*** *** (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2002,2007. *** All Rights Reserved *** Licensed Materials - Property Of IBM *** *** Welcome to WebSphere Data Interchange Version 3.2.1*** *** Readme.txt for CSD26 - December 2007 *** ************************************************************** *** General CSD Installation Information ************************************************************** CSDs are cumulative. Previous modules/functions are not deleted as part of the build process. This way you can install the latest CSDs without having to install each CSD to get to the latest CSD. For example, you can install CSD6 without having to install CSD1, CSD2, to CSD6. But once you install CSD6, you cannot install a previous CSD. Also, you cannot install the same CSD twice. For uninstall, once you uninstall, you will need to reinstall the base, then the latest CSD. Install will check for the base install before installing any CSDs. How can you tell which CSD you have installed? For Windows : Look at the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\WebSphere Data Interchange, look for key CurrentVersion=3.2.X, where X is the latest CSD number installed. For AIX: Issue this command, lslpp -L IBMWDIServer32 You should see output with this info: FileSet Level State Type Description (Uninstaller) ------------------------------------------------------------------- IBMWDIServer32 C P ISMP installed entry where 6 is the CSD number ************************************************************** *** WDI Client requirements: ************************************************************** To take full advantage of the enhancements and fixes we recommend that you also have the latest Client Fixpack installed. This CSD will also work with earlier versions of the WDI 3.2.1 Client, but at a reduced level of function. ************************************************************** *** Summary of new enhancements to date: ************************************************************** - allow UNTDI reconciliation message to be created on output and validated on input (CSD25) - Parse XML input file directly - Reduces WDI Memory use(CSD21) - Add import / Export logic and fields for the Business ID table of the Trading Partner profile (CSD21) - Reduce the amount of memory used during DT translations(CSD21) - ENHANCEMENT FOR SOURCE/TARGET CODEPAGE (CSD21) - INCREASE EDIWORK SIZE ON MULTI-PLATFORM (CSD21) - DT PERFORMANCE PROBLEM TRANSLATING 400 INTERCHANGES (CSD20) - ENHANCEMENT FOR SOURCE/TARGET CODEPAGE - STAGE 1 - EDIFACT (CSD20) - DB2 8.2 support (CSD19) - Add Internal Trading Partner to DTC (CSD19) - Performance Issues in DT EDI -> ADF Map (CSD19) - Add TRADACOMS envelope support for DT maps (CSD18) - Add ZEROSIG and BLANKSIG for DT processing (CSD18) - Performance improvements for EDI source processing (CSD17) - Add UNICODE encoding for XML target (CSD17) - Implement continuous receive capability for PERFORM TRANSFORM (CSD16) - Panel change to 3.2.1 (CSD15) - Performance enhancements and XML Splitting (CSD14) - Add Date & Time info to messages written to WDIADAPTER.TRACE (CSD14) - ADD TRACE LEVEL TO PRODUCE RECORD PARSING ONLY (CSD14) - Allow all trading partners and associated usages be exported via batch export (CSD13) - Support zoned decimal data type in ADF fields (CSD13) - Export usages as an assoc object of TP (CSD12) - Optional Records (CSD11) - Windows XP support (CSD11) - XML Schema Support (CSD9) - TA1 Support for DT mapping (CSD8) - DB2 8.1 support (CSD8) - AIX 5.2 Platform support (CSD8) - C&D records support (CSD7) - RFH2 parser (CSD6) - Multi Threaded Adapter (CSD5) - SAP Status support (CSD5) - AIX 5.1 Platform Support (CSD3) - Data Transformation Transaction Store (CSD3) **************************************************************** *** Special instructions for installing CSDs **************************************************************** Many CSDs have introduced database changes. These instructions tell you how to update your database to work with this CSD. If this is a new install (fresh database load) the following installation process can be used: (a) Install the WDI Base Code (b) Install the latest CSD (c) Perform the Installation Configuration steps as indicated for the Base Code install (DB2 configuration steps). This is described in the section "Install instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2" in this file, and also in the User's Guide. (d) Import the new maps for TA1 support, as described in the CSD8 installation instructions. If you are applying this CSD to an existing installation, you need to do the following steps after you install this CSD. Perform the following steps as a user with DB2 administrator authority. If you are installing on Windows, using your DB2 administrator user ID, select Start -> Programs -> IBM DB2 -> Command Window to open the DB2 Command window. If you are installing on AIX, log in as a user with administrator authority. Note: You should use the same id that was initially used to create the EDIEC32E database. The remaining database setup steps use this command window or login session, except for the steps that are done using WDI Client. *********************************************************************** (a) Apply the updates from any previous CSDs that have not already been installed. *********************************************************************** If you have already applied the updates for some of the previous CSDs, but not all of them, you can skip the steps for the CSDs you have already installed on your system. If you have already applied ALL previous CSDs, you can skip directly to (b) Apply the updates for this CSD. Although the CSD files are cumulative, the database updates are not. If there are special database updates that needed to be done as part of previous CSDs, you need to apply those changes. If there are steps that you do not want to do in any of the scripts, you can comment out the line by placing a "--" at the beginning of the line. Comments within the scripts describe what each of the steps will do. ************************************************************** ** CSD1: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD1: ************************************************************** 1) Load the updated default data 1a) Change directory to the ixf directory 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf loadcsd1.ddl -l csd1.log This process will load the updated messages into the DB2 table, create the UNOA, UNOB, and UNOC code list (validation) tables, add entries to tables that were left empty in the original load data (including the CHARSET code list table), and correct an error on the rule for the sample map. The loading may generate warnings, but it is safe to ignore them. Also, it is normal for many rows may be rejected, because the script does not replace existing code list and translation tables and entries. ************************************************************** ** CSD2: No special instructions required for CSD2 ************************************************************** ************************************************************** ** CSD3: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD3: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd3.ddl -l csd3.log This adds new columns to the EDITSTH table for transaction store, and updates views that are associated with the table. ************************************************************** ** CSD4: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD4: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd4.ddl -l csd4.log This creates a new view in the database. ************************************************************** ** CSD5: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD5: ************************************************************** If you are installing on Windows, no special instructions are needed for this CSD. If you are installing on AIX, execute the following commands. 