SDCC ASxxxx Assemblers and SDCC ASLINK Relocating Linker CHAPTER 1 THE ASSEMBLER 1-1 1.1 THE ASXXXX ASSEMBLERS 1-1 1.1.1 Assembly Pass 1 1-2 1.1.2 Assembly Pass 2 1-2 1.1.3 Assembly Pass 3 1-2 1.2 SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT 1-3 1.2.1 Statement Format 1-3 Label Field 1-3 Operator Field 1-5 Operand Field 1-5 Comment Field 1-6 1.3 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS 1-6 1.3.1 Character Set 1-6 1.3.2 User-Defined Symbols 1-10 1.3.3 Reusable Symbols 1-10 1.3.4 Current Location Counter 1-12 1.3.5 Numbers 1-13 1.3.6 Terms 1-14 1.3.7 Expressions 1-14 1.4 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1-16 1.4.1 .module Directive 1-16 1.4.2 .title Directive 1-16 1.4.3 .sbttl Directive 1-17 1.4.4 .list and .nlist Directives 1-17 1.4.5 .page Directive 1-18 1.4.8 .byte, .db, and .fcb Directives 1-20 1.4.9 .word, .dw, and .fdb Directives 1-21 1.4.10 .3byte and .triple Directives 1-21 1.4.11 .4byte and .quad Directive 1-22 1.4.12 .blkb, .ds, .rmb, and .rs Directives 1-22 1.4.13 .blkw, .blk3, and .blk4 Directives 1-22 1.4.14 .ascii, .str, and .fcc Directives 1-23 1.4.15 .ascis and .strs Directives 1-23 1.4.16 .asciz and .strz Directives 1-24 1.4.18 .radix Directive 1-25 1.4.19 .even Directive 1-25 1.4.20 .odd Directive 1-25 1.4.21 .bndry Directive 1-26 1.4.22 .area Directive 1-27 1.4.24 .org Directive 1-30 1.4.25 .globl Directive 1-31 1.4.26 .local Directive 1-31 1.4.27 .equ, .gblequ, and .lclequ Directives 1-32 1.4.28 .if, .else, and .endif Directives 1-33 1.4.29 .iff, .ift, and .iftf Directives 1-34 1.4.30 .ifxx Directives 1-35 1.4.31 .ifdef Directive 1-36 1.4.32 .ifndef Directive 1-37 1.4.33 .ifb Directive 1-38 1.4.34 .ifnb Directive 1-39 1.4.35 .ifidn Directive 1-40 1.4.36 .ifdif Directive 1-41 Page ii 1.4.37 Alternate .if Directive Forms 1-42 1.4.38 Immediate Conditional Assembly Directives 1-43 1.4.39 .include Directive 1-44 1.4.40 .define and .undefine Directives 1-45 1.4.41 .setdp Directive 1-46 1.4.42 .16bit, .24bit, and .32bit Directives 1-48 1.4.45 .end Directive 1-49 1.5 INVOKING ASXXXX 1-50 1.6 ERRORS 1-52 1.7 LISTING FILE 1-54 1.8 SYMBOL TABLE FILE 1-56 1.9 OBJECT FILE 1-57 CHAPTER 2 THE MACRO PROCESSOR 2-1 2.1 DEFINING MACROS 2-1 2.1.1 .macro Directive 2-2 2.1.2 .endm Directive 2-3 2.1.3 .mexit Directive 2-3 2.2 CALLING MACROS 2-4 2.3 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS 2-5 2.3.1 Macro Nesting 2-6 2.3.2 Special Characters in Macro Arguments 2-7 2.3.3 Passing Numerical Arguments as Symbols 2-7 2.3.4 Number of Arguments in Macro Calls 2-9 2.3.5 Creating Local Symbols Automatically 2-9 2.3.6 Concatenation of Macro Arguments 2-10 2.4 MACRO ATTRIBUTE DIRECTIVES 2-11 2.4.1 .narg Directive 2-12 2.4.2 .nchr Directive 2-13 2.4.3 .ntyp Directive 2-14 2.4.4 .nval Directive 2-14 2.5 INDEFINITE REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVES 2-15 2.5.1 .irp Directive 2-16 2.5.2 .irpc Directive 2-17 2.6 REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVE 2-18 2.6.1 .rept 2-18 2.7 MACRO DELETION DIRECTIVE 2-19 2.7.1 .mdelete 2-19 2.8 MACRO INVOCATION DETAILS 2-19 2.9 BUILDING A MACRO LIBRARY 2-20 2.9.1 .mlib Macro Directive 2-21 2.9.2 .mcall Macro Directive 2-22 2.10 EXAMPLE MACRO CROSS ASSEMBLERS 2-24 CHAPTER 3 THE LINKER 3-1 3.1 ASLINK RELOCATING LINKER 3-1 3.2 INVOKING ASLINK 3-2 3.3 LIBRARY PATH(S) AND FILE(S) 3-5 3.4 ASLINK PROCESSING 3-6 Page iii 3.6 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING 3-15 3.6.1 Object Module Format 3-15 3.6.2 Header Line 3-15 3.6.3 Module Line 3-16 3.6.4 Area Line 3-16 3.6.5 Symbol Line 3-16 3.6.6 T Line 3-16 3.6.7 R Line 3-17 3.6.8 P Line 3-17 3.6.9 24-Bit and 32-Bit Addressing 3-18 3.6.10 ASlink V3.xx Error Messages 3-18 3.7 INTEL IHX OUTPUT FORMAT (16-BIT) 3-21 3.8 INTEL I86 OUTPUT FORMAT (24 OR 32-BIT) 3-22 3.9 MOTORLA S1-S9 OUTPUT FORMAT (16-BIT) 3-23 CHAPTER 4 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK 4-1 4.1 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH LINUX 4-2 4.2 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK UNDER CYGWIN 4-2 4.3 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH DJGPP 4-3 4.4 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH BORLAND'S TURBO C++ 3.0 4-3 4.4.1 Graphical User Interface 4-3 4.4.2 Command Line Interface 4-4 4.5 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL C++ 6.0 4-5 4.5.1 Graphical User Interface 4-5 4.5.2 Command Line Interface 4-5 4.6 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL STUDIO 2005 4-6 4.6.1 Graphical User Interface 4-6 4.6.2 Command Line Interface 4-6 4.7 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL STUDIO 2010 4-7 4.7.1 Graphical User Interface 4-7 4.7.2 Command Line Interface 4-7 4.8 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH OPEN WATCOM V1.9 4-8 Page iv 4.8.1 Graphical User Interface 4-8 4.8.2 Command Line Interface 4-8 4.9 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH SYMANTEC C/C++ V7.2 4-9 4.9.1 Graphical User Interface 4-9 4.9.2 Command Line Interface 4-9 4.10 THE _CLEAN.BAT AND _PREP.BAT FILES 4-10 APPENDIX AK AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER AK-1 AK.1 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES AK-1 AK.1.1 .hc08 Directive AK-1 AK.1.2 .hcs08 Directive AK-1 AK.1.3 .6805 Directive AK-2 AK.1.4 .hc05 Directive AK-2 AK.1.5 The .__.CPU. Variable AK-2 AK.2 68HC(S)08 REGISTER SET AK-3 AK.3 68HC(S)08 INSTRUCTION SET AK-3 AK.3.1 Control Instructions AK-4 AK.3.2 Bit Manipulation Instructions AK-4 AK.3.3 Branch Instructions AK-4 AK.3.4 Complex Branch Instructions AK-5 AK.3.5 Read-Modify-Write Instructions AK-5 AK.3.6 Register\Memory Instructions AK-6 AK.3.7 Double Operand Move Instruction AK-6 AK.3.8 16-Bit Index Register Instructions AK-6 AK.3.9 Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions AK-6 Page ix APPENDIX AR AS8051 ASSEMBLER AR-1 AR.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT AR-1 AR.2 8051 REGISTER SET AR-1 AR.3 8051 INSTRUCTION SET AR-2 AR.3.1 Inherent Instructions AR-2 AR.3.2 Move Instructions AR-3 AR.3.3 Single Operand Instructions AR-3 AR.3.4 Two Operand Instructions AR-4 AR.3.5 Call and Return Instructions AR-4 AR.3.6 Jump Instructions AR-4 AR.3.7 Predefined Symbols: SFR Map AR-5 AR.3.8 Predefined Symbols: SFR Bit Addresses AR-6 AR.3.9 Predefined Symbols: Control Bits AR-7 Page x APPENDIX AT AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER AT-1 AT.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AT-1 AT.2 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES AT-1 AT.2.1 Processor Selection Directives AT-1 AT.2.2 .cpu Directive AT-2 AT.2.3 Processor Addressing Range Directives AT-3 AT.2.4 The .__.CPU. Variable AT-3 AT.2.5 DS80C390 Addressing Mode Directive AT-4 AT.2.6 The .msb Directive AT-4 AT.3 DS8XCXXX REGISTER SET AT-6 AT.4 DS8XCXXX INSTRUCTION SET AT-6 AT.4.1 Inherent Instructions AT-7 AT.4.2 Move Instructions AT-7 AT.4.3 Single Operand Instructions AT-7 AT.4.4 Two Operand Instructions AT-8 AT.4.5 Call and Return Instructions AT-8 AT.4.6 Jump Instructions AT-8 AT.5 DS8XCXXX SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT-9 AT.5.1 SFR Map AT-9 AT.5.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic AT-10 AT.5.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific AT-11 AT.5.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits AT-12 AT.6 DS80C310 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT-13 AT.6.1 SFR Map AT-13 AT.6.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic AT-14 AT.6.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific AT-15 AT.6.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits AT-16 AT.7 DS80C320/DS80C323 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT-17 AT.7.1 SFR Map AT-17 AT.7.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic AT-18 AT.7.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific AT-19 AT.7.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits AT-20 AT.8 DS80C390 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT-21 AT.8.1 SFR Map AT-21 AT.8.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic AT-22 AT.8.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific AT-23 AT.8.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits AT-24 AT.9 DS83C520/DS87C520 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT-26 AT.9.1 SFR Map AT-26 AT.9.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic AT-27 AT.9.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific AT-28 AT.9.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits AT-29 AT.10 DS83C530/DS87C530 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT-30 AT.10.1 SFR Map AT-30 AT.10.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic AT-31 AT.10.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific AT-32 AT.10.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits AT-33 AT.11 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT-34 AT.11.1 SFR Map AT-34 AT.11.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic AT-36 AT.11.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific AT-37 AT.11.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits AT-39 Page xi APPENDIX AY ASGB ASSEMBLER AY-1 AY.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AY-1 AY.2 INTRODUCTION AY-1 AY.3 GAMEBOY REGISTER SET AND CONDITIONS AY-1 AY.4 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET AY-2 AY.4.1 .tile Directive AY-2 AY.4.2 Potentially Controversial Mnemonic Selection AY-4 AY.4.2.1 Auto-Indexing Loads AY-4 AY.4.2.2 Input and Output Operations AY-4 AY.4.2.3 The 'stop' Instruction AY-5 AY.4.3 Inherent Instructions AY-5 AY.4.4 Implicit Operand Instructions AY-5 AY.4.5 Load Instructions AY-6 AY.4.6 Call/Return Instructions AY-6 AY.4.7 Jump Instructions AY-6 AY.4.8 Bit Manipulation Instructions AY-6 AY.4.9 Input and Output Instructions AY-7 AY.4.10 Register Pair Instructions AY-7 APPENDIX BC ASRAB ASSEMBLER BC-1 BC.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT BC-1 BC.2 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES BC-1 BC.2.1 .r2k Directive BC-2 BC.2.2 .hd64 Directive BC-2 BC.2.3 .z80 Directive BC-2 BC.2.4 The .__.CPU. Variable BC-3 BC.3 RABBIT 2000/3000 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC-4 BC.3.1 Instruction Symbols BC-4 BC.3.2 Rabbit Instructions BC-6 BC.4 Z80/HD64180 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC-8 BC.4.1 Inherent Instructions BC-9 BC.4.2 Implicit Operand Instructions BC-9 BC.4.3 Load Instruction BC-10 BC.4.4 Call/Return Instructions BC-10 BC.4.5 Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions BC-10 BC.4.6 Bit Manipulation Instructions BC-11 BC.4.7 Interrupt Mode and Reset Instructions BC-11 BC.4.8 Input and Output Instructions BC-11 BC.4.9 Register Pair Instructions BC-11 BC.4.10 HD64180 Specific Instructions BC-12 Page xiii APPENDIX BI ASZ80 ASSEMBLER BI-1 BI.1 .z80 DIRECTIVE BI-1 BI.2 .hd64 DIRECTIVE BI-1 BI.3 THE .__.CPU. VARIABLE BI-2 BI.4 Z80 REGISTER SET AND CONDITIONS BI-2 BI.5 Z80 INSTRUCTION SET BI-3 BI.5.1 Inherent Instructions BI-4 BI.5.2 Implicit Operand Instructions BI-4 BI.5.3 Load Instruction BI-5 BI.5.4 Call/Return Instructions BI-5 BI.5.5 Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions BI-5 BI.5.6 Bit Manipulation Instructions BI-6 BI.5.7 Interrupt Mode and Reset Instructions BI-6 BI.5.8 Input and Output Instructions BI-6 BI.5.9 Register Pair Instructions BI-6 BI.5.10 HD64180/Z180 Specific Instructions BI-7 Page 2 P R E F A C E The ASxxxx assemblers were written following the style of several unfinished cross assemblers found in the Digital Equip- ment Corporation Users Society (DECUS) distribution of the C programming language. The incomplete DECUS code was provided with no documentation as to the input syntax or the output format. I wish to thank the author for inspiring me to begin the development of this set of assemblers. The ASLINK program was written as a companion to the ASxxxx assemblers, its design and implementation was not derived from any other work. I would greatly appreciate receiving the details of any changes, additions, or errors pertaining to these programs and will attempt to incorporate any fixes or generally useful changes in a future update to these programs. Alan R. Baldwin Kent State University Physics Department Kent, Ohio 44242 U.S.A. tel: (330) 672 2531 fax: (330) 672 2959 Page 3 E N D U S E R L I C E N S E A G R E E M E N T Copyright (C) 1989-2012 Alan R. Baldwin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be use- ful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied war- ranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Page 4 C O N T R I B U T O R S Thanks to Marko Makela for his contribution of the AS6500 cross assembler. Marko Makela Sillitie 10 A 01480 Vantaa Finland Internet: Marko dot Makela at Helsinki dot Fi EARN/BitNet: msmakela at finuh Thanks to John Hartman for his contribution of the AS8051 cross assembler and updates to the ASxxxx and ASLINK internals. John L. Hartman jhartman at compuserve dot com noice at noicedebugger dot com Thanks to G. Osborn for his contributions to LKS19.C and LKIHX.C. G. Osborn gary at s-4 dot com Thanks to Ken Hornstein for his contribution of object libraries contained in LKLIBR.C. Ken Hornstein kenh at cmf dot nrl dot navy dot mil Page 5 Thanks to Bill McKinnon for his contributions to the AS8XCXXX cross assembler for the DS8XCXXX series of microprocessors. Bill McKinnon w_mckinnon at conknet dot com Thanks to Roger Ivie for his contribution of the ASGB cross as- sembler for the GameBoy. Roger Ivie ivie at cc dot usu dot edu Thanks to Uwe Steller for his contribution of the AS740 cross assembler. Uwe Stellar Uwe dot Steller at t-online dot de Thanks to Shujen Chen for his contribution of the AS1802 cross assembler. Shugen Chen DeVry University Tinley Park IL schen at tp dot devry dot edu Thanks to Edgar Puehringer for his contribution of the AS61860 cross assembler. Edgar Puehringer edgar_pue at yahoo dot com Page 6 Thanks to Ulrich Raich and Razaq Ijoduola for their contribution of the ASRAB cross assembler. Ulrich Raich and Razaq Ijoduola PS Division CERN CH-1211 Geneva-23 Ulrich dot Raich at cern dot ch Thanks to Patrick Head for his contribution of the ASEZ80 cross assembler. Patrick Head patrick at phead dot net Thanks to Boisy G. Pitre for contributing the .ifeq, .ifne, .ifgt, .iflt, .ifle, and .ifge conditional directives and the Tandy Color Computer Disk Basic binary output for ASLINK. Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre dot com Thanks to Mike McCarty for his contributions to the processor cycle count option of the ASxxxx Assemblers. Mike McCarty mike dot mccarty at sbcglobal dot net Thanks to Mengjin Su for his contribution of the PIC18Fxxx Ex- tended Instructions. Mengjin Su msu at micron dot com Page 7 Thanks to Carl Rash for his contribution of the Visual Studio 2010 project files. Carl Rash crash at triad dot rr dot com Page 8 ASxxxx Cross Assemblers, Version 5.05, August 2012 Submitted by Alan R. Baldwin, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio Operating System: Linux, Windows, MS-DOS or other supporting ANSI C. Source Langauge: C Abstract: The ASxxxx assemblers are a series of microprocessor assem- blers written in the C programming language. This collection contains cross assemblers for the 1802, S2650, SC/MP, MPS430, 61860, 6500, 6800(6802/6808), 6801(6803/HD6303), 6804, 6805, 68HC(S)08, 6809, 68HC11, 68HC(S)12, 68HC16, 740, 8048(8041/8022/8021) 8051, 8085(8080), DS8xCxxx, AVR, EZ80, F2MC8L/FX, F8/3870, GameBoy(Z80), H8/3xx, Cypress PSoC(M8C), PIC, Rabbit 2000/3000, asst6, asst7, asst8, Z8, and Z80(HD64180) series microprocessors. Each assembler has a device specific section which includes: (1) device description, byte order, and file extension information, (2) a table of assembler general directives, special directives, assembler mnemonics and asso- ciated operation codes, (3) machine specific code for processing the device mnemonics, addressing modes, and special directives. The assemblers have a common device independent section which handles the details of file input/output, symbol table genera- tion, program/data areas, expression analysis, and assembler directive processing. The assemblers provide the following features: (1) alpha- betized, formatted symbol table listings, (2) relocatable object modules, (3) global symbols for linking object modules, (4) con- ditional assembly directives, (5) reusable local symbols, (6) include-file processing, and (7) a general macro processing facility. The companion program ASLINK is a relocating linker perform- ing the following functions: (1) bind multiple object modules into a single memory image, (2) resolve inter-module symbol references, (3) resolve undefined symbols from specified librarys of object modules, (4) process absolute, relative, con- catenated, and overlay attributes in data and program sections, (5) perform byte and word program-counter relative (pc or pcr) addressing calculations, (6) define absolute symbol values at link time, (7) define absolute area base address values at link time, (8) produce an Intel Hex record, Motorola S record or Tandy CoCo Disk Basic output file, (9) produce a map of the linked memory image, and (10) update the ASxxxx assembler listing files with the absolute linked addresses and data. Page 9 The assemblers and linker have been tested using Linux and DJGPP, Cygwin, Symantec C/C++ V7.2, Borland Turbo C++ 3.0, Open Watcom V1.9, VC6, Visual Studio 2005, and Visual Studio 2010. Complete source code and documentation for the assemblers and linker is included with the distribution. Additionally, test code for each assembler and several microprocessor monitors ( ASSIST05 for the 6805, MONDEB and ASSIST09 for the 6809, and BUFFALO 2.5 for the 6811) are included as working examples of use of these assemblers. CHAPTER 1 THE ASSEMBLER 1.1 THE ASXXXX ASSEMBLERS The ASxxxx assemblers are a series of microprocessor assem- blers written in the C programming language. Each assembler has a device specific section which includes: 1. device description, byte order, and file extension in- formation 2. a table of the assembler general directives, special device directives, assembler mnemonics and associated operation codes 3. machine specific code for processing the device mnemon- ics, addressing modes, and special directives The device specific information is detailed in the appendices. The assemblers have a common device independent section which handles the details of file input/output, symbol table genera- tion, program/data areas, expression analysis, and assembler directive processing. The assemblers provide the following features: 1. Command string control of assembly functions 2. Alphabetized, formatted symbol table listing 3. Relocatable object modules 4. Global symbols for linking object modules 5. Conditional assembly directives THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-2 THE ASXXXX ASSEMBLERS 6. Program sectioning directives ASxxxx assembles one or more source files into a single relo- catable ascii object file. The output of the ASxxxx assemblers consists of an ascii relocatable object file(*.rel), an assembly listing file(*.lst), and a symbol file(*.sym). 1.1.1 Assembly Pass 1 During pass 1, ASxxxx opens all source files and performs a rudimentary assembly of each source statement. During this pro- cess all symbol tables are built, program sections defined, and number of bytes for each assembled source line is estimated. At the end of pass 1 all undefined symbols may be made global (external) using the ASxxxx switch -g, otherwise undefined sym- bols will be flagged as errors during succeeding passes. 1.1.2 Assembly Pass 2 During pass 2 the ASxxxx assembler resolves forward refer- ences and determines the number of bytes for each assembled line. The number of bytes used by a particular assembler in- struction may depend upon the addressing mode, whether the in- struction allows multiple forms based upon the relative distance to the addressed location, or other factors. Pass 2 resolves these cases and determines the address of all symbols. 1.1.3 Assembly Pass 3 Pass 3 by the assembler generates the listing file, the relo- catable output file, and the symbol tables. Also during pass 3 the errors will be reported. The relocatable object file is an ascii file containing sym- bol references and definitions, program area definitions, and the relocatable assembled code, the linker ASLINK will use this information to generate an absolute load file (Intel or Motorola formats). THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-3 SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT 1.2 SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT 1.2.1 Statement Format A source program is composed of assembly-language statements. Each statement must be completed on one line. A line may con- tain a maximum of 128 characters, longer lines are truncated and lost. An ASxxxx assembler statement may have as many as four fields. These fields are identified by their order within the statement and/or by separating characters between fields. The general format of the ASxxxx statement is: [label:] Operator Operand [;Comment(s)] The label and comment fields are optional. The operator and operand fields are interdependent. The operator field may be an assembler directive or an assembly mnemonic. The operand field may be optional or required as defined in the context of the operator. ASxxxx interprets and processes source statements one at a time. Each statement causes a particular operation to be per- formed. Label Field - A label is a user-defined symbol which is assigned the value of the current location counter and entered into the user de- fined symbol table. The current location counter is used by ASxxxx to assign memory addresses to the source program state- ments as they are encountered during the assembly process. Thus a label is a means of symbolically referring to a specific statement. When a program section is absolute, the value of the current location counter is absolute; its value references an absolute memory address. Similarly, when a program section is relocat- able, the value of the current location counter is relocatable. A relocation bias calculated at link time is added to the ap- parent value of the current location counter to establish its effective absolute address at execution time. (The user can also force the linker to relocate sections defined as absolute. This may be required under special circumstances.) If present, a label must be the first field in a source statement and must be terminated by a colon (:). For example, THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-4 SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT if the value of the current location counter is absolute 01F0(H), the statement: abcd: nop assigns the value 01F0(H) to the label abcd. If the location counter value were relocatable, the final value of abcd would be 01F0(H)+K, where K represents the relocation bias of the program section, as calculated by the linker at link time. More than one label may appear within a single label field. Each label so specified is assigned the same address value. For example, if the value of the current location counter is 1FF0(H), the multiple labels in the following statement are each assigned the value 1FF0(H): abcd: aq: $abc: nop Multiple labels may also appear on successive lines. For ex- ample, the statements abcd: aq: $abc: nop likewise cause the same value to be assigned to all three la- bels. A double colon (::) defines the label as a global symbol. For example, the statement abcd:: nop establishes the label abcd as a global symbol. The distinguish- ing attribute of a global symbol is that it can be referenced from within an object module other than the module in which the symbol is defined. References to this label in other modules are resolved when the modules are linked as a composite execut- able image. The legal characters for defining labels are: A through Z a through z 0 through 9 . (Period) $ (Dollar sign) _ (underscore) A label may be any length, however only the first 79 characters are significant and, therefore must be unique among all labels in the source program (not necessarily among THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-5 SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT separately compiled modules). An error code(s) (m or p) will be generated in the assembly listing if the first 79 characters in two or more labels are the same. The m code is caused by the redeclaration of the symbol or its reference by another state- ment. The p code is generated because the symbols location is changing on each pass through the source file. The label must not start with the characters 0-9, as this designates a reusable symbol with special attributes described in a later section. The label must not start with the sequence $$, as this represents the temporary radix 16 for constants. Operator Field - The operator field specifies the action to be performed. It may consist of an instruction mnemonic (op code) or an assembler directive. When the operator is an instruction mnemonic, a machine in- struction is generated and the assembler evaluates the addresses of the operands which follow. When the operator is a directive ASxxxx performs certain control actions or processing operations during assembly of the source program. Leading and trailing spaces or tabs in the operator field have no significance; such characters serve only to separate the operator field from the preceeding and following fields. An operator is terminated by a space, tab or end of line. Operand Field - When the operator is an instruction mnemonic (op code), the operand field contains program variables that are to be evaluated/manipulated by the operator. Operands may be expressions or symbols, depending on the operator. Multiple expressions used in the operand fields may be separated by a comma. An operand should be preceeded by an operator field; if it is not, the statement will give an error (q or o). All operands following instruction mnemonics are treated as expressions. The operand field is terminated by a semicolon when the field is followed by a comment. For example, in the following statement: label: lda abcd,x ;Comment field THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-6 SOURCE PROGRAM FORMAT the tab between lda and abcd terminates the operator field and defines the beginning of the operand field; a comma separates the operands abcd and x; and a semicolon terminates the operand field and defines the beginning of the comment field. When no comment field follows, the operand field is terminated by the end of the source line. Comment Field - The comment field begins with a semicolon and extends through the end of the line. This field is optional and may contain any 7-bit ascii character except null. Comments do not affect assembly processing or program execu- tion. 1.3 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS This section describes the generic components of the ASxxxx assemblers: the character set, the conventions observed in con- structing symbols, and the use of numbers, operators, and ex- pressions. 1.3.1 Character Set The following characters are legal in ASxxxx source programs: 1. The letters A through Z. Both upper- and lower-case letters are acceptable. The assemblers, by default, are case sensitive, i.e. ABCD and abcd are not the same symbols. (The assemblers can be made case insen- sitive by using the -z command line option.) 2. The digits 0 through 9 3. The characters . (period), $ (dollar sign), and _ (un- derscore). 4. The special characters listed in Tables 1 through 6. Tables 1 through 6 describe the various ASxxxx label and field terminators, assignment operators, operand separators, as- sembly, unary, binary, and radix operators. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-7 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS Table 1 Label Terminators and Assignment Operators ---------------------------------------------------------------- : Colon Label terminator. :: Double colon Label Terminator; defines the label as a global label. = Equal sign Direct assignment operator. == Global equal Direct assignment operator; de- fines the symbol as a global symbol. =: Local equal Direct assignment operator; de- fines the symbol as a local sym- bol. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Table 2 Field Terminators and Operand Separators ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tab Item or field terminator. Space Item or field terminator. , Comma Operand field separator. ; Semicolon Comment field indicator. ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-8 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS Table 3 Assembler Operators ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Number sign Immediate expression indicator. . Period Current location counter. ( Left parenthesis Expression delimiter. ) Right parenthesis Expression delimeter. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Table 4 Unary Operators ---------------------------------------------------------------- < Left bracket Right bracket >FEDC Produces the upper byte value of the expression. (FE) + Plus sign +A Positive value of A - Minus sign -A Produces the negative (2's complement) of A. ~ Tilde ~A Produces the 1's comple- ment of A. ' Single quote 'D Produces the value of the character D. " Double quote "AB Produces the double byte value for AB. \ Backslash '\n Unix style characters \b, \f, \n, \r, \t or '\001 or octal byte values. ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-9 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS Table 5 Binary Operators ---------------------------------------------------------------- << Double 0800 << 4 Produces the 4 bit Left bracket left-shifted value of 0800. (8000) >> Double 0800 >> 4 Produces the 4 bit Right bracket right-shifted value of 0800. (0080) + Plus sign A + B Arithmetic Addition operator. - Minus sign A - B Arithmetic Subtraction operator. * Asterisk A * B Arithmetic Multiplica- tion operator. / Slash A / B Arithmetic Division operator. & Ampersand A & B Logical AND operator. | Bar A | B Logical OR operator. % Percent sign A % B Modulus operator. ^ Up arrow or A ^ B EXCLUSIVE OR operator. circumflex ---------------------------------------------------------------- Table 6 Temporary Radix Operators ---------------------------------------------------------------- $%, 0b, 0B Binary radix operator. $&, 0o, 0O, 0q, 0Q Octal radix operator. $#, 0d, 0D Decimal radix operator. $$, 0h, 0H, 0x, 0X Hexadecimal radix operator. Potential ambiguities arising from the use of 0b and 0d as temporary radix operators may be circumvented by THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-10 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS preceding all non-prefixed hexadecimal numbers with 00. Leading 0's are required in any case where the first hexadecimal digit is abcdef as the assembler will treat the letter sequence as a label. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.3.2 User-Defined Symbols User-defined symbols are those symbols that are equated to a specific value through a direct assignment statement or appear as labels. These symbols are added to the User Symbol Table as they are encountered during assembly. The following rules govern the creation of user-defined symbols: 1. Symbols can be composed of alphanumeric characters, dollar signs ($), periods (.), and underscores (_) only. 2. The first character of a symbol must not be a number (except in the case of reusable symbols). 3. The first 79 characters of a symbol must be unique. A symbol can be written with more than 79 legal characters, but the 80th and subsequent characters are ignored. 4. Spaces and Tabs must not be embedded within a symbol. 1.3.3 Reusable Symbols Reusable symbols are specially formatted symbols used as la- bels within a block of coding that has been delimited as a reus- able symbol block. Reusable symbols are of the form n$, where n is a decimal integer from 0 to 65535, inclusive. Examples of reusable symbols are: 1$ 27$ 138$ 244$ THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-11 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS The range of a reusable symbol block consists of those state- ments between two normally constructed symbolic labels. Note that a statement of the form: ALPHA = EXPRESSION is a direct assignment statement but does not create a label and thus does not delimit the range of a reusable symbol block. Note that the range of a reusable symbol block may extend across program areas. Reusable symbols provide a convenient means of generating la- bels for branch instructions and other such references within reusable symbol blocks. Using reusable symbols reduces the pos- sibility of symbols with multiple definitions appearing within a user program. In addition, the use of reusable symbols dif- ferentiates entry-point labels from other labels, since reusable labels cannot be referenced from outside their respective symbol blocks. Thus, reusable symbols of the same name can appear in other symbol blocks without conflict. Reusable symbols require less symbol table space than normal symbols. Their use is recommended. The use of the same reusable symbol within a symbol block will generate one or both of the m or p errors. Example of reusable symbols: a: ldx #atable ;get table address lda #0d48 ;table length 1$: clr ,x+ ;clear deca bne 1$ b: ldx #btable ;get table address lda #0d48 ;table length 1$: clr ,x+ ;clear deca bne 1$ THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-12 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS 1.3.4 Current Location Counter The period (.) is the symbol for the current location coun- ter. When used in the operand field of an instruction, the period represents the address of the first byte of the instruction: AS: ldx #. ;The period (.) refers to ;the address of the ldx ;instruction. When used in the operand field of an ASxxxx directive, it represents the address of the current byte or word: QK = 0 .word 0xFFFE,.+4,QK ;The operand .+4 in the .word ;directive represents a value ;stored in the second of the ;three words during assembly. If we assume the current value of the program counter is 0H0200, then during assembly, ASxxxx reserves three words of storage starting at location 0H0200. The first value, a hex- idecimal constant FFFE, will be stored at location 0H0200. The second value represented by .+4 will be stored at location 0H0202, its value will be 0H0206 ( = 0H0202 + 4). The third value defined by the symbol QK will be placed at location 0H0204. At the beginning of each assembly pass, ASxxxx resets the lo- cation counter. Normally, consecutive memory locations are as- signed to each byte of object code generated. However, the value of the location counter can be changed through a direct assignment statement of the following form: . = . + expression The new location counter can only be specified relative to the current location counter. Neglecting to specify the current program counter along with the expression on the right side of the assignment operator will generate the (.) error. (Absolute program areas may use the .org directive to specify the absolute location of the current program counter.) The following coding illustrates the use of the current location counter: .area CODE1 (ABS) ;program area CODE1 ;is ABSOLUTE THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-13 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS .org 0H100 ;set location to ;0H100 absolute num1: ldx #.+0H10 ;The label num1 has ;the value 0H100. ;X is loaded with ;0H100 + 0H10 .org 0H130 ;location counter ;set to 0H130 num2: ldy #. ;The label num2 has ;the value 0H130. ;Y is loaded with ;value 0H130. .area CODE2 (REL) ;program area CODE2 ;is RELOCATABLE . = . + 0H20 ;Set location counter ;to relocatable 0H20 of ;the program section. num3: .word 0 ;The label num3 has ;the value ;of relocatable 0H20. . = . + 0H40 ;will reserve 0H40 ;bytes of storage as will .blkb 0H40 ;or .blkw 0H20 The .blkb and .blkw directives are the preferred methods of allocating space. 1.3.5 Numbers ASxxxx assumes that all numbers in the source program are to be interpreted in decimal radix unless otherwise specified. The .radix directive may be used to specify the default as octal, decimal, or hexadecimal. Individual numbers can be designated as binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal through the temporary radix prefixes shown in table 6. Negative numbers must be preceeded by a minus sign; ASxxxx translates such numbers into two's complement form. Positive numbers may (but need not) be preceeded by a plus sign. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-14 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS Numbers are always considered to be absolute values, therefor they are never relocatable. 1.3.6 Terms A term is a component of an expression and may be one of the following: 1. A number. 2. A symbol: 1. A period (.) specified in an expression causes the current location counter to be used. 2. A User-defined symbol. 3. An undefined symbol is assigned a value of zero and inserted in the User-Defined symbol table as an un- defined symbol. 3. A single quote followed by a single ascii character, or a double quote followed by two ascii characters. 4. An expression enclosed in parenthesis. Any expression so enclosed is evaluated and reduced to a single term before the remainder of the expression in which it ap- pears is evaluated. Parenthesis, for example, may be used to alter the left-to-right evaluation of expres- sions, (as in A*B+C versus A*(B+C)), or to apply a un- ary operator to an entire expression (as in -(A+B)). 5. A unary operator followed by a symbol or number. 1.3.7 Expressions Expressions are combinations of terms joined together by binary operators. Expressions reduce to a value. The evalua- tion of an expression includes the determination of its attri- butes. A resultant expression value may be one of three types (as described later in this section): relocatable, absolute, and external. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-15 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS Expressions are evaluate with an operand hierarchy as follows: * / % multiplication, division, and modulus first. + - addition and subtraction second. << >> left shift and right shift third. ^ exclusive or fourth. & logical and fifth. | logical or last except that unary operators take precedence over binary operators. A missing or illegal operator terminates the expression analysis, causing error codes (o) and/or (q) to be generated depending upon the context of the expression itself. At assembly time the value of an external (global) expression is equal to the value of the absolute part of that expression. For example, the expression external+4, where 'external' is an external symbol, has the value of 4. This expression, however, when evaluated at link time takes on the resolved value of the symbol 'external', plus 4. Expressions, when evaluated by ASxxxx, are one of three types: relocatable, absolute, or external. The following dis- tinctions are important: 1. An expression is relocatable if its value is fixed re- lative to the base address of the program area in which it appears; it will have an offset value added at link time. Terms that contain labels defined in relocatable program areas will have a relocatable value; simi- larly, a period (.) in a relocatable program area, representing the value of the current program location counter, will also have a relocatable value. 2. An expression is absolute if its value is fixed. An expression whose terms are numbers and ascii characters will reduce to an absolute value. A relocatable ex- pression or term minus a relocatable term, where both elements being evaluated belong to the same program area, is an absolute expression. This is because every THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-16 SYMBOLS AND EXPRESSIONS term in a program area has the same relocation bias. When one term is subtracted from the other the reloca- tion bias is zero. 3. An expression is external (or global) if it contains a single global reference (plus or minus an absolute ex- pression value) that is not defined within the current program. Thus, an external expression is only par- tially defined following assembly and must be resolved at link time. 1.4 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES An ASxxxx directive is placed in the operator field of the source line. Only one directive is allowed per source line. Each directive may have a blank operand field or one or more operands. Legal operands differ with each directive. 1.4.1 .module Directive Format: .module name The .module directive causes the name to be included in the assemblers output file as an identifier for this particular ob- ject module. The name may be from 1 to 79 characters in length. The name may not have any embedded white space (spaces or tabs). Only one identifier is allowed per assembled module. The main use of this directive is to allow the linker to report a modules' use of undefined symbols. At link time all undefined symbols are reported and the modules referencing them are listed. 1.4.2 .title Directive Format: .title string The .title directive provides a character string to be placed on the second line of each page during listing. The string be- gins with the first non white space character (after any space or tab) and ends with the end of the line. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-17 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.3 .sbttl Directive Format: .sbttl string The .sbttl directive provides a character string to be placed on the third line of each page during listing. The string be- gins with the first non white space character (after any space or tab) and ends with the end of the line. 1.4.4 .list and .nlist Directives Format: .list ;Basic .list .list expr ;with expression .list (arg1,arg2,...,argn) ;with sublist options .nlist ;Basic .nlist .nlist expr ;with expression .nlist (arg1,arg2,...,argn) ;with sublist options The .list and .nlist directives control the listing output to the .lst file. The directives have the following sublist options: err - errors loc - program location bin - binary output eqt - symbol or .if evaluation cyc - opcode cycle count lin - source line number src - source line text pag - pagination lst - .list/.nlist line listing md - macro definition listing me - macro expansion listing meb - macro expansion binary listing ! - sets the listing mode to !(.list) or !(.nlist) before applying the sublist options The 'normal' listing mode .list is the combination of err, loc, THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-18 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES bin, eqt, cyc, lin, src, pag, lst, and md enabled with me and meb disabled. The 'normal' listing mode .nlist has all sublist items disabled. When specifying sublist options the option list must be enclosed within parenthesis and multiple options seperated by commas. The NOT option, !, is used to set the listing mode to the op- posite of the .list or .nlist directive before applying the sub- list options. For example: .nlist (!) is equivalent to .list and .list (!) is equivalent to .nlist any additional options will be applied normally Normal .list/.nlist processing is disabled within false con- ditional blocks. However, the .list/.nlist with an expression can override this behavior if the expression has a non zero value. Examples of listing options: .list (meb) ; lists macro generated binary .list (me) ; lists macro expansions .nlist (src) ; .nlist src lines not listed .nlist (!,lst) ; list all except .nlist .nlist ; combination lists only .list (src) ; the source line .list (!,src) ; list only the source line .list 1 ; enable listing even within ; a FALSE conditional block 1.4.5 .page Directive Format: .page The .page directive causes a page ejection with a new heading to be printed. The new page occurs after the next line of the source program is processed, this allows an immediately follow- ing .sbttl directive to appear on the new page. The .page source line will not appear in the file listing. Paging may be disabled by invoking the -p directive or by using the directive: THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-19 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .nlist (pag) If the .page directive is followed by a non zero constant or an expression that evaluates to a non zero value then pagination will be enabled within a false condition range to allow extended textual information to be incorporated in the source program with out the need to use the comment delimiter (;): .if 0 .page 1 ;Enable pagination within 'if' block. This text will be bypassed during assembly but appear in the listing file. . . . .endif 1.4.8 .byte, .db, and .fcb Directives Format: .byte exp ;Stores the binary value .db exp ;of the expression in the .fcb exp ;next byte. .byte exp1,exp2,expn ;Stores the binary values .db exp1,exp2,expn ;of the list of expressions .fcb exp1,exp2,expn ;in successive bytes. where: exp, represent expressions that will be exp1, truncated to 8-bits of data. . Each expression will be calculated, . the high-order byte will be truncated. . Multiple expressions must be expn separated by commas. The .byte, .db, or .fcb directives are used to generate suc- cessive bytes of binary data in the object module. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-21 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.9 .word, .dw, and .fdb Directives Format: .word exp ;Stores the binary value .dw exp ;of the expression in .fdb exp ;the next word. .word exp1,exp2,expn ;Stores the binary values .dw exp1,exp2,expn ;of the list of expressions .fdb exp1,exp2,expn ;in successive words. where: exp, represent expressions that will occupy two exp1, bytes of data. Each expression will be . calculated as a 16-bit word expression. . Multiple expressions must be expn separated by commas. The .word, .dw, or .fdb directives are used to generate suc- cessive words of binary data in the object module. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-22 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.12 .blkb, .ds, .rmb, and .rs Directives Format: .blkb N ;reserve N bytes of space .ds N ;reserve N bytes of space .rmb N ;reserve N bytes of space .rs N ;reserve N bytes of space The .blkb, .ds, .rmb, and .rs directives reserve byte blocks in the object module; 1.4.13 .blkw, .blk3, and .blk4 Directives Format: .blkw N ;reserve N words of space .blk3 N ;reserve N triples of space .blk4 N ;reserve N quads of space The .blkw directive reserves word blocks; the .blk3 reserves 3 byte blocks(available in assemblers supporting 24-bit addressing); the .blk4 reserves 4 byte blocks (available in as- semblers supporting 32-bit addressing). THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-23 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.14 .ascii, .str, and .fcc Directives Format: .ascii /string/ or .ascii ^/string/ .fcc /string/ or .fcc ^/string/ .str /string/ or .str ^/string/ where: string is a string of printable ascii characters. / / represent the delimiting characters. These delimiters may be any paired printing characters, as long as the characters are not contained within the string itself. If the delimiting characters do not match, the .ascii directive will give the (q) error. The .ascii, .fcc, and .str directives place one binary byte of data for each character in the string into the object module. 1.4.15 .ascis and .strs Directives Format: .ascis /string/ or .ascis ^/string/ .strs /string/ or .strs ^/string/ where: string is a string of printable ascii characters. / / represent the delimiting characters. These delimiters may be any paired printing characters, as long as the characters are not contained within the string itself. If the delimiting characters do not match, the .ascis and .strs directives will give the (q) error. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-24 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES The .ascis and .strs directives place one binary byte of data for each character in the string into the object module. The last character in the string will have the high order bit set. 1.4.16 .asciz and .strz Directives Format: .asciz /string/ or .asciz ^/string/ .strz /string/ or .strz ^/string/ where: string is a string of printable ascii characters. / / represent the delimiting characters. These delimiters may be any paired printing characters, as long as the characters are not contained within the string itself. If the delimiting characters do not match, the .asciz and .strz directive will give the (q) error. The .asciz and .strz directives place one binary byte of data for each character in the string into the object module. Fol- lowing all the character data a zero byte is inserted to ter- minate the character string. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-25 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.18 .radix Directive Format: .radix character where: character represents a single character specifying the default radix to be used for succeeding numbers. The character may be any one of the following: B,b Binary O,o Octal Q,q D,d Decimal 'blank' H,h Hexadecimal X,x 1.4.19 .even Directive Format: .even The .even directive ensures that the current location counter contains an even boundary value by adding 1 if the current loca- tion is odd. 1.4.20 .odd Directive Format: .odd The .odd directive ensures that the current location counter contains an odd boundary value by adding one if the current lo- cation is even. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-26 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.21 .bndry Directive Format: .bndry n If the current location is not an integer multiple of n then the location counter is increased to the next integer multiple of n. As an example: .bndry 4 changes the current location to be at a multiple of 4, a 4-byte boundary. The relocation and/or concatenation of an area containing .bndry directives to place code at specific boundaries will NOT maintain the specified boundaries. When relocating such code areas you must specify the base addresses to the linker manually and/or you must pad the allocated space of an area to match the boundary conditions. As an example suppose you wish to link multiple assembled code sections, each of which has code for the same area and re- quires a 4 byte boundary. The starting address of the area must be specified to the linker on a 4 byte boundary and each as- sembled code section must be padded to fill out the area in each of the individually assembled files. The following code will provide the necessary area padding to allow a succesful linking of files and maintain the boundary requirements: .$.end = . ; end of area address .bndry 4 ; set boundary .if ne,. - .$.end ; is . the same ? . = . - 1 ; no: backup 1 byte .byte 0 ; place padding byte .endif If all files are assembled simultaneously then only the .bndry directive is required at the beginning of the area in each file and the initial area address must be specified to the linker. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-27 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.22 .area Directive Format: .area name [(options)] where: name represents the symbolic name of the program sec- tion. This name may be the same as any user-defined symbol as the area names are independent of all symbols and labels. options specify the type of program or data area: ABS absolute (automatically invokes OVR) REL relocatable OVR overlay CON concatenate NOPAG non-paged area PAG paged area The .area directive provides a means of defining and separat- ing multiple programming and data sections. The name is the area label used by the assembler and the linker to collect code from various separately assembled modules into one section. The name may be from 1 to 79 characters in length. The options are specified within parenthesis and separated by commas as shown in the following example: .area TEST (REL,CON) ;This section is relocatable ;and concatenated with other ;sections of this program area. .area DATA (REL,OVR) ;This section is relocatable ;and overlays other sections ;of this program area. .area SYS (ABS,OVR) ;(CON not allowed with ABS) ;This section is defined as ;absolute. Absolute sections ;are always overlayed with ;other sections of this program ;area. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-28 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .area PAGE (PAG) ;This is a paged section. The ;section must be on a 256 byte ;boundary and its length is ;checked by the linker to be ;no larger than 256 bytes. ;This is useful for direct page ;areas. The default area type is REL|CON; i.e. a relocatable sec- tion which is concatenated with other sections of code with the same area name. The ABS option indicates an absolute area. The OVR and CON options indicate if program sections of the same name will overlay each other (start at the same location) or be concatenated with each other (appended to each other). Multiple invocations of the .area directive with the same name must specify the same options or leave the options field blank, this defaults to the previously specified options for this program area. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-29 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES The ASxxxx assemblers automatically provide two program sections: '_CODE' This is the default code/data area. This program area is of type (REL,CON). The ASxxxx assemblers also automatically generate two symbols for each program area: 's_' This is the starting address of the pro- gram area. 'l_' This is the length of the program area. The .area names and options are never case sensitive. 1.4.24 .org Directive Format: .org exp where: exp is an absolute expression that becomes the cur- rent location counter. The .org directive is valid only in an absolute program section and will give a (q) error if used in a relocatable program area. The .org directive specifies that the current location counter is to become the specified absolute value. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-31 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.25 .globl Directive Format: .globl sym1,sym2,...,symn where: sym1, represent legal symbolic names. sym2,... When multiple symbols are specified, symn they are separated by commas. A .globl directive may also have a label field and/or a com- ment field. The .globl directive is provided to export (and thus provide linkage to) symbols not otherwise defined as global symbols within a module. In exporting global symbols the directive .globl J is similar to: J == expression or J:: Because object modules are linked by global symbols, these symbols are vital to a program. All internal symbols appearing within a given program must be defined at the end of pass 1 or they will be considered undefined. The assembly directive (-g) can be invoked to make all undefined symbols global at the end of pass 1. The .globl directive and == construct can be overridden by a following .local directive. NOTE The ASxxxx assemblers use the last occurring symbol specification in the source file(s) as the type shown in the symbol table and output to the .rel file. 1.4.26 .local Directive Format: .local sym1,sym2,...,symn where: sym1, represent legal symbolic names. sym2,... When multiple symbols are specified, symn they are separated by commas. A .local directive may also have a label field and/or a com- ment field. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-32 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES The .local directive is provided to define symbols that are local to the current assembly process. Local symbols are not effected by the assembler option -a (make all symbols global). In defining local symbols the directive .local J is similar to: J =: expression The .local directive and the =: construct are useful in de- fining symbols and constants within a header or definition file that contains many symbols specific to the current assembly pro- cess that should not be exported into the .rel output file. A typical usage is in the definition of SFRs (Special Function Registers) for a microprocessor. The .local directive and =: construct can be overridden by a following .globl directive. NOTE The ASxxxx assemblers use the last occurring symbol specification in the source file(s) as the type shown in the symbol table and output to the .rel file. 1.4.27 .equ, .gblequ, and .lclequ Directives Format: sym1 .equ expr ; equivalent to sym1 = expr sym2 .gblequ expr ; equivalent to sym2 == expr sym3 .lclequ expr ; equivalent to sym3 =: expr or .equ sym1, expr ; equivalent to sym1 = expr .gblequ sym2, expr ; equivalent to sym2 == expr .lclequ sym3, expr ; equivalent to sym3 =: expr These alternate forms of equivalence are provided for user convenience. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-33 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.28 .if, .else, and .endif Directives Format: .if expr . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the test condition. The range of true condition will be processed if the expres- sion 'expr' is not zero (i.e. true) and the range of false con- dition will be processed if the expression 'expr' is zero (i.e false). The range of true condition is optional as is the .else directive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .if/.else/.endif constructions: .if A-4 ;evaluate A-4 .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if A-4 is .endif ;not zero .if K+3 ;evaluate K+3 .else .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if K+3 .endif ;is zero .if J&3 ;evaluate J masked by 3 .byte 12 ;insert this byte if J&3 .else ;is not zero .byte 13 ;insert this byte if J&3 .endif ;is zero All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-34 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.29 .iff, .ift, and .iftf Directives Format: .if expr ;'if' range Condition is ;TRUE when expr is not zero .ift ;} . ;} range of true condition ;} .iff ;} if . ;} range of false condition ;} block .iftf ;} . ;} unconditional range ;} .else ;'else' range Condition is ;TRUE when expr is zero .ift ;} . ;} range of true condition ;} .iff ;} else . ;} range of false condition ;} block .iftf ;} . ;} unconditional range ;} .endif The subconditional assembly directives may be placed within conditional assembly blocks to indicate: 1. The assembly of an alternate body of code when the condition of the block tests false. 2. The assembly of non-contiguous body of code within the conditional assembly block, depending upon the result of the conditional test in entering the block. 3. The unconditional assembly of a body of code within a conditional assembly block. The use of the .iff, .ift, and .iftf directives makes the use of the .else directive redundant. Note that the implementation of the .else directive causes the .if tested condition to be complemented. The TRUE and FALSE conditions are determined by the .if/.else conditional state. All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of the .iff, .ift, or .iftf directives outside of a conditional block results in a (i) error code. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-35 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.30 .ifxx Directives Additional conditional directives are available to test the value of an evaluated expression: .ifne expr ; true if expr != 0 .ifeq expr ; true if expr == 0 .ifgt expr ; true if expr > 0 .iflt expr ; true if expr < 0 .ifge expr ; true if expr >= 0 .ifle expr ; true if expr <= 0 Format: .ifxx expr . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the test condition. The range of true condition will be processed if the expres- sion 'expr' is not zero (i.e. true) and the range of false con- dition will be processed if the expression 'expr' is zero (i.e false). The range of true condition is optional as is the .else directive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .ifxx/.else/.endif constructions: .ifne A-4 ;evaluate A-4 .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if A-4 is .endif ;not zero .ifeq K+3 ;evaluate K+3 .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if K+3 .endif ;is zero .ifne J&3 ;evaluate J masked by 3 .byte 12 ;insert this byte if J&3 .else ;is not zero THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-36 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .byte 13 ;insert this byte if J&3 .endif ;is zero All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.31 .ifdef Directive Format: .ifdef sym . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the test condition. The range of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym' has been defined with a .define directive or 'sym' is a variable with an assigned value else the false range will be processed. The range of true condition is optional as is the .else directive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .ifdef/.else/.endif constructions: .ifdef sym$1 ;lookup symbol sym$1 .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if sym$1 .endif ;is defined or ;assigned a value .ifdef sym$2 ;lookup symbol sym$2 .else .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if sym$1 .endif ;is not defined and ;not assigned a value .ifdef sym$3 ;lookup symbol sym$3 .byte 12 ;insert this byte if sym$3 .else ;is defined/valued .byte 13 ;insert this byte if sym$3 THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-37 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .endif ;is not defined/valued Note that the default assembler configuration of case sensitive means the testing for a defined symbol is also case sensitive. All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.32 .ifndef Directive Format: .ifndef sym . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the condition test. The range of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym' is not defined by a .define directive and a variable 'sym' has not been assigned a value else the range of false condition will be processed. The range of true condition is optional as is the .else directive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .ifndef/.else/.endif constructions: .ifndef sym$1 ;lookup symbol sym$1 .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if sym$1 is .endif ;not defined and ;not assigned a value .ifndef sym$2 ;lookup symbol sym$2 .else .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if sym$1 .endif ;is defined or ;is assigned a value .ifndef sym$3 ;lookup symbol sym$3 .byte 12 ;insert this byte if sym$3 THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-38 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .else ;is not defined/valued .byte 13 ;insert this byte if sym$3 .endif ;is defined/valued All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.33 .ifb Directive Format: .ifb sym . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the test condition. The conditional .ifb is most useful when used in macro de- finitions to determine if the argument is blank. The range of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym' is blank. The range of true condition is optional as is the .else direc- tive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .ifb/.else/.endif constructions: .ifb sym$1 ;argument is not blank .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if argument .endif ;is blank .ifb sym$2 ;argument is not blank .else .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if argument .endif ;is not blank .ifb ;argument is blank .byte 12 ;insert this byte if .else ;argument is blank .byte 13 ;insert this byte if .endif ;argument not blank THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-39 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.34 .ifnb Directive Format: .ifnb sym . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the test condition. The conditional .ifnb is most useful when used in macro de- finitions to determine if the argument is not blank. The range of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym' is not blank. The range of true condition is optional as is the .else directive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .ifnb/.else/.endif constructions: .ifnb sym$1 ;argument is not blank .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if argument .endif ;is not blank .ifnb sym$2 ;argument is not blank .else .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if argument .endif ;is blank .ifnb ;argument is blank .byte 12 ;insert this byte if .else ;argument is not blank .byte 13 ;insert this byte if .endif ;argument is blank All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-40 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.35 .ifidn Directive Format: .ifidn sym$1,sym$2 . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the test condition. The conditional .ifidn is most useful when used in macro de- finitions to determine if the arguments are identical. The range of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym$1' is idendical to 'sym$2' (i.e. the character strings for sym$1 and sym$2 are the same consistent with the case sensitivity flag). When this if statement occurs inside a macro where an argument substitution may be blank then an argument should be delimited with the form /symbol/ for each symbol. The range of true condition is optional as is the .else directive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .ifidn/.else/.endif constructions: .ifidn sym$1,sym$1 ;arguments are the same .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if arguments .endif ;are the sane .ifidn sym$1,sym$2 ;arguments are not the same .else .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if arguments .endif ;are not the same .ifidn sym$3,sym$3 ;arguments are the same .byte 12 ;insert this byte if .else ;arguments are the same .byte 13 ;insert this byte if .endif ;arguments are not the same THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-41 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.36 .ifdif Directive Format: .ifdif sym$1,sym$2 . ;} . ;} range of true condition . ;} .else . ;} . ;} range of false condition . ;} .endif The conditional assembly directives allow you to include or exclude blocks of source code during the assembly process, based on the evaluation of the test condition. The conditional .ifdif is most useful when used in macro de- finitions to determine if the arguments are different. The range of true condition will be processed if the symbol 'sym$1' is different from 'sym$2' (i.e. the character strings for sym$1 and sym$2 are the not the same consistent with the case sensi- tivity flag). When this if statement occurs inside a macro where an argument substitution may be blank then an argument should be delimited with the form /symbol/ for each symbol. The range of true condition is optional as is the .else directive and the range of false condition. The following are all valid .ifdif/.else/.endif constructions: .ifdif sym$1,sym$2 ;arguments are different .byte 1,2 ;insert bytes if arguments .endif ;are different .ifdif sym$1,sym$1 ;arguments are identical .else .byte 3,4 ;insert bytes if arguments .endif ;are different .ifdif sym$1,sym$3 ;arguments are different .byte 12 ;insert this byte if .else ;arguments are different THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-42 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .byte 13 ;insert this byte if .endif ;arguments are identical All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.37 Alternate .if Directive Forms Format: .if cnd(,) arg1(, arg2) where the cnd (followed by an optional comma) may be any of the following: ------------------------------------------------------- condition Assemble (complement) Args Block if: ------------------------------------------------------- eq ( ne ) expr equal to zero (not equal to zero) gt ( le ) expr greater than zero (less than or equal to zero) lt ( ge ) expr less than zero (greater than or equal to zero) def ( ndef ) symbol .define'd or user set (not .define'd or user set) b ( nb ) macro argument present symbol (argument not present) idn ( dif ) macro arguments identical symbol (arguments not identical) f ( t ) ----- only within a .if/.else/.endif conditional block tf ----- only within a .if/.else/.endif conditional block All .if/.else/.endif directives are limited to a maximum nesting THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-43 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES of 10 levels. The use of a .else directive outside a .if/.endif block will generate an (i) error. Assemblies having unequal .if and .endif counts will cause an (i) error. 1.4.38 Immediate Conditional Assembly Directives The immediate conditional assembly directives allow a single line of code to be assembled without using a .if/.else/.endif construct. All of the previously described conditionals have immediate equivalents. Format: .iif arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifeq arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifne arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifgt arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifle arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifge arg(,) line_to_assemble .iiflt arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifdef arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifndef arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifb (,)arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifnb (,)arg(,) line_to_assemble .iifidn (,)arg1,arg2(,) line_to_assemble .iifdif (,)arg1,arg2(,) line_to_assemble .iiff line_to_assemble .iift line_to_assemble .iiftf line_to_assemble Alternate Format: .iif arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif eq arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif ne arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif gt arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif le arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif ge arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif lt arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif def arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif ndef arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif b (,)arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif nb (,)arg(,) line_to_assemble .iif idn (,)arg1,arg2(,) line_to_assemble THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-44 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .iif dif (,)arg1,arg2(,) line_to_assemble .iiff line_to_assemble .iift line_to_assemble .iiftf line_to_assemble The (,) indicates an optional comma. The .iif types b, n, idn, and dif require the commas if the argument(s) may be blank. These commas may be removed if the arguments are delimited with the form ^/symbol/ for each symbol. The immediate conditional directives donot change the .if/.else/.endif nesting level. 1.4.39 .include Directive Format: .include /string/ or .include ^/string/ where: string represents a string that is the file specifica- tion of an ASxxxx source file. / / represent the delimiting characters. These delimiters may be any paired printing characters, as long as the characters are not contained within the string itself. If the delimiting characters do not match, the .include directive will give the (q) error. The .include directive is used to insert a source file within the source file currently being assembled. When this directive is encountered, an implicit .page directive is issued. When the end of the specified source file is reached, an implicit .page directive is issued and input continues from the previous source file. The maximum nesting level of source files specified by a .include directive is five. The total number of separately specified .include files is unlimited as each .include file is opened and then closed during each pass made by the assembler. The default directory path, if none is specified, for any .include file is the directory path of the current file. For example: if the current source file, D:\proj\file1.asm, THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-45 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES includes a file specified as "include1" then the file D:\proj\include1.asm is opened. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-46 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES 1.4.41 .setdp Directive Format: .setdp [base [,area]] The set direct page directive has a common format in all the as- semblers supporting a paged mode. The .setdp directive is used to inform the assembler of the current direct page region and the offset address within the selected area. The normal invoca- tion methods are: .area DIRECT (PAG) .setdp or .setdp 0,DIRECT for all the 68xx microprocessors (the 6804 has only the paged ram area). The commands specify that the direct page is in area DIRECT and its offset address is 0 (the only valid value for all but the 6809 microprocessor). Be sure to place the DIRECT area at address 0 during linking. When the base address and area are not specified, then zero and the current area are the defaults. If a .setdp directive is not issued the assembler defaults the direct page to the area "_CODE" at offset 0. The assembler verifies that any local variable used in a direct variable reference is located in this area. Local vari- able and constant value direct access addresses are checked to be within the address range from 0 to 255. External direct references are assumed by the assembler to be in the correct area and have valid offsets. The linker will check all direct page relocations to verify that they are within the correct area. The 6809 microprocessor allows the selection of the direct page to be on any 256 byte boundary by loading the appropriate value into the dp register. Typically one would like to select the page boundary at link time, one method follows: THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-47 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .area DIRECT (PAG) ; define the direct page .setdp . . . .area PROGRAM . ldd #DIRECT ; load the direct page register tfr a,dp ; for access to the direct page At link time specify the base and global equates to locate the direct page: -b DIRECT = 0x1000 -g DIRECT = 0x1000 Both the area address and offset value must be specified (area and variable names are independent). The linker will verify that the relocated direct page accesses are within the direct page. The preceeding sequence could be repeated for multiple paged areas, however an alternate method is to define a non-paged area and use the .setdp directive to specify the offset value: .area DIRECT ; define non-paged area . . . .area PROGRAM . .setdp 0,DIRECT ; direct page area ldd #DIRECT ; load the direct page register tfr a,dp ; for access to the direct page . . .setdp 0x100,DIRECT ; direct page area ldd #DIRECT+0x100 ; load the direct page register tfr a,dp ; for access to the direct page The linker will verify that subsequent direct page references are in the specified area and offset address range. It is the programmers responsibility to load the dp register with the cor- rect page segment corresponding to the .setdp base address specified. For those cases where a single piece of code must access a defined data structure within a direct page and there are many pages, define a dumby direct page linked at address 0. This dumby page is used only to define the variable labels. Then load the dp register with the real base address but donot use a .setdp directive. This method is equivalent to indexed THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-48 GENERAL ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES addressing, where the dp register is the index register and the direct addressing is the offset. 1.4.42 .16bit, .24bit, and .32bit Directives Format: .16bit ;specify 16-bit addressing .24bit ;specify 24-bit addressing .32bit ;specify 32-bit addressing The .16bit, .24bit, and .32bit directives are special direc- tives for assembler configuration when default values are not used. 1.5 INVOKING ASXXXX Starting an ASxxxx assembler without any arguments provides the following option list and then exits: Usage: [-Options] file Usage: [-Options] outfile file1 [file2 file3 ...] -d Decimal listing -q Octal listing -x Hex listing (default) -g Undefined symbols made global -a All user symbols made global -b Display .define substitutions in listing -bb and display without .define substitutions -c Disable instruction cycle count in listing -j Enable NoICE Debug Symbols -y Enable SDCC Debug Symbols -l Create list output (out)file[.lst] -o Create object output (out)file[.rel] -s Create symbol output (out)file[.sym] -p Disable listing pagination -u Disable .list/.nlist processing -w Wide listing format for symbol table -z Disable case sensitivity for symbols -f Flag relocatable references by ` in listing file -ff Flag relocatable references by mode in listing file The ASxxxx assemblers are command line oriented. Most sytems require the option(s) and file(s) arguments to follow the ASxxxx assembler name: as6809 -[Options] file as6809 [-Options] outfile file1 [file2 ...] Some systems may request the arguments after the assembler is started at a system specific prompt: as6809 argv: -[Options] file as6809 argv: [-Options] outfile file1 [file2 ...] The ASxxxx options in some more detail: -d decimal listing THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-51 INVOKING ASXXXX -q octal listing -x hex listing (default) The listing radix affects the .lst, .rel, and .sym files. -g undefined symbols made global Unresolved (external) variables and symbols are flagged as global. -a all user symbols made global All defined (not local or external) variables and symbols are flagged as global. -b display .define substitutions in listing If a .define substitution has been applied to an assembler source line the source line is printed with the substitution. -bb and display without .define substitutions If a .define substitution has been applied to an assembler source line the source line is first printed without substitution followed by the line with the substitution. -c Disable instruction cycle count in listing This option overrides the listing option 'cyc' in the .list and .nlist directives. Instruction cycle counts cannot be enabled if the -c option is specified. -j enable NOICE debug symbols -y enable SDCC debug symbols -l create list output (out)file.lst If -s (symbol table output) is not specified the symbol table is included at the end of the listing file. -o create object output (out)file.rel -s create symbol output (out)file.sym -p disable listing pagination This option inhibits the generation THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-52 INVOKING ASXXXX of a form-feed character and its associated page header in the assembler listing. -u disable .list/.nlist processing This option disables all .list and .nlist directives. The listing mode is .list with the options err, loc, bin, eqt, cyc, lin, src, pag, lst, and md. The options cyc and pag are overridden by the -c and -p command line options. -w wide listing format for symbol table -z disable case sensitivity for symbols -f by ` in the listing file -ff by mode in the listing file Relocatable modess are flagged by byte position (LSB, Byte 2, Byte 3, MSB) *nMN paged, uvUV unsigned, rsRS signed, pqPQ program counter relative. asx8051 specific command line option: -I Add the named directory to the include file search path. This option may be used more than once. Directories are searched in the order given. The file name for the .lst, .rel, and .sym files is the first file name specified in the command line. All output files are ascii text files which may be edited, copied, etc. The output files are the concatenation of all the input files, if files are to be assembled independently invoke the assembler for each file. The .rel file contains a radix directive so that the linker will use the proper conversion for this file. Linked files may have different radices. ASXXXX assemblers supported by and distributed with SDCC are: sdas390 (Dallas 80390) sdas6808 (Motorola 68HC08) sdas8051 (Intel 8051) sdasgb (GameBoy Z80-like CPU) sdasrab (Rabbit Z80-like CPU) sdasz80 (Zilog Z80 / Hitachi HD64180) 1.6 ERRORS The ASxxxx assemblers provide limited diagnostic error codes during the assembly process, these errors will be noted in the listing file and printed on the stderr device. The assembler reports the errors on the stderr device as ?ASxxxx-Error-<*> in line nnn of filename where * is the error code, nnn is the line number, and filename THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-53 ERRORS is the source/include file. The errors are: (.) This error is caused by an absolute direct assign- ment of the current location counter . = expression (incorrect) rather than the correct . = . + expression (a) Indicates a machine specific addressing or address- ing mode error. (b) Indicates a direct page boundary error. (d) Indicates a direct page addressing error. (i) Caused by an .include file error or an .if/.endif mismatch. (m) Multiple definitions of the same label, multiple .module directives, multiple conflicting attributes in an .area directive. (n) An .mexit, .endm, or .narg directive outside of a macro, repeat block or indefinite repeat block. (o) Directive or mnemonic error or the use of the .org directive in a relocatable area. (p) Phase error: label location changing between passes 2 and 3. Normally caused by having more than one level of forward referencing. (q) Questionable syntax: missing or improper operators, terminators, or delimiters. (r) Relocation error: logic operation attempted on a relocatable term, addition of two relocatable terms, subtraction of two relocatable terms not within the same programming area or external symbols. (s) String Substitution / recursion error. (u) Undefined symbol encountered during assembly. (z) Divide by 0 or Modulus by 0 error: result is 0. THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-54 LISTING FILE 1.7 LISTING FILE The (-l) option produces an ascii output listing file. Each page of output contains a five line header: 1. The ASxxxx program name and page number 2. Assembler Radix and Address Bits 3. Title from a .title directive (if any) 4. Subtitle from a .sbttl directive (if any) 5. Blank line Each succeeding line contains six fields: 1. Error field (first two characters of line) 2. Current location counter 3. Generated code in byte format 4. Opcode cycles count 5. Source text line number 6. Source text The error field may contain upto 2 error flags indicating any errors encountered while assembling this line of source code. The current location counter field displays the 16-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit program position. This field will be in the selected radix. The generated code follows the program location. The listing radix determines the number of bytes that will be displayed in this field. Hexadecimal listing allows six bytes of data within the field, decimal and octal allow four bytes within the field. If more than one field of data is generated from the assembly of a single line of source code, then the data field is repeated on successive lines. The opcode cycles count is printed within the delimiters [ ] on the line with the source text. This reduces the number of THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-55 LISTING FILE generated code bytes displayed on the line with the source list- ing by one. (The -c option disables all opcode cycle listing.) The source text line number is printed in decimal and is fol- lowed by the source text. A Source line with a .page directive is never listed. (The -u option overrides this behavior.) Two additional options are available for printing the source line text. If the -b option is specified then the listed source line contains all the .define substitutions. If the -bb option is specified then the original source line is printed before the source line with substitutions. Two data field options are available to flag those bytes which will be relocated by the linker. If the -f option is specified then each byte to be relocated will be preceeded by the '`' character. If the -ff option is specified then each byte to be relocated will be preceeded by one of the following characters: 1. * paged relocation 2. u low byte of unsigned word or unsigned byte 3. v high byte of unsigned word 4. p PCR low byte of word relocation or PCR byte 5. q PCR high byte of word relocation 6. r low byte relocation or byte relocation 7. s high byte relocation Assemblers which use 24-bit or 32-bit addressing use an ex- tended flagging mode: 1. * paged relocation 2. u 1st byte of unsigned value 3. v 2nd byte of unsigned value 4. U 3rd byte of unsigned value 5. V 4th byte of unsigned value 6. p PCR 1st byte of relocation value or PCR byte 7. q PCR 2nd byte of relocation value THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-56 LISTING FILE 8. P PCR 3rd byte of relocation value 9. Q PCR 4th byte of relocation value 10. r 1st byte of relocation value or byte relocation 11. s 2nd byte of relocation value 12. R 3rd byte of relocation value 13. S 4th byte of relocation value 1.8 SYMBOL TABLE FILE The symbol table has two parts: 1. The alphabetically sorted list of symbols and/or labels defined or referenced in the source program. 