*** *** (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2002. *** All Rights Reserved *** Licensed Materials - Property Of IBM *** *** Welcome to WebSphere Data Interchange Version 3.2 - CSD7 September, 2003 - CSD7 Included in this section for CSD7 are: 1. Special Instructions 2. General CSD Installation Information 3. List of problems resolved in CSD7 4. Enhancements 5. Summary of new enhancements to date ************************************************************** 1. Special Instructions As part of CSD7,the functional acknowledgement maps have been updated to use certain extended FAError information from validation maps and to correct various problems. To use the extended FAError command, this CSD should be installed at the same time as Client Fix Pack 7. A server that has been upgraded to CSD7 will continue to work with earlier Client versions, but will not be able to use the extended FAError information. The updated functional acknowledgement maps are in samples/famaps.eif, and also available from the web site. To update the functional acknowledgment maps, you will need to do the following using WDI Client (Fixpack 7 is preferred, but not required for this step): - Open the famaps.eif file. You can either use the one in the samples directory on the server (included in CSD7), or download it from the web site. - Import all of the maps from the EI file into your server database. - Compile all of the updated functional acknowledgment maps. Note: If you are doing the inital setup of the database, follow the normal database setup procedures first. After that is completed,import the updated famaps.eif file as described above. ----------------------------------------------------------- This CSD introduces a change to one of the transaction store tables. If you are creating the database for the first time, you can just follow the normal installation steps, and do not need to run this script. If you are updating an existing installation, you will need to run a DB2 script as part of the installation. This script will add new columns to EDITSEV and update an associated view. Note: If you have not already installed all previous CSDs, you must make any database updates associated with those CSDs before making the CSD7 database changes. The steps for those CSDs are outlined in the "Special installation instructions" in the CSD detail section of this readme.txt file. Execute the script as follows: 1) Open a DB2 command window 2) change to the “ddl” directory 3) issue the command "db2 -tf csd7.ddl -l csd7.log" ----------------------------------------------------------- With the installations of CSD7 it is required that you perform a bind following these steps: 1) Open a DB2 command window 2) change to the bind directory 3) issue the command "db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil" ************************************************************** 2. General CSD Installation Information CSDs are cumulative. Previous modules/functions are not deleted as part of the build process. This way you can install the latest CSDs without having to install each CSD to get to the latest CSD. For example, you can install CSD6 without having to install CSD1, CSD2, to CSD6. But once you install CSD6, you cannot install previous CSD. Also, you cannot install the same CSD twice. For uninstall, once you uninstall, you will need to reinstall the base, then the latest CSD. Install will check for the base install before installing any CSDs. How can you tell which CSD you have installed? For Windows : Look at the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere Data Interchange, look for key CurrentVersion=3.2.X, where X is the latest CSD number installed. For AIX: Issue this command, lslpp -L IBMWDIServer32 You should see output with this info: FileSet Level State Type Description (Uninstaller) ------------------------------------------------------------------- IBMWDIServer32 C P ISMP installed entry where 6 is the CSD number ************************************************************** 3. List of problems resolved in CSD7 P8009783 - OA04685 PERFORM IMPORT OF MAP - ALL DT, VAL, FA MAPS COMPILE=YES. P8009790 - IC36749 XML TO XML REMOVES ![CDATA[]] CONSTRUCT ON SPECIAL CHARACTERs SUCH AS "&", "<", AND ">" P8009822 - PQ78184 ABEND IF GE SEGMENT MISSING SEG TERMINATOR P8009781 - IC36670 MANDATORY SEGMENTS ARE MISSING FROM AN FAERROR IN VALIDATION MAP ***see separate user document on web site**** P8009771 - PQ75981 WHEN TRANSLATING CSV FILES WDI 3.2 IS NOT RECOGNIZING CR/LF P8009819 - OA04453 ADF-TO-ADF TRANSLATION PRODUCES SPECAIL CHARACTERS (@@@@@@@) IN TARGET ADF FILE P8009824 - IC37165 AN ATTEMPT TO ENVELOPE OR DE-ENVELOPE FAILED P8009576 - IC35606 wHEN A VALID VN1043 IS ISSUED, AN ERRONEOUS VN1007 IS REPORTED P8009714 - IC36299 WDI 3.2 TRADING PARTNER PROFILE QUALIFIER DOESN'T POPULATE IN ISA07 USING DATA TRANSFORMATION MAP. P8009761 - IC36568 PERFORM SEND TO MQ SHOWS LINE FEED BETWEEN RECORDS. CARRIAGE RETURN MISSING. P8009838 - OA04709 DI NOT GENERATING TR0051/52 MESSAGES FOR OUT OF SEQUENCE SEGMENTS ************************************************************** 4. Enhancements P8009727 AND P8009823 Added C&D record support for Data Transformation processing ************************************************************** 