVL=mml)
n is 0 to 3, ex. 2 = 50% (VOLLVL=system)
wn Set number of ticks to wait on a whole length
n is between 1 to 255
!n:d Write to RAM
n is relative address between 0 to 255
d is data to write (8-bits)
ln Set length
n is between 1 to 64, 1 = whole, 2 = half, 4 = quarter...
A, B, C, D... Insert macro, upper-case alphabetic letter
< Decrease octave
> Increase octave
on Set octave
n is between 1 to 9

Set quantization (gating)
n is 0 to 64, ex. 32 = 50% (SHORTQ=no)
n is 0 to 8, ex. 4 = 50% (SHORTQ=yes)

sn Set sustain
n is 0 to 64, ex. 32 = 50% (SHORTQ=no)
n is 0 to 8, ex. 4 = 50% (SHORTQ=yes)
xtn Set effect ticks
Lower number provide better quality but will use more data
xd Disable effects
xan:m Arpeggio effect (only 1 effect can be used at a time)
n is the offset of the 2nd note
m is the offset of the 3rd note
ticks will affect the speed of arpeggio
xpn Portamento effect (only 1 effect can be used at a time)
n is the offset of the note to slide
ticks will affect aliasing of the tone
xsn Set random seed number
n is a 32-bits seed number
xrn Random frequencies effect (only 1 effect can be used at a time)
n is the range of the note to generate random tones
ticks will affect aliasing of the tone


TITLE Pokemon-Mini Intro
DESCRIPTION Intro played when starting any commercial game


BGM bgm_pmintro { bgm_pmintro_p0 }

PAT bgm_pmintro_pat {    // This version works with any MML player
 o6 l6
 v15e v8e v15a v8a r3
 > v15d v8d v15c+ v8c+
 < v15a v8a > v15e v8e r1
 v15 l8 d a > e b e b r4 ;

PAT bgm_pmintro_p0 {     /* Same as bgm_pmintro_pat */
 o6 l3
 s32 e a r >d c+ <a >e r1
 s64 l8 d a >e b e b r4

PAT_T bgm_pmintro_p0t {     /* Same as bgm_pmintro_pat */
ROW w4, v15, %$80, E-5
ROW w4, v8
ROW w4, v15, %$80, A-5
ROW w4, v8
ROW w9, v0
ROW w4, v15, %$80, D-6
ROW w4, v8
ROW w4, v15, %$80, C#6
ROW w4, v8
ROW w4, v15, %$80, A-5
ROW w4, v8
ROW w4, v15, %$80, E-6
ROW w4, v8
ROW w24, v0
ROW w3, v15, %$80, D-6
ROW w3, v15, %$80, A-6
ROW w3, v15, %$80, E-7
ROW w3, v15, %$80, B-7
ROW w3, v15, %$80, E-7
ROW w3, v15, %$80, B-7
ROW w6, v0