2. A list of the program areas defined during assembly of the source program. The sorted list of symbols and/or labels contains the follow- ing information: 1. Program area number (none if absolute value or exter- nal) 2. The symbol or label 3. Directly assigned symbol is denoted with an (=) sign 4. The value of a symbol, location of a label relative to the program area base address (=0), or a **** indicat- ing the symbol or label is undefined. 5. The characters: G - global, L - local, R - relocatable, and X - external. The list of program areas provides the correspondence between the program area numbers and the defined program areas, the size of the program areas, and the area flags (attributes). THE ASSEMBLER PAGE 1-57 OBJECT FILE 1.9 OBJECT FILE The object file is an ascii file containing the information needed by the linker to bind multiple object modules into a com- plete loadable memory image. The object module contains the following designators: [XDQ][HL][234] X Hexadecimal radix D Decimal radix Q Octal radix H Most significant byte first L Least significant byte first 2 16-Bit Addressing 3 24-Bit Addressing 4 32-Bit Addressing H Header M Module A Area S Symbol T Object code R Relocation information P Paging information Refer to the linker for a detailed description of each of the designators and the format of the information contained in the object file. CHAPTER 2 THE MACRO PROCESSOR 2.1 DEFINING MACROS By using macros a programmer can use a single line to insert a sequence of lines into a source program. A macro definition is headed by a .macro directive followed by the source lines. The source lines may optionally contain dummy arguments. If such arguments are used, each one is listed in the .macro directive. A macro call is the statement used by the programmer to call the macro source program. It consists of the macro name fol- lowed by the real arguments needed to replace the dummy argu- ments used in the macro. Macro expansion is the insertion of the macro source lines into the main program. Included in this insertion is the replacement of the dummy arguments by the real arguments. Macro directives provide a means to manipulate the macro ex- pansions. Only one directive is allowed per source line. Each directive may have a blank operand field or one or more operands. Legal operands differ with each directive. The macros and their associated directives are detailed in this chapter. Macro directives can replace any machine dependent mnemonic associated with a specific assembler. However, the basic assem- bler directives cannot be replaced with a macro. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-2 DEFINING MACROS 2.1.1 .macro Directive Format: [label:] .macro name, dummy argument list where: label represents an optional statement label. name represents the user-assigned symbolic name of the macro. This name may be any legal symbol and may be used as a label elsewhere in the program. The macro name is not case sensitive, name, NAME, or nAmE all refer to the same macro. , represents a legal macro separator (comma, space, and/or tab). dummy represents a number of legal symbols argument that may appear anywhere in the body of list the macro definition, even as a label. These dummy symbols can be used elsewhere in the program with no conflict of definition. Multiple dummy arguments specified in this directive may be separated by any legal separator. The detection of a duplicate or an illegal symbol in a dummy argument list terminates the scan and causes a 'q' error to be generated. A comment may follow the dummy argument list in a .macro direc- tive, as shown below: .macro abs a,b ;Defines macro abs The first statement of a macro definition must be a .macro directive. Defining a macro with the same name as an existing macro will generate an 'm' error. The .mdelete directive should be used to delete the previous macro definition before redefin- ing a macro. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-3 DEFINING MACROS 2.1.2 .endm Directive Format: .endm The .endm directive should not have a label. Because the direc- tives .irp, .irpc, and .rept may repeat more than once the label will be defined multiple times resulting in 'm' and/or 'p' er- rors. The .endm directive may be followed by a comment field, as shown below: .endm ;end of macro A comment may follow the dummy argument list in a .macro directive, as shown below: .macro typemsg message ;Type a message. jsr typemsg .word message .endm ;End of typemsg The final statement of every macro definition must be a .endm directive. The .endm directive is also used to terminate inde- finite repeat blocks and repeat blocks. A .endm directive en- countered outside a macro definition is flagged with an 'n' error. 2.1.3 .mexit Directive Format: .mexit The .mexit directive may be used to terminate a macro expansion before the end of the macro is encountered. This directive is also legal within repeat blocks. It is most useful in nested macros. The .mexit directive terminates the current macro as though a .endm directive had been encountered. Using the .mexit directive bypasses the complexities of nested conditional direc- tives and alternate assembly paths, as shown in the following example: THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-4 DEFINING MACROS .macro altr N,A,B . . . .if eq,N ;Start conditional Block . . . .mexit ;Terminate macro expansion .endif ;End of conditional block . . . .endm ;Normal end of macro In an assembly where the symbol N is replaced by zero, the .mexit directive would assemble the conditional block and ter- minate the macro expansion. When macros ar nested, a .mexit directive causes an exit to the next higher level of macro ex- pansion. A .mexit directive encountered outside a macro defini- tion is flagged with an 'n' error. 2.2 CALLING MACROS Format: [label:] name real arguments where: label represents an optional statement label. name represents the name of the macro, as specified in the macro definition. real represent symbolic arguments which arguments replace the dummy arguments listed in the .macro definition. When multiple arguments occur, they are separated by any legal separator. Arguments to the macro call are treated as character strings, their usage is determined by the macro definition. A macro definition must be established by means of the .macro directive before the macro can be called and expanded within the source program. When a macro name is the same as a user label, the appearance of the symbol in the operator field designates the symbol as a THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-5 CALLING MACROS macro call; the appearance of the symbol in the operand field designates it as a label, as shown below: LESS: mov @r0,r1 ;LESS is a label . . . bra LESS ;LESS is considered a label . . . LESS sym1,sym2 ;LESS is a macro call 2.3 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS Multiple arguments within a macro must be separated by one of the legal separating characters (comma, space, and/or tab). Macro definition arguments (dummy) and macro call arguments (real) maintain a strict positional relationship. That is, the first real argument in a macro call corresponds with the first dummy argument in the macro definition. For example, the following macro definition and its asso- ciated macro call contain multiple arguments: .macro new a,b,c . . . new phi,sig,^/C1,C2/ Arguments which themselves contain separating characters must be enclosed within the delimiter construct ^/ / where the character '/' may be any character not in the argument string. For example, the macro call: new ^/exg x,y/,#44,ij causes the entire expression exg x,y to replace all occurrances of the symbol a in the macro defini- tion. Real arguments with a macro call are considered to be character strings and are treated as a single entity during macro expansion. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-6 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS The up-arrow (^) construction also allows another up-arrow costruction to be passed as part of the argument. This con- struction, for example, could have been used in the above macro call, as follows: new ^!^/exg x,y/!,#44,ij causing the entire string ^/exg x,y/ to be passed as an argu- ment. 2.3.1 Macro Nesting Macro nesting occurs where the expansion of one macro in- cludes a call to another macro. The depth of nesting is arbi- trarily limited to 20. To pass an argument containing legal argument delimiters to nested macros, enclose the argument in the macro definition within an up-arrow construction, as shown in the coding example below. This extra set of delimiters for each level of nesting is required in the macro definition, not the in the macro call. .macro level1 dum1,dum2 level2 ^/dum1/ level2 ^/dum2/ .endm .macro level2 dum3 dum3 add #10,z push z .endm A call to the level1 macro, as shown below, for example: level1 ^/leaz 0,x/,^/tfr x,z/ causes the following macro expansion to occur: leaz 0,x add #10,z push z tfr x,z add #10,z push z When macro definitions are nested, the inner definition cannot be called until the outer macro has been called and expanded. For example, in the following code: THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-7 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS .macro lv1 a,b . . . .macro lv2 c . . . .endm .endm the lv2 macro cannot be called and expanded until the lv1 macro has been expanded. Likewise, any macro defined within the lv2 macro definition cannot be called and expanded until lv2 has also been expanded. 2.3.2 Special Characters in Macro Arguments If an argument does not contain spaces, tabs, or commas it may include special characters without enclosing them in a delimited construction. For example: .macro push arg mov arg,-(sp) .endm push x+3(%2) causes the following code to be generated: mov x+3(%2),-(sp) 2.3.3 Passing Numerical Arguments as Symbols If the unary operator backslash (\) precedes an argument, the macro treats the argument as a numeric value in the current pro- gram radix. The ascii characters representing this value are inserted in the macro expansion, and their function is defined in the context of the resulting code, as shown in the following example: THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-8 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS .macro inc a,b con a,\b b = b + 1 .endm .macro con a,b a'b: .word 4 .endm ... c = 0 ;Initialize inc x,c The above macro call (inc) would thus expand to: x0: .word 4 In this expanded code, the lable x0: results from the con- catenation of two real arguments. The single quote (') character in the label a'b: concatenates the real argument x and 0 as they are passed during the expansion of the macro. This type of argument construction is descibed in more detail in a following section. A subsequent call to the same macro would generate the fol- lowing code: x1: .word 4 and so on, for later calls. The two macro definitions are necessary because the symbol associated with the dummy argument b (that is, symbol c) cannot be updated in the con macro defini- tion, because the character 0 has replaced c in the argument string (inc x,c). In the con macro definition, the number passed is treated as a string argument. (Where the value of the real argument is 0, only a single 0 character is passed to the macro expansion. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-9 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS 2.3.4 Number of Arguments in Macro Calls A macro can be defined with or without arguments. If more arguments appear in the macro call than in the macro definition, a 'q' error is generated. If fewer arguments appear in the macro call than in the macro definition, missing arguments are assumed to be null values. The conditional directives .if b and .if nb can be used within the macro to detect missing arguments. The number of arguments can be determined using the .narg direc- tive. 2.3.5 Creating Local Symbols Automatically A label is often required in an expanded macro. In the con- ventional macro facilituies thus far described, a label must be explicitly specified as an argument with each macro call. The user must be careful in issuing subsequent calls to the same macro in order avoid duplicating labels. This concern can be eliminated through a feature of the ASxxxx macro facility that creates a unique symbol where a label is required in an expanded macro. ASxxxx allows temporary symbols of the form n$, where n is a decimal integer. Automatically created symbols are created in numerical order beginning at 10000$. The automatic generation of local symbols is invoked on each call of a macro whose definition contains a dummy argument pre- ceded by the question mark (?) character, as shown in the macro definition below: .macro beta a,?b ;dummy argument b with ? tst a beq b add #5,a b: .endm A local symbol is created automatically only when a real ar- gument of the macro call is either null or missing, as shown in Example 1 below. If the real argument is specified in the macro call, however, generation of the local symbol is inhibited and normal argument replacement occurs, as shown in Example 2 below. (Examples 1 and 2 are both expansions of the beta macro defined above.) THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-10 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS Example 1: Create a Local Symbol for the Missing Argument beta flag ;Second argument is missing. tst flag beq 10000$ ;Local symbol is created. add #5,flag 10000$: Example 2: Do Not Create a Local Symbol beta r3,xyz tst r3 beq xyz add #5,r3 xyz: Automatically created local symbols resulting from the expan- sion of a macro, as described above, do not establish a local symbol block in their own right. When a macro has several arguments earmarked for automatic local symbol generation, substituting a specific label for one such argument risks assembly errors because the arguments are constructed at the point of macro invocation. Therefor, the ap- pearance of a label in the macro expansion will create a new lo- cal symbol block. The new local symbol block could leave local symbol references in the previous block and their symbol defini- tions in the new one, causing error codes in the assembly list- ing. Furthermore a later macro expansion that creates local symbols in the new block may duplicate one of the symbols in question, causing an additional error code 'p' in the assembly listing. 2.3.6 Concatenation of Macro Arguments The apostrophe or single quote character (') operates as a legal delimiting character in macro definitions. A single quote that precedes and/or follows a dummy argument in a macro defini- tion is removed, and the substitution of the real argument oc- curs at that point. For example, in the following statements: .macro def A,B,C A'B: asciz "C" .byte ''A,''B .endm when the macro def is called through the statement: THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-11 ARGUMENTS IN MACRO DEFINITIONS AND MACRO CALLS def x,y,^/V05.00/ it is expanded, as follows: xy: asciz "V05.00" .byte 'x,'y In expanding the first line, the scan for the first argument terminates upon finding the first apostrophe (') character. Since A is a dummy argument, the apostrphe (') is removed. The scan then resumes with B; B is also noted as another dummy ar- gument. The two real arguments x and y are then concated to form the label xy:. The third dummy argument is noted in the operand field of the .asciz directive, causing the real argument V05.00 to be substituted in this field. When evaluating the arguments of the .byte directive during expansion of the second line, the scan begins with the first apostrophe (') character. Since it is neither preceded nor fol- lowed by a dummy argument, this apostrophe remains in the macro expansion. The scan then encounters the second apostrophe, which is followed by a dummy argument and is therefor discarded. The scan of argument A is terminated upon encountering the comma (,). The third apostrophe is neither preceded nor followed by a dummy argument and again remains in the macro expansion. The fourth (and last) apostrophe is followed by another dummy argu- ment and is likewise discarded. (Four apostrophe (') characters were necessary in the macro definition to generate two apos- trophe (') characters in the macro expansion.) 2.4 MACRO ATTRIBUTE DIRECTIVES The ASxxxx assemblers have four directives that allow the user to determine certain attributes of macro arguments: .narg, .nchr, .ntyp, and .nval. The use of these directives permits selective modifications of a macro expansion, depending on the nature of the arguments being passed. These directives are described below. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-12 MACRO ATTRIBUTE DIRECTIVES 2.4.1 .narg Directive Format: [label:] .narg symbol where: label represents an optional statement label. symbol represents any legal symbol. This symbol is equated to the number of arguments in the macro call currently being expanded. If a symbol is not specified, the .narg directive is flagged with a 'q' error. The .narg directive is used to determine the number of arguments in the macro call currently being expanded. Hence, the .narg directive can appear only within a macro definition; if it ap- pears elsewhere, an 'n' error is generated. The argument count includes null arguments as shown in the following: .macro pack A,B,C .narg cnt . . . .endm pack arg1,,arg3 pack arg1 When the first macro pack is invoked .narg will assign a value of three (3) to the number of arguments cnt, which includes the empty argument. The second invocation of macro pack has only a single argument specified and .narg will assign a value of one (1) to cnt. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-13 MACRO ATTRIBUTE DIRECTIVES 2.4.2 .nchr Directive Format: [label:] .nchr symbol,string where: label represents an optional statement label. symbol represents any legal symbol. This symbol is equated to the number of characters in the string of the macro call currently being expanded. If a symbol is not specified, the .nchr directive is flagged with a 'q' error. , represents any legal separator (comma, space, and/or tab). string represents a string of printable 7-bit ascii characters. If the character string contains a legal separator (comma, space and/or tab) the whole string must be delimited using the up-arrow (^) construct ^/ /. If the delimiting characters do not match or if the ending delimiter cannot be detected because of a syntactical error in the character string, the .nchr directive reports a 'q' error. The .nchr directive, which can appear anywhere in an ASxxxx pro- gram, is used to determine the number of characters in a speci- fied character string. This directive is useful in calculating the length of macro arguments. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-14 MACRO ATTRIBUTE DIRECTIVES 2.4.3 .ntyp Directive Format: [label:] .ntyp symbol,arg where: label represents an optional statement label. symbol represents any legal symbol. The symbol is made absolute and equated to 0 if arg is an absolute value or a non relocatable symbol. The symbol is made absolute and equated to 1 if arg is a relocatable symbol. If a symbol is not specified then the .ntyp directive is flagged with a 'q' error. , represents any legal separator (comma, space, and/or tab). arg represents any legal expression or symbol. If arg is not specified then the .ntyp directive is flagged with a 'q' error. The .ntyp directive, which can appear anywhere in an ASxxxx pro- gram, is used to determine the symbol or expression type as ab- solute (0) or relocatable (1). 2.4.4 .nval Directive Format: [label:] .nval symbol,arg where: label represents an optional statement label. symbol represents any legal symbol. The symbol is equated to the value of arg and made absolute. If a symbol is not specified then the .nval directive is flagged with a 'q' error. , represents any legal separator (comma, space, and/or tab). arg represents any legal expression or symbol. If arg is not specified then the .nval directive is flagged THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-15 MACRO ATTRIBUTE DIRECTIVES with a 'q' error. The .nval directive, which can appear anywhere in an ASxxxx pro- gram, is used to determine the value of arg and make the result an absolute value. 2.5 INDEFINITE REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVES An indefinite repeat block is similar to a macro definition with only one dummy argument. At each expansion of the inde- finite repeat range, this dummy argument is replaced with suc- cessive elements of a real argument list. Since the repeat directive and its associated range are coded in-line within the source program, this type of macro definition and expansion does not require calling the macro by name, as required in the expan- sion of the conventional macros previously described. An indefinite repeat block can appear within or outside another macro definition, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block. The rules specifying indefinite repeat block arguments are the same as for specifying macro arguments. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-16 INDEFINITE REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVES 2.5.1 .irp Directive Format: [label:] .irp sym,argument_list . . (range of indefinite repeat block) . . .endm where: label represents an optional statement label. sym represents a dummy argument that is replaced with successive real arguments from the argument list. If the dummy argument is not specified, the .irp directive is flagged with a 'q' error. , represents any legal separator (comma, space, and/or tab). argument_list represents a list of real arguments that are to be used in the expansion of the indefinite repeat range. A real argument may consist of one or more 7-bit ascii characters; multiple arguments must be separated by any legal separator (comma, space, and/or tab). If an argument must contain a legal separator then the up-arrow (_^) construct is require for that argument. If no real arguments are specified, no action is taken. range represents the block of code to be repeated once for each occurrence of a real argument in the list. The range may contain other macro definitions, repeat ranges and/or the .mexit directive. .endm indicates the end of the indefinite repeat block range. The .irp directive is used to replace a dummy argument with suc- cessive real arguments specified in an argument list. This replacement process occurrs during the expansion of an inde- finite repeat block range. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-17 INDEFINITE REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVES 2.5.2 .irpc Directive Format: [label:] .irpc sym,string . . (range of indefinite repeat block) . . .endm where: label represents an optional statement label. sym represents a dummy argument that is replaced with successive real characters from the argument string. If the dummy argument is not specified, the .irpc directive is flagged with a 'q' error. , represents any legal separator (comma, space, and/or tab). string represents a list of 7-bit ascii characters. If the string contains legal separator characters (comma, space, and/or tab) then the up-arrow (_^) construct must delimit the string. range represents the block of code to be repeated once for each occurrence of a real argument in the list. The range may contain other macro definitions, repeat ranges and/or the .mexit directive. .endm indicates the end of the indefinite repeat block range. The .irpc directive is available to permit single character sub- stition. On each iteration of the indefinite repeat range, the dummy argument is replaced with successive characters in the specified string. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-18 INDEFINITE REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVES 2.6 REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVE A repeat block is similar to a macro definition with only one argument. The argument specifies the number of times the repeat block is inserted into the assembly stream. Since the repeat directive and its associated range are coded in-line within the source program, this type of macro definition and expansion does not require calling the macro by name, as required in the expan- sion of the conventional macros previously described. A repeat block can appear within or outside another macro de- finition, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block. 2.6.1 .rept Format: [label:] .rept exp . . (range of repeat block) . . .endm where: label represents an optional statement label. exp represents any legal expression. This value controls the number of times the block of code is to be assembled within the program. When the expression value is less than or equal to zero (0), the repeat block is not assembled. If this value is not an absolute value, the .rept directive is flagged with an 'r' error. range represents the block of code to be repeated. The range may contain other macro definitions, repeat ranges and/or the .mexit directive. .endm indicates the end of the repeat block range. The .rept directive is used to duplicate a block of code, a cer- tain number of times, in line with other source code. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-19 REPEAT BLOCK DIRECTIVE 2.7 MACRO DELETION DIRECTIVE The .mdelete directive deletes the definitions of the the specified macro(s). 2.7.1 .mdelete Format: .mdelete name1,name2,...,namen where: name1, represent legal macro names. When multiple name2, names are specified, they are separated ..., by any legal separator (comma, space, and/or namen tab). 2.8 MACRO INVOCATION DETAILS The invocation of a macro, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block has specific implications for .if-.else-.endif constructs and for .list-.nlist directives. At the point a macro, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block is called the following occurs: 1) The initial .if-.else-.endif state is saved. 2) The initial .list-.nlist state is saved. 3) The macro, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block is inserted into the assembler source code stream. All argument substitution is performed at this point. When the macro completes and after each pass through an inde- finite repeat block or repeat block the .if-.else-.endif and .list-.nlist state is reset to the initial state. The reset of the .if-.else-.endif state means that the invo- cation of a macro, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block can- not change the .if-.else-.endif state of the calling code. For example the following code does not change the .if-.else-.endif condition at macro completion: THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-20 MACRO INVOCATION DETAILS .macro fnc A .if nb,^!A! ... .list (meb) .mexit .else ... .nlist .mexit .endif .endm code: fnc Within the macro the .if condition becomes false but the con- dition is not propagated outside the macro. Similarly, when the .list-.nlist state is changed within a macro the change is not propogated outside the macro. The normal .if-.else-.endif processing verifies that every .if has a corresponding .endif. When a macro, indefinite repeat block, or repeat block terminates by using the .mexit directive the .if-.endif checking is bypassed because all source lines between the .mexit and .endm directives are skipped. 2.9 BUILDING A MACRO LIBRARY Using the macro facilities of the ASxxxx assemblers a simple macro library can be built. The macro library is built by com- bining individual macros, sets of macros, or include file direc- tives into a single file. Each macro entity is enclosed within a .if/.endif block that selects the desired macro definitions. The selection of specific macros to be imported in a program is performed by three macros, .mlib, .mcall, and .mload, con- tained in the file mlib.def. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-21 BUILDING A MACRO LIBRARY 2.9.1 .mlib Macro Directive Format: .mlib file where: file represents the macro library file name. If the file name does not include a path then the path of the current assembly file is used. If the file name (and/or path) contains white space then the path/name must be delimited with the up-arrow (^) construct ^/ /. The .mlib directive defines two macros, .mcall and .mload, which when invoked will read a file, importing specific macro defini- tions. Any previous .mcall and/or .mload directives will be deleted before the new .mcall and .mload directives are defined. The .mload directive is an internal directive which simply includes the macro library file with the listing disabled. The following is the mlib.def file which defines the macros .mlib, .mcall, and .mload. THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-22 BUILDING A MACRO LIBRARY ;************************************************ ;* * ;* A simple Macro Library Implementation * ;* * ;* December 2008 * ;* * ;************************************************ .macro .mlib FileName .if b,^!FileName! .error 1 ; File Name Required .mexit .endif .mdelete .mcall .macro .mcall a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h .irp sym ^!a!,^!b!,^!c!,^!d!,^!e!,^!f!,^!g!,^!h! .iif nb,^!sym! .define .$$.'sym .endm .mload .irp sym ^!a!,^!b!,^!c!,^!d!,^!e!,^!f!,^!g!,^!h! .if nb,^!sym! .iif ndef,sym'.$$. .error 1 ; macro not found .undefine .$$.'sym .undefine sym'.$$. .endif .endm .endm ;.mcall .mdelete .mload .macro .mload .nlist .include ^!FileName! .list .endm ;.mload .endm ;.mlib 2.9.2 .mcall Macro Directive Format: .mcall macro1,macro2,...,macro8 where: macro1, represents from 1 to 8 macro library macro2, references to a macro definition or ..., set of macro definitions included in macro8 the file specified with the .mlib macro. As can be seen from the macro definition of .mlib and .mcall shown above, when .mcall is invoked temporary symbols are THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-23 BUILDING A MACRO LIBRARY defined for each macro or macro set that is to be imported. The macro .mload is then invoked to load the macro library file specified in the call to .mlib. For example, when the following macros are invoked: .mlib crossasm.sml ; Cross Assembler Macros .mcall M6809 ; M6809 Macro Group The .mlib macro defines the .mload macro to access the system macro file crossasm.sml. Invoking the .mcall macro creates a temporary symbol, '.$$.M6809', and then invokes the macro .mload to import the system macro file crossasm.sml. The file cros- sasm.sml contains conditional statements that define the re- quired macros and creates a temporary symbol 'M6809.$$.' to indicate the macro group was found. If the macro is not found an error message is generated. The following is a small portion of the crossasm.sml system macro file which shows the M6809 macro group: .title Cross Assembler Macro Library ; This MACRO Library is Case Insensitive. ; ... ; Macro Based 6809 Cross Assembler .$.SML.$. =: 0 .if idn a,A .iif def,.$$.m6809 .$.SML.$. = -1 .else .iif def,.$$.m6809 .$.SML.$. = -1 .iif def,.$$.M6809 .$.SML.$. = 1 .endif .iif lt,.$.SML.$. .define m6809.$$. .iif gt,.$.SML.$. .define M6809.$$. .iif ne,.$.SML.$. .include "m6809.mac" ... THE MACRO PROCESSOR PAGE 2-24 EXAMPLE MACRO CROSS ASSEMBLERS 2.10 EXAMPLE MACRO CROSS ASSEMBLERS The 'ascheck' subdirectory 'macroasm' contains 7 assemblers written using only the general macro processing facility of the ASxxxx assemblers: i8085.mac - 8085 Microprocessor m6800.mac - 6800 Microprocessor m6801.mac - 6801 Microprocessor m6804.mac - 6804 Microprocessor m6805.mac - 6805 Microprocessor m6809.mac - 6809 Microprocessor s2650.mac - 2650 Microprocessor These absolute macro cross assemblers are included to il- lustrate the functionality of the general macro processing facility of the ASxxxx assemblers. In general they are useful examples of actual macro implementations. CHAPTER 3 THE LINKER 3.1 ASLINK RELOCATING LINKER ASLINK is the companion linker for the ASxxxx assemblers. The program ASLINK is a general relocating linker performing the following functions: 1. Bind multiple object modules into a single memory image 2. Resolve inter-module symbol references 3. Combine code belonging to the same area from multiple object files into a single contiguous memory region 4. Search and import object module libraries for undefined global variables 5. Perform byte and word program counter relative (pc or pcr) addressing calculations 6. Define absolute symbol values at link time 7. Define absolute area base address values at link time 8. Produce Intel Hex or Motorola S19 output file 9. Produce a map of the linked memory image 10. Produce an updated listing file with the relocated ad- dresses and data THE LINKER PAGE 3-2 INVOKING ASLINK 3.2 INVOKING ASLINK Starting ASlink without any arguments provides the following option list and then exits: Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] file Usage: [-Options] [-Option with arg] outfile file [file ...] -p Echo commands to stdout (default) -n No echo of commands to stdout Alternates to Command Line Input: -c ASlink >> prompt input -f file[.lnk] Command File input Librarys: -k Library path specification, one per -k -l Library file specification, one per -l Relocation: -b area base address=expression -g global symbol=expression Map format: -m Map output generated as (out)file[.map] -w Wide listing format for map file -x Hexadecimal (default) -d Decimal -q Octal Output: -i Intel Hex as (out)file[.i--] -s Motorola S Record as (out)file[.s--] -j NoICE Debug output as (out)file[.noi] -y SDCDB Debug output as (out)file[.cdb] -o Linked file/library object output enable (default) -v Linked file/library object output disable List: -u Update listing file(s) with link data as file(s)[.rst] Case Sensitivity: -z Disable Case Sensitivity for Symbols End: -e or null line terminates input NOTE When ASlink is invoked with a single filename the created output file will have the same filename as the .rel file. When ASlink is invoked with multiple filenames the first filename is the output filename and the remain- ing filenames are linked together into the output THE LINKER PAGE 3-3 INVOKING ASLINK filename. Most sytems require the options to be entered on the command line: aslink [-Options] [-Options with args] file aslink [-Options] [-Options with args] outfile file1 [file2 ...] Some systems may request the arguments after the linker is started at a system specific prompt: aslink argv: -[options] -[option arg] file aslink argv: [-Options] [-Options with args] outfile file1 [file2 ...] The linker commands are explained in some more detail: 1. -c ASlink >> prompt mode. The ASlink >> prompt mode reads linker commands from stdin. 2. -f file Command file mode. The command file mode imports linker commands from the specified file (extension must be .lnk), imported -c and -f commands are ignored. If the directory path, for a file to be linked, is not specified in the com- mand file then the path defaults to the .lnk file directory path. 3. -p/-n enable/disable echoing commands to stdout. 4. -i/-s Intel Hex (file.i--), or Motorola S (file.s--) image output file. 5. -o/-v Specifies that subsequent linked files/libraries will generate object output (default) or suppress object output. (if option -i, -s, or -t was specified) 6. -z Disable Case Sensitivity for Symbols THE LINKER PAGE 3-4 INVOKING ASLINK 7. -m Generate a map file ( This file contains a list of the symbols (by area) with absolute addresses, sizes of linked areas, and other linking in- formation. 8. -w Specifies that a wide listing format be used for the map file. 9. -xdq Specifies the number radix for the map file (Hexadecimal, Decimal, or Octal). 10. -u Generate an updated listing file (file.rst) derived from the relocated addresses and data from the linker. 11. file File(s) to be linked. Files may be on the same line as the above options or on a separate line(s) one file per line or multiple files separated by spaces or tabs. 12. -b area=expression (one definition per line in a linker command file.) This specifies an area base address where the expres- sion may contain constants and/or defined symbols from the linked files. 13. -g symbol=expression (one definition per line in a linker command file.) This specifies the value for the symbol where the ex- pression may contain constants and/or defined symbols from the linked files. 14. -k library directory path (one definition per line in a linker command file.) This specifies one possible path to an object library. More than one path is allowed. 15. -l library file specification (one definition per line in a linker command file.) This specifies a possible library file. More than one file is allowed. 16. -e or null line, terminates input to the linker. ASLINK linker supported by and distributed with SDCC are: sdld sdld specific options: Miscellaneous: -I [iram-size] Check for internal RAM overflow -X [xram-size] Check for external RAM overflow -C [code-size] Check for code overflow -M Generate memory usage summary file[mem] -Y Pack internal ram -S [stack-size] Allocate space for stack -E ELF executable as file[elf] THE LINKER PAGE 3-5 LIBRARY PATH(S) AND FILE(S) 3.3 LIBRARY PATH(S) AND FILE(S) The process of resolving undefined symbols after scanning the input object files includes the scanning of object module libraries. The linker will search through all combinations of the library path specifications (input by the -k option) and the library file specifications (input by the -l option) that lead to an existing library file. Each library file contains a list (one file per line) of modules included in this particular library. Each existing object module is scanned for a match to the undefined symbol. The first module containing the symbol is then linked with the previous modules to resolve the symbol de- finition. The library object modules are rescanned until no more symbols can be resolved. The scanning algorithm allows resolution of back references. No errors are reported for non existant library files or object modules. The library file specification may be formed in one of two ways: 1. If the library file contained an absolute path/file specification then this is the object module's path/file. (i.e. C:\... or C:/...) 2. If the library file contains a relative path/file specification then the concatenation of the path and this file specification becomes the object module's path/file. (i.e. \... or /...) As an example, assume there exists a library file termio.lib in the syslib directory specifying the following object modules: \6809\io_disk first object module d:\special\io_comm second object module and the following parameters were specified to the linker: -k c:\iosystem\ the first path -k c:\syslib\ the second path -l termio the first library file -l io the second library file (no such file) The linker will attempt to use the following object modules to resolve any undefined symbols: c:\syslib\6809\io_disk.rel (concatenated path/file) d:\special\io_comm.rel (absolute path/file) THE LINKER PAGE 3-6 LIBRARY PATH(S) AND FILE(S) all other path(s)/file(s) don't exist. (No errors are reported for non existant path(s)/file(s).) 3.4 ASLINK PROCESSING The linker processes the files in the order they are presented. The first pass through the input files is used to define all program areas, the section area sizes, and symbols defined or referenced. Undefined symbols will initiate a search of any specified library file(s) and the importing of the module containing the symbol definition. After the first pass the -b (area base address) definitions, if any, are processed and the areas linked. The area linking proceeds by first examining the area types ABS, CON, REL, OVR and PAG. Absolute areas (ABS) from separate object modules are always overlayed and have been assembled at a specific address, these are not normally relocated (if a -b com- mand is used on an absolute area the area will be relocated). Relative areas (normally defined as REL|CON) have a base address of 0x0000 as read from the object files, the -b command speci- fies the beginning address of the area. All subsequent relative areas will be concatenated with proceeding relative areas. Where specific ordering is desired, the first linker input file should have the area definitions in the desired order. At the completion of the area linking all area addresses and lengths have been determined. The areas of type PAG are verified to be on a 256 byte boundary and that the length does not exceed 256 bytes. Any errors are noted on stderr and in the map file. Next the global symbol definitions (-g option), if any, are processed. The symbol definitions have been delayed until this point because the absolute addresses of all internal symbols are known and can be used in the expression calculations. Before continuing with the linking process the symbol table is scanned to determine if any symbols have been referenced but not defined. Undefined symbols are listed on the stderr device. if a .module directive was included in the assembled file the module making the reference to this undefined variable will be printed. Constants defined as global in more than one module will be flagged as multiple definitions if their values are not identi- cal. After the preceeding processes are complete the linker may output a map file (-m option). This file provides the following information: THE LINKER PAGE 3-7 ASLINK PROCESSING 1. Global symbol values and label absolute addresses 2. Defined areas and there lengths 3. Remaining undefined symbols 4. List of modules linked 5. List of library modules linked 6. List of -b and -g definitions The final step of the linking process is performed during the second pass of the input files. As the xxx.rel files are read the code is relocated by substituting the physical addresses for the referenced symbols and areas and may be output in Intel or Motorola formats. The number of files linked and symbols defined/referenced is limited by the proces- sor space available to build the area/symbol lists. If the -u option is specified then the listing files (file.lst) associated with the relocation files (file.rel) are scanned and used to create a new file (file.rst) which has all addresses and data relocated to their final values. The -o/-v options allow the simple creation of loadable or overlay modules. Loadable and overlay modules normally need to be linked with a main module(s) to resolve external symbols. The -o/-v options can be used to enable object output for the loadable or overlay module(s) and suppress the object code from the linked main module(s). The -o/-v options can be applied repeatedly to specify a single linked file, groups of files, or libraries for object code inclusion or suppression. THE LINKER Page 3-15 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING 3.6 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING The linkers' input object file is an ascii file containing the information needed by the linker to bind multiple object modules into a complete loadable memory image. The object module contains the following designators: [XDQ][HL][234] X Hexadecimal radix D Decimal radix Q Octal radix H Most significant byte first L Least significant byte first 2 16-Bit Addressing 3 24-Bit Addressing 4 32-Bit Addressing H Header M Module A Area S Symbol T Object code R Relocation information P Paging information 3.6.1 Object Module Format The first line of an object module contains the [XDQ][HL][234] format specifier (i.e. XH2 indicates a hexa- decimal file with most significant byte first and 16-bit ad- dressing) for the following designators. 3.6.2 Header Line H aa areas gg global symbols The header line specifies the number of areas(aa) and the number of global symbols(gg) defined or referenced in this ob- ject module segment. THE LINKER PAGE 3-16 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING 3.6.3 Module Line M name The module line specifies the module name from which this header segment was assembled. The module line will not appear if the .module directive was not used in the source program. 3.6.4 Area Line A label size ss flags ff The area line defines the area label, the size (ss) of the area in bytes, and the area flags (ff). The area flags specify the ABS, REL, CON, OVR, and PAG parameters: OVR/CON (0x04/0x00 i.e. bit position 2) ABS/REL (0x08/0x00 i.e. bit position 3) PAG (0x10 i.e. bit position 4) 3.6.5 Symbol Line S name Defnnnn or S name Refnnnn The symbol line defines (Def) or references (Ref) the identi- fier name with the value nnnn. The defined value is relative to the current area base address. References to constants and ex- ternal global symbols will always appear before the first area definition. References to external symbols will have a value of zero. 3.6.6 T Line T xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ... The T line contains the assembled code output by the assem- bler with xx xx being the offset address from the current area base address and nn being the assembled instructions and data in byte format. THE LINKER PAGE 3-17 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING 3.6.7 R Line R 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx ... The R line provides the relocation information to the linker. The nn nn value is the current area index, i.e. which area the current values were assembled. Relocation information is en- coded in groups of 4 bytes: 1. n1 is the relocation mode and object format, for the adhoc extension modes refer to asxxxx.h or aslink.h 1. bit 0 word(0x00)/byte(0x01) 2. bit 1 relocatable area(0x00)/symbol(0x02) 3. bit 2 normal(0x00)/PC relative(0x04) relocation 4. bit 3 1-byte(0x00)/2-byte(0x08) object format 5. bit 4 signed(0x00)/unsigned(0x10) byte data 6. bit 5 normal(0x00)/page '0'(0x20) reference 7. bit 6 normal(0x00)/page 'nnn'(0x40) reference 8. bit 7 LSB byte(0x00)/MSB byte(0x80) 2. n2 is a byte index into the corresponding (i.e. pre- ceeding) T line data (i.e. a pointer to the data to be updated by the relocation). The T line data may be 1-byte or 2-byte byte data format or 2-byte word format. 3. xx xx is the area/symbol index for the area/symbol be- ing referenced. the corresponding area/symbol is found in the header area/symbol lists. The groups of 4 bytes are repeated for each item requiring relo- cation in the preceeding T line. 3.6.8 P Line P 0 0 nn nn n1 n2 xx xx The P line provides the paging information to the linker as specified by a .setdp directive. The format of the relocation information is identical to that of the R line. The correspond- ing T line has the following information: T xx xx aa aa bb bb Where aa aa is the area reference number which specifies the selected page area and bb bb is the base address of the page. bb bb will require relocation processing if the 'n1 n2 xx xx' is specified in the P line. The linker will verify that the base address is on a 256 byte boundary and that the page length of an area defined with the PAG type is not larger than 256 bytes. THE LINKER PAGE 3-18 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING The linker defaults any direct page references to the first area defined in the input REL file. All ASxxxx assemblers will specify the _CODE area first, making this the default page area. 3.6.9 24-Bit and 32-Bit Addressing When 24-bit or 32-bit addressing is specified in the file format line [XDQ][HL][234] then the S and T Lines have modified formats: S name Defnnnnnn (24-bit) S name Refnnnnnn (24-bit) T xx xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ... (24-bit) S name Defnnnnnnnn (32-bit) S name Refnnnnnnnn (32-bit) T xx xx xx xx nn nn nn nn nn ... (32-bit) The multibyte formats for byte data replace the 2-byte form for 16-bit data with 3-byte or 4-byte data for 24-bit or 32-bit data respectively. The 2nd byte format (also named MSB) always uses the second byte of the 2, 3, or 4-byte data. 3.6.10 ASlink V3.xx Error Messages The linker provides detailed error messages allowing the pro- grammer to quickly find the errant code. As the linker com- pletes pass 1 over the input file(s) it reports any page boundary or page length errors as follows: ?ASlink-Warning-Paged Area PAGE0 Boundary Error and/or ?ASlink-Warning-Paged Area PAGE0 Length Error where PAGE0 is the paged area. During Pass two the linker reads the T, R, and P lines per- forming the necessary relocations and outputting the absolute code. Various errors may be reported during this process THE LINKER PAGE 3-19 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING The P line processing can produce only one possible error: ?ASlink-Warning-Page Definition Boundary Error file module pgarea pgoffset PgDef t6809l t6809l PAGE0 0001 The error message specifies the file and module where the .setdp direct was issued and indicates the page area and the page offset value determined after relocation. The R line processing produces various errors: ?ASlink-Warning-Byte PCR relocation error for symbol bra2 ?ASlink-Warning-Unsigned Byte error for symbol two56 ?ASlink-Warning-Page0 relocation error for symbol ltwo56 ?ASlink-Warning-Page Mode relocation error for symbol two56 ?ASlink-Warning-Page Mode relocation error ?ASlink-Warning-2K Page relocation error ?ASlink-Warning-512K Page relocation error These error messages also specify the file, module, area, and offset within the area of the code referencing (Refby) and de- fining (Defin) the symbol: ?ASlink-Warning-Unsigned Byte error for symbol two56 file module area offset Refby t6800l t6800l DIRECT 0015 Defin tconst tconst . .ABS. 0100 If the symbol is defined in the same module as the reference the linker is unable to report the symbol name. The assembler list- ing file(s) should be examined at the offset from the specified area to locate the offending code. The errors are: 1. The byte PCR error is caused by exceeding the pc rela- tive byte branch range. 2. The Unsigned byte error indicates an indexing value was negative or larger than 255. 3. The Page0 error is generated if the direct page vari- able is not in the page0 range of 0 to 255. 4. The page mode error is generated if the direct variable is not within the current direct page (6809). 5. The 2K Page relocation error is generated if the destination is not within the current 2K page (8051, DS8xCxxx). THE LINKER PAGE 3-20 ASXXXX VERSION 3.XX LINKING 6. The 512K Page relocation error is generated if the destination is not within the current 512K page (DS80C390). THE LINKER Page 3-21 INTEL IHX OUTPUT FORMAT 3.7 INTEL IHX OUTPUT FORMAT (16-BIT) Record Mark Field - This field signifies the start of a record, and consists of an ascii colon (:). Record Length Field - This field consists of two ascii characters which indicate the number of data bytes in this record. The characters are the result of converting the number of bytes in binary to two ascii characters, high digit first. An End of File record contains two ascii zeros in this field. Load Address Field - This field consists of the four ascii characters which result from converting the the binary value of the address in which to begin loading this record. The order is as follows: High digit of high byte of address. Low digit of high byte of address. High digit of low byte of address. Low digit of low byte of address. In an End of File record this field con- sists of either four ascii zeros or the program entry address. Record Type Field - This field identifies the record type, which is either 0 for data records or 1 for an End of File record. It consists of two ascii characters, with the high digit of the record type first, followed by the low digit of the record type. Data Field - This field consists of the actual data, converted to two ascii characters, high digit first. There are no data bytes in the End of File record. Checksum Field - The checksum field is the 8 bit binary sum of the record length field, the load address field, the record type field, and the data field. This sum is then negated (2's complement) and converted to two ascii characters, high digit first. THE LINKER Page 3-22 INTEL I86 OUTPUT FORMAT 3.8 INTEL I86 OUTPUT FORMAT (24 OR 32-BIT) Record Mark Field - This field signifies the start of a record, and consists of an ascii colon (:). Record Length Field - This field consists of two ascii characters which indicate the number of data bytes in this record. The characters are the result of converting the number of bytes in binary to two ascii characters, high digit first. An End of File record contains two ascii zeros in this field. Load Address Field - This field consists of the four ascii characters which result from converting the the binary value of the address in which to begin loading this record. The order is as follows: High digit of high byte of address. Low digit of high byte of address. High digit of low byte of address. Low digit of low byte of address. In an End of File record this field con- sists of either four ascii zeros or the program entry address. Record Type Field - This field identifies the record type, which is either 0 for data records, 1 for an End of File record, or 4 for a segment record. It consists of two ascii characters, with the high digit of the record type first, followed by the low digit of the record type. Data Field - This field consists of the actual data, converted to two ascii characters, high digit first. There are no data bytes in the End of File record. Checksum Field - The checksum field is the 8 bit binary sum of the record length field, the load address field, the record type field, and the data field. This sum is then negated (2's complement) and converted to two ascii characters, high digit first. THE LINKER Page 3-23 MOTOROLA S1-S9 OUTPUT FORMAT 3.9 MOTORLA S1-S9 OUTPUT FORMAT (16-BIT) Record Type Field - This field signifies the start of a record and identifies the the record type as follows: Ascii S1 - Data Record Ascii S9 - End of File Record Record Length Field - This field specifies the record length which includes the address, data, and checksum fields. The 8 bit record length value is converted to two ascii characters, high digit first. Load Address Field - This field consists of the four ascii characters which result from converting the the binary value of the address in which to begin loading this record. The order is as follows: High digit of high byte of address. Low digit of high byte of address. High digit of low byte of address. Low digit of low byte of address. In an End of File record this field con- sists of either four ascii zeros or the program entry address. Data Field - This field consists of the actual data, converted to two ascii characters, high digit first. There are no data bytes in the End of File record. Checksum Field - The checksum field is the 8 bit binary sum of the record length field, the load address field, and the data field. This sum is then complemented (1's comple- ment) and converted to two ascii characters, high digit first. CHAPTER 4 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK The assemblers and linker have been successfully compiled for Linux, DOS, and various flavors of Windows using the Linux GCC, the Cygwin environment, the DJGPP environment, and the graphical user interfaces and command line environments of MS Visual C++ V6.0, MS Visual Studio 2005, MS Visual Studio 2010, Open Watcom V1.7, Symantec C/C++ V7.2, and Turbo C 3.0. Makefiles for Linux, Cygwin, DJGPP, project files and a makefile for Turbo C and psuedo makefiles and project files for VC6, VS2005, VS2010, Open Watcom and Symantec are available to build all the assemblers and the linker. Unpack the file into an appropriate directory using the utility appropriate to your environment. For DOS or Windows the following command line will unpack the distribution zip file: pkunzip -d The distribution file has been packed with DOS style end of lines (CR/LF), and UPPER CASE file names. The Linux make file assumes all lower case directories and file names. For Linux the unpacking utility you choose should have an option to force all lower case directories / file names and convert the ascii files to local format. On most systems the following command should do the trick: unzip -L -a Some systems may require a -LL option to force all lower case. The distribution will be unpacked into the base directory 'asxv5pxx' which will contain source directories for each sup- ported processor (as6800, asz80, ...), the machine independent source (asxxsrc), the linker source (linksrc), and the BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK Page 4-2 miscellaneous sources (asxxmisc). Other directories include the documentation (asxdoc), test file directory (asxtst), html do- cumentation (asxhtml), NoICE support files (noice), various debug monitors that can be assembled with the ASxxxx assemblers (asmasm), project files for an application that uses the AS6809 assembler and ASlink linker (project), and the packaging direc- tory (zipper). 