5. Summary of new enhancements to date: - C&D records support (CSD7) - RFH2 parser (CSD6) - Multi Threaded Adapter (CSD5) - SAP Status support (CSD5) - AIX 5.1 PLATFORM SUPPORT (CSD3) - Data Transformation Transaction Store (CSD3) ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD7 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** ************************************************************** *** Updated Notes for WDIAdapter Setup On AIX *** ************************************************************** NOTE: These instructions are intended to clarify the setup of the WDIAdapter program on the AIX platform. These steps do not have any counter part on the Windows platform. When setting up and using the WDIAdatper program to interface with an MQSeries queue you may need to alter the permissions on the default trigger monitor program supplied by MQSeries. This program is installed into /usr/mqm/bin and by default it has the following permissions: -r-sr-s--- 1 mqm mqm 28558 Jun 3 01:49 runmqtrm When the execute permission bit has an 's' value it indicates that when this program is executed the user id should be changed to the owner of the file during the execution of that program. Since the LIBPATH environment variable is not inherited when the user id is switched (for security reasons) this can cause problems with WDI. To resolve this problem you should change the permissions to the following: -r-xr-x--- 1 mqm mqm 28558 Jun 3 01:49 runmqtrm This can be done by simply issuing the following command: chmod ug-s runmqtrm You should also ensure that the user you plan to run the WDIAdapter program as is part of the mqm group. This can be done using the SMITTY interface. ************************************************************** *** Special installation instructions for CSD6 *** ************************************************************** Note: If you have not already installed all previous CSDs, you must make any database updates associated with those CSDs before making the CSD6 database changes. The steps for those CSDs are outlined in the "Special installation instructions" in the CSD detail section of this readme.txt file. ----------------------------------------------------------- This CSD introduces a change to the Service Profile entity, and requires that a DB2 script execute during installation. This script will add a new column to EDIPSSL and set its default values. It will also update information about the profile in table EDIPSPD. Execute the script as follows: 1) Open a DB2 command window 2) change to the “ddl” directory 3) issue the command "db2 -tf csd6.ddl -l csd6.log" It is recommended to get the benefit of this change that you also install the corresponding Client Fix Pack 6. ----------------------------------------------------------- With the installations of CSD6 it is required that you perform a bind following these steps: 1) Open a DB2 command window 2) change to the bind directory 3) issue the command "db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil" ------------------------------------------------------------ July 2003 - CSD6 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. P8009759 Functional Group ID (GS01) empty when using delayed enveloping P8009728 New function: Allow user to get and set the RFH2 and MQMD values in the map using the GetProperty/SetProperty commands. **Please see separate detailed document from web site** P8009721 - IC36339 Transformation map generating space on XML tags. When sending more than 32k of data (ADF,EDI,XML) to a file or a queue a LF (AIX) or a CR/LF (Windows) was being inserted into the data. P8009768 - IC36596 DT maps from XML-->EDI, Encountered problem when mapping nested loops with multiple hierarchical levels. P8009750 - IC36512 WDISERVER - EDI data containing release character is processed incorrectly by a receive map. P8009706 - IC36271 Messages are frequesntly written to WDI.FAILURE.Q P8009756 - IC36452 Problem with FAERROR call in the validation map P8009778 - IC36659 Literal value specified in the E Envelope Profile are not generated into EDI Interchanges. P8009769 - IC36599 Outbound EDI DT Map incorrectly populating GS08 SETPROPERTY not taking precedence and value truncated with EDI2DICT P8009800 Certain input files causes TR0836. The one observed cause is that it occurs only when multiple interchanges are processed. P8009411 - IC36473 Command chaining not working on EDI to XML double translation P8009796 - IC36762 If HL04 is 0 it is omitted in HIPAA DT map P8009785 - IC36674 EDI to XML Qualify by value mapping missing output at CSD4 level P8009795 Problem with segmented data output on XML P8009805 Problem caused by null ELMVALUE P8009810 Abend caused by uninitilized memory when the translator was invoKed multiple times by stacking PERFORM commands in a single command file. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD6 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** ************************************************************** *** Special installation instructions for CSD5 *** ************************************************************** As part of CSD5 an AIX specific change was made to the default load data for one of the DB2 tables. If you are installing CSD5 on an AIX system you must perform the following steps using database administrator id. 1) change to the ixf directory 2) issue the command "db2 -tf loadcsd5.ddl -l/tmp/loadcsd5.log" 3) change to the bind directory 4) issue the command "db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil" If you are installing on Windows, you will need to perform the following steps. 