You may notice that we have cheated a little in that a procedure is called to close the files and end the program without returning. This saves using a GOTO, but leaves the return address on the stack. However, ending a program clears the stack and no harm is done. You should not use this sort of trick anywhere else in a program. If you do you will quickly use up memory.
10 REM F-WSER1 20 : 30 REM WRITING TO A SERIAL CHARACTER DATA FILE 40 : 50 REM This program opens a data file and writes 60 REM serial character data to it. The use of 70 REM OPENOUT ensures that, even if the file 80 REM existed before, it is cleared before 90 REM being written to. 100 : 110 phonenos=OPENOUT "PHONENOS" 120 PRINT "File Name PHONENOS Opened as Handle ";phonenos 130 PRINT 140 REPEAT 150 INPUT "Name ? " name$ 160 IF name$="" THEN PROC_end 170 INPUT "Phone Number ? " phone$ 180 PRINT 190 PRINT#phonenos,name$,phone$ 200 UNTIL FALSE 210 : 220 DEF PROC_end 230 CLOSE#phonenos 240 END
10 REM F-RSER1 20 : 30 REM EXAMPLE OF READING A SERIAL CHARACTER FILE 40 : 50 REM This program opens a previously written 60 REM serial file and reads it. 70 : 80 : 90 phonenos=OPENIN "PHONENOS" 100 PRINT "File Name PHONENOS Opened as Handle ";phonenos 110 PRINT 120 REPEAT 130 INPUT#phonenos,name$,phone$ 140 PRINT name$,phone$ 150 UNTIL EOF#phonenos 160 : 170 CLOSE#phonenos 180 END
10 REM F-WESER1 20 : 30 REM EXAMPLE OF WRITING TO THE END OF A SERIAL DATA FILE 40 : 50 REM The program opens a file and sets PTR 60 REM to the end before writing data to it. 70 : 80 REM A function is used to open the file. 90 : 100 : 110 phonenos=FN_openend("PHONENOS") 120 PRINT "File Name PHONENOS Opened as Handle ";phonenos 130 PRINT 140 REPEAT 150 INPUT "Name ? " name$ 160 IF name$="" THEN PROC_end 170 INPUT "Phone Number ? " phone$ 180 PRINT 190 PRINT#phonenos,name$,phone$ 200 UNTIL FALSE 210 : 220 DEF PROC_end 230 CLOSE#phonenos 240 END 250 : 260 : 270 REM Open the file 'AT END'. 280 : 290 REM If the file does not already exist, it 300 REM is created with OPENOUT. PTR# is left 310 REM at zero and the handle is returned. If 320 REM the file exists, PTR# is set to the end 330 REM and the file handle returned. 340 DEF FN_openend(name$) 350 LOCAL fnum 360 fnum=OPENUP(name$) 370 IF fnum=0 THEN fnum=OPENOUT(name$): =fnum 380 PTR#fnum=EXT#fnum 390 =fnum
10 REM F-WSER2 20 : 30 REM EXAMPLE OF WRITING TO A MIXED NUMERIC/CHAR DATA FILE 40 : 50 REM This program opens a file and writes 60 REM numeric and char data to it. The use 70 REM of OPENOUT ensures that, even if the 80 REM file exists, it is cleared before 90 REM being written to. Functions 100 REM are used to accept and validate 110 REM the data before writing it to the file. 120 : 130 : 140 stats=OPENOUT("STATS") 150 PRINT "File Name STATS Opened as Handle ";stats 160 PRINT 170 REPEAT 180 name$=FN_name 190 IF name$="" THEN PROC_end 200 age=FN_age 210 height=FN_height 220 sex$=FN_sex 230 PRINT 240 PRINT#stats,name$,age,height,sex$ 250 UNTIL FALSE 260 : 270 DEF PROC_end 280 PRINT "The file is ";EXT#stats;" bytes long" 290 CLOSE#stats 300 END 310 : 320 : 330 REM Accept a name from the keyboard and make 340 REM sure it consists only of spaces and 350 REM upper or lower case characters. Leading 360 REM spaces are ignored on input. 