Install Essbase SQL Interface on UNIX (AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris) from the Essbase CD-ROM after you have installed the Essbase OLAP Server. Before installing SQL Interface, ensure that your RDBMS environment is set correctly. After installing SQL Interface, set up the environment and the ODBC drivers.
The following workflow is an overview of tasks required to effectively install Essbase SQL Interface on UNIX.
To install SQL Interface on UNIX:
You must be able to connect to the RDBMS from the Essbase server machine before SQL Interface can work.
To set the RDBMS environment variables, make sure that:
Examples of Setting RDBMS Environment Variables (Solaris):
For DB2 Universal Database:
For Informix:
For Oracle:
For Sybase:
Library path variable names vary across UNIX platforms. For more information, see your RDBMS documentation.
See the Supported ODBC drivers and relational data sources for information on tested and supported SQL Interface platforms and ODBC drivers.
You must also set the environment variables required to run your RDBMS.
The SQL Interface installation program installs files into the $ARBORPATH/bin and $ARBORPATH/dlls directories.
The SQL Interface installation program:
If you accepted the default directory during installation, $ARBORPATH is /ibm/db2olap.
When the OLAP server component is installed on UNIX, it creates:
After you install SQL Interface, you need to run the shell script, which creates a symbolic link between the SQL Interface library file and the MERANT ODBC drivers file. See Linking SQL Interface to the ODBC driver on UNIX.
After you install SQL Interface on AIX, HP-UX, or Solaris, you must set up your ODBC driver before you link SQL Interface to your ODBC driver by running
To set your environment so that you can link SQL Interface to the driver you chose, complete the steps after you run, but before you run The steps you take depend on the driver and platform you use. This section includes examples on how to set up the drivers.
For information about setting up MERANT Oracle or Informix drivers, see the MERANT DataDirect Connect ODBC Reference. Also see Oracle or Informix documentation.
To set the environment so that you can link SQL Interface to the MERANT DB2 driver, complete the following steps after you run, but before you run
Here is a Bourne shell example:
DB2INSTANCE=inst1 LIBPATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/home/essbase/bin:$INSTHOME/sqllib/lib: export INSTHOME DB2INSTANCE LIBPATH
where INSTHOME is the environment variable that you defined in step 2, and inst1 is the instance name.
For more information about setting environment variables for the MERANT DB2 driver, see the MERANT DataDirect Connect ODBC Reference.
To set the environment so that you can link SQL Interface to the IBM DB2 driver, complete the following steps after you run, but before you run
[ Description "IBM DB2 Call Level Interface" DriverName db2.o Database 1 Password 1 UserId 1 SingleConnection 0 UpperCaseConnection 0 IsQEDriver 0 ]
DB2INSTANCE=inst1 LIBPATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/home/essbase/bin:$INSTHOME/sqllib/lib: export INSTHOME DB2INSTANCE LIBPATH
where INSTHOME is the environment variable that you defined in 3, and inst1 is the instance name.
After you have completed the following actions, you are ready to link SQL Interface to your ODBC driver by running
Running ensures that server processes can access the software necessary for SQL Interface. The installation program, which is launched by, places in the $ARBORPATH directory. The default is /home/hyperion/essbase.
The file uses the odbc.ini, odbcinst.ini, and template (extension .tmpl) files in the $ARBORPATH/setup directory to create a set of files that point DB2 OLAP Server to the correct driver product.
The script handles the following tasks for you:
To run
When the script finishes, the command prompt is displayed.
Now that you have linked SQL Interface to your ODBC driver, you are ready to complete the following post-installation tasks:
On UNIX, you must add the $ARBORPATH/dlls directory to the library path before you can use SQL Interface. If your installation of SQL Interface is an upgrade to an existing installation, you may not have to reset the library path.
Alternatively, you can use shell scripts created by to update your library path. See Using shell scripts to set the library path (optional) for more information.
For example, if you are using the C shell, the.cshrc file might look like this:
setenv ARBORPATH /ibm/db2olap setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib:$ARBORPATH/dlls
For example, if you are using the C shell, the .cshrc file might look like this:
setenv ARBORPATH /ibm/db2olap setenv LIBPATH /usr/lib:$ARBORPATH/dlls
For example, if you are using the C shell, the .cshrc file might look like this:
setenv ARBORPATH /ibm/db2olap setenv SHLIB_PATH /usr/lib:$ARBORPATH/dllsThe .profile file, if you are using the Bourne or Korn shell, might look like this:
ARBORPATH=/home/ibm/db2olap export ARBORPATH SHLIB_PATH=$SHLIB_PATH:$ARBORPATH/dlls export SHLIB_PATH PATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:$ARBORPATH/dlls: /usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.export PATH
HP-UX uses SHLIB__PATH to search for shared library files at runtime and LPATH to link to shared library files while compiling. For more information, see your UNIX documentation.
The script that links SQL Interface to your ODBC driver ( also creates shell scripts which you can use to automatically update the library path for Essbase. The script generates the following files and places them in the $ARBORPATH/setup directory:
These files contain commands that specify the correct environment variables for Essbase. $ARBORPATH/dlls is added to the library path, and ODBCINI is set to $ARBORPATH/bin/.odbc.ini.
To use these scripts so that Essbase environment variables are available to your shell environment every time you log on, complete one of the following tasks after you run
% source $ARBORPATH/setup/odbc.csh
% . $ARBORPATH/setup/
To bind files so that the DB2 driver can understand the MERANT commands on AIX or Solaris, complete the following steps after you run
For example:
cd /home/ibm/db2olap/bin
For example:
For example:
For example:
BIND iscsso.bndFile names may change for new driver versions. For the files you need to bind, list all files with the .bnd extension in the $ARBORPATH/bin directory.
It is recommended that you bind all the files in the bin directory.
For more information about binding and granting privileges, see the MERANT DataDirect Connect ODBC Reference.
To complete your ODBC driver setup after installing Essbase SQL Interface, you need to modify .odbc.ini to include the correct driver and data source names. See the following examples for the IBM DB2 driver on AIX, and for the MERANT DB2 driver on Solaris.
To set up your .odbc.ini file for DB2 Universal Database on AIX, complete the following tasks after you run
On AIX, prompts you to choose between the MERANT DB2 driver and the IBM Call-Level Interface (CLI) for DB2 links SQL Interface to different libraries, depending on which DB2 driver you choose. To switch DB2 drivers sets after you run, reinstall SQL Interface.
In $ARBORPATH (the directory where DB2 OLAP Server is installed), in the /bin directory, modify .odbc.ini to include the correct driver and data source name.
For example:
[ODBC Data Sources] SAMPLEP=IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER [SAMPLE] Driver=/home/db2inst/sqllib/lib/db2.o Database=dbname [ODBC] Trace=0 TraceFile=odbctrace.out InstallDir=/home/db2inst/sqllib/odbclib
In these examples, /home/db2instis the $INSTHOMEdirectory. You cannot use environment variables in .inifiles. See the documentation for DB2 Universal Database for more information.
To set up your .odbc.ini file for Oracle 8 on Solaris, complete the following tasks after you run
In $ARBORPATH (the directory where Essbase is installed), modify .odbc.ini to include the correct driver and data source name.
For example:
[ODBC Data Sources] Oracle8=MERANT 4.0 Oracle 8 Driver [Oracle8] Driver=/home/ibm/db2olap/dlls/ Description=Oracle8 ServerName=name
where name is the appropriate Oracle server name.
You have already completed the following tasks:
You are now ready to configure the data source. You may also need to configure your ODBC driver.