1) (AIX only) Load the updated default data 1a) Change directory to the ixf directory 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf loadcsd5.ddl -l /tmp/loadcsd5.log This updates default load data in the internal table EDIPSPD. ************************************************************** ** CSD6: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD6: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd6.ddl -l csd6.log This script will add a new column to EDIPSSL and set its default values. It will also update information about the profile in table EDIPSPD. ************************************************************** ** CSD7: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD7: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd7.ddl -l csd7.log This script will add new columns to EDITSEV and update an associated view. 2) This CSD also includes updated functional acknowledgement maps in samples/famaps.eif, and also available from the web site. To update the functional acknowledgment maps, you will need to do the following using WDI Client: 2a) Open the famaps.eif file. You can either use the one in the samples directory on the server (included in CSD7), or download it from the web site. 2b) Import all of the maps from the EI file into your server database. 2c) Compile all of the updated functional acknowledgment maps. ************************************************************** ** CSD8: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD8: ************************************************************** 1) As part of CSD8, validation maps and a TA1 acknowledgment map have been provided to support service segment validation and TA1 acknowledgment. The validation maps and TA1 acknowledgment map are in samples/ta1maps.eif, and also available from the web site. To install the validation and TA1 maps, you will need to do the following using WDI Client (latest Fixpack is preferred): 1a) Open the ta1maps.eif file. You can either use the one in the samples directory on the server (included in CSD8), or download it from the web site. 1b) Import the service segment validation maps desired from the EI file into your server database ($WDI_X44ENV_VAL for X12, $WDI_E99AENV_VAL for UN/Edifact, $WDI_UCSENV_VAL for UCS envelopes). If TA1 acknowledgments are desired, import the $WDI_TA1_ACK map into your server database. 1c) Compile all of the imported maps. ************************************************************** ** CSD10 (includes CSD9 & CSD10): If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD10: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd9.ddl -l csd9.log This script will add new columns to support XML schemas, a new table to support XML namespaces, and changes to the key for the data transformation rules table. 1c) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd10.ddl -l csd10.log This script will add new columns to the Rules table. 2) By default, the grntec32.ddl script allows PUBLIC access to the database tables and views. Without the proper permissions, users may get authorization errors when performing certain functions with WDI Client. To set the correct authorizations, the user must run the updated grntec32.ddl script. To run the script: 2a) Change directory to the ddl directory 2b) If you wish to allow PUBLIC access to the tables and views, go on to step c). If you wish to grant permission only to specific userids or a group of authorized users, edit the grntec32.ddl script and change "PUBLIC" to the user or group or users that should have access. Note: During the installation of CSD9 the previous version of grntec32.ddl was renamed to grntec32.XXX, where XXX is a unique three digit numeric extension, like 000. ************************************************************************ ** Apply the updates for CSD11: ************************************************************************ 1) By default, the grntec32.ddl script allows PUBLIC access to the database tables and views. Without the proper permissions, users may get authorization errors when performing certain functions with WDI Client. To set the correct authorizations, the user must run the updated grntec32.ddl script. To run the script: 1a) Change directory to the ddl directory 1b) If you wish to allow PUBLIC access to the tables and views, go on to step c). If you wish to grant permission only to specific userids or a group of authorized users, edit the grntec32.ddl script and change "PUBLIC" to the user or group or users that should have access. Note: During the installation of CSD9 the previous version of grntec32.ddl was renamed to grntec32.XXX, where XXX is a unique three digit numeric extension, like 000. ************************************************************** ** CSD12: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD12: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd12.ddl -l csd12.log This creates indexes on existing database for CSD12. ************************************************************** ** CSD13: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD13: ************************************************************** No special install instructions ************************************************************** **CSD14 - If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD14: ************************************************************** 1) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1a) Issue the following command to update the DTD Header information: db2 -tf csd14.ddl -l csd14.log If you wish to allow PUBLIC access to the tables and views, go on to step c). If you wish to grant permission only to specific userids or a group of authorized users, edit the grntec32.ddl script and change "PUBLIC" to the user or group or users that should have access. 1b) Next, issue the following command db2 -tf grntec32.ddl -l grntec32.log ************************************************************** ** CSD15: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD15: ************************************************************** No special install instructions ************************************************************** ** CSD16: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD16: ************************************************************** 1) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1a) Issue the following command to update the DTD Header information: db2 -tf csd16.ddl -l csd16.log ************************************************************** ** CSD17: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD17: ************************************************************** No special install instructions ************************************************************** ** CSD18: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD18: ************************************************************** No special install instructions ************************************************************** ** CSD19: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD19: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd19.ddl -l csd19.log This creates a new view in the database. ************************************************************** ** CSD20: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD20: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd20.ddl -l csd20.log This creates new indexes in the database. 