370 : 380 DEF FN_name 390 LOCAL name$,FLAG,n 400 REPEAT 410 FLAG=TRUE 420 INPUT "Name ? " name$ 430 IF name$="" THEN 490 440 FOR I=1 TO LEN(name$) 450 n=ASC(MID$(name$,I,1)) 460 IF NOT(n=32 OR n>64 AND n<91 OR n>96 AND n<123) THEN FLAG=FALSE 470 NEXT 480 IF NOT FLAG THEN PRINT "No funny characters please !!!" 490 UNTIL FLAG 500 =name$ 510 : 520 : 530 REM Accept the age from the keyboard and 540 REM round to one place of decimals. Ages 550 REM of 0 or less, or 150 or more are 560 REM considere dto be in error. 570 DEF FN_age 580 LOCAL age 590 REPEAT 600 INPUT "What age ? " age 610 IF age<=0 OR age >=150 THEN PRINT "No impossible ages please !!!" 620 UNTIL age>0 AND age<150 630 =INT(age*10+.5)/10 640 : 650 : 660 REM Accept the height in centimetres from 670 REM the keyboard and round to an integer. 680 REM Heights of 50 or less and 230 or more 690 REM are considered to be in error. 700 DEF FN_height 710 LOCAL height 720 REPEAT 730 INPUT "Height in centimetres ? " height 740 IF height<=50 OR height>=230 THEN PRINT "Very funny !!!" 750 UNTIL height>50 AND height<230 760 =INT(height+.5) 770 : 780 : 790 REM Accept the sex from the keyboard. Only 800 REM words beginning with upper or lower case 810 REM M or F are OK. The returned string is 820 REM truncated to 1 character. 830 DEF FN_sex 840 LOCAL sex$,FLAG 850 REPEAT 860 FLAG=TRUE 870 INPUT "Male or Female - M or F ? " sex$ 880 IF sex$<>"" THEN sex$=CHR$(ASC(MID$(sex$,1,1)) AND 95) 890 IF sex$<>"M" AND sex$<>"F" THEN FLAG=FALSE 900 IF NOT FLAG THEN PRINT "No more sex(es) please !!!" 910 UNTIL FLAG 920 =sex$
10 REM F-RSER2 20 : 30 REM EXAMPLE OF READING FROM A MIXED NUMERIC/CHAR DATA FILE 40 : 50 REM This program opens a file and reads 60 REM numeric and character data from it. 70 : 80 : 90 stats=OPENIN("STATS") 100 PRINT "File Name STATS Opened as Handle ";stats 110 PRINT 120 REPEAT 130 INPUT#stats,name$,age,height,sex$ 140 PRINT "Name ";name$ 150 PRINT "Age ";age 160 PRINT "Height in centimetres ";height 170 IF sex$="M" THEN PRINT "Male" ELSE PRINT "Female" 180 PRINT 190 UNTIL EOF#stats 200 : 210 CLOSE#stats 220 END
10 REM F-WESER2 20 : 30 REM EXAMPLE OF WRITING AT THE END OF A 40 REM MIXED NUMERIC/CHAR DATA FILE 50 : 60 REM This program opens a file, sets PTR 70 REM to its end and then writes numeric and 80 REM character data to it. 90 : 100 REM Functions are used to accept and 110 REM validate the data before writing it to 120 REM the file. 130 : 140 stats=FN_open("STATS") 150 PRINT "File Name STATS Opened as Handle ";stats 160 PRINT 170 REPEAT 180 name$=FN_name 190 IF name$="" THEN PROC_end 200 age=FN_age 210 height=FN_height 220 sex$=FN_sex 230 PRINT 240 PRINT#stats,name$,age,height,sex$ 250 UNTIL FALSE 260 : 270 DEF PROC_end 280 PRINT "The file is ";EXT#stats;" bytes long" 290 CLOSE#stats 300 END 310 : 320 : 330 REM Open the file. If it exists, set PTR# 340 REM to vthe end and return the handle. If 350 REM it does not exist, open it, leave PTR# 360 REM as it is and return the file handle. 