4.1 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH LINUX The Linux build directory is /asxv5pxx/asxmak/linux/build. The makefile in this directory is compatible with the Linux GNU make and GCC. The command make clean will remove all the current executable files in directory /asxv5pxx/asxmak/linux/exe and all the compiled object modules from the /asxv5pxx/asxmak/linux/build directory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink 4.2 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK UNDER CYGWIN The Cygwin build directory is \asxv5pxx\asxmak\cygwin\build. The makefile in this directory is compatible with the Cygwin GNU make and GCC. The command make clean will remove all the current executable files in directory \asxv5pxx\asxmak\cygwin\exe and all the compiled object modules from the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\cygwin\build directory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-3 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK UNDER CYGWIN assembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink 4.3 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH DJGPP The DJGPP build directory is \asxv5pxx\asxmak\djgpp\build. The makefile in this directory is compatible with the DJGPP GNU make and GCC. The command make clean will remove all the current executable files in directory \asxv5pxx\asxmak\djgpp\exe and all the compiled object modules from the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\djgpp\build directory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink 4.4 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH BORLAND'S TURBO C++ 3.0 The Borland product is available in the Borland Turbo C++ Suite which contains C++ Builder 1.0, Turbo C++ 4.5 for Windows and Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS. The DOS IDE will install and run on x86 (16 or 32 bit) versions of Windows (not x64 versions). 4.4.1 Graphical User Interface Each ASxxxx Assembler has two project specific files (*.dsk and *.prj) located in the subdirectory \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\build. You must enter the .prj filename into the Turbo C++ IDE: enter Options->Directories and change the include and output directories to match your confi- guration. After these changes have been made you will be able to compile the selected project. These changes must be manually entered for each project. BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-4 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH BORLAND'S TURBO C++ 3.0 4.4.2 Command Line Interface Before the command line interface can be used you must per- form the steps outlined in the 'Graphical User Interface' in- structions above for each project you wish to build. Open a command prompt window in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\build directory. Assuming the Turbo C compiler has been installed in the default location (C:\TC) the file _setpath.bat will set the PATH variable. If this is not the case then the line PATH=C:\TC;C:\TC\BIN;C:\TC\INCLUDE must be changed to match your environment. The compiled object code modules will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\build\ directory and the executable files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\turboc30\exe direc- tory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink The Turbo C make utility uses the information in the correspond- ing .prj and .dsk files to compile and link the programs. The file _makeall.bat found in the directory can also be used to invoke the Turbo C command line compiler. The _makeall.bat file calls the _setpath.bat file to set the path to the compiler directories in the environment variable PATH and then invokes 'make all'. BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-5 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL C++ 6.0 4.5 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL C++ 6.0 4.5.1 Graphical User Interface Each ASxxxx Assembler has a VC6 project file (*.dsw) located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\build. Simply enter this project filename into the VC6 IDE and build/rebuild the as- sembler. 4.5.2 Command Line Interface Open a command prompt window in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\build directory. The file make.bat found in the directory can be used to invoke the VC6 command line com- piler. The make.bat file assumes that the Visual C++ compiler has been installed in the default location. If this is not the case then the line SET MS$DEV="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\ Common\MSDev98\Bin\msdev.exe" must be changed to match your environment. The compiled object code modules will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\build\as----\release directory and the exe- cutable files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vc6\exe directory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink The VC6 command line compiler uses the information in the cor- responding .dsw/.dsp files to compile and link the programs. The command 'make clean' is not required or valid as a make of anything does a complete rebuild of the program. BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-6 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL STUDIO 2005 4.6 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL STUDIO 2005 4.6.1 Graphical User Interface Each ASxxxx Assembler has a VS2005 project file (*.vcproj) located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\build. Sim- ply enter this project filename into the VS2005 IDE and build/rebuild the assembler. 4.6.2 Command Line Interface Open a command prompt window in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\build directory. The file make.bat found in the directory can be used to invoke the VS2005 command line compiler. The make.bat file assumes that the Visual C++ com- piler has been installed in the default location. If this is not the case then the line SET VC$BUILD="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\ Common\MSDev98\Bin\msdev.exe" must be changed to match your environment. The compiled object code modules will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\build\as----\release directory and the ex- ecutable files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs05\exe directory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink The VS2005 command line compiler uses the information in the corresponding .vcproj file to compile and link the programs. The command 'make clean' is not required or valid as a make of anything does a complete rebuild of the program. BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-7 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL STUDIO 2010 4.7 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH MS VISUAL STUDIO 2010 4.7.1 Graphical User Interface Each ASxxxx Assembler has a VS2010 project file (*.vcxproj) located in a subdirectory of \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\build. Sim- ply enter this project filename into the VS2010 IDE and build/rebuild the assembler. 4.7.2 Command Line Interface Open a command prompt window in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\build directory. The file make.bat found in the directory can be used to invoke the VS2010 command line compiler. The make.bat file assumes that the Visual C++ com- piler has been installed in the default location. If this is not the case then the line call "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\ VC\bin\vcvars32.bat" must be changed to match your environment. The compiled object code modules will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\build\as----\release directory and the ex- ecutable files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\vs10\exe directory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink The VS2010 command line compiler uses the information in the corresponding .vcxproj file to compile and link the programs. The command 'make clean' is not required or valid as a make of anything does a complete rebuild of the program. BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-8 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH OPEN WATCOM V1.9 4.8 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH OPEN WATCOM V1.9 4.8.1 Graphical User Interface Each ASxxxx Assembler has a set of project files (.prj, .tgt, .mk, .mk1, and .lk1) located in the subdirectory \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\build. You will have to edit the pro- ject files to match your local file locations. 4.8.2 Command Line Interface Open a command prompt window in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\build directory. Assuming the Watcom compiler has been installed in the default location (C:\WATCOM) the file _setpath.bat will set the PATH variable. If this is not the case then the line PATH=C:\WATCOM\BINNT;C:\WATCOM\BINW must be changed to match your environment. The compiled object code modules will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\build\ directory and the executable files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\watcom\exe direc- tory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink The Watcom command line compiler wmake.exe uses the information in the corresponding project files to compile and link the pro- grams. The file _makeall.bat found in the directory can also be used to invoke the Watcom command line compiler. The _makeall.bat file calls the _setpath.bat file to set the path to the compiler BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-9 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH OPEN WATCOM V1.9 directories in the environment variable PATH and then invokes 'make all'. The command 'make clean' is not required or valid as a make of anything does a complete rebuild of the program. 4.9 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH SYMANTEC C/C++ V7.2 The Symantec product is no longer available but is included for historical reasons (the final version, 7.5, was introduced in 1996). The product had an excellent graphical user inter- face, built in editor, project manager, and supported DOS, Ex- tended DOS (the executable contained a built in DOS extender which was rendered unusable in Windows 2000, after service pack 2, or in Windows XP), Win95, and Windows NT. 4.9.1 Graphical User Interface Each ASxxxx Assembler has a series of project specific files (*.bro, *.def, *.dpd, *.lnk, *.mak, *.opn, and *.prj) located in in the subdirectory \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\build. You must enter the .prj filename into the Symantec IDE and then select Project->Settings->Directories and change the include, target, and compiler output directories to match your configuration. After these changes have been made you will be able to compile the selected project. These changes must be manually entered for each project. 4.9.2 Command Line Interface Before the command line interface can be used you must per- form the steps outlined in the 'Graphical User Interface' in- structions above for each project you wish to build. Open a command prompt window in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\build directory. The file make.bat found in the directory can be used to invoke the Symantec com- mand line compiler. The make.bat file assumes that the path to the compiler directories has been set in the environment vari- able PATH. Assuming the Symantec compiler has been installed in the default location (C:\SC) the file _setpath.bat will set the PATH variable. If this is not the case then the line PATH=C:\SC;C:\SC\BIN;C:\SC\INCLUDE;C:\SC\LIB must be changed to match your environment. The compiled object BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK PAGE 4-10 BUILDING ASXXXX AND ASLINK WITH SYMANTEC C/C++ V7.2 code modules will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\build directory and the executable files will be placed in the \asxv5pxx\asxmak\symantec\exe direc- tory. The command make all will compile and link all the ASxxxx assemblers, the ASlink pro- gram, and the utility programs asxscn and asxcnv. The make file can make a single program by invoking make with the specific as- sembler, linker, or utility you wish to build: make aslink The Symantec make utility , smake.exe, uses the information in the corresponding .mak files to compile and link the programs. The file _makeall.bat found in the directory can also be used to invoke the Symantec command line compiler. The _makeall.bat file calls the _setpath.bat file to set the path to the compiler directories in the environment variable PATH and then invokes 'make all'. 4.10 THE _CLEAN.BAT AND _PREP.BAT FILES Each of the build directories have two maintenance files: _prep.bat and _clean.bat. The command file _prep.bat prepares the particular compiler directories for distribution by removing all exteraneous files but keeping the final compiled execut- ables. The _clean.bat command file performs the same function as _prep.bat and removes the compiled executables. APPENDIX AK AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER AK.1 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES The MC68HC(S)08 processor is a superset of the MC6805 proces- sors. The AS6808 assembler supports the HC08, HCS08, 6805, and HC05 cores. AK.1.1 .hc08 Directive Format: .hc08 The .hc08 directive enables processing of only the HC08 specific mnemonics. 6805/HC05/HCS08 mnemonics encountered without the .hc08 directive will be flagged with an 'o' error. The .hc08 directive also selects the HC08 specific cycles count to be output. AK.1.2 .hcs08 Directive Format: .hcs08 The .hcs08 directive enables processing of the HCS08 specific mnemonics. The .hcs08 directive also selects the HCS08 specific cycles count to be output. AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER PAGE AK-2 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES AK.1.3 .6805 Directive Format: .6805 The .6805 directive enables processing of only the 6805/HC05 specific mnemonics. HC08/HCS08 mnemonics encountered without the .hc08/.hcs08 directives will be flagged with an 'o' error. The .6805 directive also selects the MC6805 specific cycles count to be output. AK.1.4 .hc05 Directive Format: .hc05 The .hc05 directive enables processing of only the 6805/HC05 specific mnemonics. HC08/HCS08 mnemonics encountered without the .hc08/.hcs08 directives will be flagged with an 'o' error. The .hc05 directive also selects the MC68HC05/146805 specific cycles count to be output. AK.1.5 The .__.CPU. Variable The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to the selected processor type. The default value is 0 which cor- responds to the default processor type. The following table lists the processor types and associated values for the AS6808 assembler: Processor Type .__.CPU. Value -------------- -------------- .hc08 0 .hcs08 1 .6805 2 .hc05 3 The variable '.__.CPU.' is by default defined as local and will not be output to the created .rel file. The assembler com- mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be output to the created .rel file. The assembler .globl directive may be used to change the variable type to global causing its definition to be output to AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER PAGE AK-3 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES the .rel file. The inclusion of the definition of the variable '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that seperately assembled files have been compiled for the same processor type. The linker will report an error for variables with multiple non equal definitions. AK.2 68HC(S)08 REGISTER SET The following is a list of the 68HC(S)08 registers used by AS6808: a - 8-bit accumulator x - index register s - stack pointer AK.3 68HC(S)08 INSTRUCTION SET The following tables list all 68HC(S)08 mnemonics recognized by the AS6808 assembler. The designation [] refers to a re- quired addressing mode argument. The following list specifies the format for each addressing mode supported by AS6808: #data immediate data byte or word data *dir direct page addressing (see .setdp directive) 0 <= dir <= 255 ,x register indexed addressing zero offset offset,x register indexed addressing 0 <= offset <= 255 --- byte mode 256 <= offset <= 65535 --- word mode (an externally defined offset uses the word mode) ,x+ register indexed addressing zero offset with post increment offset,x+ register indexed addressing unsigned byte offset with post increment offset,s stack pointer indexed addressing 0 <= offset <= 255 --- byte mode 256 <= offset <= 65535 --- word mode (an externally defined offset uses the word mode) AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER PAGE AK-4 68HC(S)08 INSTRUCTION SET ext extended addressing label branch label The terms data, dir, offset, and ext may all be expressions. Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every in- struction, refer to the 68HC(S)08 technical data for valid modes. AK.3.1 Control Instructions clc cli daa div mul nop nsa psha pshh pshx pula pulh pulx rsp rti rts sec sei stop swi tap tax tpa tsx txa txs wait AK.3.2 Bit Manipulation Instructions brset #data,*dir,label brclr #data,*dir,label bset #data,*dir bclr #data,*dir AK.3.3 Branch Instructions bra label brn label bhi label bls label bcc label bcs label bne label beq label bhcc label bhcs label bpl label bmi label bmc label bms label bil label bih label bsr label bge label blt label bgt label ble label AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER PAGE AK-5 68HC(S)08 INSTRUCTION SET AK.3.4 Complex Branch Instructions cbeqa [],label cbeqx [],label cbeq [],label dbnza label dbnzx label dbnz [],label AK.3.5 Read-Modify-Write Instructions nega negx neg [] coma comx com [] lsra lsrx lsr [] rora rorx ror [] asra asrx asr [] asla aslx asl [] lsla lslx lsl [] rola rolx rol [] deca decx dec [] inca incx inc [] tsta tstx tst [] clra clrx clr [] clrh aix #data ais #data AS68(HC[S])08 ASSEMBLER PAGE AK-6 68HC(S)08 INSTRUCTION SET AK.3.6 Register\Memory Instructions sub [] cmp [] sbc [] cpx [] and [] bit [] lda [] sta [] eor [] adc [] ora [] add [] ldx [] stx [] AK.3.7 Double Operand Move Instruction mov [],[] AK.3.8 16-Bit Index Register Instructions cphx [] ldhx [] sthx [] AK.3.9 Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions jmp [] jsr [] APPENDIX AR AS8051 ASSEMBLER AR.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to John Hartman for his contribution of the AS8051 cross assembler. John L. Hartman jhartman at compuserve dot com noice at noicedebugger dot com AR.2 8051 REGISTER SET The following is a list of the 8051 registers used by AS8051: a,b - 8-bit accumulators r0,r1,r2,r3 - 8-bit registers r4,r5,r6,r7 dptr - data pointer sp - stack pointer pc - program counter psw - status word c - carry (bit in status word) AS8051 ASSEMBLER PAGE AR-2 8051 REGISTER SET AR.3 8051 INSTRUCTION SET The following tables list all 8051 mnemonics recognized by the AS8051 assembler. The following list specifies the format for each addressing mode supported by AS8051: #data immediate data byte or word data r,r1,r2 register r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6, or r7 @r indirect on register r0 or r1 @dptr indirect on data pointer @a+dptr indirect on accumulator plus data pointer @a+pc indirect on accumulator plus program counter addr direct memory address bitaddr bit address label call or jump label The terms data, addr, bitaddr, and label may all be expressions. Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every in- struction. Refer to the 8051 technical data for valid modes. AR.3.1 Inherent Instructions nop AS8051 ASSEMBLER PAGE AR-3 8051 INSTRUCTION SET AR.3.2 Move Instructions mov a,#data mov a,addr mov a,r mov a,@r mov r,#data mov r,addr mov r,a mov addr,a mov addr,#data mov addr,r mov addr,@r mov addr1,addr2 mov bitaddr,c mov @r,#data mov @r,addr mov @r,a mov c,bitaddr mov dptr,#data movc a,@a+dptr movc a,@a+pc movx a,@dptr movx a,@r movx @dptr,a movx @r,a AR.3.3 Single Operand Instructions clr a clr c clr bitaddr cpl a cpl c cpl bitaddr setb c setb bitaddr da a rr a rrc a rl a rlc a swap a dec a dec r dec @r inc a inc r inc dptr inc @r div ab mul ab pop addr push addr AS8051 ASSEMBLER PAGE AR-4 8051 INSTRUCTION SET AR.3.4 Two Operand Instructions add a,#data add a,addr add a,r add a,@r addc a,#data addc a,addr addc a,r addc a,@r subb a,#data subb a,addr subb a,r subb a,@r orl a,#data orl a,addr orl a,r orl a,@r orl addr,a orl addr,#data orl c,bitaddr orl c,/bitaddr anl a,#data anl a,addr anl a,r anl a,@r anl addr,a anl addr,#data anl c,bitaddr anl c,/bitaddr xrl a,#data xrl a,addr xrl a,r xrl a,@r xrl addr,a xrl addr,#data xrl c,bitaddr xrl c,/bitaddr xch a,addr xch a,r xch a,@r xchd a,@r AR.3.5 Call and Return Instructions acall label lcall label ret reti in data out data rst data AR.3.6 Jump Instructions ajmp label cjne a,#data,label cjne a,addr,label cjne r,#data,label cjne @r,#data,label djnz r,label djnz addr,label jbc bitadr,label jb bitadr,label jnb bitadr,label jc label jnc label jz label jnz label jmp @a+dptr ljmp label sjmp label AS8051 ASSEMBLER PAGE AR-5 8051 INSTRUCTION SET AR.3.7 Predefined Symbols: SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- FC FF F8 FB F4 F7 F0 B F3 EC EF E8 EB E4 E7 E0 ACC E3 DC DF D8 DB D4 D7 D0 PSW D3 CC [ TL2 TH2 ] CF C8 [ T2CON RCAP2L RCAP2H ] CB C4 C7 C0 C3 BC BF B8 IP BB B4 B7 B0 P3 B3 AC AF A8 IE AB A4 A7 A0 P2 A3 9C 9F 98 SCON SBUF 9B 94 97 90 P1 93 8C TH0 TH1 8F 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 84 PCON 87 80 P0 SP DPL DPH 83 [...] Indicates Resident in 8052, not 8051 A is an allowed alternate for ACC. AS8051 ASSEMBLER PAGE AR-6 8051 INSTRUCTION SET AR.3.8 Predefined Symbols: SFR Bit Addresses ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- FC FF F8 FB F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 EC EF E8 EB E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 DC DF D8 DB D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 CC [ T2CON.4 T2CON.5 T2CON.6 T2CON.7 ] CF C8 [ T2CON.0 T2CON.1 T2CON.2 T2CON.3 ] CB C4 C7 C0 C3 BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 84 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 87 80 P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 83 [...] Indicates Resident in 8052, not 8051 A is an allowed alternate for ACC. AS8051 ASSEMBLER PAGE AR-7 8051 INSTRUCTION SET AR.3.9 Predefined Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- FC FF F8 FB F4 F7 F0 F3 EC EF E8 EB E4 E7 E0 E3 DC DF D8 DB D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 D0 P OV RS0 D3 CC [ TLCK RCLK EXF2 TF2 ] CF C8 [ CPRL2 CT2 TR2 EXEN2 ] CB C4 C7 C0 C3 BC PS PT2 BF B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB B4 B7 B0 RXD TXD INT0 INT1 B3 AC ES ET2 EA AF A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB A4 A7 A0 A3 9C REN SM2 SM1 SM0 9F 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 94 97 90 93 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 84 87 80 83 [...] Indicates Resident in 8052, not 8051 APPENDIX AT AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER AT.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Bill McKinnon for his contributions to the AS8XCXXX cross assembler. Bill McKinnon w_mckinnon at conknet dot com This assembler was derived from the AS8051 cross assembler contributed by John Hartman. John L. Hartman jhartman at compuserve dot com noice at noicedebugger dot com AT.2 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES AT.2.1 Processor Selection Directives The AS8XCXXX assembler contains directives to specify the processor core SFR (Special Function Registers) and enable the SFR Bit Register values during the assembly process. The fol- lowing directives are supported: .DS8XCXXX ;80C32 core .DS80C310 ;Dallas Semiconductor .DS80C320 ;Microprocessors .DS80C323 .DS80C390 .DS83C520 .DS83C530 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-2 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES .DS83C550 .DS87C520 .DS87C530 .DS87C550 The invocation of one of the processor directives creates a pro- cessor specific symbol and an SFR-Bits symbol. For example the directive .DS80C390 creates the global symbols '__DS80C390' and '__SFR_BITS' each with a value of 1. If the microprocessor core selection direc- tive is followed by an optional argument then the symbol '__SFR_BITS' is given the value of the argument. The file DS8XCXXX.SFR contains the SFR and SFR register bit values for all the microprocessor selector directives. This file may be modified to create a new SFR for other microprocessor types. If a microprocessor selection directive is not specified then no processor symbols will be defined. This mode allows the SFR and SFR register bit values to be defined by the assembly source file. AT.2.2 .cpu Directive The .cpu directive is similar to the processor selection directives. This directive defines a new processor type and creates a user defined symbol: .cpu "CP84C331" 2 creates the symbol '__CP84C331' with a value of 1 and the symbol '__SFR_BITS' with a value of 2. These values can be used to select the processor SFR and SFR register bits from an in- clude file. If the optional final argument, 2, is omitted then the value of the symbol '__SFR_BITS' is 1. AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-3 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES AT.2.3 Processor Addressing Range Directives If one of the .DS8... microprocessor selection directives is not specified then the following address range assembler direc- tives are accepted: .16bit ;16-Bit Addressing .24bit ;24-Bit Addressing .32bit ;32-Bit Addressing These directives specify the assembler addressing space and ef- fect the output format for the .lst, .sym, and .rel files. The default addressing space for defined microprocessors is 16-Bit except for the DS80C390 microprocessor which is 24-Bit. The .cpu directive defaults to the 16-Bit addressing range but this can be changed using these directives. AT.2.4 The .__.CPU. Variable The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to the selected processor type. The default value is 0 which cor- responds to the default processor type. The following table lists the processor types and associated values for the AS8XCXXX assembler: Processor Type .__.CPU. Value -------------- -------------- .cpu 0 .DS8XCXXX 1 .DS80C310 2 .DS80C320 3 .DS80C323 4 .DS80C390 5 .DS83C520 6 .DS83C530 7 .DS83C550 8 .DS87C520 9 .DS87C530 10 .DS87C550 11 The variable '.