2) Load the new error messages into the database a) Change to the ixf directory under the installation directory. b) Issue the following command: loadmsgs ************************************************************** ** CSD21: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD21: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables 1a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. 1b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd21.ddl -l csd21.log This adds new columns to the database, and updates/inserts some values used internally by WDI. ************************************************************** ** CSD22: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD22: ************************************************************** No special install instructions ************************************************************** ** CSD23: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD23: ************************************************************** 1) Load the new error messages into the database a) Change to the ixf directory under the installation directory. b) Issue the following command: loadmsgs ************************************************************** ** CSD24: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD24: ************************************************************** No special install instructions ************************************************************** ** CSD25: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD25: ************************************************************** 1) Run the script to update the database tables a) Change to the ddl directory under the installation directory. b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf csd25.ddl -l csd25.log ************************************************************** ** CSD26: If you have NOT yet updated the database for CSD26: ************************************************************** 1) Bind the new WDI executables to the database a) Change to the bind directory under the installation directory. b) Issue the following command: db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil **************************************************************** ******** End of special instructions *************************** **************************************************************** ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD26 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** December 2007 - CSD26 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD26 2. Client Dependency 1. List of problems resolved in CSD26 P8011859 - PK54976 Signal 11 during XML to EDI translation P8011861 - PK54262 ABEND performing Translate and Envelope P8009530 - PK49075 Fixed Fileid keyword not working on AIX/Windows P8009651 - PK52052 Perform Print Event Log error P8009780 - PK50223 Perform Transform with EDIRFH2 network program on MVS ABENDS P8010700 - PK50228 Database error exporting DTDs P8010759 - PK50502 Envelope Data Extract using EPURDATE keywod with TO clause incorrect P8011754 - PK52041 -911 SQL error when running multiple processors using MQ adapter P8011781 - PK52101 TPPROFILE DATA EXTRACT LASTRXDATE(*-360) Gets ABEND P8011829 - PK44195 CICS memory leak with DT processing P8011839 - PK46125 Infinite Loop Using MQSERIES with RECVFILE when MAXMSGLENGTH is too short P8011841 - PK47343 Batch export of Map fails to include comments P8011842 - PK47914 CICS ABEND when SENDERID is spaces in ISA06 AND ISA05 is ZZ P8011843 - PK48289 CICS ABEND during FA processing P8011845 - PK48518 mandatory Element missiing but no TR0001 message issued P8011849 - PK52093 erroneous TR0051 errors during validation P8011852 - PK50923 EDI to ADF DT Map not writing trailer records P8011853 - PK52096 Multiple translators issuing intermittant EV0011 and EV0007 errors P8011858 - PK53034 EDI to ADF DT map incorrectly issuing TR0002 and TR0050 errors P8011857 - PK54441 Signal 11 in Data Fromat parser ************************************************************** 2. WDI Client requirements: There are no client dependencies with this CSD. ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD25 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** September 2007 - CSD25 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD25 2. Client Dependency 1. List of problems resolved in CSD25 P8011780 - PK45243 PERFORM TRANSLATE signal 11 when no control string P8009366 - PK44343 Input file does not exist incorrectly reported P8009445 - PK43489 Message FF0053 incomplete P8010633 - PK44727 FF0585 Message contains incorrect number of messages P8010697 - PK43286 Message EI0048 incorrectly showing data formats P8010823 - PK45043 IC50173 Transaction cannot be enveloped P8011399 - PK33747 CICS Receive from MQ P8011564 - PK44349 XML and DF document problems P8011617 - PK40495 IC51287 TR0050 issued if last segment empty P8011664 - PK36800 Abend mixing DT and S/R performs P8011760 - PK41546 IC51706 Output message format incorrect P8011774 - PK43678 IC51774 TXSTATUS codes incorrect for control messages p8011779 - PK40281 Generate a reconciliation message for UNTDI P8011787 - PK39917 Abend using HOT DI P8011792 - PK43755 IC52032 Cannot override values in UNH P8011793 - PK40559 Abend in ADF to XML P8011794 - PK42936 IC52105 Cannot parse EDI messages single ISA multiple GS P8011795 - PK40953 FF0209 when EDI to ADF and ADF to EDI P8011796 - PK41126 ADF to EDI droppin last segment terminator P8011808 - PK43577 IC52346 XML to EDI translation abend with XMLSPLIT(Y) P8011809 - PK43279 IC52352 XML to EDI Receiver ID resolution fails P8011821 - PK43673 IC52352 XML to EDI removing whitespace P8011823 - PK43761 IC52503 Decimal notation not functioning P8011826 - PK43926 STEP004 of EDIJEXPD job fails P8011828 - PK44115 TR0840 message issued P8011830 - PK44364 Logical Message Adapter not identifying TP fields P8011855 - PK51615 ETR PTF in error (UK24660) ************************************************************** 2. WDI Client requirements: P8011564 - Business document changes which take advantage of changes in Client fix pack 22 ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD24 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** February 2007 - CSD24 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD24 2. Client Dependency ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD24 P8010822 - PK29459 EI0012 DURING CONVERSION OF 3.1 MAP TO 3.2 P8010794 - IC49799 UNTDI INBOUND DATA CONTAINING ASTERISK IS INCORRECTLY PROCESSED THE ASTERISK, AND DATA FOLLOWING, IS NOT OUTPUT. P8010752 - IC49378 MESSAGE LOST WHEN WDI MQ ADAPTER ENCOUNTERS MQ0003 ERROR ATTEMPTING TO OPEN MQSERIES QUEUE. P8010754 - PK24935 REMOVE EVENT LOG ENTRIES PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION AS EDIELOG TABLE GROWS. P8010786 - IC49710 ERRONEOUS DUPLICATE ENVELOPE DETECTED WHEN TRANSFORMING EDI TO XML, AFTER A TRUE DUPLICATE ENVELOPE IS RECEIVED. P8010742 - PK23819 