370 DEF FN_open(name$) 380 LOCAL fnum 390 fnum=OPENUP(name$) 400 IF fnum=0 THEN fnum=OPENOUT(name$): =fnum 410 PTR#fnum=EXT#fnum 420 =fnum 430 : 440 : 450 REM Accept a name from the keyboard and make 460 REM sure it consists of spaces and upper or 470 REM lower case characters. Leading spaces 480 REM are automatically ignored on input. 490 DEF FN_name 500 LOCAL name$,FLAG,n 510 REPEAT 520 FLAG=TRUE 530 INPUT "Name ? " name$ 540 IF name$="" THEN 600 550 FOR I=1 TO LEN(name$) 560 n=ASC(MID$(name$,I,1)) 570 IF NOT(n=32 OR n>64 AND n<91 OR n>96 AND n<123) THEN FLAG=FALSE 580 NEXT 590 IF NOT FLAG THEN PRINT "No funny characters please !!!" 600 UNTIL FLAG 610 =name$ 620 : 630 : 640 REM Accept the age from the keyboard and 650 REM round to one place of decimals. Ages of 660 REM 0 or less or 150 or more are in error. 670 : 680 DEF FN_age 690 LOCAL age 700 REPEAT 710 INPUT "What age ? " age 720 IF age<=0 OR age >=150 THEN PRINT "No impossible ages please !!!" 730 UNTIL age>0 AND age<150 740 =INT(age*10+.5)/10 750 : 760 : 770 REM Accept the height in centimetres from 780 REM the keyboard and round to an integer. 790 REM Heights of 50 or less or 230 or more 800 REM are in error. 810 DEF FN_height 820 LOCAL height 830 REPEAT 840 INPUT "Height in centimetres ? " height 850 IF height<=50 OR height>=230 THEN PRINT "Very funny !!!" 860 UNTIL height>50 AND height<230 870 =INT(height+.5) 880 : 890 : 900 REM Accept the sex from the keyboard. Only 910 REM words beginning with upper or lower 920 REM case M or F are valid. The returned 930 REM string is truncated to 1 character. 940 DEF FN_sex 950 LOCAL sex$,FLAG 960 REPEAT 970 FLAG=TRUE 980 INPUT "Male or Female - M or F ? " sex$ 990 IF sex$<>"" THEN sex$=CHR$(ASC(MID$(sex$,1,1)) AND 95) 1000 IF sex$<>"M" AND sex$<>"F" THEN FLAG=FALSE 1010 IF NOT FLAG THEN PRINT "No more sex(es) please !!!" 1020 UNTIL FLAG 1030 =sex$
10 REM F-WSTD 20 : 30 REM EXAMPLE OF WRITING A COMPATIBLE FILE 40 : 50 REM This program opens a file and writes 60 REM numeric and character data to it in a 70 REM compatible format. Numerics are changed 80 REM to strings before they are written and 90 REM the data items are separated by commas. 100 REM Each record is terminated by CR LF and 110 REM the file is terminated by a Control Z. 120 : 130 REM Functions are used to accept and 140 REM validate the data before writing it to 150 REM the file. 160 : 170 record$=STRING$(100," "): REM Reserve room for the longest 180 name$=STRING$(20," "): REM record necessary. 190 : REM It saves on string space. 200 compat=OPENOUT("COMPAT") 210 PRINT "File Name COMPAT Opened as Handle ";compat 220 PRINT 230 REPEAT 240 name$=FN_name 250 IF name$="" THEN PROC_end 260 age=FN_age 270 height=FN_height 280 sex$=FN_sex 290 PRINT 300 record$=name$+","+STR$(age)+","+STR$(height)+","+sex$ 310 PRINT#compat,record$ 320 BPUT#compat,&0A 330 UNTIL FALSE 340 : 350 DEF PROC_end 360 BPUT#compat,&1A 370 CLOSE#compat 380 END 390 : 400 : 410 REM Accept a name from the keyboard and make 420 REM sure it consists only of spaces and 430 REM upper or lower case characters. Leading 440 REM spaces are ignored on input. 