Cartridge Pinouts

Connector edge

Conn. Card TSOP Name Direction Function
1 B1 note 1 VCC . Power supply.
2 B1.5 note 1 VCC . Power supply.
3 B2 2 A20 OUT Address bit 20.
4 B2.5 3 A9/A19 OUT Address bit 9 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 19 is latched when HALH is high.
5 B3 4 A8/A18 OUT Address bit 8 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 18 is latched when HALH is high.
6 B3.5 5 A7/A17 OUT Address bit 7 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 17 is latched when HALH is high.
7 B4 6 A6/A16 OUT Address bit 6 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 16 is latched when HALH is high.
8 B4.5 7 A5/A15 OUT Address bit 5 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 15 is latched when HALH is high.
9 B5 8 A4/A14 OUT Address bit 4 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 14 is latched when HALH is high.
10 B5.5 9 A3/A13 OUT Address bit 3 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 13 is latched when HALH is high.
11 B6 10 A2/A12 OUT Address bit 2 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 12 is latched when HALH is high.
12 B6.5 11 A1/A11 OUT Address bit 1 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 11 is latched when HALH is high.
13 B7 12 A0/A10 OUT Address bit 0 is latched when LALH is high. Address bit 10 is latched when HALH is high.
14 B7.5 note 1 VCC . Power supply.
15 B8 14 HALE OUT High address bits are latched when HALE is high.
16 . . . . No pad on cartridge.
17 B9/M1 15 LALE OUT Low address bits are latched when LALE is high.
18 B9.5 note 2 GND . Ground.
19 B10 31 D0 BIDIR Data bit 0 is output when OE is high.
20 B10.5 30 D1 BIDIR Data bit 1 is output when OE is high.
21 B11 29 D2 BIDIR Data bit 2 is output when OE is high.
22 B11.5 27 D3 BIDIR Data bit 3 is output when OE is high.
23 B12 26 D4 BIDIR Data bit 4 is output when OE is high.
24 B12.5 25 D5 BIDIR Data bit 5 is output when OE is high.
25 B13 23 D6 BIDIR Data bit 6 is output when OE is high.
26 B13.5 22 D7 BIDIR Data bit 7 is output when OE is high.
27 B14 20 OE OUT Output Enable. Data bits are output when OE is high.
28 B14.5 . IRQ IN Cause "Cartridge IRQ" interrupt when IRQ go high.
29 B15 19 WE OUT Write Enable. Pulled down with 100K in cartridge.
30 B15.5 18 CS OUT Chip select. Enables chip control. Pulled down with 100K in cartridge.
31 B16 . CARD_N IN Card detect. Active-low. It is connected to GND in the cartridge.
32 B16.5 note 2 GND . Ground.
33 B17 note 2 GND . Ground.

note 1: VCC on pin 1,21,28,32. LVTTL.

note 2: GND on pin 13,16,17,24.

note 3: Directions are relative to the system


PM = Pokémon Mini

IN = Input

OUT = Output

BIDIR = Bi-Directional

TSOP = Thin Small Outline Package

LVTTL = Low Voltage Transistor-Transistor Level (3.3 Volt)

ROM = Read Only Memory

ALH = Address Latch High

OE = Output Enable

A? = Address signal

CS? = Chip Select

VCC = Power supply

GND = Signal ground


   MX23L4004    TSOP package
.-------------/ /-------------.
|  1 VCC               VCC 32 |
|  2 A20               D0  31 |
|  3 A9/A19            D1  30 |
|  4 A8/A18            D2  29 |
|  5 A7/A17            VCC 28 |
|  6 A6/A16            D3  27 |
|  7 A5/A15            D4  26 |
|  8 A4/A14            D5  25 |
|  9 A3/A13            GND 24 |
| 10 A2/A12            D6  23 |
| 11 A1/A11            D7  22 |
| 12 A0/A10            VCC 21 |
| 13 GND               OE  20 |
| 14 HALE              WE  19 |
| 15 LALE              CS  18 |
| 16 GND               GND 17 |
`-------------/ /-------------'

PCB silk screen text


"4M MASKROM" (4 Mbit)

Pads B1 to B17 are labeled.


"MX23L4004-12A" (Macronix)

"MIN-MPBE-0 E" (Mini PinBall)