ABEND U4038 REASON CODE=00000001 WHEN PROCESSING LARGE INPUT FILE USING PAGEABLE AMM P8010826 - IC50219 UNB AND UNG DATE ALWAYS IN FORMAT YYMMDD. CUSTOMER NEEDS FORMAT IN CCYYMMDD PER SYNTAX VERSION 4 EDIFACT STANDARD P8010712 - PK21336 HOST 1 DIGIT N2 TO R DATA TYPE INPUT RIGHT JUSTIFIED BLANK FILLED CAUSES EMPTY OUTPUT IN IT104 WITH NO ERRORS ISSUED. P8010779 - IC49553 WDI NOT GENERATING CONTROL MESSAGE WHEN INTERCHANGE IS INVALID SPECIFICALLY, WHEN UNH/UNT IS EMPTY. P8010839 - PK31435 EXISTING CONTROL STRINGS NOT GETTING DELETED BEFORE THE NEW P8010778 - IC49536 IEA02 FIELD NOT POPULATED CORRECTLY AFTER USING SETPROPERTY TO SET THE ICHGCTLNUM VALUE P8010825 - IC50206 CCSID FOR RFH2 HEADER NOT POPULATED CORRECTLY WHEN USING SETPROPERTY(ENCODETARGET,"IBM-1250") P8010827 - IC50202 REPLYTOQUEUE NOT POPULATED FOR SECOND MESSAGE WHEN USING P8011181 - PK32284 WDI 3.2 INCORRECTLY OUTPUTS X'0115' DATA AS X'0101' P8011256 - PK32843 N2 TO Z2 CONVERSION OF SINGLE DIGIT NEGATIVE VALUE INCORRECTLY OUTPUT AS ZERO. P8011175 - PK32175 MIGRATED C&D STYLE SEND MAP COMPILED ON 3.2 INCORRECTLY PROCESSING ADF INPUT. P8010638 - PK15728 VN1044 OCCURS WHEN USING "CONTROL NUMBERS BY TRANSACTION." P8010798 - PK27508 EDIFACT CONTRL ACKNOWLDGEMENT DOES NOT RECONCILE OUTBOUND TRANSACTIONS SENT USING "CONTROL NUMBERS BY TRANSACTION." P8011439 - PK34097 XML TRANSLATION GENERATES VARIOUS MALFORMED XML CLOSING TAGS WHEN USING SETELEMENTATTRIBUTE P8010658 - PK35898 SERVER - QUERY PROFILE WITH BAD ID VALUE RESULTS IN ABEND P8011681 - PK36963 WDI 3.2 EXPORT OF XML DICTIONARY CONTAINING LARGE # OF DTDS P8011613 - PK35490 BATCH EXPORT / IMPORT OF RULES AND USAGES CAUSE COMPILE REQ P8011668 - PK36838 NEGATIVE INPUT VALUES NOT CONVERTED PROPERLY P8011663 - PK36752 WDI DROPS RIGHT MOST DIGIT OF MAPPING N2 TO P2 WHEN TRANSLATING EDI TO ADF P8011676 - PK36901 UK17023 IN ERROR - PERFORM UNLOAD LOG ENTRIES FAILS WITH SQLCODE507 WHEN LOGDATE IS NOT SPECIFIED. P8010783 - IC49686 SIGNAL 11 OCCURS TRANSLATING MULTIPLE GS ENVELOPES IN ONE ISA ENVELOPE AND THE FIRST ENVELOPE IS AN 997. P8011580 - IC51194 PSO301 PROFILE NOT FOUND WHEN PROCESSING TWO MESSAGES WITH RFH2 HEADERS USING REGULAR ADAPTER P8011686 - PK36979 CSV TO ADF TRANSLATION CAUSES 0C4 ABEND P8011715 - IC51533 SIGNAL 11 OCCURS WHEN PERFORMING AN TRADACOM EDI TO ADF TRANSLATION. P8011599 - IC51195 WDI NOT POPULATING UNH SEGMENT PROPERLY WHEN ENVELOPNG UNOC P8011345 - IC50918 WDISERVER ADAPTER ENCOUNTERING FF0141 COMMUNICATION DETECTED ERROR EXTENDED RETURN CODE = 1029 ************************************************************** 2. WDI Client requirements: There are no client dependencies with this CSD. ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD23 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** July 2006 - CSD23 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD23 2. Client Dependency ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD23 P8010687 - PK20307 HOST USER ABEND 4036 RC2 ON 60 CLAIM INPUT USING XML TO EDI DT MAP P8010686 - IC48693 EDISERVER IMPORT OF MQSERIES PROFILES INTO WDI CAUSES GARBAGE CHARACTERS TO BE IMPORTED IN THE MAX MSG LENGTH FIELD P8010676 - PK20733 DF SOURCE DOCUMENT BID LOOKUP PROBLEM P8010689 - PK20876 VALIDATION TABLE LOOKUP RETURNS ONLY FIRST CHARACTER P8010703 - IC48798 AFTER APPLYING FIX FOR IC48562 THE SENDERID AND RECEIVERID FIELDS IN STX SEGMENT ARE OUTPUTTED TWICE P8010642 - PK21403 LOG FF0586 MSG AT END OF JOB P8010681 - PK21773 CSV SOURCE IN UTF16 DOES NOT PROCESS CORRECTLY P8010716 - PK21482 WHEN MIGRATING AN ADF FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 WDI POPULATES CHARSIZE FIELD IN EDIADFHEADER TABLE WITH '1077952576' P8010669 - IC48485 WDI OUTPUT'S WRONG SEGMENT IN PRTFILE FOR EDIFACT EDI99B/CUSDEC NAD0201 INSTEAD OF NAD0501 AND NAD0701 IN VALIDATION NODE P8010706 - PK21143 MIGRATING ADF FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 WDI CREATES A LOOP WHEN BASE STRUCTURE CONTAINS TWO FIELDS AND STRUCTURE P8010717 - PK21513 EXHORBITANT AMOUNT OF STORAGE WHEN PROCESSING A STRUCTURE WITH MULTIPLE OCCURS IN A DETAIL LOOP P8010690 - PK20486 DEFAULT NUMDELS NOT WORKING WHEN DOING PERFORM REMOVE LOG ENTRIES P8010718 - PK21611 DT DOCUMENT DESTINATION FROM RULE NOT OVERRIDING VALUE FROM ADF P8010735 - IC49109 UNB TEST INDICATOR 0 CAUSES RU0001 ERROR (NO RULE FOUND). PROBLEM ONLY PERTAINS TO DT PROCESSING P8010632 - IC47942 CUSTOMER GETTING EV0009 AND EV0007 MESSAGE ERRORS P8010733 - IC49083 &SYNTAX RETURNS ADF INSTEAD OF D FOR DATA FORMAT P8010727 - IC48992 PROBLEM CONFIGURING WDI 32 MP TO USE EXPEDITE / IEBASE / INFORMATION EXCHANGE USING A SERVICE PROFILE P8010764 - PK25435 3.1 BATCH CONVERT ADF BEGINNING WITH LOOP P8010730 - PK22344 HOST DUPLICATE ACTIVE RULES ALLOWED ON IMPORT ON SEND MAP USING BATCH & CICS P8010739 - PK23541 WHEN MAPPING A LOCAL VARIABLE "LINECOUNT" IN DT MAP AS A INTEGER WDI LEFT JUSTIFIES THE HEX VALUE OF 01000000 INSTEAD OF 00000001 P8010758 - PK25506 ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR EDIFACT DICT LOOKUP P8010743 - PK23824 WDI SKIPPING VALID INTERCHANGES WHEN USING RECOVBAD(Y) P8010761 - IC49424 CCSID INCORRECTLY OUTPUT WHEN PROCESS WITH WDI ADAPTER WITH A PERFORM SENDFILE COMMAND. CCSID VALUE ALWAYS '538976288" P8010755 - PK25598 SUPPORT MQMD V1 FOR COMMUNICATING TO LEGACY WMQ APPLICATIONS P8010757 - PK24967 BATCH EXPORT OF GLOBAL VARIABLE OUTputS INCORRECT PREFIX "0K2VARNAME" INSTEAD OF "BK2VARNAME" P8010760 - IC49412 MQ ADAPTER PROPAGATION OF MESSAGE ID'S SET TO SPACES FOR SUBSEQUENT MESSAGES WRITTEN TO QUEUE P8010770 - PK25924 CSV RECORD ID OFFSET TYPE 'F' AND LAST FIELD NOT WORKING P8010788 - PK26967 GETTING MESSAGE EI0012 WHEN EXPORT AN FA MAP P8010796 - PK28260 DT MAP RULE IMPORTED AS ACTIVE WITH DB INACTIVE GETS EI0012 P8010809 - PK28519 EXPORT OF ALL GLBVAR MISSING TRAILER RECORD P8010808 - PK28525 GETTING EI0012 FOR IMPORTING TP CONTACT INFO P8010713 - PK21343 HOST ERRONEOUS TR0051 ERROR ON LS INSTEAD OF LH1 AND ERRONEOUS AK3'S IN 997. P8010811 - PK28699 IMPORT DOESN'T RECOGNIZE DEFAULT FIELDS FOR INTEGER FIELDS ************************************************************** 2. WDI Client requirements: There are no client dependencies with this CSD. ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD22 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** February 2006 - CSD22 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD22 2. Client Dependency ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD22 P8010612 - PK16519 SERVER - USE REFERENCE TO INPUT BUFFER IN AMM MSG, NOT COPY P8010637 - IC47994 WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER WRITES MALFORMED XML CLOSING TAG TO MQ P8010608 - PK16979 SERVER - DELETE MCD PROFILE RESULTS IN ABEND ABEND0C4 P8010639 - PK15861 XML TRANSLATION GENERATES VARIOUS ADDITIONAL XML CLOSE TAGS P8010645 - PK16985 OTR SEGMENT NOT RECOGNIZED P8010649 - PK17065 TRANSLATE AND ENVELOPE ABENDS WITH TR0832 ERROR P8010583 - PK12580 3.1 MAP CONVERSION PROBLEM WITH DB2 SET TO GERMAN CODEPAGE. PATH MAPPINGS ARE DROPPED AS INDICATED BY CLIENT ERRORS 15443 & 15444 P8010634 - PK17573 ADD BID PROPERTIES FOR XML P8010646 - PK17574 MQ INTERFACE DOES NOT RESPECT ONEMSG(N) P8010648 - PK18008 Error UT0021 for data format data type H0 P8010656 - IC48336 ADF TO XML PARSED INCORRECTLY IN CSD21, N1 RECORD BUFFER SEEMS TO BE REUSED FOR THE N9 RECORD DURING PARSING P8010650 - IC48270 WDI CSD21 IS UNABLE TO FIND TPNICNAME FOR ADF TO