1) change to the bind directory 2) issue the command "db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil" Note: If you have not previously installed CSD1 and/or CSD3 and/or CSD4, you must make the database updates associated with those CSDs before making the CSD5 database changes. The steps for those CSDs are outlined in the "Special installation instructions" in the CSD details section of this readme.txt file. With CSD5, a new multi-threaded WDI MQ adapter is also available. Review the WebSphere Data Interchange Enhanced Adapter Install Guide for CSD5 document avialable from the WDI website. ---------------------------------------------------------- June 2003 - CSD5 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. P8009648 - IC36025 FAERROR not being reported for invalid value in validation map using EDIFACT. P8009713 The DT processing had several memory leaks which caused memory to be leaked on each message that was processed. These were found and fixed. P8009720 PERFORM IMPORT gets a protection exception importing a standard that is part of a DT map export. P8009724 - IC36356 When element separator is HEX'5E' various errors are issued erroneously during PERFORM TRANSFORM SYNTAX(E) P8009684 Server import with Host STD convert reports no data. P8009326 WDISERVER erroneous TR0001 issued during ADF to XML translation for a mandatory attribute in optional XML element. P8009716 - IC36319 CR/LF NOT WORKING IN ADF P8009723 Add SAP interface for Data Transformation processing. ***Please see separate document for full description*** P8009726 - IC36365 WDISERVER Unable to process multiple validation maps when different transaction types are in one interchange. P8009712 - IC36289 WDIADAPTER does not write failed MSG to FAILURE Q during EDI to XML when using Send/Recv maps and EDIXPROC abends. P8009722 - IC36340 EDI output msg > 32K contains unexpected CRLF character. ADF to EDI Send map is being used. P8009708 Customer unable to compile map on DI 3.2, after migrating from 3.1 using fix to fix translation. P8009739 - IC36431 WDI 3.2 MP AIX unexpected null characters in X12 output instead of expected data or spaces. P8009660 TS Interchange report - No groups with control number by transaction P8009725 - IC36360 Erroneous TR0051 errors reported on validation map. P8009735 - IC36420 ADF N2 Field blank causing TR0016 messages. P8009754 Invalid access to memory problem. P8009737 Creation of new multi threading adapter. ***Please see separate document for full description*** P8009738 - IC36429 Unable to process different EDIFACT message types within one interchange when no group envelopes are present. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD5 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** ************************************************************** *** Special installation instructions for CSD4 *** ************************************************************** April/May 2003 As part of CSD4 and Client Fix Pack 4 a new view has been added to the WebSphere Data Interchange database. If you are doing the initial set up of your database after installing CSD4, then you do not need to take any special action. You can just follow the steps in the the WebSphere Data Interchange for Multiplatforms User's Guide. If you are installing CSD4 and already have an existing database for WebSphere Data Interchange, then you need to update it by doing the following steps. Note: If you have not previously installed CSD1 and/or CSD3, you must make the database updates associated with those CSDs before making the CSD4 database changes. The steps for those CSDs are outlined in the "Special installation instructions" in the CSD details section of this readme.txt file. 1) Perform the following steps as a user with DB2 administrator authority. If you are installing on Windows, using your DB2 administrator user ID, select Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> Command Window to open the DB2 Command window. If you are installing on AIX, log in as a user with administrator authority. Note: You should use the same id that was initially used to create the EDIEC32E database. The remaining database setup steps use this command window or login session. 2) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 3) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd4.ddl -l csd4.log This creates the new view in the database. 4) The next step will issue GRANT statements necessary for DI Client access to the tables, including the newly created view. The default is to issue GRANTs to public. You may wish to change public to specific userids or a group of authorized users. Note: During the installation of CSD4 the previous version of grntec32.ddl was renamed to grntec32.XXX, where XXX is a unique 3 digit numeric extension, like 000. 5) Issue the command: db2 -tf grntec32.ddl -l grntec32.log 6) Change to the bind directory under the installation directory. 