__.CPU.' is by default defined as local and will not be output to the created .rel file. The assembler com- mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be output to the created .rel file. AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-4 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES The assembler .globl directive may be used to change the variable type to global causing its definition to be output to the .rel file. The inclusion of the definition of the variable '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that seperately assembled files have been compiled for the same processor type. The linker will report an error for variables with multiple non equal definitions. AT.2.5 DS80C390 Addressing Mode Directive The DS80C390 microprocessor supports 16-Bit and 24-Bit ad- dressing modes. The .amode assembler directive provides a method to select the addressing mode used by the ajmp, acall, ljmp, and lcall instructions. These four instructions support 16 and 24 bit addressing modes selected by bits AM0 and AM1 in the ACON register. The assembler is 'informed' about the ad- dressing mode selected by using the .amode directive: .amode 2 ;mode 2 is 24-bit addressing If a second argument is specified and its value is non-zero, then a three instruction sequence is inserted at the .amode lo- cation loading the mode bits into the ACON register: .amode 2,1 ;mode 2 is 24-bit addressing, load ACON ;mov ta,#0xAA ;mov ta,#0x55 ;mov acon,#amode AT.2.6 The .msb Directive The .msb directive is available in the AS8XCXXX assembler. The assembler operator '>' selects the upper byte (MSB) when included in an assembler instruction. The default assembler mode is to select bits <15:8> as the MSB. The .msb directive allows the programmer to specify a particular byte as the 'MSB' when the address space is larger than 16-bits. The assembler directive .msb n configures the assembler to select a particular byte as MSB. Given a 24-bit address of Nmn (N(2) is <23:16>, m(1) is <15:8>, and n(0) is <7:0>) the follow- ing examples show how to select a particular address byte: .msb 1 ;select byte 1 of address ; LD A,>MNmn ;byte m <15:8> ==>> A AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-5 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES ... .msb 2 ;select byte 2 of address ; LD A,>MNmn ;byte N <23:16> ==>> A ... AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-6 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER DIRECTIVES AT.3 DS8XCXXX REGISTER SET The AS8XCXXX cross assembler supports the Dallas Semiconductor DS8XCXXX series of 8051-compatible devices. These microproces- sors retain instruction set and object code compatability with the 8051 microprocessor. The DS8XCXXX family is updated with several new peripherals while providing all the standard features of the 80C32 microprocessor. The following is a list of the registers used by AS8XCXXX: a,b - 8-bit accumulators r0,r1,r2,r3 - 8-bit registers r4,r5,r6,r7 dptr - data pointer sp - stack pointer pc - program counter psw - status word c - carry (bit in status word) AT.4 DS8XCXXX INSTRUCTION SET The following tables list all DS8XCXXX mnemonics recognized by the AS8XCXXX assembler. The following list specifies the format for each addressing mode supported by AS8XCXXX: #data immediate data byte or word data r,r1,r2 register r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6, or r7 @r indirect on register r0 or r1 @dptr indirect on data pointer @a+dptr indirect on accumulator plus data pointer @a+pc indirect on accumulator plus program counter addr direct memory address bitaddr bit address label call or jump label The terms data, addr, bitaddr, and label may all be expressions. Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every in- struction. Refer to the DS8XCXXX technical data for valid modes. AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-7 DS8XCXXX INSTRUCTION SET AT.4.1 Inherent Instructions nop AT.4.2 Move Instructions mov a,#data mov a,addr mov a,r mov a,@r mov r,#data mov r,addr mov r,a mov addr,a mov addr,#data mov addr,r mov addr,@r mov addr1,addr2 mov bitaddr,c mov @r,#data mov @r,addr mov @r,a mov c,bitaddr mov dptr,#data movc a,@a+dptr movc a,@a+pc movx a,@dptr movx a,@r movx @dptr,a movx @r,a AT.4.3 Single Operand Instructions clr a clr c clr bitaddr cpl a cpl c cpl bitaddr setb c setb bitaddr da a rr a rrc a rl a rlc a swap a dec a dec r dec @r inc a inc r inc dptr inc @r div ab mul ab pop addr push addr AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-8 DS8XCXXX INSTRUCTION SET AT.4.4 Two Operand Instructions add a,#data add a,addr add a,r add a,@r addc a,#data addc a,addr addc a,r addc a,@r subb a,#data subb a,addr subb a,r subb a,@r orl a,#data orl a,addr orl a,r orl a,@r orl addr,a orl addr,#data orl c,bitaddr orl c,/bitaddr anl a,#data anl a,addr anl a,r anl a,@r anl addr,a anl addr,#data anl c,bitaddr anl c,/bitaddr xrl a,#data xrl a,addr xrl a,r xrl a,@r xrl addr,a xrl addr,#data xrl c,bitaddr xrl c,/bitaddr xch a,addr xch a,r xch a,@r xchd a,@r AT.4.5 Call and Return Instructions acall label lcall label ret reti in data out data rst data AT.4.6 Jump Instructions ajmp label cjne a,#data,label cjne a,addr,label cjne r,#data,label cjne @r,#data,label djnz r,label djnz addr,label jbc bitadr,label jb bitadr,label jnb bitadr,label jc label jnc label jz label jnz label jmp @a+dptr ljmp label sjmp label AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-9 DS8XCXXX INSTRUCTION SET AT.5 DS8XCXXX SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The 80C32 core Special Function Registers are selected using the .DS8XCXXX assembler directive. AT.5.1 SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 SP DPL DPH 83 84 PCON 87 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 8C TH0 TH1 8F 90 P1 93 94 97 98 SCON SBUF 9B 9C 9F A0 P2 A3 A4 A7 A8 IE SADDR0 AB AC AF B0 P3 B3 B4 B7 B8 IP SADEN0 BB BC BF C0 C3 C4 STATUS C7 C8 T2CON T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H CB CC TL2 TH2 CF D0 PSW D3 D4 D7 D8 DB DC DF E0 ACC E3 E4 E7 E8 EB EC EF F0 B F3 F4 F7 F8 FB FC FF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-10 DS8XCXXX SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.5.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F P1 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 SCON 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F P2 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 IE A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF P3 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 IP B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF C0 C3 C4 C7 T2CON C8 T2CON.0 T2CON.1 T2CON.2 T2CON.3 CB CC T2CON.4 T2CON.5 T2CON.6 T2CON.7 CF PSW D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 D8 DB DC DF ACC E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 E8 EB EC EF B F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 F8 FB FC FF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-11 DS8XCXXX SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.5.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F 90 93 94 97 SCON 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 9C REN SM2 SM1 SMO 9F A0 A3 A4 A7 IE A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB AC ES0 ET2 EA AF B0 B3 B4 B7 IP B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB BC PS0 PT2 BF C0 C3 C4 C7 T2CON C8 CPRL2 CT2 TR2 EXEN2 CB CC TCLK RCLK EXF2 TF2 CF PSW D0 P FL OV RS0 D3 D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 D8 DB DC DF E0 E3 E4 E7 E8 EB EC EF F0 F3 F4 F7 F8 FB FC FF Alternates: SCON 98 9B 9C FE 9F T2CON C8 CP_RL2 C_T2 CB CC CF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-12 DS8XCXXX SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.5.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x04 0x02 0x10 ---- ---- ---- ---- PCON 0x80 SMOD SMOD0 0x10 0x08 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE 0x01 TMOD 0x80 T1GATE T1C_T T1M1 T1M0 0x10 0x08 T0GATE T0C_T T0M1 T0M0 0x01 STATUS 0x80 HIP LIP 0x10 0x08 0x01 T2MOD 0x80 0x10 0x08 T2OE DCEN 0x01 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-13 DS8XCXXX SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.6 DS80C310 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The DS80C310 Special Function Registers are selected using the .DS80C310 assembler directive. AT.6.1 SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 SP DPL DPH 83 84 DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON 87 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 8C TH0 TH1 CKCON 8F 90 P1 EXIF 93 94 97 98 SCON SBUF 9B 9C 9F A0 P2 A3 A4 A7 A8 IE SADDR0 AB AC AF B0 P3 B3 B4 B7 B8 IP SADEN0 BB BC BF C0 C3 C4 STATUS C7 C8 T2CON T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H CB CC TL2 TH2 CF D0 PSW D3 D4 D7 D8 WDCON DB DC DF E0 ACC E3 E4 E7 E8 EIE EB EC EF F0 B F3 F4 F7 F8 EIP FB FC FF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-14 DS80C310 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.6.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F P1 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 SCON 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F P2 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 IE A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF P3 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 IP B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF C0 C3 C4 C7 T2CON C8 T2CON.0 T2CON.1 T2CON.2 T2CON.3 CB CC T2CON.4 T2CON.5 T2CON.6 T2CON.7 CF PSW D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 WDCON D8 WDCON.0 WDCON.1 WDCON.2 WDCON.3 DB DC WDCON.4 WDCON.5 WDCON.6 WDCON.7 DF ACC E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 EIE E8 EIE.0 EIE.1 EIE.2 EIE.3 EB EC EIE.4 EIE.5 EIE.6 EIE.7 EF B F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 EIP F8 EIP.0 EIP.1 EIP.2 EIP.3 FB FC EIP.4 EIP.5 EIP.6 EIP.7 FF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-15 DS80C310 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.6.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F 90 93 94 97 SCON 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 9C REN SM2 SM1 SMO 9F A0 A3 A4 A7 IE A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB AC ES0 ET2 EA AF B0 B3 B4 B7 IP B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB BC PS0 PT2 BF C0 C3 C4 C7 T2CON C8 CPRL2 CT2 TR2 EXEN2 CB CC TCLK RCLK EXF2 TF2 CF PSW D0 P FL OV RS0 D3 D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 WDCON D8 DB DC POR DF E0 E3 E4 E7 EIE E8 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EB EC EF F0 F3 F4 F7 EIP F8 PX2 PX3 PX4 PX5 FB FC FF Alternates: SCON 98 9B 9C FE 9F T2CON C8 CP_RL2 C_T2 CB CC CF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-16 DS80C310 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.6.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x04 0x02 0x10 ---- ---- ---- ---- DPS 0x80 0x10 0x08 SEL 0x01 PCON 0x80 SMOD SMOD0 0x10 0x08 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE 0x01 TMOD 0x80 T1GATE T1C_T T1M1 T1M0 0x10 0x08 T0GATE T0C_T T0M1 T0M0 0x01 CKCON 0x80 T2M T1M 0x10 0x08 T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 0x01 EXIF 0x80 IE5 IE4 IE3 IE2 0x10 0x08 0x01 STATUS 0x80 HIP LIP 0x10 0x08 0x01 T2MOD 0x80 0x10 0x08 T2OE DCEN 0x01 Alternates: PCON 0x80 SMOD_0 0x10 0x08 0x01 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-17 DS80C310 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.7 DS80C320/DS80C323 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The DS80C320/DS80C323 Special Function Registers are selected using the .DS80C320 or DS80C323 assembler directives. AT.7.1 SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 SP DPL DPH 83 84 DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON 87 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 8C TH0 TH1 CKCON 8F 90 P1 EXIF 93 94 97 98 SCON0 SBUF0 9B 9C 9F A0 P2 A3 A4 A7 A8 IE SADDR0 AB AC AF B0 P3 B3 B4 B7 B8 IP SADEN0 BB BC BF C0 SCON1 SBUF1 C3 C4 STATUS TA C7 C8 T2CON T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H CB CC TL2 TH2 CF D0 PSW D3 D4 D7 D8 WDCON DB DC DF E0 ACC E3 E4 E7 E8 EIE EB EC EF F0 B F3 F4 F7 F8 EIP FB FC FF Alternates: 98 SCON SBUF 9B AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-18 DS80C320/DS80C323 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.7.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F P1 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 SCON0 98 SCON0.0 SCON0.1 SCON0.2 SCON0.3 9B 9C SCON0.4 SCON0.5 SCON0.6 SCON0.7 9F P2 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 IE A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF P3 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 IP B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF SCON1 C0 SCON1.0 SCON1.1 SCON1.2 SCON1.3 C3 C4 SCON1.4 SCON1.5 SCON1.6 SCON1.7 C7 T2CON C8 T2CON.0 T2CON.1 T2CON.2 T2CON.3 CB CC T2CON.4 T2CON.5 T2CON.6 T2CON.7 CF PSW D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 WDCON D8 WDCON.0 WDCON.1 WDCON.2 WDCON.3 DB DC WDCON.4 WDCON.5 WDCON.6 WDCON.7 DF ACC E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 EIE E8 EIE.0 EIE.1 EIE.2 EIE.3 EB EC EIE.4 EIE.5 EIE.6 EIE.7 EF B F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 EIP F8 EIP.0 EIP.1 EIP.2 EIP.3 FB FC EIP.4 EIP.5 EIP.6 EIP.7 FF Alternates: SCON 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-19 DS80C320/DS80C323 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.7.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F 90 93 94 97 SCON0 98 RI_0 TI_0 RB8_0 TB8_0 9B 9C REN_0 SM2_0 SM1_0 SMO_0 9F A0 A3 A4 A7 IE A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB AC ES0 ET2 EA AF B0 B3 B4 B7 IP B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB BC PS0 PT2 BF SCON1 C0 RI_1 TI_1 RB8_1 TB8_1 C3 C4 REN_1 SM2_1 SM1_1 SMO_1 C7 T2CON C8 CPRL2 CT2 TR2 EXEN2 CB CC TCLK RCLK EXF2 TF2 CF PSW D0 P FL OV RS0 D3 D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 WDCON D8 RWT EWT WTRF WDIF DB DC PFI EPFI POR SMOD_1 DF E0 E3 E4 E7 EIE E8 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EB EC EWDI EF F0 F3 F4 F7 EIP F8 PX2 PX3 PX4 PX5 FB FC PWDI FF Alternates: SCON 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 9C REN SM2 SM1 SMO 9F SCON 98 9B 9C FE 9F SCON0 98 9B 9C FE_0 9F SCON1 C0 C3 C4 FE_1 C7 T2CON C8 CP_RL2 C_T2 CB CC CF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-20 DS80C320/DS80C323 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.7.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x04 0x02 0x10 ---- ---- ---- ---- DPS 0x80 0x10 0x08 SEL 0x01 PCON 0x80 SMOD_0 SMOD0 0x10 0x08 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE 0x01 TMOD 0x80 T1GATE T1C_T T1M1 T1M0 0x10 0x08 T0GATE T0C_T T0M1 T0M0 0x01 CKCON 0x80 WD1 WD0 T2M T1M 0x10 0x08 T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 0x01 EXIF 0x80 IE5 IE4 IE3 IE2 0x10 0x08 RGMD RGSL BGS 0x01 STATUS 0x80 PIP HIP LIP 0x10 0x08 0x01 T2MOD 0x80 0x10 0x08 T2OE DCEN 0x01 Alternates: PCON 0x80 SMOD 0x10 0x08 0x01 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-21 DS80C320/DS80C323 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.8 DS80C390 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The DS80C390 Special Function Registers are selected using the .DS80C390 assembler directive. AT.8.1 SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 P4 SP DPL DPH 83 84 DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON 87 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 8C TH0 TH1 CKCON 8F 90 P1 EXIF P4CNT DPX 93 94 DPX1 C0RMS0 C0RMS1 97 98 SCON0 SBUF0 ESP 9B 9C AP ACON C0TMA0 C0TMA1 9F A0 P2 P5 P5CNT C0C A3 A4 C0S C0IR C0TE C0RE A7 A8 IE SADDR0 SADDR1 C0M1C AB AC C0M2C C0M3C C0M4C C0M5C AF B0 P3 C0M6C B3 B4 C0M7C C0M8C C0M9C C0M10C B7 B8 IP SADEN0 SADEN1 C0M11C BB BC C0M12C C0M13C C0M14C C0M15C BF C0 SCON1 SBUF1 C3 C4 PMR STATUS MCON TA C7 C8 T2CON T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H CB CC TL2 TH2 COR CF D0 PSW MCNT0 MCNT1 MA D3 D4 MB MC C1RMS0 C1RMS1 D7 D8 WDCON DB DC C1TMA0 C1TMA1 DF E0 ACC C1C E3 E4 C1S C1IR C1TE C1RE E7 E8 EIE MXAX C1M1C EB EC C1M2C C1M3C C1M4C C1M5C EF F0 B C1M6C F3 F4 C1M7C C1M8C C1M9C C1M10C F7 F8 EIP C1M11C FB FC C1M12C C1M13C C1M14C C1M15C FF Alternates: 98 SCON SBUF 9B AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-22 DS80C390 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.8.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- P4 80 P4.0 P4.1 P4.2 P4.3 83 84 P4.4 P4.5 P4.6 P4.7 87 TCON 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F P1 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 SCON0 98 SCON0.0 SCON0.1 SCON0.2 SCON0.3 9B 9C SCON0.4 SCON0.5 SCON0.6 SCON0.7 9F P2 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 IE A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF P3 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 IP B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF SCON1 C0 SCON1.0 SCON1.1 SCON1.2 SCON1.3 C3 C4 SCON1.4 SCON1.5 SCON1.6 SCON1.7 C7 T2CON C8 T2CON.0 T2CON.1 T2CON.2 T2CON.3 CB CC T2CON.4 T2CON.5 T2CON.6 T2CON.7 CF PSW D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 WDCON D8 WDCON.0 WDCON.1 WDCON.2 WDCON.3 DB DC WDCON.4 WDCON.5 WDCON.6 WDCON.7 DF ACC E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 EIE E8 EIE.0 EIE.1 EIE.2 EIE.3 EB EC EIE.4 EIE.5 EIE.6 EIE.7 EF B F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 EIP F8 EIP.0 EIP.1 EIP.2 EIP.3 FB FC EIP.4 EIP.5 EIP.6 EIP.7 FF Alternates: SCON 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-23 DS80C390 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.8.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F P1 90 T2 T2EX RXD1 TXD1 93 94 INT2 INT3 INT4 INT5 97 SCON0 98 RI_0 TI_0 RB8_0 TB8_0 9B 9C REN_0 SM2_0 SM1_0 SMO_0 9F A0 A3 A4 A7 IE A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB AC ES0 ET2 ES1 EA AF P3 B0 RXD0 TXD0 INT0 INT1 B3 B4 T0 T1 B7 IP B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB BC PS0 PT2 PS1 BF SCON1 C0 RI_1 TI_1 RB8_1 TB8_1 C3 C4 REN_1 SM2_1 SM1_1 SMO_1 C7 T2CON C8 CPRL2 CT2 TR2 EXEN2 CB CC TCLK RCLK EXF2 TF2 CF PSW D0 P FL OV RS0 D3 D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 WDCON D8 RWT EWT WTRF WDIF DB DC PFI EPFI POR SMOD_1 DF E0 E3 E4 E7 EIE E8 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EB EC EWDI C1IE C0IE CANBIE EF F0 F3 F4 F7 EIP F8 PX2 PX3 PX4 PX5 FB FC PWDI C1IP C0IP CANBIP FF Alternates: SCON 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 9C REN SM2 SM1 SMO 9F SCON 98 9B 9C FE 9F SCON0 98 9B 9C FE_0 9F SCON1 C0 C3 C4 FE_1 C7 T2CON C8 CP_RL2 C_T2 CB CC CF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-24 DS80C390 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.8.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x04 0x02 0x10 ---- ---- ---- ---- DPS 0x80 ID1 ID0 TSL 0x10 0x08 SEL 0x01 PCON 0x80 SMOD_0 SMOD0 OFDF OFDE 0x10 0x08 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE 0x01 TMOD 0x80 T1GATE T1C_T T1M1 T1M0 0x10 0x08 T0GATE T0C_T T0M1 T0M0 0x01 CKCON 0x80 WD1 WD0 T2M T1M 0x10 0x08 T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 0x01 EXIF 0x80 IE5 IE4 IE3 IE2 0x10 0x08 CKRY RGMD RGSL BGS 0x01 P4CNT 0x80 SBCAN 0x10 0x08 0x01 ESP 0x80 0x10 0x08 ESP.1 ESP.0 0x01 ACON 0x80 0x10 0x08 SA AM1 AM0 0x01 P5 0x80 P5.7 P5.6 P5.5 P5.4 0x10 0x08 P5.3 P5.2 P5.1 P5.0 0x01 P5CNT 0x80 CAN1BA CAN0BA SP1EC C1_IO 0x10 0x08 C0_IO P5CNT.2 P5CNT.1 P5CNT.0 0x01 CxC 0x80 ERIE STIE PDE SIESTA 0x10 0x08 CRST AUTOB ERCS SWINT 0x01 CxS 0x80 BSS EC96_128 WKS RXS 0x10 0x08 TXS ER2 ER1 ER0 0x01 CxIR 0x80 INTIN7 INTIN6 INTIN5 INTIN4 0x10 0x08 INTIN3 INTIN2 INTIN1 INTIN0 0x01 CxCxxC 0x80 MSRDY ET1 ER1 INTRQ 0x10 0x08 EXTRQ MTRQ ROW_TIH DTUP 0x01 PMR 0x80 CD1 CD0 SWB CTM 0x10 0x08 4X_2X ALEOFF 0x01 STATUS 0x80 PIP HIP LIP 0x10 0x08 SPTA1 SPRA1 SPTA0 SPRA0 0x01 MCON 0x80 IDM1 IDM0 CMA 0x10 0x08 PDCE3 PDCE2 PDCE1 PDCE0 0x01 T2MOD 0x80 D13T1 0x10 0x08 D13T2 T2OE DCEN 0x01 COR 0x80 IRDACK C1BPR7 C1BPR6 C0BPR7 0x10 0x08 C0BPR6 COD1 COD0 CLKOE 0x01 MCNT0 0x80 _LSHIFT CSE SCB MAS4 0x10 0x08 MAS3 MAS2 MAS1 MAS0 0x01 MCNT1 0x80 MST MOF CLM 0x10 0x08 0x01 Alternates: AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-25 DS80C390 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS PCON 0x80 SMOD 0x10 0x08 0x01 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-26 DS80C390 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.9 DS83C520/DS87C520 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The DS83C520/DS87C520 Special Function Registers are selected using the .DS83C520 or DS87C520 assembler directives. AT.9.1 SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 P0 SP DPL DPH 83 84 DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON 87 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 8C TH0 TH1 CKCON 8F 90 PORT1 EXIF 93 94 97 98 SCON0 SBUF0 9B 9C 9F A0 P2 A3 A4 A7 A8 IE SADDR0 SADDR1 AB AC AF B0 P3 B3 B4 B7 B8 IP SADEN0 SADEN1 BB BC BF C0 SCON1 SBUF1 ROMSIZE C3 C4 PMR STATUS TA C7 C8 T2CON T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H CB CC TL2 TH2 CF D0 PSW D3 D4 D7 D8 WDCON DB DC DF E0 ACC E3 E4 E7 E8 EIE EB EC EF F0 B F3 F4 F7 F8 EIP FB FC FF Alternates: 98 SCON SBUF 9B AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-27 DS83C520/DS87C520 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.9.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- P0 80 P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 83 84 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 87 TCON 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F PORT1 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 SCON0 98 SCON0.0 SCON0.1 SCON0.2 SCON0.3 9B 9C SCON0.4 SCON0.5 SCON0.6 SCON0.7 9F P2 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 IE A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF P3 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 IP B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF SCON1 C0 SCON1.0 SCON1.1 SCON1.2 SCON1.3 C3 C4 SCON1.4 SCON1.5 SCON1.6 SCON1.7 C7 T2CON C8 T2CON.0 T2CON.1 T2CON.2 T2CON.3 CB CC T2CON.4 T2CON.5 T2CON.6 T2CON.7 CF PSW D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 WDCON D8 WDCON.0 WDCON.1 WDCON.2 WDCON.3 DB DC WDCON.4 WDCON.5 WDCON.6 WDCON.7 DF ACC E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 EIE E8 EIE.0 EIE.1 EIE.2 EIE.3 EB EC EIE.4 EIE.5 EIE.6 EIE.7 EF B F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 EIP F8 EIP.0 EIP.1 EIP.2 EIP.3 FB FC EIP.4 EIP.5 EIP.6 EIP.7 FF Alternates: PORT1 90 PORT1.0 PORT1.1 PORT1.2 PORT1.3 93 94 PORT1.4 PORT1.5 PORT1.6 PORT1.7 97 SCON 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-28 DS83C520/DS87C520 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.9.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F 90 93 94 97 SCON0 98 RI_0 TI_0 RB8_0 TB8_0 9B 9C REN_0 SM2_0 SM1_0 SMO_0 9F A0 A3 A4 A7 IE A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB AC ES0 ET2 ES1 EA AF B0 B3 B4 B7 IP B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB BC PS0 PT2 PS1 BF SCON1 C0 RI_1 TI_1 RB8_1 TB8_1 C3 C4 REN_1 SM2_1 SM1_1 SMO_1 C7 T2CON C8 CPRL2 CT2 TR2 EXEN2 CB CC TCLK RCLK EXF2 TF2 CF PSW D0 P FL OV RS0 D3 D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 WDCON D8 RWT EWT WTRF WDIF DB DC PFI EPFI POR SMOD_1 DF E0 E3 E4 E7 EIE E8 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EB EC EWDI EF F0 F3 F4 F7 EIP F8 PX2 PX3 PX4 PX5 FB FC PWDI FF Alternates: SCON 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 9C REN SM2 SM1 SMO 9F SCON 98 9B 9C FE 9F SCON0 98 9B 9C FE_0 9F SCON1 C0 C3 C4 FE_1 C7 T2CON C8 CP_RL2 C_T2 CB CC CF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-29 DS83C520/DS87C520 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.9.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x04 0x02 0x10 ---- ---- ---- ---- DPS 0x80 0x10 0x08 SEL 0x01 PCON 0x80 SMOD_0 SMOD0 0x10 0x08 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE 0x01 TMOD 0x80 T1GATE T1C_T T1M1 T1M0 0x10 0x08 T0GATE T0C_T T0M1 T0M0 0x01 CKCON 0x80 WD1 WD0 T2M T1M 0x10 0x08 T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 0x01 EXIF 0x80 IE5 IE4 IE3 IE 0x10 0x08 XT_RG RGMD RGSL BGS 0x01 SBUF1 0x80 SB7 SB6 SB5 SB4 0x10 0x08 SB3 SB2 SB1 SB0 0x01 ROMSIZE 0x80 0x10 0x08 RMS2 RMS1 RMS0 0x01 PMR 0x80 CD1 CD0 SWB 0x10 0x08 XTOFF ALEOFF DME1 DME0 0x01 STATUS 0x80 PIP HIP LIP XTUP 0x10 0x08 SPTA1 SPRA1 SPTA0 SPRA0 0x01 T2MOD 0x80 0x10 0x08 T2OE DCEN 0x01 Alternates: PCON 0x80 SMOD 0x10 0x08 0x01 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-30 DS83C520/DS87C520 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.10 DS83C530/DS87C530 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The DS83C530/DS87C530 Special Function Registers are selected using the .DS83C530 or DS87C530 assembler directives. AT.10.1 SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 P0 SP DPL DPH 83 84 DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON 87 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 8C TH0 TH1 CKCON 8F 90 P1 EXIF 93 94 TRIM 97 98 SCON0 SBUF0 9B 9C 9F A0 P2 A3 A4 A7 A8 IE SADDR0 SADDR1 AB AC AF B0 P3 B3 B4 B7 B8 IP SADEN0 SADEN1 BB BC BF C0 SCON1 SBUF1 ROMSIZE C3 C4 PMR STATUS TA C7 C8 T2CON T2MOD RCAP2L RCAP2H CB CC TL2 TH2 CF D0 PSW D3 D4 D7 D8 WDCON DB DC DF E0 ACC E3 E4 E7 E8 EIE EB EC EF F0 B RTASS RTAS F3 F4 RTAM RTAH F7 F8 EIP RTCC RTCSS RTCS FB FC RTCM RTCH RTCD0 RTCD1 FF Alternates: 98 SCON SBUF 9B AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-31 DS83C530/DS87C530 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.10.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- P0 80 P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 83 84 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 87 TCON 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F P1 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 SCON0 98 SCON0.0 SCON0.1 SCON0.2 SCON0.3 9B 9C SCON0.4 SCON0.5 SCON0.6 SCON0.7 9F P2 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 IE A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF P3 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 IP B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF SCON1 C0 SCON1.0 SCON1.1 SCON1.2 SCON1.3 C3 C4 SCON1.4 SCON1.5 SCON1.6 SCON1.7 C7 T2CON C8 T2CON.0 T2CON.1 T2CON.2 T2CON.3 CB CC T2CON.4 T2CON.5 T2CON.6 T2CON.7 CF PSW D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 WDCON D8 WDCON.0 WDCON.1 WDCON.2 WDCON.3 DB DC WDCON.4 WDCON.5 WDCON.6 WDCON.7 DF ACC E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 EIE E8 EIE.0 EIE.1 EIE.2 EIE.3 EB EC EIE.4 EIE.5 EIE.6 EIE.7 EF B F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 EIP F8 EIP.0 EIP.1 EIP.2 EIP.3 FB FC EIP.4 EIP.5 EIP.6 EIP.7 FF Alternates: SCON 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-32 DS83C530/DS87C530 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.10.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F 90 93 94 97 SCON0 98 RI_0 TI_0 RB8_0 TB8_0 9B 9C REN_0 SM2_0 SM1_0 SMO_0 9F A0 A3 A4 A7 IE A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB AC ES0 ET2 ES1 EA AF B0 B3 B4 B7 IP B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB BC PS0 PT2 PS1 BF SCON1 C0 RI_1 TI_1 RB8_1 TB8_1 C3 C4 REN_1 SM2_1 SM1_1 SMO_1 C7 T2CON C8 CPRL2 CT2 TR2 EXEN2 CB CC TCLK RCLK EXF2 TF2 CF PSW D0 P FL OV RS0 D3 D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 WDCON D8 RWT EWT WTRF WDIF DB DC PFI EPFI POR SMOD_1 DF E0 E3 E4 E7 EIE E8 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EB EC EWDI ERTCI EF F0 F3 F4 F7 EIP F8 PX2 PX3 PX4 PX5 FB FC PWDI PRTCI FF Alternates: SCON 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 9C REN SM2 SM1 SMO 9F SCON 98 9B 9C FE 9F SCON0 98 9B 9C FE_0 9F SCON1 C0 C3 C4 FE_1 C7 T2CON C8 CP_RL2 C_T2 CB CC CF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-33 DS83C530/DS87C530 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.10.