One example of a 27C256 equivalent:
The Winbond W27E257 EEPROM is a 27C256 equivalent, but electrically erasable instead.
I use these on my IBM 5155/5160/5170 motherboards.
You will still need an EPROM programmer (or other) to write to the W27E257, because the IBM 5155/5160/5162/5170 motherboard cannot write to EEPROM's.
W27E257-10 = 100 ns access time (fastest 'speed') (highest 'speed')
W27E257-12 = 120 ns access time
W27E257-15 = 150 ns access time (slowest 'speed') (lowest 'speed')
( Just a note about the above three speed ratings. First, all are suitable for IBM 5155/5160/5162/5170 motherboards. Next, the speed rating (e.g. access time of 120 ns) is akin to the speed rating on car tyres; it is effectively a maximum speed that the chip is to be run at. The IBM 5155/5160/5162/5170 motherboards always run the ROM's at a fixed speed, irrespective of what ROM you fit. So, on IBM 5155/5160/5162/5170 motherboards, there is no performance to be gained by using a 'faster' ROM than that specified by IBM for the motherboard.)