7) Invoke the command to rebind the WebSphere Data Interchange DB2 packages. db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil -l bind.log You have now finished updating the WebSphere Data Interchange database for CSD4. ------------------------------------------------------------ Changes to the WDI Adapter for Websphere MQ This CSD contains significant changes to the WDI Adapter executable. For installation, each site should define a new WMQ Queue "WDI.FAILURE.Q," or configure individual exception queues as noted below. "User" level Unit of Work WDI Adapter uses a user level commit point. Effective with this change, no "commit" processing for MQ or DB2 recoverable resources will be invoked during the normal processing by the utility. The WDI Adapter program will call a service in WDI to perform the Commit or Rollback after all processing of the command chain has completed. All resources will be hardened or restored together. By design, the Event Log does not participate in this Unit of Work. In general, any non-utility return code or a utility return code of 8 or 12 will cause a backout. Utility return code 8 with extended return code 1 or 2 may not cause backout. Backout information from Queue definition As each message is read from the input queue, the WDI Adapter will now check its BackoutCount. This count starts at zero and is incremented each time the message participates in a Rollback. If the backout count exceeds the Backout Threshold defined in the Queue properties, the message will be written to the Queue defined in the Backout Requeue Name. Failure Queue The WDI Adapter no longer references the System Dead Letter Queue. Messages with a detectable error are copied unaltered to the Backout Requeue Name defined for the input queue or to the queue "WDI.FAILURE.Q." If neither is defined, the adapter will terminate. Error Messages Each error message has been embellished with additional descriptive text. All errors continue to be written to the standard output stream of the process. -------------------------------------------------------------- April/May 2003 - CSD4 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. CSDs are cumulative, so this CSD will include fixes from previous CSDs unless otherwise noted. P8009655 IF DOING DT PROCESSING WITH INPUT EDIFACT DATA THAT DOES NOT HAVE A GROUP HEADER/TRAILER (UNG/UNE), THE INTERCHANGE IS NOT DISPLAYED ON THE CLIENT TRANSACTION STORE QUERY. P8009551 TR1205, RC =125 ON INBOUND DEENVELOPE AND TRANSLATE BECAUSE OF BAD DATA P8009620 - IC35916 GROUP HEADER AND TRAILER ALWAYS GENERATED P8009619 - IC35915 REL CHARACTER IS NOT WORKING IN DT MAPS P8009646 - IC36000 SPORADIC WDIADAPTER FAILURES DURING XML TO EDI (RECEIVE MAP) TRANSLATION UNDER STRESS TEST. P8009667 NEW ENVELOPE CREATED FOR EACH TRANSACTION P8009521 XML FATAL MEMORY LOCATION EXCEPTION OCCURS WITH LARGE XML INPUT FILE P8009559 PERFORM REMOVE NOT DELETING ROWS FROM EDITSTO. ENCOUNTERS SQLCODE501 REASON 00C90096. P8009593 FF0591 & FF0597 ARE NOT BEING DISPLAYED IN THE PRTFILE P8009659 TR0836 MESSAGE GEN FA AND DUP ENV NOT DETECTED P8009665 RECONSTRUCT DOES NOT SUPPORT MIN TRADING PARTNERS P8009657 - IC36047 PROCESSING OF AN XML->ADF TRANSFORMATION THE WDI SERVER LOSSES IT'S CONNECTION WITH THE DATABASE. P8009670 - IC36093 INSIDE EDIFFS, PRODUCTION/USAGE - TEST OPT IS NOT WORKING P8009637 - IC35978 UNS SEGMENT IN SUSDEC MESSAGES IS BEING MATCHED AGAINST 2 DIFFERENT POSITIONS IN VALIDATION MAP. P8009685 INTERMITTENT ABEND ON PERFORM RECONSTRUCT P8009672 - IC36098 RC12 ISSUED FOR TR0852, STOPPING WDIADAPTER TRIGGER. RC8 MORE APPROPRIATE. P8009636 XML TAG DEFINED IN DTD, NOT IN INPUT CAUSES INVALID ERROR TR0003 DATA ELEMENT TOO SHORT. P8009680 - IC36131 ESCAPE CHARACTERS IN EDI AND XML NOT TRANSLATED TO OUTPUT. P8009674 - IC36101 INCORRECT SYNTAX ERROR CODES BEING PRODUCED IN THE FUNCTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WHEN THE UNT SEGMENT IS INVALID. P8009677 - IC36116 TESTING MAP AND WINDOWS WAS TERMINATED THE PROGRAM. P8009617 - IC35901 WDIADAPTER FAILS SPORADICALLY WITH FF0579 DURING XML RECEIVE MAP PROCESSING WHEN MULTIPLE MSGS PUT ON MQ QUEUE. P8009686 - IC36153 R VALUE CONVERSION TO N2 NOT WORKING CORRECTLY ON DT MAP. P8009688 CONVERSION ERROR IF NO ENV PROFILE. P8009519 RULES NODE ENHANCEMENTS - USAGE IND AND APP FIELDS P8009591 - IC35703 WDIADAPTER DOES NOT FORWARD INPUT MESSAGE TO THE WDI.FAILURE.QUEUE WHEN A MESSAGE FAILS TRANSLATION. P8009625 - IC35932 SENDING MORE THAN ONE SALES REPORT RESULT IN FAILURE. P8009594 - IC35714 INVALID UNA SEGMENT IN EDIFACT P8009687 ERROR TR0836 LISTS TABLE EDIVSCST THAT DOES NOT EXIST P8009568 NOT RECOGNIZING DUPENV(N) KEYWORD P8009702 TR0821 OCCURS FOR MAP MIGRATED FROM 3.1 WITH OLD CONTROL STRING FOR RECEIVE MAP USING C&D STYLE ADF P8009689 - IC36178 CONTROL NUMBRS NOT BEING GENERATED CORRECTLY P8009682 - IC36134 AN ATTEMPT TO RETRIEVE AN AMM ELEMENT NAME FAILED' OCCURS WHEN A CONSTANT TO A XML ATTRIBUTE LIMITS THE STRING TO 99 CHARS P8009697 - IC36224 WHEN AN EDI ELEMENT WITH A MAX LENGTH OF 512BYTES IS TRANSFORMED CONTAINS EXTRA CHARACTERS: NOTABLY HEX1A P8009669 - IC36092 ON VALIDATION MAP,THE LAST LOOP IS NOT BEING PROCESSED P8009691 TRANSFORM ENVELOPING - LEAST NUMBER OF ENVELOPES