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x04 0x02 0x10 ---- ---- ---- ---- DPS 0x80 0x10 0x08 SEL 0x01 PCON 0x80 SMOD_0 SMOD0 0x10 0x08 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE 0x01 TMOD 0x80 T1GATE T1C_T T1M1 T1M0 0x10 0x08 T0GATE T0C_T T0M1 T0M0 0x01 CKCON 0x80 WD1 WD0 T2M T1M 0x10 0x08 T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 0x01 EXIF 0x80 IE5 IE4 IE3 IE 0x10 0x08 XT_RG RGMD RGSL BGS 0x01 TRIM 0x80 E4K X12_6 TRM2 _TRM2 0x10 0x08 TRM1 _TRM1 TRM0 _TRM0 0x01 SBUF1 0x80 SB7 SB6 SB5 SB4 0x10 0x08 SB3 SB2 SB1 SB0 0x01 ROMSIZE 0x80 0x10 0x08 RMS2 RMS1 RMS0 0x01 PMR 0x80 CD1 CD0 SWB 0x10 0x08 XTOFF ALEOFF DME1 DME0 0x01 STATUS 0x80 PIP HIP LIP XTUP 0x10 0x08 SPTA1 SPRA1 SPTA0 SPRA0 0x01 T2MOD 0x80 0x10 0x08 T2OE DCEN 0x01 RTCC 0x80 SSCE SCE MCE HCE 0x10 0x08 RTCRE RTCWE RTCIF RTCE 0x01 Alternates: PCON 0x80 SMOD 0x10 0x08 0x01 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-34 DS83C530/DS87C530 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.11 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS The DS83C550/DS87C550 Special Function Registers are selected using the .DS83C550 or DS87C550 assembler directives. AT.11.1 SFR Map --------- 4 Bytes ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 PORT0 SP DPL DPH 83 84 DPL1 DPH1 DPS PCON 87 88 TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 8B 8C TH0 TH1 CKCON 8F 90 PORT1 RCON 93 94 97 98 SCON0 SBUF0 9B 9C PMR 9F A0 PORT2 SADDR0 SADDR1 A3 A4 A7 A8 IE CMPL0 CMPL1 CMPL2 AB AC CPTL0 CPTL1 CPTL2 CPTL3 AF B0 PORT3 ADCON1 ADCON2 B3 B4 ADMSB ADLSD WINHI WINLO B7 B8 IP SADEN0 SADEN1 BB BC T2CON T2MOD BF C0 PORT4 ROMSIZE C3 C4 PORT5 STATUS TA C7 C8 T2IR CMPH0 CMPH1 CMPH2 CB CC CPTH0 CPTH1 CPTH2 CPTH3 CF D0 PSW PW0FG PW1FG D3 D4 PW2FG PW3FG PWMADR D7 D8 SCON1 SBUF1 DB DC PWM0 PWM1 PWM2 PWM3 DF E0 ACC PW01CS PW23CS PW01CON E3 E4 PW23CON RLOADL RLOADH E7 E8 EIE T2SEL CTCON EB EC TL2 TH2 SETR RSTR EF F0 B PORT6 F3 F4 F7 F8 EIP FB FC WDCON FF Alternates: 80 P0 83 90 P1 93 98 SCON SBUF 9B A0 P2 A3 B0 P3 B3 C0 P4 C3 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-35 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS C4 P5 C7 F0 PORT6 F3 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-36 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.11.2 Bit Addressable Registers: Generic ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- PORT0 80 P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 83 84 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 87 TCON 88 TCON.0 TCON.1 TCON.2 TCON.3 8B 8C TCON.4 TCON.5 TCON.6 TCON.7 8F PORT1 90 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 93 94 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 97 SCON0 98 SCON0.0 SCON0.1 SCON0.2 SCON0.3 9B 9C SCON0.4 SCON0.5 SCON0.6 SCON0.7 9F PORT2 A0 P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3 A3 A4 P2.4 P2.5 P2.6 P2.7 A7 IE A8 IE.0 IE.1 IE.2 IE.3 AB AC IE.4 IE.5 EI.6 IE.7 AF PORT3 B0 P3.0 P3.1 P3.2 P3.3 B3 B4 P3.4 P3.5 P3.6 P3.7 B7 IP B8 IP.0 IP.1 IP.2 IP.3 BB BC IP.4 IP.5 IP.6 IP.7 BF PORT4 C0 P4.0 P4.1 P4.2 P4.3 C3 C4 P4.4 P4.5 P4.6 P4.7 C7 T2IR C8 T2IR.0 T2IR.1 T2IR.2 T2IR.3 CB CC T2IR.4 T2IR.5 T2IR.6 T2IR.7 CF PSW D0 PSW.0 PSW.1 PSW.2 PSW.3 D3 D4 PSW.4 PSW.5 PSW.6 PSW.7 D7 SCON1 D8 SCON1.0 SCON1.1 SCON1.2 SCON1.3 DB DC SCON1.4 SCON1.5 SCON1.6 SCON1.7 DF ACC E0 ACC.0 ACC.1 ACC.2 ACC.3 E3 E4 ACC.4 ACC.5 ACC.6 ACC.7 E7 EIE E8 EIE.0 EIE.1 EIE.2 EIE.3 EB EC EIE.4 EIE.5 EIE.6 EIE.7 EF B F0 B.0 B.1 B.2 B.3 F3 F4 B.4 B.5 B.6 B.7 F7 EIP F8 EIP.0 EIP.1 EIP.2 EIP.3 FB FC EIP.4 EIP.5 EIP.6 EIP.7 FF Alternates: PORT0 80 PORT0.7 PORT0.6 PORT0.5 PORT0.4 83 84 PORT0.3 PORT0.2 PORT0.1 PORT0.0 87 PORT1 90 PORT1.0 PORT1.1 PORT1.2 PORT1.3 93 94 PORT1.4 PORT1.5 PORT1.6 PORT1.7 97 SCON 98 SCON.0 SCON.1 SCON.2 SCON.3 9B 9C SCON.4 SCON.5 SCON.6 SCON.7 9F PORT2 A0 PORT2.0 PORT2.1 PORT2.2 PORT2.3 A3 A4 PORT2.4 PORT2.5 PORT2.6 PORT2.7 A7 PORT3 B0 PORT3.0 PORT3.1 PORT3.2 PORT3.3 B3 B4 PORT3.4 PORT3.5 PORT3.6 PORT3.7 B7 PORT4 C0 PORT4.0 PORT4.1 PORT4.2 PORT4.3 C3 C4 PORT4.4 PORT4.5 PORT4.6 PORT4.7 C7 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-37 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.11.3 Bit Addressable Registers: Specific ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 80 83 84 87 TCON 88 IT0 IE0 IT1 IE1 8B 8C TR0 TF0 TR1 TF1 8F 90 93 94 97 SCON0 98 RI_0 TI_0 RB8_0 TB8_0 9B 9C REN_0 SM2_0 SM1_0 SMO_0 9F A0 A3 A4 A7 IE A8 EX0 ET0 EX1 ET1 AB AC ES0 ET2 ES1 EA AF B0 B3 B4 B7 IP B8 PX0 PT0 PX1 PT1 BB BC PS0 PS1 PAD BF PORT4 C0 CMSR0 CMSR1 CMSR2 CMSR3 C3 C4 CMSR4 CMSR5 CMT0 CMT1 C7 T2IR C8 CF0 CF1 CF2 CF3 CB CC CM0F CM1F CM2F CF PSW D0 P FL OV RS0 D3 D4 RS1 F0 AC CY D7 SCON1 D8 RI_1 TI_1 RB8_1 TB8_1 DB DC REN_1 SM2_1 SM1_1 SMO_1 DF E0 E3 E4 E7 EIE E8 EX2 EX3 EX4 EX5 EB EC ECM0 ECM1 ECM2 ET2 EF F0 F3 F4 F7 EIP F8 PX2 PX3 PX4 PX5 FB FC PCM0 PCM1 PCM2 PT2 FF Alternates: SCON 98 RI TI RB8 TB8 9B 9C REN SM2 SM1 SMO 9F SCON 98 9B 9C FE 9F SCON0 98 9B 9C FE_0 9F T2IR C8 IE2 IE3 IE4 IE5 CB CC CF SCON1 D8 DB DC FE_1 DF EIE E8 EC0 EC1 EC2 EC3 EB EC EF EIP F8 PC0 PC1 PC2 PC3 FB AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-38 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS FC FF AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-39 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS AT.11.4 Optional Symbols: Control Bits ---------- 4 BITS ---------- ---- ---- ---- ---- 0x80 0x40 0x20 0x10 0x08 0x04 0x02 0x10 ---- ---- ---- ---- DPS 0x80 ID1 ID0 TSL 0x10 0x08 SEL 0x01 PCON 0x80 SMOD_0 SMOD0 0x10 0x08 GF1 GF0 STOP IDLE 0x01 TMOD 0x80 T1GATE T1C_T T1M1 T1M0 0x10 0x08 T0GATE T0C_T T0M1 T0M0 0x01 CKCON 0x80 WD1 WD0 T2M T1M 0x10 0x08 T0M MD2 MD1 MD0 0x01 RCON 0x80 0x10 0x08 CKRDY RGMD RGSL BGS 0x01 PMR 0x80 CD1 CD0 SWB CTM 0x10 0x08 4X_2X ALEOFF DEM1 DEM0 0x01 ADCON1 0x80 STRT_BSY EOC CONT_SS ADEX 0x10 0x08 WCQ WCM ADON WCIO 0x01 ADCON2 0x80 OUTCF MUX2 MUX1 MUX0 0x10 0x08 APS3 APS2 APS1 APS0 0x01 T2CON 0x80 TF2 EXF2 RCLK TCLK 0x10 0x08 EXEN2 TR2 CT2 CPRL2 0x01 T2MOD 0x80 0x10 0x08 T2OE DCEN 0x01 PORT5 0x80 ADC7 ADC6 ADC5 ADC4 0x10 0x08 ADC3 ADC2 ADC1 ADC0 0x01 ROMSIZE 0x80 0x10 0x08 RMS2 RMS1 RMS0 0x01 STATUS 0x80 PIP HIP LIP XTUP 0x10 0x08 SPTA1 SPRA1 SPTA0 SPRA0 0x01 PWMADR 0x80 ADRS 0x10 0x08 PWE1 PWE0 0x01 PW01CS 0x80 PW0S2 PW0S1 PW0S0 PW0EN 0x10 0x08 PW1S2 PW1S1 PW1S0 PW1EN 0x01 PW23CS 0x80 PW2S2 PW2S1 PW2S0 PW2EN 0x10 0x08 PW3S2 PW3S1 PW3S0 PW3EN 0x01 PW01CON 0x80 PW0F PW0DC PW0OE PW0T_C 0x10 0x08 PW1F PW1DC PW1OE PW1T_C 0x01 PW23CON 0x80 PW2F PW2DC PW2OE PW2T_C 0x10 0x08 PW3F PW3DC PW3OE PW3T_C 0x01 T2SEL 0x80 TF2S TF2BS TF2B 0x10 0x08 T2P1 T2P0 0x01 CTCON 0x80 _CT3 CT3 _CT2 CT2 0x10 0x08 _CT1 CT1 _CT0 CT0 0x01 SETR 0x80 TGFF1 TGFF0 CMS5 CMS4 0x10 0x08 CMS3 CMS2 CMS1 CMS0 0x01 RSTR 0x80 CMTE1 CMTE0 CMR5 CMR4 0x10 0x08 CMR3 CMR2 CMR1 CMR0 0x01 PORT6 0x80 STADC PWMC1 PWMC0 0x10 AS8XCXXX ASSEMBLER PAGE AT-40 DS83C550/DS87C550 SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTERS 0x08 PWMO3 PWMO2 PWMO1 PWMO0 0x01 WDCON 0x80 SMOD_1 POR EPF1 PF1 0x10 0x08 WDIF WTRF EWT RWT 0x01 Alternates: PCON 0x80 SMOD 0x10 0x08 0x01 T2CON 0x80 0x10 0x08 C_T2 _RL2 0x01 APPENDIX AY ASGB ASSEMBLER AY.1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks to Roger Ivie for his contribution of the ASGB cross assembler. Roger Ivie ivie at cc dot usu dot edu AY.2 INTRODUCTION The Gameboy uses an 8-bit processor which is closely related to the 8080. It is usually described as a modified Z80, but may be more closely understood as an enhanced 8080; it has the 8080 register set and many, but not all, enhanced Z80 instructions. However, even this is not accurate, for the Gameboy also lacks some basic 8080 instructions (most annoyingly SHLD and LHLD). ASGB is based on ASZ80 and therefore uses the Z80 mnemonic set. AY.3 GAMEBOY REGISTER SET AND CONDITIONS The following is a complete list of register designations and condition mnemonics: byte registers - a,b,c,d,e,h,l register pairs - af, bc, de, hl word registers - pc, sp C - carry bit set NC - carry bit clear NZ - zero bit clear Z - zero bit set ASGB ASSEMBLER PAGE AY-2 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET AY.4 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET The following tables list all Gameboy mnemnoics recognized by the ASGB assembler. The designation [] refers to a required ad- dressing mode argument. The following list specifies the format for each addressing mode supported by ASGB: #data immediate data byte or word data n byte value rg a byte register a,b,c,d,e,h,l rp a register pair or 16-bit register bc,de,hl (hl) implied addressing or register indirect addressing (label) direct addressing label call/jmp/jr label The terms data, dir, and ext may all be expression. The term dir is not allowed to be an external reference. Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every in- struction. Although official information is not, as far as I know, publically available for the Gameboy processor, many unof- ficial sources are available on the internet. AY.4.1 .tile Directive Format: .tile /string/ or .tile ^/string/ where: string is a string of ascii characters taken from the set ' ', '.', '+', '*', '0', '1', '2', and '3'. The string must be a multiple of eight characters long. ASGB ASSEMBLER PAGE AY-3 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET / / represent the delimiting characters. These delimiters may be any paired printing characters, as long as the characters are not contained within the string itself. If the delimiting characters do not match, the .tile directive will give the (q) error. The Gameboy displays information on the screen using a pro- grammable character set (referred to as "tiles" among Gameboy developers). The ASGB cross assembler has a processor-specific assembler directive to aid in the creation of the game's character set. Each character is created from an 8x8 grid of pixels, each pixel of which is composed of two bits. The .tile directive ac- cepts a single string argument which is processed to create the byte values corresponding to the lines of pixels in the character. The string argument must be some multiple of 8 characters long, and be one of these characters: ' ' or '0' - for the pixel value 00 '.' or '1' - for the pixel value 01 '+' or '2' - for the pixel value 10 '*' or '3' - for the pixel value 11 The .tile directive processes each 8-character group of its string argument to create the two-byte value corresponding to that line of pixels. The example in the popular extant litera- ture could be done using ASGB like this: 0000 7C 7C 1 .tile " ***** " 0002 00 C6 2 .tile "++ ++ " 0004 C6 00 3 .tile ".. .. " 0006 00 FE 4 .tile "+++++++ " 0008 C6 C6 5 .tile "** ** " 000A 00 C6 6 .tile "++ ++ " 000C C6 00 7 .tile ".. .. " 000E 00 00 8 .tile " " Or, using the synonym character set, as: 0010 7C 7C 10 .tile "03333300" 0012 00 C6 11 .tile "22000220" 0014 C6 00 12 .tile "11000110" 0016 00 FE 13 .tile "22222220" 0018 C6 C6 14 .tile "33000330" 001A 00 C6 15 .tile "22000220" 001C C6 00 16 .tile "11000110" 001E 00 00 17 .tile "00000000" ASGB ASSEMBLER PAGE AY-4 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET Since .tile is perfectly willing to assemble multiple lines of a character at once (as long as it is given complete rows of pixels), it could even be done as: .tile " ***** ++ ++ .. .. +++++++ " .tile "** ** ++ ++ .. .. " AY.4.2 Potentially Controversial Mnemonic Selection Although the Gameboy processor is based on the Z80, it does include some features which are not present in the Z80. The Z80 mnemonic set is not sufficient to describe these additional operations; mnemonics must be created for the new operations. The mnemonics ASGB uses are not the same as those used by other publically-available Gameboy assemblers. AY.4.2.1 Auto-Indexing Loads - The Gameboy provides instructions to load or store the ac- cumulator indirectly via HL and then subsequently increment or decrement HL. ASGB uses the mnemonic 'ldd' for the instructions which decrement HL and 'ldi' for the instructions which incre- ment HL. Because the Gameboy lacks the Z80's block moves, the mnemonics are not otherwise needed by ASGB. ldd a,(hl) ldd (hl),a ldi a,(hl) ldi (hl),a AY.4.2.2 Input and Output Operations - The Gameboy replaces the Z80's separate address space for I/O with a mechanism similar to the zero page addressing of pro- cessors such as the 6800 or 6502. All I/O registers in the Gameboy reside in the address range between 0xff00 and 0xffff. The Gameboy adds special instructions to load and store the ac- cumulator from and into this page of memory. The instructions are analogous to the Z80's in and out instructions and ASGB re- tains the 'in' and 'out' mnemonics for them. in a,(n) out (n),a in a,(c) out (c),a From ASGB's perspective, the RAM available from 0xff80 through 0xffff is composed of unused I/O locations rather than direct-page RAM. ASGB ASSEMBLER PAGE AY-5 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET AY.4.2.3 The 'stop' Instruction - The publically-available documentation for the Gameboy lists the 'stop' instruction as the two-byte instruction 10 00, and the other freely-available Gameboy assemblers assemble it in that manner. As far as I can tell, the only rationale for this is that the corresponding Z80 instruction ('djnz label') is a two-byte instruction. ASGB assembles 'stop' as the one-byte in- struction 10. AY.4.3 Inherent Instructions ccf cpl daa di ei nop halt rla rlca rra rrca scf reti stop swap AY.4.4 Implicit Operand Instructions adc a,[] adc [] add a,[] add [] and a,[] and [] cp a,[] cp [] dec a,[] dec [] inc a,[] inc [] or a,[] or [] rl a,[] rl [] rlc a,[] rlc [] rr a,[] rr [] rrc a,[] rrc [] sbc a,[] sbc [] sla a,[] sla [] sra a,[] sra [] srl a,[] srl [] sub a,[] sub [] xor a,[] xor [] ASGB ASSEMBLER PAGE AY-6 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET AY.4.5 Load Instructions ld rg,[] ld [],rg ld (bc),a ld a,(bc) ld (de),a ld a,(de) ld (label),a ld a,(label) ld (label),sp ld rp,#data ld sp,hl ld hl,sp ldd a,(hl) ldd (hl),a ldi a,(hl) ldi (hl),a AY.4.6 Call/Return Instructions call C,label ret C call NC,label ret NC call Z,label ret Z call NZ,label ret NZ call label ret rst n AY.4.7 Jump Instructions jp C,label jp NC,label jp Z,label jp NZ,label jp (hl) jp label jr C,label jr NC,label jr Z,label jr NZ,label jr label AY.4.8 Bit Manipulation Instructions bit n,[] res n,[] set n,[] ASGB ASSEMBLER PAGE AY-7 GAMEBOY INSTRUCTION SET AY.4.9 Input and Output Instructions in a,(n) in a,(c) out (n),a out (c),a AY.4.10 Register Pair Instructions add hl,rp add hl,sp add sp,#data push rp pop rp APPENDIX BC ASRAB ASSEMBLER BC.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT Thanks to Ulrich Raich and Razaq Ijoduola for their contribution of the ASRAB cross assembler. Ulrich Raich and Razaq Ijoduola PS Division CERN CH-1211 Geneva-23 Ulrich Raich Ulrich dot Raich at cern dot ch BC.2 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES The ASRAB assembler is a port of the ASZ80 assembler. This assembler can process Z80, HD64180 (Z180), and Rabbit 2000/3000 (default) code. The following processor specific assembler directives specify which processor to target when processing the input assembler files. ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-2 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES BC.2.1 .r2k Directive Format: .r2k The .r2k directive enables processing of the Rabbit 2000/3000 specific mnemonics. Mnemonics not associated with the Rabbit 2000/3000 processor will be flagged with an 'o' error. Address- ing modes not supported by the Rabbit 2000/3000 will be flagged with an 'a' error. A synonym of .r2k is .r3k. The default as- sembler mode is .r2k. The .r2k directive also selects the Rabbit 2000/3000 specific cycles count to be output. BC.2.2 .hd64 Directive Format: .hd64 The .hd64 directive enables processing of the HD64180 (Z180) specific mnemonics not included in the Z80 instruction set. Rabbit 2000/3000 mnemonics encountered will be flagged with an 'o' error. Addressing modes not supported by the HD64180 (Z180) will be flagged with an 'a' error. A synonym of .hd64 is .z180. The .hd64 directive also selects the HD64180/Z180 specific cycles count to be output. BC.2.3 .z80 Directive Format: .z80 The .z80 directive enables processing of the Z80 specific mnemonics. HD64180 and Rabbit 2000/3000 specific mnemonics will be flagged with an 'o' error. Addressing modes not supported by the z80 will be flagged with an 'a' error. The .z80 directive also selects the Z80 specific cycles count to be output. ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-3 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES BC.2.4 The .__.CPU. Variable The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to the selected processor type. The default value is 0 which corresponds to the default processor type. The following table lists the processor types and associated values for the ASRAB assembler: Processor Type .__.CPU. Value -------------- -------------- .r2k / .r3k 0 .hd64 / .z180 1 .z80 2 The variable '.__.CPU.' is by default defined as local and will not be output to the created .rel file. The assembler com- mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be output to the created .rel file. The assembler .globl directive may be used to change the variable type to global causing its definition to be output to the .rel file. The inclusion of the definition of the variable '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that seperately assembled files have been compiled for the same processor type. The linker will report an error for variables with multiple non equal definitions. ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-4 PROCESSOR SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES BC.3 RABBIT 2000/3000 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC.3.1 Instruction Symbols b Bit select (000 = bit 0, 001 = bit 1, 010 = bit 2, 011 = bit 3, 100 = bit 4, 101 = bit 5, 110 = bit 6, 111 = bit 7) cc Condition code select (00 = NZ, 01 = Z, 10 = NC, 11 = C) d 8-bit (signed) displacement. Expressed in two\'s complement. dd word register select-destination (00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = SP) dd' word register select-alternate (00 = BC', 01 = DE', 10 = HL') e 8-bit (signed) displacement added to PC. f condition code select (000 = NZ, 001 = Z, 010 = NC, 011 = C, 100 = LZ/NV, 101 = LO/V, 110 = P, 111 = M) m the most significant bits(MSB) of a 16-bit constant mn 16-bit constant n 8-bit constant or the least significant bits(LSB) of a 16-bit constant r, g byte register select (000 = B, 001 = C, 010 = D, 011 = E, 100 = H, 101 = L, 111 = A) ss word register select-source (00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = SP) v Restart address select (010 = 0020h, 011 = 0030h, 100 = 0040h, 101 = 0050h, 111 = 0070h) x an 8-bit constant to load into the XPC xx word register select (00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = IX, 11 = SP) yy word register select (00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = IY, 11 = SP) zz word register select (00 = BC, 01 = DE, 10 = HL, 11 = AF) ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-5 RABBIT 2000/3000 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS C - carry bit set M - sign bit set NC - carry bit clear NZ - zero bit clear P - sign bit clear PE - parity even V - overflow bit set PO - parity odd NV - overflow bit clear Z - zero bit set The terms m, mn, n, and x may all be expressions. The terms b and v are not allowed to be external references. ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-6 RABBIT 2000/3000 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC.3.2 Rabbit Instructions The following list of instructions (with explicit address- ing modes) are available in the Rabbit 2000/3000 assembler mode. Those instructions denoted by an asterisk (*) are additional in- structions not available in the HD64180 or Z80 assembler mode. ADC A,n DEC IX LD A,EIR ADC A,r DEC IY LD A,IIR ADC A,(HL) DEC r *LD A,XPC ADC A,(IX+d) DEC ss LD A,(BC) ADC A,(IY+d) DEC (HL) LD A,(DE) ADC HL,ss DEC (IX+d) LD A,(mn) ADD A,n DEC (IY+d) *LD dd,BC ADD A,r DJNZ e *LD dd,DE ADD A,(HL) LD dd,mn ADD A,(IX+d) EX AF,AF LD dd,(mn) ADD A,(IY+d) EX DE,HL LD EIR,A ADD HL,ss EX DE,HL *LD HL,IX ADD IX,xx EX (SP),HL *LD HL,IY ADD IY,yy EX (SP),IX *LD HL,(HL+d) *ADD SP,d EX (SP),IY *LD HL,(IX+d) *ALTD EXX *LD HL,(IY+d) *AND HL,DE LD HL,(mn) *AND IX,DE INC IX *LD HL,(SP+n) *AND IY,DE INC IY LD IIR,A AND n INC r *LD IX,HL AND r INC ss LD IX,mn AND (HL) INC (HL) LD IX,(mn) AND (IX+d) INC (IX+d) *LD IX,(SP+n) AND (IY+d) INC (IY+d) *LD IY,HL *IOE LD IY,mn BIT b,r *IOI LD IY,(mn) BIT b,(HL) *IPRES *LD IY,(SP+n) BIT b,(IX+d) *IPSET 0 LD r,g BIT b,(IY+d) *IPSET 1 LD r,n *BOOL HL *IPSET 2 LD r,(HL) *BOOL IX *IPSET 3 LD r,(IX+d) *BOOL IY LD r,(IY+d) JP f,mn LD SP,HL CALL mn JP mn LD SP,IX CCF JP (HL) LD SP,IY CP n JP (IX) *LD XPC,A CP r JP (IY) LD (BC),A CP (HL) JR cc,e LD (DE),A CP (IX+d) JR e LD (HL),n CP (IY+d) LD (HL),r CPL *LCALL x,mn ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-7 RABBIT 2000/3000 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS *LD (HL+d),HL *POP IP SBC A,n *LD (IX+d),HL POP IX SBC A,r LD (IX+d),n POP IY SBC A,(HL) LD (IX+d),r POP zz SBC HL,ss *LD (IY+d),HL *PUSH IP SBC (IX+d) LD (IY+d),n PUSH IX SBC (IY+d) LD (IY+d),r PUSH IY SCF LD (mn),A PUSH zz SET b,r LD (mn),HL SET b,(HL) LD (mn),IX RA SET b,(IX+d) LD (mn),IY RES b,r SET b,(IY+d) LD (mn),ss RES b,(HL) SLA r *LD (SP+n),HL RES b,(IX+d) SLA (HL) *LD (SP+n),IX RES b,(IY+d) SLA (IX+d) *LD (SP+n),IY RET SLA (IY+d) LDD RET f SRA r LDDR *RETI SRA (HL) LDI *RL DE SRA (IX+d) LDIR RL r SRA (IY+d) *LDP HL,(HL) RL (HL) SRL r *LDP HL,(IX) RL (IX+d) SRL (HL) *LDP HL,(IY) RL (IY+d) SRL (IX+d) *LDP HL,(mn) RLA SRL (IY+d) *LDP IX,(mn) RLC r SUB n *LDP IY,(mn) RLC (HL) SUB r *LDP (HL),HL RLC (IX+d) SUB (HL) *LDP (IX),HL RLC (IY+d) SUB (IX+d) *LDP (IY),HL RLCA SUB (IY+d) *LDP (mn),HL *RR DE *LDP (mn),IX *RR HL XOR n *LDP (mn),IY *RR IX XOR r LJP x,mn *RR IY XOR (HL) LRET RR r XOR (IX+d) RR (HL) XOR (IY+d) *MUL RR (IX+d) RR (IY+d) NEG RRC r NOP RRC (HL) RRC (IX+d) *OR HL,DE RRC (IY+d) *OR IX,DE RRCA *OR IY,DE RST v OR n OR r OR (HL) OR (IX+d) OR (IY+d) ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-8 Z80/HD64180 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC.4 Z80/HD64180 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS The following list specifies the format for each Z80/HD64180 ad- dressing mode supported by ASZ80: #data immediate data byte or word data n byte value rg a byte register a,b,c,d,e,h,l rp a register pair bc,de,hl (hl) implied addressing or register indirect addressing (label) direct addressing (ix+offset) indexed addressing with offset(ix) an offset label call/jmp/jr label The terms data, n, label, and offset, may all be expressions. The terms dir and offset are not allowed to be external refer- ences. The following tables list all Z80/HD64180 mnemonics recog- nized by the ASRAB assembler. The designation [] refers to a required addressing mode argument. Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every instruction, refer to the Z80/HD64180 technical data for valid modes. ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-9 Z80/HD64180 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC.4.1 Inherent Instructions ccf cpd cpdr cpi cpir cpl daa di ei exx halt neg nop reti retn rla rlca rld rra rrca rrd scf BC.4.2 Implicit Operand Instructions adc a,[] adc [] add a,[] add [] and a,[] and [] cp a,[] cp [] dec a,[] dec [] inc a,[] inc [] or a,[] or [] rl a,[] rl [] rlc a,[] rlc [] rr a,[] rr [] rrc a,[] rrc [] sbc a,[] sbc [] sla a,[] sla [] sra a,[] sra [] srl a,[] srl [] sub a,[] sub [] xor a,[] xor [] ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-10 Z80/HD64180 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC.4.3 Load Instruction ld rg,[] ld [],rg ld (bc),a ld a,(bc) ld (de),a ld a,(de) ld (label),a ld a,(label) ld (label),rp ld rp,(label) ld i,a ld r,a ld a,i ld a,r ld sp,hl ld sp,ix ld sp,iy ld rp,#data ldd lddr ldi ldir BC.4.4 Call/Return Instructions call C,label ret C call M,label ret M call NC,label ret NC call NZ,label ret NZ call P,label ret P call PE,label ret PE call PO,label ret PO call Z,label ret Z call label ret BC.4.5 Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions jp C,label jp M,label jp NC,label jp NZ,label jp P,label jp PE,label jp PO,label jp Z,label jp (hl) jp (ix) jp (iy) jp label djnz label jr C,label jr NC,label jr NZ,label jr Z,label jr label ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-11 Z80/HD64180 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC.4.6 Bit Manipulation Instructions bit n,[] res n,[] set n,[] BC.4.7 Interrupt Mode and Reset Instructions im n im n im n rst n BC.4.8 Input and Output Instructions in a,(n) in rg,(c) ind indr ini inir out (n),a out (c),rg outd otdr outi otir BC.4.9 Register Pair Instructions add hl,rp add ix,rp add iy,rp adc hl,rp sbc hl,rp ex (sp),hl ex (sp),ix ex (sp),iy ex de,hl ex af,af' push rp pop rp ASRAB ASSEMBLER PAGE BC-12 Z80/HD64180 ADDRESSING AND INSTRUCTIONS BC.4.10 HD64180 Specific Instructions in0 rg,(n) out0 (n),rg otdm otdmr otim otimr mlt bc mlt de mlt hl mlt sp slp tst a tstio #data APPENDIX BI ASZ80 ASSEMBLER BI.1 .z80 DIRECTIVE Format: .z80 The .z80 directive enables processing of only the z80 specific mnemonics. HD64180/Z180 mnemonics encountered without the .hd64 directive will be flagged with an 'o' error. The .z80 directive also selects the Z80 specific cycles count to be output. BI.2 .hd64 DIRECTIVE Format: .hd64 The .hd64 directive enables processing of the HD64180/Z180 specific mnemonics not included in the Z80 instruction set. HD64180/Z180 mnemonics encountered without the .hd64 directive will be flagged with an 'o' error. A synonym of .hd64 is .z180. The .hd64 directive also selects the HD64180/Z180 specific cycles count to be output. ASZ80 ASSEMBLER PAGE BI-2 THE .__.CPU. VARIABLE BI.3 THE .__.CPU. VARIABLE The value of the pre-defined symbol '.__.CPU.' corresponds to the selected processor type. The default value is 0 which corresponds to the default processor type. The following table lists the processor types and associated values for the ASZ80 assembler: Processor Type .__.CPU. Value -------------- -------------- .z80 0 .hd64 / .z180 1 The variable '.__.CPU.' is by default defined as local and will not be output to the created .rel file. The assembler com- mand line options -g or -a will not cause the local symbol to be output to the created .rel file. The assembler .globl directive may be used to change the the variable type to global causing its definition to be output to the .rel file. The inclusion of the definition of the vari- able '.__.CPU.' might be a useful means of validating that seperately assembled files have been compiled for the same pro- cessor type. The linker will report an error for variables with multiple non equal definitions. BI.4 Z80 REGISTER SET AND CONDITIONS The following is a complete list of register designations and condition mnemonics: byte registers - a,b,c,d,e,h,l,i,r register pairs - af,af',bc,de,hl word registers - pc,sp,ix,iy C - carry bit set M - sign bit set NC - carry bit clear NZ - zero bit clear P - sign bit clear PE - parity even PO - parity odd Z - zero bit set ASZ80 ASSEMBLER PAGE BI-3 Z80 INSTRUCTION SET BI.5 Z80 INSTRUCTION SET The following list specifies the format for each addressing mode supported by ASZ80: #data immediate data byte or word data n byte value rg a byte register a,b,c,d,e,h,l rp a register pair bc,de,hl (hl) implied addressing or register indirect addressing (label) direct addressing offset(ix) indexed addressing with an offset label call/jmp/jr label The terms data, n, label, and offset may all be expressions. Note that not all addressing modes are valid with every in- struction, refer to the Z80/HD64180/Z180 technical data for valid modes. The following tables list all Z80/HD64180/Z180 mnemonics recognized by the ASZ80 assembler. The designation [] refers to a required addressing mode argument. ASZ80 ASSEMBLER PAGE BI-4 Z80 INSTRUCTION SET BI.5.1 Inherent Instructions ccf cpd cpdr cpi cpir cpl daa di ei exx halt neg nop reti retn rla rlca rld rra rrca rrd scf BI.5.2 Implicit Operand Instructions adc a,[] adc [] add a,[] add [] and a,[] and [] cp a,[] cp [] dec a,[] dec [] inc a,[] inc [] or a,[] or [] rl a,[] rl [] rlc a,[] rlc [] rr a,[] rr [] rrc a,[] rrc [] sbc a,[] sbc [] sla a,[] sla [] sra a,[] sra [] srl a,[] srl [] sub a,[] sub [] xor a,[] xor [] ASZ80 ASSEMBLER PAGE BI-5 Z80 INSTRUCTION SET BI.5.3 Load Instruction ld rg,[] ld [],rg ld (bc),a ld a,(bc) ld (de),a ld a,(de) ld (label),a ld a,(label) ld (label),rp ld rp,(label) ld i,a ld r,a ld a,i ld a,r ld sp,hl ld sp,ix ld sp,iy ld rp,#data ldd lddr ldi ldir BI.5.4 Call/Return Instructions call C,label ret C call M,label ret M call NC,label ret NC call NZ,label ret NZ call P,label ret P call PE,label ret PE call PO,label ret PO call Z,label ret Z call label ret BI.5.5 Jump and Jump to Subroutine Instructions jp C,label jp M,label jp NC,label jp NZ,label jp P,label jp PE,label jp PO,label jp Z,label jp (hl) jp (ix) jp (iy) jp label djnz label jr C,label jr NC,label jr NZ,label jr Z,label jr label ASZ80 ASSEMBLER PAGE BI-6 Z80 INSTRUCTION SET BI.5.6 Bit Manipulation Instructions bit n,[] res n,[] set n,[] BI.5.7 Interrupt Mode and Reset Instructions im n im n im n rst n BI.5.8 Input and Output Instructions in a,(n) in rg,(c) ind indr ini inir out (n),a out (c),rg outd otdr outi otir BI.5.9 Register Pair Instructions add hl,rp add ix,rp add iy,rp adc hl,rp sbc hl,rp ex (sp),hl ex (sp),ix ex (sp),iy ex de,hl ex af,af' push rp pop rp ASZ80 ASSEMBLER PAGE BI-7 Z80 INSTRUCTION SET BI.5.10 HD64180/Z180 Specific Instructions in0 rg,(n) out0 (n),rg otdm otdmr otim otimr mlt bc mlt de mlt hl mlt sp slp tst a tstio #data