Q L   H a c k e r ' s   J o u r n a l

            I N D E X

#1   January 1991
   Structured SuperBasic
   Ratcliff/Obershelp Pattern Matching
   The Quebec Link
   Pursuit of a Public Domain C Compiler
   Minix on the QL

#2   February 1991
   C beautifier

#3   April 1992
   Herb Schaaf's Small-C Programs
   File Comparison
   Real Windows for SuperBasic
   C Compiler Comparison

#4   July 1991
   Cellular Automata
   Iterated Function Systems

#5   August 1991
   The Dutch Connection
   QHJ Print Formatter
   QROFF Postscript Formatter
   2D arrays in Small-C

#6   November 1991
   Italian Software
   Dutch Connection II
   RPN Calculator
   Substring Searching in C
   Levenstein Distance
   QDOS Rights
   Compiler Benchmarks

#7   January 1992
   Core Wars
   The German Connection
   New QL

#8   March 1992
   ASCII Dump
   Check Bits for ASCII Files
   Ansi C to K&R C

#9   June 1992
   New Public Domain/Freeware QL Software
   Software Engineering and OOPS on the QL?
   Random Dots Stereograms
   Infix to Postfix
   Fletcher's Checksum

#10  September 1992
   Programmer's Bookshelf
   PGM and PBM on the QL

#11  November 1992
   C68 v 3.03
   Disk Eraser
   LF/CR to LF in Editors
   Random ASCII Stereograms
   LZW Compression
   Token Reconstruction

#12  January 1993
   QL to Z88 Data Transfers
   MacPaint File Printing
   Maze Solution with CA
   QHJ Index

#13  April 1993
   Text Editors
   QL Languages
   Proglog Interpreter
   eFORTH Interpreter
   Programmer's Bookshelf Revisited
   Recent Ports
   Byte Input in SuperBasic
   FORTH Programming

#14  July 1993
   More on Text Editors
   Ten Commandments of C Programmers
   Internet Conciseness Contest
   Another Look at Mazes

#15  October 1993
   Hex Movement Library
   Base Conversion
   Computer Language Humor
   Internet Consiceness Programming Contest
   How Do They Do That - Editors
   Stochastic Indexing

#16  January 1994
   Quill Reader
   Dice Percentage
   QL Anon-FTP Server
   Prolog Interpreter: A Second Look
   QHJ Reader Survey

#17  April 1994
   Readership Survey
   C Portability
   Prime Number

#18  August 1994
   Complex Ascii Rotation
   Approximate String Matching
   Hello, World
   Natural Language

#19  November 1994
   Displaying TI Graphics Files
   Displaying QL Screens in MS-DOS
   Recent Freeware Releases
   Big Numbers
   Dynamic Windows - Another Approach

#20  March 1995
   Program Proposal - Descriptor
   Reverse String
   GST QC C Compiler - A Review
   Recent Freeware - APL
   Word Wrap
   Recent Freeware - INFORM
   Object Oriented Programmin on the QL
   QHJ Freeware Awards

#21  June 1995
   QHJ Freeware Awards
   QDOS Filters
   JOYFU or Find the Missing Construct
   Language Design Principles

#22  October 1995
   Structured SuperBasic v. 2.5
   Philosophy of Structured SuperBasic
   Programming with QMENU
   Day Of The Week
   Writing a Pente Program for the QL

#23  January 1996
   Software Reuse and SSB
   Response to DAY_OF_WEEK
   Archive Indent
   Notes on Programming in C
   Databases and Bitmaps
   Deskjet Print Filter

#24  May 1996
   Some Notes on Archive
   Passing Paramaters
   Recent Freeware - CLIPS
   House of Coding Style
   Recent Freeware - REXX

#25  July 1996
   Boot Up Reminder
   Paramater Passing Mechanisms
   Some Thoughts on Programming Style
   Software Reuse

#26  December 1996
   Exclusive OR Encryption
   Constructing a Spell Checker

#27  January 1998
   Regular Expressions
   End-of-File Finding
   Background Programs
   MicroEmacs Line Numbering
   Adding Config Blocks to QLIB Programs

#28  July 1998
   Structured SuperBasic 2.6
   Revision Control System (RCS)
   Environment Variables
   Working Directory
   Case Statement Implementation
   Creating Loadable Extensions Using QLIB

    Source: geocities.com/svenqhj