P8009695 - IC36208 N2 ROUNDS UP INCORRECTLY P8009703 - IC36239 XML DATA CONTAINING QUESTION MARK IS PROCESSED INCORRECTLY BY A RECEIVE MAP P8009658 - IC36048 MESSAGE WRITTEN TO OUTPUT MQSERIES QUEUE THE DATA TRANSFORMATION ARE MISSING CARRIAGE RETURNS AS RECORD DELIMITERS P8009673 - IC36099 WDI DOES NOT ADHERE TO THE ENVELOPE SEGMENT SPECIFICATIONS IN THE E ENVELOPE STANDARS UNDER EDI STANDARDS ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD4 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** *** Installation Instructions for CSD3********************** Please reference a separate document available on our web site which details the enhancements made that are included in this CSD, as well as any special instructions for installation. March 2003 - CSD3 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. CSDs are cumulative, so this CSD will include fixes from previous CSDs unless otherwise noted. P8009529 - IC35249 INBOUND EDI MESSAGES REPORT ERROR IN WRONG POSITION P8009561 0 ENVELOPING ON INBOUND CREATES FUNCTIONAL ACKS WITH ISA HEADER. ISA SHOULD NOT BE CREATED. P8009080 DOC TR0025 DUPLICATE TRANSACTION HAS BEEN DETECTED P8009545 - IC35337 AN ABEND OCCURS WHEN A MAP COMMAND REFERENCES A NON-EXISTENT SUBELEMENT OF A COMPOSITE DATA ELEMENT. P8009577 - IC35618 HIPAA VALIDATION MAPS DO NOT SHOW ALL ERRORS IF MORE THAN 1 TYPE EXISTS IN THE SAME SEGMENT. P8009569 TRANSACTION STORE FOR DT MAPS P8009590 - IC35700 ADF TO XML AND XML TO ADF TR0016 ISSUED FOR SEND/RECEIVE MAPS WITH SPECIAL LANGUAGE CHARACTERS AS INPUT. P8009582 - IC35672 WDIADAPTER FAILS AFTER PROCESSING NUMEROUS MESSAGES IN THE SAME INSTANCE. P8009583 - IC35674 EDI TO ADF RECEIVE TRANSLATION FAILS WITH TR0051 WHEN INPUT EXCEEDS 32K AND NO CRLF CHARACTERS. P8009604 ADD EDITRACE TO OPEN PLATFORMS P8009596 - IC35730 XML OUTPUT MSG > 32K ADDS EXTRA CARRIAGE RETURN CAUSING THE XML DATA TO BE NOT WELL FORMED. P8009597 - IC35736 HIPAA VALIDATION MAP IS NOT PROCESSING OR RECOGNIZING LAST LOOP IN THE STANDARD WHEN PRESENT IN THE DATA. P8009606 - IC35815 INVALID RFH2 HEADER GENERATED WHEN INPUT RFH2 CONTAINS NON-NATIVE CCSID. P8009562 SIGNAL 11 - TRANSFORM - ADF2EDI - ADF PARSER P8009610 - IC35843 WDIADAPTER ABENDS DURING ADF TO XML PROCESSING WHEN TRANSLATING CERTAIN INPUT FILES. P8009627 - IC35941 RESIDUAL OUTPUT IN REPEATING SEGMENT IN A TARGET BASED XML TO EDI MAP. P8009607 - IC35827 UNB AND UNH ENVELOPE HEADERS INCORRECT WHEN RUNNING UNDER AIX. P8009647 - IC36002 ADF TO XML (SEND MAP) ENCOUNTERS TR0852 'NO TEXT FOUND FOR MESSAGE TR0852 IN MESSAGE FILE EDIMSG' ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD3 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** *** Installation Instructions for CSD2********************** If you have not installed CSD1 previously, that is fine - all CSDs are cumulative, but you will need to follow the installation instructions under CSD1 details. If you are installing CSD2 over CSD1 - all that is required for you to do after installation is a bind. Bind the new executables to the database ---------------------------------------- You must bind the new executables to your database. The following steps will run the bind step using the new bind files that were included in CSD2. 1) Change directory to the bind directory 2) Issue the command: db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil -l bind.log This process will BIND the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 DB2 packages and GRANT execute authority to public. If you changed the bindgrnt.fil script during the initial DB2 setup to specify a different user or group of users instead of "public", then this command will BIND the DB2 packages and GRANT execute authority to that id or group instead. ************************************************* February 2003 - CSD2 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. CSDs are cumulative, so this CSD will include fixes from previous CSDs unless otherwise noted. P8009101 PERFORM REMOVE TRANSACTIONS LOCKING OUT TRANSLATOR WITH INTERMITTENT DEADLOCKS AND TIMEOUTS. FF0457 ALSO OCCURS. P8009458 VARIOUS ISSUES WITH CONTRL FUNCTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. RECEIVE MAP USAGE SET TO CONTV21. P8009237 PERFORM ENVELOPE FAILS WITH TR0836 BECAUSE HOST STANDARD NOT FOUND IN EDIVSCST. HOST STANDARD SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED. P8009441 CONTRL message generated for CONTV21 contains incorrect value of "8" in DE 0083 Action Code in the UCM. The action code should be "7". P8009438 ABEND OCCURS IF A DUPLICATE GROUP IS DETECTED P8009151 The problem was caused by the fact that no file was associated with the DD name OUTMSG. When the following set file command was added to the command file the VN1045 error went away. set file(OUTMSG, baseout.msg) The error handling was changed so that better error message would be generated (VN1007 unable to open file) in this condition. P8009229 WHEN TR0016 ISSUED ALONG WITH TR0008 THE CONDITION IS NOT REFLECTED IN THE FA. P8009491 NULL CHARACTER AT END OF EDIFACT UNA SEGMENT p8009499 ADF OUTPUT INCORRECT WITH STRUCTURE REPEAT 22 p8009527 WDI 3.2 MP SERVER INSTALL SCRIPT LINE MISSING FOR EDIUTCU CAUSES UT0055 SEVERITY 08 SQL CODE -805 P8009505 NULL CHARACTERS ADDED TO FILE DURING NETWORK TRANSFERS