450 : 460 DEF FN_name 470 LOCAL name$,FLAG,n 480 REPEAT 490 FLAG=TRUE 500 INPUT "Name ? " name$ 510 IF name$="" THEN 570 520 FOR I=1 TO LEN(name$) 530 n=ASC(MID$(name$,I,1)) 540 IF NOT(n=32 OR n>64 AND n<91 OR n>96 AND n<123) THEN FLAG=TRUE 550 NEXT 560 IF NOT FLAG THEN PRINT "No funny characters please !!!" 570 UNTIL FLAG 580 =name$ 590 : 600 : 610 REM Accept the age from the keyboard and 620 REM round to one place of decimals. Ages 630 REM of 0 or less or 150 or more are 640 REM considered to be in error. 650 DEF FN_age 660 LOCAL age 670 REPEAT 680 INPUT "What age ? " age 690 IF age<=0 OR age >=150 THEN PRINT "No impossible ages please !!!" 700 UNTIL age>0 AND age<150 710 =INT(age*10+.5)/10 720 : 730 : 740 REM Accept the height in centimetres from 750 REM the keyboard and round to an integer. 760 REM Heights of 50 or less and 230 or more 770 REM are considered to be in error. 780 DEF FN_height 790 LOCAL height 800 REPEAT 810 INPUT "Height in centimetres ? " height 820 IF height<=50 OR height>=230 THEN PRINT "Very funny !!!" 830 UNTIL height>50 AND height<230 840 =INT(height+.5) 850 : 860 : 870 REM Accept the sex from the keyboard. Only 880 REM words beginning with upper or lower 890 REM case M or F are valid. The returned 900 REM string is truncated to 1 character. 910 DEF FN_sex 920 LOCAL sex$,FLAG 930 REPEAT 940 FLAG=TRUE 950 INPUT "Male or Female - M or F ? " sex$ 960 IF sex$<>"" THEN sex$=CHR$(ASC(MID$(sex$,1,1)) AND 95) 970 IF sex$<>"M" AND sex$<>"F" THEN FLAG=FALSE 980 IF NOT FLAG THEN PRINT "No more sex(es) please !!!" 990 UNTIL FLAG 1000 =sex$
10 REM F-RSTD 20 : 30 REM EXAMPLE OF READING A COMPATIBLE FILE 40 : 50 REM This program opens a data file and reads 60 REM numeric and character data from it. The 70 REM data is read a byte at a time and the 80 REM appropriate action taken depending on 90 REM whether it is a character, a comma, or 100 REM a control char. 110 compat=OPENUP("COMPAT") 120 PRINT "File Name COMPAT Opened as Handle ";compat 130 PRINT 140 REPEAT 150 name$=FN_read 160 PRINT "Name ";name$ 170 age=VAL(FN_read) 180 PRINT "Age ";age 190 height=VAL(FN_read) 200 PRINT "Height in centimetres ";height 210 sex$=FN_read 220 IF sex$="M" THEN PRINT "Male" ELSE PRINT "Female" 230 PRINT 240 UNTIL FALSE 250 : 260 : 270 REM Read a data item from the file. Treat 280 REM commas and CRs as data item terminators 290 REM and Control Z as the file terminator. 300 REM Since we are not interested in reading a 310 REM record at a time, the record terminator 320 REM CR LF is of no special interest to us. 330 REM We use the CR, along with commas, as a 332 REM data item separator and discard the LF. 334 : 340 DEF FN_read 350 LOCAL data$,byte$,byte 360 data$="" 370 REPEAT 380 byte=BGET#compat 390 IF byte=&1A OR EOF#compat THEN CLOSE#compat: END 400 IF NOT(byte=&0A OR byte=&0D OR byte=&2C) THEN data$=data$+CHR$(byte) 410 UNTIL byte=&0D OR byte=&2C 420 =data$