WHEN A XML FILE IS BEING CREATED WITHIN WEBSPHERE DATA INTERCHANGE NULL CHARACTERS ARE ADDED TO THE END P8009542 For EDI->XML data transformation maps, output data being written to an MQSeries queue is being truncated when the output xml data reaches a certain size, roughly 4-5K. P8009437 Create a PERFORM DELETE USAGE command with the following keywords: a) DIR (X) where X can be S(send) or R(receive), default is R send and receive b) TPTID(xxx) where xxx is the Mapname, 30 characters send and receive c) TPID(xxx) where xxx is the internal Trading partner ID, 35 bytes send d) TPNICKN(xxx) where xxx is the EDI Trading Partner Nickname (profile send and receive e) APPLTPID(xxx) where xxx is the Application Trading Partner nickname, send and receive, this is a new keyword f) APPSNDID(xxx) where xxx is the Application Sender ID, 35 characters receive g) AGENCY(xxx) where xxx is the responsible agency code, 8 characters, default is blank h) VERSION(xxx) where xxx is the version, 8 characters, default is blank i) REL(xxx) where xxx is the release, 8 characters, default is blank j) APPRECID(xxx) where xxx is the Application Receiver ID, 35 characters receive The PERFORM DELETE USAGE will have the following syntax: format for send usage PERFORM DELETE USAGE WHERE DIR(S) TPTID(mapname) APPLTPID(atpid) TPNICKN(etpid) TPID(intpid) format for receive usage PERFORM DELETE USAGE WHERE DIR(R) TPTID(mapname) APPLTPID(atpid) TPNICKN(etpid) APPSNDID(appsenderid) || APPRECID(appreceiverid) AGENCY(agency) VERSION(version) REL(release) format to delete all usages for a given map PERFORM DELETE USAGE WHERE DIR(S/R) TPTID(mapname) All values that are not required will default to blank. DIR will default to R. If both APPSNDID and APPRECID are entered, APPSNDID will be used. P8009404 IF A TRANSLATION TABLE IS CREATED WITH MORE THAN 407 ENTRIES AND IT IS COPIED TO A NEW TABLE, ONLY 407 ENTRIES ARE COPIED. P8009502 WHEN XML FILE IS BEING CREATED IN WDI, WDI DOES NOT ESCAPE RESERVED XML CHARACTERS P8009540 EDIFACT DATA TAGGED ONTO THE END OF A SUCCESSFUL XML USING SEND/ RECEIVE MAPS. THE PROBLEM OCCURS WHEN THE XML DATA PRODUCED HAS FEWER BYTES THAN THE EDIFACT DATA CREATED IN THE TRANSLATION PROCESS, A RARE EVENT WHEN CONSIDERING XML TAG LENGTH. P8009174 When a type of MQ is specified on an ADF WDI currently writes the file out to a MQSeries queue one record per-messaage. This needs to be changed so that the entire file is written out to the queue as a single MQSeries message. P8009495 CTL NUMS HAVE LEADING ZEROS IN GS, GE, ST,SE P8009168 IMPORT 3.1 MAP INTO 4.1 OR WDI 3.2 GETTING DB ERROR P8009494 EXPORT LOOPS FOR HEAVILY REPEATED MAPPINGS P8009487 PERFORM EXPORT 4.1 DT MAPS SOURCE DOC NOT EXPORTING P8009524 MIGRATE DI 4.1 TO WDI 3.2 EXPORT DTD FAILS DB ERROR 8,12 P8009532 EXPORT TABLES WITH CORRUPT RECLN FIELD ABENDS P8009547 DELFILE WILL NOT BE DELETED FOR A TRANSLATION WARNING P8009475 OUTBOUND JOB ABENDING WITH OC4 P8009522 CUSTOMER MIGRATED FROM 3.1 TO 4.1 AND BATCH JOB (SEND/RCV) NOW GETTING FF0475. CUSTOMER ON CICS TS 2.2 P8009541 TR0052 message is issued for each GID segment P8009543 SPLITTING OF OUTPUT XML ONEMSG(Y) IN PERFORM TRANSFORM COMMAND IS NOW VALID P8009546 VALIDATION ERRORS NOT REPORTED IN CONTRL MESSAGE P8009566 EDI TO XML TRANSFORM FAILS WHEN INPUT ISA CONTAINS MULTIPLE GS ENVELOPES WITH DIFFERENT EDI TRANSACTION TYPES. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD2 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** November 2002 - CSD1 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD: - ADDED "SEGMENTATION ALLOWED" AND "LOGICAL ORDER" FLAG TO THE MQPUTS - IF UNABLE TO OPEN DESIGNATED FILE WRITE TO EXCEPTION FILE - EDI TO ADF WITH 2 AND Z2 DATA INCORRECT - EXTRA DELIMITERS GENERATED IN UNB SEGMENT - EDI PARSER IGNORES SUBELEMENT DLM IF UNA WITHOUT REP DLM - EDIFACT USAGE INDICATOR '1' NOT RECOGNIZED AS TEST - MISSING SE SEGMENT CAUSES ABEND IN VALIDATION NODE - VALIDATION NODE - APPLY SUBELEMENT SYNTAX NOTES CORRECTLY - SPACES BETWEEN ELEMENTS OF THE RFH2 FOLDER - REPEATING SEG IN LOOP INCORRECT IN THE AMM - XML GEN REPORTS ERROR AMM0011 - VALIDATION NODE - CALL CALIDATION MAP ON OUTPUT - VALIDATION NODE - ERRONEOUS TR0052 FROM NESTED HL LOOP - RU0001 NO ACTIVE RULE WHEN 2 DTDS WITH SAME ROOTELEMENT - DB2 VIEWS NEED TO BE ADDED TO GRNTEC32.DDL - MISSING EDIPSTV, EDIPSTT ENTRIES IN LOAD DATA - MISSING VALIDATION MAP OUTVALMAP ON SAMPLE RULE - MQ ERROR 2012 (MQRC_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR) ON AIX - EDI GENERATOR NOT PROCESSING SEG ELEMENTS CORRECTLY - RFH2 HEADER FOR OUTPUT MSG INCORRECT IF ORIGINATED IN JMS ************************************************************** *** Special installation instructions for CSD1 *** ************************************************************** If you installed CSD1 before setting up your database, then you do NOT need to do any special installation steps for CSD1. The CSD1 changes will be included when you create and load the database using the normal installation steps. Bind the new executables to the database ---------------------------------------- You must bind the new executables to your database. The following steps will run the bind step using the new bind files that were included in CSD1. 1) Change directory to the bind directory 2) Issue the command: db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil -l bind.log This process will BIND the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 DB2 packages and GRANT execute authority to public. If you changed the bindgrnt.fil script during the initial DB2 setup to specify a different user or group of users instead of "public", then this command will BIND the DB2 packages and GRANT execute authority to that id or group instead. Load data updates ----------------- If you created the database using the base release of WDI 3.2, then later installed CSD1, you should run the loadcsd1.ddl script to update your existing data. If there are steps that you do not want to do, you can comment out the import line by placing a "--" at the beginning of the line. Comments within the script describe what each of the steps will do. To run the script to update the load data for CSD1, do the following: 1) Change directory to the ixf directory 2) Issue the following command: db2 -tf loadcsd1.ddl This process will load the updated messages into the DB2 table, create the UNOA, UNOB, and UNOC code list (validation) tables, add entries to tables that were left empty in the original load data (including the CHARSET code list table), and correct an error on the rule for the sample map. The loading may generate warnings, but it is safe to ignore them. Also, it is normal for many rows may be rejected, because the script does not replace existing code list and translation tables and entries. Table/view permission updates ----------------------------- The grntec32.ddl script was updated to allow PUBLIC access to the database views. Previously, PUBLIC access was only granted to the tables, not the views. Without the proper permissions on the views, users may get authorization errors when performing certain functions with WDI Client. To correct this, the user must run the updated grntec32.ddl script. To run the script: 1) Change directory to the ddl directory 2) If you wish to allow PUBLIC access to the tables and views, go on to step 3. If you wish to grant permission only to specific userids or a group of authorized users, edit the grntec32.ddl script and change "PUBLIC" to the user or group or users that should have access. 3) Issue the following command: db2 -tf grntec32.ddl -l grntec32.log This script can be run against the existing database, even if it has already been run before. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD1 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** *** *** (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2002. *** All Rights Reserved *** Licensed Materials - Property Of IBM *** *** Welcome to WebSphere Data Interchange Version 3.2 *** *** *** For information on how to set up WebSphere MQ for WebSphere Data Interchange see the wdi_mq_setup.txt file in the samples directory. On Windows platforms the WebSphere MQ Services Trigger Monitor does not fully support PROCESS definitions that contain file paths having embedded blank characters e.g. "C:\Program files\". Instead run the WebSphere MQ trigger monitor program runmqtrm as described in wdi_mq_setup.txt. *** Install instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 1) Perform subsequent steps as a user with DB2 administrator authority. 2) After the InstallShield installation, the directory structure within the installation directory is as follows: bin bind ddl ixf include lib runtime runtime/adf runtime/aex runtime/dicmd runtime/dicts runtime/dtds runtime/edi runtime/eex runtime/fak runtime/prt runtime/qry runtime/rcv runtime/rpt runtime/trk runtime/wrk runtime/xex runtime/xml samples * Additional directories may be created for use by InstallShield. These are used for things like keeping uninstall information, and the Java Virtual Machine binaries. 3) Change directory to the ddl directory 4) Issue the command: db2 create db ediec32e This process will create the database. When this process has completed successfully the database has been built. Once the database has been created, issue the command: altrec32 This process will alter some of the default parameters related to log file size and number of primary and secondary logs. 5) Change to the DB2 directory which contains the bind files for the DB2 utilities. - If installing on Windows, this typically has a name like C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\bnd. - If installing on AIX, this typically has a name like /u//sqllib/bnd, where is the id of the instance owner. (See DB/2 Quick Beginnings "Binding Database Utilities") 6) Issue the following commands: db2 connect to ediec32e db2 bind @db2ubind.lst messages bind.msg grant public db2 bind @db2cli.lst messages clibind.msg grant public db2 connect reset Note for AIX installations: You may need to specify a different file for the messages for example /tmp/bind.msg, if you do not have write authority to the current directory. 7) Change the current directory back to the ddl directory. 8) Issue the command: db2 -tf ediec32.ddl -l ec32.log This process creates the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 tables, indices, views, etc. 9) The next step will issue GRANT statements necessary for DI Client access to the newly created tables. The default is to issue GRANTs to public. You may wish to change public to specific userids or a group of authorized users. 10) Issue the commands: db2 -tf grntec32.ddl -l grntec32.log 11) Change directory to the ixf directory 12) Issue the following command: loadec32 This process will load initial data into the DB2 tables. The loading may generate warnings, but you can just ignore them. 13) Change directory to the bind directory 14) The next step will issue GRANT statements necessary for WebSphere Data Interchange Server access to the newly created tables. The default within bindgrnt.fil is to issue GRANTs to public. You may wish to change public to specific userids or a group of authorized users. 15) Issue the command: db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil -l bind.log This process will BIND the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 DB2 packages and GRANT execute authority to public. 16) The installation for the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 is complete. Notes on setting the PATH: For Windows installations, the bin directory for WDI 3.2 is added to the end of your current path. If you have another version of WDI installed on your system, you need to change your path to make sure that the WDI 3.2 bin directory comes before any other versions of WDI in your PATH. If other versions of WDI executables are found in your path, you may receive database errors such as a -818, since the executables from other versions are not bound to the EDIEC32E database. For AIX installations, there is a script in the samples directory that can be used to set up the WDI environment variables. To use this script, enter the command: . setdienv.sh This command can also be run from within your .profile when you login. By using the "." followed by a blank, this will set the variables in the current environment. Otherwise, the environment variables are only set for the duration of the script. *** Install verification steps 1) Change directory to the samples directory 2) Enter the command: wditest This will start a batch file (Windows) or shell script (AIX) to set up environment variables and run a translation using the sample map and data provided. The environment is restored at the end of the test. If the installation is successful, you should see the following output: DI Translator Started, build date: (WDI build date) DI Translator processed your request. DI Translator shutdown If error(s) are written to the console or to the prtfile (in the samples directory), check the messages and take appropriate corrective action. *** Setting up a TCP/IP alias for remote access to AIX databases For improved performance when accessing an AIX database from the WDI Client, use of a TCP/IP alias is suggested. This also prevents certain performance related database errors. To set up a TCP/IP alias for a database do the following steps using an id with db2 sysadm authority: You will need to substitute your local values for the following: is the service name in /etc/services for the DB2 port is the host name for the machine is the tcpip node name you want to define is the database name is the database alias Issue these commands one time for the machine to create the TCP/IP node: db2set DB2COMM=tcpip db2 update dbm cfg using svcename db2 catalog tcpip node remote server Then for each database, you will define an alias by issuing the following command: db2 catalog database as at node For example, if your system had the following local values: db2tcp01 is the service name in /etc/services for the DB2 port wdihost is the host name for the machine wditcp is the tcpip node name you want to define EDIEC32E is the database name WDITCP32 is the database alias you want to use You would issue the following commands: db2set DB2COMM=tcpip db2 update dbm cfg using svcename db2tcp01 db2 catalog tcpip node wditcp remote wdihost server db2tcp01 db2 catalog database EDIEC32E as WDITCP32 at node wditcp When remote DB2 clients connect to the EDIEC32E database, they can use the WDITCP32 alias for the database name. If you want to define additional TCP/IP aliases for that system, you only need to issue the "db2 catalog database" command for the other databases. You do not need to define the node again. For more information, refer to your DB2 documentation. *** Uninstall instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 To uninstall on AIX: 1) Change directory to the _uninst directory 2) Issue the command: uninstall.bin To uninstall on Windows: 1) Use the Windows "Add/Remove Programs" dialog on the control panel to uninstall the program. *** Acknowledgements *** This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under Apache Software License, Version 1.1. A copy of this license (LICENSE.TXT) is included in the same directory as this file. This product also includes International Components for Unicode. Copyright (c) 1995-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others All rights reserved. This is distributed under the X License (XLicense.html), which is included in the same directory as this file. ********************************************************* *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 README.TXT *** *********************************************************