XML TRANSLATION WHEN TPPROFILENAME IS MAPPED IN THE DF. P8010601 - PK13244 HOST - TR0104 ISSUED ERRONEOUSLY WITH TR0211 WHEN DUPENV(N). CHANGING DUPENV(Y) GETS RID OF BOTH TR0104 AND TR0211. P8010657 - PK17949 PTF UK09539 IN ERROR, ABEND AICA POSSIBLE DURING DT PROCESSING. P8010647 - PK16955 HOST GETMAIN SYSTEM ABENDS 878 REASON CODE 10 BEFORE PAGEABLE AMM IS UTILIZED P8010666 - IC48472 AFTER APPLYING CSD21 WDI IS NOT POPULATING MQMD/USR FOLDERS PROPERLY P8010675 - PK19391 SERVER - MEMORY OVERWRITE IN EDI PARSER P8010677 - PK19392 MB001 MESSAGE GENERATED. NO BUFFER TO SERIALIZE MQMD P8010641 - IC48074 5-8-8 & 5-8-32 ERROR'S RECEIVED FROM WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER WHEN USING REMOTE DB AND PROCESSING LARGE NUMBER OF MESSAGES P8010680 - IC48562 RECEIVERID OR SENDERID NOT OUTPUTTED WHEN OPTIONAL NAME OF FROM OR UNTO IS OMITTED IN STX SEGMENT OF INPUT MESSAGE P8010673 - IC48507 MAPPINGS FROM TREE \TABLE 2\30 M ORD\1 M ORNO\1 C ORN01\\ IGNORED P8010542 - IC46952 TRANSFORM OUTPUT INCORRECT CT VALUES WHEN TP CTRL NUMBERS VALUES SET TO "I" FOR GROUP AND TRANS ************************************************************** 2. WDI Client requirements: 10622 - PK14754 DATA TRANSFORMATION TO CHARACTER TYPE ADF FIELD IN CSV FORMAT DOES NOT ESCAPE QUOTATION MARKS. To take full advantage of the enhancements and fixes in this CSD, we recommend that you also have the latest Client Fix Pack installed, which would be Fix Pack 18. This CSD will also work with earlier versions of the WDI 3.2.1 Client, but at a reduced level of function. ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD21 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** December 2005 - CSD21 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD21 2. Enhancements 3. Client Dependency ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD21 P8010565 - PK13029 SERVER - X12 GE CONTROL NUMBERS MISMATCH - DEENV & TRANS P8010576 - PK12094 HOST SIGNAL 11 WITH BAD DATA WHERE ST/ST IS FIRST TRANSACTION P8010517 - IC46731 WDI TRANSFORM ADF-EDI DOES NOT OUTPUT MORE THEN 32 K UNDELIMITED MESSAGE P8010585 - PK13035 REMOVE PRINTF P8010556 - PK11094 DATE AND ICN NOT OUTPUTTED IN PERFORM PRINT STATUS SUMMARY EVEN THOUGH TRANSACTION SHOWS ENVELOPED AND ICN IN TRANSACTION STORE P8010572 - IC47355 ERROR CAUSE BY A WRONG DATETIME STAMP VALUE SENT IN THE PERFORM ENVELOPE AND SEND COMMAND P8010552 - PK10752 CICS ASRA ABEND IN EDIM WITH TRANSFORM EDI TO XML WHEN INTYPE AND OUTTYPE BOTH MQ AND ONEMSG(Y) IS SPECIFIED ON THE PERFORM P8010559 - IC47274 ADVANCED ADAPTER RUNNING ON WINDOWS, COPIES PREVIOUS ARCHIVE FILES TO CURRENT ARCHIVE DIRECTORY FOR ALL FAILED TRANSACTIONS P8010591 - IC47546 WHEN RUNNING LARGE EDI UN/TDI TO ADF TRANSLATION WITH EDISERVR WDI ON AIX ISSUES A SEGMENTATION FAULT CORE DUMP P8010598 - PK15031 SERVER - CSD20 INSTALL - BIND - EDIPSCR.BND ERROR MSGS P8010616- IC48174 SERVER - WINDOWS/AIX DB LOAD GIVES ERROR ON EDIPSCR P8010566 - PK14407 ADD SERVICE AND MCD PROFILE TO EDIPSEI P8010596 - PK14408 FIRST ITERATION OF SEQUENCEDETSEQ LOOP NOT OUTPUTTED P8010579 - IC48175 WDISERVER ABEND WHEN GEPRTFILE=NEVER P8010577 - IC48176 CHANGE EDISERVR TO RETURN THE RESULT OF TRANSLATION P8010618 - PK14424 SIGNAL 11 AND FF0205 WHEN TARGET EDI TRANSACTION ID EXCEEDS THREE BYTES. P8010609 - IC47727 SMALL MEMORY LEAK DETECTED IN WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER WHEN TRANSFORMING EDI-XML, WHEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ARE GENERATED P8010600 - PK15179 CHANGE HASH TABLE LOGIC BASED ON P8010477 CODE REVIEW P8010623 - PK15019 FIX STX0201/STX0202 AND STX0301/STX0302 LOGIC P8010635 - IC47965 SQL0868N & 5-8-32 ERROR'S RECEIVED AFTER THREAD TIME-OUT IN WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER, NEW DB2 USER/USING CONNECT ON DORMANT DB2 CONN P8010630 - IC47899 CSD20 IN ERROR. GLOBAL VARIABLES ARE INCORRECTLY BEING RESET BETWEEN EDI TRANSACTIONS. P8010629 - IC47894 WDI ABEND WHEN TRANSFORMING SMALL ADF TO ADF. MEMORY USAGE GOES ABOVE 2 GIG, AND WDI REPORTS RS0000 / SQL1024N ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010560 - PK13028 ENHANCEMENT - PARSE XML INPUT FILE DIRECTLY A new PERFORM TRANSFORM keyword named, PARSEFILE, will allow XML data to be parsed directly from the input file. PARSEFILE(Y) means parse-from-file. The default is PARSEFILE(N), which means parse-from-buffer. PARSEFILE is only valid for XML input data, and is not valid in CICS. If PARSEFILE(Y) is specified on a PERFORM TRANSFORM command, SYNTAX must be X, INFILE must exist and contain the name of the XML input file, and INTYPE must not have a value. There is a restriction when using PARSEFILE(Y). WDI's XML split capability is not supported. This means that PARSEFILE(Y) should only be specified when the input file contains one and only one XML document. More than one document in the file will result in a fatal error in the parser. P8010501 - PK13032 ENHANCEMENT - INTPID EXPORT / IMPORT CHANGES Add import / Export logic and fields for the Business ID table of the Trading Partner profile. The import/export of Business IDs is supported as P5 records. P8010578 - PK14816 ENHANCEMENT - DT PAGE OUTPUT TO EDIWORK Reduce the amount of memory used during DT translations by "paging out" output data to a work file. PAGE(Y) on PERFORM TRANSFORM will cause output data to be paged to a work file (EDIWORK) once a size threshold is met. With PAGE(N) output data is collected in a buffer in the Message Broker as translation takes place. When the translation is complete, the output data buffer is passed back to the Utility where it is written to the specified output file. With PAGE(Y) the Message Broker will write the output data to a work file after a size threshold is met. The workfile offset is passed back to the Utility, where the data is read from the work file, and written to the specified output file. There are two places in the Message Broker that check the output size threshold in order to possibly page the output. If a single output document reaches 10MB, then the document will be released from memory and written to the work file. If a collection of smaller output documents reach 10MB, then any remaining output documents are written to the work file. The first case occurs in EDIAMMSG AppendToBuffer, and the second case occurs in EDIMBCNI AddToOutList. If PAGE(Y) is specified on a PERFORM TRANSFORM command and file EDIWORK is not defined or not allocated or if there is a problem opening the file, severity-4 message MB0003 or MB0004 will be logged. In this case, processing would continue as if PAGE(N) was specified. If an error occurs writing to EDIWORK, then severity-8 message MB0005 will be logged and the translation will terminate. The type of output data that may potentially be paged is not restricted. PAGE(Y) applies to ADF, EDI, and XML output data. There is a size restriction on the amount of data that can be paged to EDIWORK. The current restriction is 2GB. If this size is exceeded, severity-8 message MB0005 will be logged and the translation will terminate. Because EDIWORK may be reused each time the Utility calls the Message Broker (which occurs multiple times during a PERFORM command), EDIWORK cannot be defined as MOD or as an append-to-end-of-file file. The base EDIWORK offset is reset to zero each time the Utility calls the Message Broker. P8010627 - PK15486 ENHANCEMENT - INCREASE EDIWORK SIZE ON MULTI-PLATFORM The code will be changed to use DIFileInt for the EDIWORK offset and length data type. DIFileInt is defined to be a signed long on z/OS. The maximum value is 2GB. P8010553 - PK15862 EDIFACT - ENHANCEMENT FOR SOURCE/TARGET CODEPAGE - STAGE 2 Provide additional capabilities for Code Page support. **Please see implementation guide available on the website. ************************************************************** 3. WDI Client requirements: To take full advantage of the enhancements and fixes in this CSD, we recommend that you also have the latest Client Fix Pack installed, which would be Fix Pack 17. This CSD will also work with earlier versions of the WDI 3.2.1 Client, but at a reduced level of function. ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD20 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** September 2005 - CSD20 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD20 2. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD20 P8010496 - PK10853 FIX PERFORMANCE ISSUES FROM DB2 ACCESSES P8010528 - PK09033 FILE LENGTH FOR MESSAGE EI0069 INCORRECT WHEN DOING BATCH EXPORT P8010547 - PK10857 EDIFACT VERSION 3 DEFAULT DELIMITERS INCORRECT P8010533 - IC46880 RECEIVE MAP LITERAL LSET RETURNS THE IN CORRECT VALUES WHEN NUMERIC (N2) DATA TYPE USED P8010427 - PK03671 COMMAREA USERCOND FIELD INITIALIZATION TO BLANKS CAUSES CICS ASRA ABEND. DOCUMENTATION CHANGES ALSO REQUIRED P8010522 - PK10865 XMLSPLIT WITH NAMESPACE PREFIX NOT WORKING CORRECTLY P8010417 - PK02831 HOST BATCH IMPORT OF WDI 3.2 MAP ONLY HAS COMPILE REQUIRED FIELD SET TO NO WHEN IT SHOULD BE YES P8010449 - PK05015 PROCESSING DT DATA FROM TRANSACTION STORE ENCOUNTERS FF0205 WITH ABENDS0C4 P8010549 - PK11165 ADD GRANT STATEMENT FOR EDIPSBI TABLE P8010527 - PK09534 REPEATING ELEMENT DELIMITER NOT PARSED P8010544 - PK11186 DTC DF INPUT WITH BAD DELIMITERS CAUSES SIGNAL 11 P8010543 - PK09712 MISSING RT BRACKET IN VARIOUS XML TAGS WHEN USING SETELEMENTATTR P8010551 - IC47176 WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER W/MULTI THREADS FAILS ALL MESSAGES ON SAME THREAD AS DUPLICATE ENVELOPE AFTER A TRUE DUPLICATE IS RECEIVED P8010436 - IC45795 TR0009 ERROR FOR SEQCTR FIELD ON DIFFERENT MESSAGES P8010388 - IC44986 AFTER RUNNING MULTI-MESSAGE INTERCHANGE, SEVERAL UCM SEGMENTS IN THE CONTRL MESSAGE REPORT INCORRECT MESSAGE STATUS. P8010563 - PK12123 ABEND CREATING UNTDI ENVELOPE ON WINDOWS P8010575 - PK12145 HL PROBLEM WITH PAGEABLE AMM ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010477 - PK06404 HOST - DT PERFORMANCE PROBLEM TRANSLATING 400 INTERCHANGES The Pageable AMM enhancement is designed to reduce the amount of memory used to transform large messages. It does this by paging out repetitive internal transformation structures once a repeat-count threshold is met. For example, if a transaction contains many line-items, the internal structures holding translated line-item information will be paged out once the line-item-count threshold is met. The default repeat-count threshold is 1000. When this threshold is met, WDI will attempt to open the file associated with EDIPAGE and begin writing to it. If EDIPAGE is not defined, severity-4 message AM0016 will be written to the Print File and processing would continue normally. If there is an error opening EDIPAGE or an error occurs writing to EDIPAGE, severity-4 message AM0015 will be written to the Print File and processing would continue normally. EDIPAGE may be allocated however the user likes. The default repeat-count threshold may be overridden by using the PAGETHRESHOLD keyword in the PERFORM command. PAGETHRESHOLD(0) turns paging off altogether. P8010550 - PK10868 ENHANCEMENT FOR SOURCE/TARGET CODEPAGE - STAGE 1 - EDIFACT **Note: Please see document on web site for full details on this enhancement. ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD19 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** July 2005 - CSD19 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD19 2. Enhancements 3. Additional platform support ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD19 P8010418 - PK02972 WDI OUTPUTS PACKED DECIMAL INCORRECTLY P8010361 - PK00352 WDI 3.2 DT MAP. THE GLOBAL VARIABLES AT THE INTERCHANGE LEVEL GET RESET FOR EACH TRANSACTION. P8010450 - PK05108 NO OUTPUT ON FIRST ITERATION OF MULTI REF SEGMENTS USING IF /ELSE AND CLOSED OCCURRENCE WITH DT MAP P8010380 - PK01403 MULTIPLE TRANSACTIONS SPLIT IN 2 ENVELOPES TO SAME TRADING PARTNER P8010349 - PK00063 DI 3.1 TO WDI 3.2 MAP CONVERSION ERROR P8010482 - PK06624 OID LOOP MISSING AFTER MIGRATING MAP FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 P8010484 - PK06724 HOST FF0205 SIGNAL 11 AFTER APPLYING PTF UQ96279 P8010437 - IC45814 APPLICATION DEFAULTS (EDIFFS), FUNCTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMAGE FLAG NOT WORKING PROPERLY. P8010448 - PK04964 XML TO ADF TRANSLATION OF REPEATING ADDRESSLINE'S AND PHONE NUMBERS OVERLAYS COMMON RECORD ID DATA. P8010406 - PK02319 UT0010 - REQUEST FOR STORAGE FAILED ON LARGE DT MAP & ERRONEOUS TR0103 TRANSACTION SET TRAILER INVALID SEGMENT COUNT P8010420 - PK03047 WDI SERVER ERROR UP0021 WHEN TRANSLATING CSV FILE P8010492 - PK07119 ZERO ENVELOPING RETURNS A TR0204 WHEN GS08 HAS A SLASH AND THERE IS NO ISA/IEA P8010383 - IC44952 MEMORY LEAK IN XML TO EDI TRANSLATION DETECTED IN CSD16, ON AIX USING WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER. P8010435 - IC45749 SIGNAL 11 IN EDISERVR WHEN PERFORMING AN ADF TO EDI TRANSLATION. P8010487 - IC46451 ADF TO EDI TRANSLATION OF SEGMENT TDT501, IS INCORRECTLY OUTPUT INTO TDT301 SEGMENT. P8010445 - PK04783 HOST N2 SINGLE DIGIT DATA TRANSLATING AS ZERO ON DT EDI TO ADF. P8010471 - IC46279 XML PARSER DOES NOT PROPERLY HANDLE SCHEMA USING NAMESPACE WITH PREFIX'S. EDISERVR ENDS WITH A RETURN'S CODE RC=8, ERC=8 P8010495 - IC46507 WDI PERFORM TRANSFORM MISSING CTT LOOP SEGMENT DATA FOR X12V4R6 EDI 850 TO ADF MAP P8010468 - PK08192 SERVER - EXTRA X01 CHAR IN ADF OUTPUT, SEGMENTED DATA P8010510 - PK08194 MEMORY PERFORMANCE PROBLEM ADF TO EDI P8010357 - IC44598 ADDING DESCRIPTION IN ALPHANUM TABLE CODE LIST CAUSES TR0016 P8010516 - PK08460 VN1045 AN ERROR OCCURRED IN THE MESSAGE PROCESSING PROGRAM. P8010518 - PK08505 PROBLEM WITH UNTDI VALIDATION P8010440 - IC45820 WDITEST GIVES A EV0021 MESSAGE IN PRTFILE AFTER APPLYING CSD17 ON A FRESH INSTALL OF WDI 3.2 P8010520 - PK08605 C.R. PROCESSING OF NETWORK ACKS DOES NOT DELETE INTERNAL EDIMXXXX TEMP STORAGE QUEUES. P8010521 - PK08684 PACKED DECIMAL OUTPUT FOR PACKED TO PACKED IS INCORRECT P8010519 - PK08600 STATUS UPDATE SERVICE API FUNCTION 213 RETURNING "NOT FOUND" WHEN USING "CONTROL NUMBERS BY TRANSACTION." P8010538 - PK09413 WDI CREATES NEW RECORD WHEN IT ENCOUNTERS A RECORD ID VALUE IN FIELD AT OFFSET > 1024 P8010512 - PK09445 EI0081 MESSAGE TRUNCATING SEGMENT ID P8010535 - PK09447 WDI GENERATING TR0016 MESSAGES ERRONEOUSLY P8010531 - PK09211 PTF UQ93859 OR MP CSD16 CHANGED HOW HL DATA IS PROCESSED WHEN HL04 IS EMPTY. TR0409 ISSUED WHEN HL04 NOT SET TO 1 WHEN CHILDREN ARE PRESENT. ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010534 - PK09457 PERFORMANCE ISSUES IN DT EDI->ADF MAP ************************************************************** 3. Additional Platform Support DB2 8.2 Support WDI 3.2.1 will run without problem on DB2 8.2 ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD18 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** June 2005 - CSD18 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD18 2. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD18 P8010404 - IC45854 MQMD NOT INDICATING RFH DATA FOR WDISERVER P8010397 - IC45114 / PK02365 ADVANCED ADAPTER WITH MULTIPLE THREADS USES SAME CONTROL NUMBER "1" OVER UNTIL THE TP ID AND CONTROL NUMBER IS WRITTEN TO TABLE P8010382 - IC44951 / PK03567 RELEASE CHARACTER SEPARATOR NOT WORKING WHEN TRANSLATING FROM EDI TO XML P8010393 - IC45077 WDIADAPTER GETS A MEMORY PROTECTION EXCEPTION WHEN PARSING A TRIGGER MESSAGE ON W2K P8010401 - IC46521 / PK02018 INCORRECT DATE ON BATCH IMPORT OF TRADING PARTNER PROFILE P8010403 - PK03570 TO ALLOW INTRECID AS A VALID SELECTION CRITERIA FOR ENVELOPE P8010301 - IC43711 TRANSACTIONS NOT GOING TO TRANSACTION STORE P8009877 - IC37757 UNA ELEMENT ON UNB SEGMENT NOT CREATED USING SPECIFIED DEFAULT EDIFACT STANDARD CHARS. AS OVERRIDE IN DT MAP IMPLEMENTATION. P8010402 - PK02106 SEGMENTS QUALIFIED BY UNQUALIFIED AFTER MIGRATING FROM DI 3.1 TO WDI 3.2 P8010392 - IC45073 ISSUEING WDISHUTDOWN FOR ENHANCED ADAPTER ON W2K RESULTS IN MESSAGE TRIGGER MONITOR APPEARS TO BE LOST IN SPACE P8010372 - IC44816 EV0017 ERROR OCCURS IF FUNCTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ENVELOPE TYPE FIELD, IN THE MAP RULE, IS LEFT BLANK. P8010425 - PK03437 UT0007 MESSAGE ISSUED WITH DB2 SUBSYSTEM NAME LESS THAN 4 CHARACTERS. P8010431 - IC45727 WDI NOT TRACKING MQMD DATA FOR INDIVIDUAL DOCUMENTS IN A FILE P8010414 - IC45460 / PK04562 TR0051 MESSAGE ERROR WITH LOC SEGMENT WHEN PERFORMING AN EDI TO XML TRANSLATION P8010432 - PK04612 TIME TO PARSE EDI GROWS EXPONENTIALLY WITH INPUT P8010389 - IC44989 UCI SEGMENT, INVALID VALUE FOR ELEMENT 4 ACTION, CODED IN CONTRL MESSAGE. P8010444 - PK04768 HOST USER 4036 ABEND IN CEEPLPKA USING DT MAP XML TO ADF P8010407 - PK02326 WDI 3.2.1 WRONG MESSAGE MESSAGE: TR0832 SEVERITY: 12 REPORTED DURING A PERFORM ENVELOPE P8010344 - PK04609 MAPCALL DOESN'T WORK FROM EDI MAPS ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010129 - PK03566 ADD TRADACOMS ENVELOPE SUPPORT FOR DT MAPS P8010376 - PK05005 ENHANCEMENT - ADD ZEROSIG AND BLANKSIG FOR DT PROCESSING **Please see implementation guide available on the website. ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD17 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** March 2005 - CSD17 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD17 2. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD17 P8010329 - IC43919 WDITEST.BAT GIVES FF0613 MESSSAGE IN PRTFILE AFTER APPLYING CSD15 ON A FRESH INSTALL OF WDI 3.2 P8010350 - IC45575 / PK00544 ABEND WHEN SPLIT AN XML DOC INTO MULTIPLE XML DOCUMENTS P8010330 - IC43937 / PK00550 REPEATING SEGMENTS NOT OUTPUTTED IF FIRST OCCURRENCE CONTAINS NO DATA WHEN DOING ADF TO EDI P8010187 - IC45577 GENERATION FAILS WITH ERROR 22027 FIRST SEGMENT NOT MAPPED. OCCURRENCE 2 NOT POSSIBLE IN 3.1 ADF TO XML MAP P8010351 - IC44521 / PK00553 DF TO ADF DETAIL LOOP FOR UNLIMITED FAILS WITH UP0023. PE-DETAIL-LOOP AND MAXIMUM REPETITIONS WAS 32767 P8009804 - IC45580 / PK00557 ABEND ASRA WHEN USING C LANGUAGE FOR PRE-TRANSLATION EXIT PGMIDERR ENCOUNTERED ON EDIZCRT PRIOR TO THE ABEND P8010345 - IC44450 / PK00691 NUMFORMAT FUNCTION CANNOT HANDLE LARGE NUMBERS P8010352 - IC45610 / PK00077 WDI 3.2 PROBLEM WITH DT MAPS AND HL LOOPS P8010353 - PK00973 TRANSFORMATION FAILS FOR ADF WITHOUT DELIMITER P8010360 - IC44613 / PK00978 TRANSFORMING EDI-XML MESSAGES W/CSD16, ADVANCED ADAPTER PLACES EDI MESSAGES ON FAILURE QUEUE, EVEN THOUGH XML TRANSFORMED P8010242 - IC42695 / PK00979 ADF-XML, FAILS TRANSLATION IN FIRST OCCURRENCE OF BLANK METER_REC LOOP, WHEN CONDITIONALLY MAPPING DATA IN A SEND MAP P8010363 - IC45613 / PK00590 WDI 3.2 MISLEADING MESSAGE: TR0836 SEVERITY: 12 P8010365 - IC44733 / PK00984 SPACING REMOVED FROM NM103 ELEMENT IN 2420A LOOP WHEN TRANSLATING FROM XML TO EDI P8010340 - IC44225 / PK00989 UNABLE TO CHANGE MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 0074 ELEMENT IN E ENVELOPE STANDARD TO A VALUE GREATER THAN 6 P8009447 - IC45614 / PK01150 EDIW HANGS WHEN ASSERT FAILS IN MESSAGE BROKER P8010320 - IC43861 / PK01365 UNABLE TO GENERATE XML OUTPUT FROM INBOUND 997 WHEN INPUT FILE HAS TA1 SEGMENT P8010298 - IC45615 / PQ97778 SAPOUT SHOWS STATUS CODE OF 05 EVEN THOUGH THE SAP STATUS EXTRACT WAS SUCCESSFUL AND PERFORM TRANSFORM WAS SUCCESSFUL P8010378 - IC44903 WDI THREADS DYING WITH MQSERIES ERROR DETECTED (RC=1 REASON=2080) P8010375 - IC44844 / PK01581 CUSTOMERS APPLICATION WHICH WAS WRITTEN AGAINST WDI API'S ABENDS, AFTER INSTALLING CSD14, CSD15 OR CSD16 P8010331 - IC43942 / PK01584 SETPROPERTY COMMANDS FOR ENVELOPE HEADERS ARE INEFFECTIVE WHEN DELAYING ENVELOPING P8010381 - IC44950 / PK01585 DECIMAL POINT OMITTED WHEN TRANSLATING ADF FIELD WITH DATA TYPE N2 TO AN EDI ELEMENT WITH DATA TYPE R P8010386 - IC44957 / PK01783 WDI DOES NOT GENERATE ERRORS IN PRTFILE IF THERE ARE INVALID TAGS IN AN XML INPUT FILE ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010321 - IC45611 / PK00830 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS FOR EDI SOURCE PROCESSING Pageable Output feature for DT Maps The ability to have Pageable Output for Data Transformation Maps has been added to WDI. With this enhancement, translations that produce a large amount of output are eligible to have output data written to a workfile during translation, thereby increasing the upper limit of the size of a message that can be translated. To utilize this feature in WDI, define a work file named EDIWORK. WDI's use of the workfile is predicated on the PAGE(Y) keyword of the PERFORM TRANSFORM command. With the PAGE(Y) keyword, output data is written to memory as per usual until a 10MB threshold is reached, after which subsequent output data is written to the workfile. The output data could be translated output data or functional acknowledgment data. At the completion of the translation, the WDI Utility writes data from memory and the EDIWORK file to the appropriate output file. P8010297 - IC45616 / PK01442 ADD UNICODE ENCODING FOR XML TARGET **Please see implementation guide available on the website. ***************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD17 README.TXT *** ***************************************************************** ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD16 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** January 2005 - CSD16 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD16 2. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD16 P8010228 - IC42390 / PQ95520 REPETITION SEPARATOR NOT WORKING WHEN USING (20 - USE DEFAULT) P8010236 - PQ93835 / IC44513 BATCH EXPORT OF FORWARD OR REVERSE TRANSLATION TABLES ONLY RETURNS FIRST ENTRY IN OUTPUT P8010243 - PQ94262 / IC44514 WDI INSTALL JOB RECEIVES -206 SQL ERROR CODE ON BIND EDIPSAP P18010193 - PQ91777 / IC44515 TR0011 MESSAGES MISSING AFTER CONVERTING MAP FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 THEN RECOMPILING MAP ON 3.2 CLIENT P8010233 - IC42576 / PQ95522 ERRONEOUS TR0052 AND TR0051 MESSAGE ERRORS IN PRTFILE. P8010097 - PQ95524 / IC44516 TRANSLATOR JOB HANGS WHEN INPUT CONTAINS INCORRECT HL LOOP HIERARCHY. A PROGRAM INFINITE LOOP IS CAUSING THE HANG. P8010189 - IC41628 / PQ95525 WDI 3.2 CSD8, FA CONTROL MESSAGE REPORTS ERROR AS INCORRECT SEGMENT COUNT IN UCM, WHEN MISSING MANDATOR SEGMENT EXIST P8010258 - PQ95538 / IC44517 DTC - WMQ MESSAGES DO NOT PROPOGATE RFH2 FOLDERS P8010238 - IC42623 / PQ95542 OUTPUT MESSAGE IS MISSING DATA IF SEGMENTED OUTPUT IS UNCHECKED ON THE EDI OPTIONS TAB OF THE TRADING PARTNER P8010212 - IC42100 / PQ95595 WHEN EXTRA SUB ELEMENT EXIST IN UNH01, CONTROL MESSAGE IS NOT GENERATED, AND WDI GIVES INCORRECT ERROR MESSAGE IN PRINT FILE. P8010192 - IC41700 / PQ95607 EDISERVR RECEIVES SIGNAL 11 WHEN TRANSLATING XML AT CSD12 P8010245 - PQ94408 / IC44518 MAPS ARE NOT BEING CORRELATED CORRECTLY BETWEEN THE MAP AND THE STANDARD IN WDI 3.2 AFTER THE MIGRATION P8010224 - IC42315 / PQ95644 UNABLE TO CHANGE THE VALUE OF UNH0204 USING SETPROPERTY FUNCTION P8010061 - IC40270 / PQ95668 WDI EXTRACTS SENDER AND RECEIVER ID'S INCORRECTLY P8010255 - IC42945 / PQ95674 EDISERVR DOES NOT ISSUE A EXPLICIT COMMIT WHEN PERFORM TRANSFORM TO OUTFILE, CAN CAUSING CONTROL NUMBERS TO NOT INCREMENT P8010226 - IC42357 / PQ95842 MISSING TR0052 MESSAGE IN PRT WHEN PO1 IS MISSING FROM INPUT. P8010216 - IC42121 MESSAGE ID'S ON WDI.FAILURE.Q AND WDI.PRTFILE.Q ARE NOT RELATED TO MESSAGE ID OF INPUT MESSAGE WHEN USING ENHANCED ADAPTER P8010190 - PQ91707 - PLUS CLIENT FIX IN FIX PACK 13 16122 - AN INVALID LITERAL KEYWORD WAS SPECIFIED WHEN ATTEMPTING TO MAP &SE01 AND &SE02 IN WDI 3.2 WHEN IT WORKED FINE IN DI 3.1 P8010256 - PQ95266 / IC44519 EXPORTED FIXED FORMAT 3U1 RECORD NOT COMPATIBLE ON IMPORT P8010197 - IC41862 WHEN SETTING LOGICAL TO PHYSICAL FILE NAMES USING SET COMMAND, THE INCORRECT RFH HEADER NAME IS BEING WRITTEN TO OUTPUT DATA P8010229 - IC42426 ENHANCED ADAPTER WILL NOT PROCESS MESSAGE IF ONLY REQID() AND FILEID() PARAMETERS ARE USED IN THE TRIGGERING DATA P8010263 - PQ95721 / IC44523 REF SEGMENT DROPPED DURING DI 3.1 TO WDI 3.2 CONVERSION P8010252 - IC42912 / PQ96437 ADF TRANSLATION FAILS WITH ERROR UP0021, D RECORD IS TRUNCATED AFTER FIRST 130 BYTES OF DATA, ALTHOUGH THE RECORD IS 375 BYTES P8009803 - PQ96445 / IC44525 DI 3.1 MVS TR0051 UNRECOGNIZED SEGMENT ID AND OUTPUT INCORRECT WHEN USING A PRE-TRANSLATION USER EXIT P8010261 - PQ95662 / IC44526 PROBLEM TRANSLATING DATA UNDER DT(DATA TRANSFORMATION) MAP P8010031 - IC39579 / PQ96532 997 FLAGGED THE INCORRECT SEGMENT IN AK301 ELEMENT P8010232 - PQ93618 / IC44527 CUSTOMER IS RUNNING AN EXPORT JOB. JOB ABENDS WITH S0C4 WHILE REQUESING A DATA FORMAT P8010267 - IC43216 / PQ96633 ERRORONEOUS TR0051 MESSAGES IN PRTFILE POINTING TO N1_LOOP AND REF SEGMENTS P8010278 - IC43289 / PQ97440 EDISERVR RECEIVES SIGNAL 11 WHEN TRANSLATING ADF AT CSD12 P8010280 - PQ96697 / IC44528 ERROR FF0205 SEV:12 RC12 ERC-099 SIGNAL 11 RECEIVED P8010285 - IC43463 / PQ97530 DATA FORMAT WITH ONE RECORD DOES NOT PRODUCE CORRECT RESULTS P8010262 - PQ95679 / IC44530 DELAYED ENVELOPING ENCOUNTERS TR0832 WHEN ENVELOPE TYPE BLANK IN SEND USAGE P8010276 - PQ96351 / IC44531 2ND QUALIFIER 'PE' FOR N1 LOOP DROPPED AFTER CONVERSION FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 P8010279 - IC43305 / PQ97840 WDI GOES INTO FLUSHING MESSAGE LOOP IF MESSAGE EXCEEDS OUTPUT BUFFER SIZE AND FILLS UP MQ FILE SPACE RESULTING IN MQRC=2003 P8010309 - PQ97969 / IC44532 WITH DF SOURCE INPUT AND MULTIPLE TRANSACTIONS SOMETIMES THE LAST TRANSACTION IN THE FILE IS NOT PROCESSED P8010305 - PQ98709 / IC44533 DON'T DO LOOKUPS FOR MCDS THAT ARE BLANK P8010313 - PQ98222 / IC44534 DUPLICATE HANDLE ON EVENT LOG INSERTS P8010314 - PQ98224/ IC44535 + CLIENT FIX IN FIX PACK 13 &SET MAPPING FAILING WITH S/R P8010284 - IC43437 / PQ98317 WHEN PROCESSING EDI TO XML AND XML TO EDI TRANSLATIONS USING MULTITHREADED WDI ADAPTER FF0209 MESSAGES ERRORS OCCUR P8010302 - IC43720 / PQ98318 USING CSD14, SIGNAL 11 AND FF0205 MESSAGE ERROR OCCUR DURING ADF TO X12 TRANSLATION P8010327 - PQ98657 / IC44536 AVOID LOGGING MESSAGE FOR SERVICE PROFILE NOT FOUND P8010333 - IC43945 / PQ98699 VARIOUS SEGMENTS/ELEMENTS ARE MISSING AFTER TRANSLATING CERTAIN NUMBER OF RECORDS P8010338 - PQ99108 / IC44537 WDI LIMITING MQ MESSAGE TO 16770000 BYTES P8010310 - PQ97966 / IC44538 MAPS ARE NOT BEING CORRELATED CORRECTLY BETWEEN THE MAP AND THE STANDARD IN WDI 3.2 AFTER MIGRATING FROM 3.1 P8010318 - IC44158 ADD ADDITIONAL WDI ADAPTER TRACING ON 8,29 ERROR P8010339 - PQ99198 / IC44539 AVOID DEADLOCK WITH EDIPSNP TABLE ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010196 - PQ98219 PLUS CLIENT FIX IN FIX PACK 13 Implement continuous receive capability for PERFORM TRANSFORM ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD16 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** ****************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2.1 CSD15 README.TXT ** ****************************************************************** December 3, 2004 WebSphere Data Interchange Version 3.2.1 - CSD15 With this CSD, WebSphere Data Interchange v3.2 becomes v3.2.1. This is in conjunction with the zOS product service rollup to v3.2.1. There are no fixes or additional function contained in this CSD. The corresponding Client Fix Pack is Fix Pack 12. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD15 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD14 README.TXT ** **************************************************************** September 2004 - CSD14 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD14 2. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD14 P8010180 - IC41456 AFTER APPLYING CSD12, DECIMAL'S ZEROS ARE TRUNCATED ( .00 ) IN MOA-01:02 P8010185 - PQ91425 8 BYTES ADDED IN COLUMN 70 TO 77 IN TRANSACTION DATA EXTRACT RECORD LAYOUT CAUSING EVERYTHING TO SHIFT OUT OF ALIGNMENT P8010171 - PQ90621 RECORDID POSITION NOT BEING UPDATED USING BATCH IMPORT P8010184 - IC41540 WDI 3.2 CSD11 REPORTS ERRONEOUS TR0016 ERROR, WHEN TRANSFORMING ADF-EDI FOR ASM SEGMENT USING N2 FOR IMPLIED DECIMALS P8010172 - IC41356 Increase size of the OBNAME column in the TAPPSTATE table to eliminate ODBC errors with the Client P8010186 - IC41565 WDIADAPTER SHUTSDOWN WITH ERROR MESSAGE DURING XML TO EDI (RECEIVE MAP> TRANSLATION WHEN XML MESSAGE PUT ON MQ QUEUE P8010149 - PQ89676 ADF OUTPUT RECORD SHIFTED AND NEW RECORD CREATED AFTER EACH CORRECTLY CREATED RECORD P8010032 - IC39621 RECEIVING AN AK404 VALUE IN 997 WHEN AK403 = 6 P8010188 - IC41585 WDI 3.2 CSD8, TRANSFORMS EDI TO XML AT VALIDATION LEVEL 2, WHEN ALPHA CHAR IS PLACED IN NUMERIC FIELD FOR "UNT" ELEMENT 0074 P8010235 - IC42608 WDI 3.2 CSD12 OR CSD13 ON AIX USING ENHANCED ADAPTER, DOES NOT BACKOUT ERROR MESSAGE WHEN ROLLBACK OCCURS ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010151 - PQ92067 Performance enhancements and XML Splitting P8010200 - PQ93056 ADD DATE & TIME INFO TO MESSAGES WRITTEN TO WDIADAPTER.TRACE P8010204 - PQ93186 ADD TRACE LEVEL TO PRODUCE RECORD PARSING ONLY ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD14 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD13 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** July 2004 - CSD13 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD13 2. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD13 P8010164 - PQ90331 QUALIFICATION BY VALUE BEING DROPPED USING BATCH EXPORT AND IMPORT P8010132 - IC40798, PQ90903 ERRONEOUS TR0016 MESSAGES AFTER APPLYING CSD11 P8010139 - PQ89369 BATCH CONVERT FROM DI 3.1 TO WDI 3.2, AFTER COMPILE, TR0406'S OCCUR WHEN NOTHING WAS CHANGED TO CAUSE THIS PROBLEM P8010150 - IC41073 INABILITY TO WRITE THE RESULT OF TRANSLATION TO A DIRECTORY WITHOUT SPECIFYING A FILENAME P8010175 - PQ90728 EDIJEXPD STEP006 EI0012 SQLCODE530 DB2 ERROR ON TABLE EDIVTPSG DURING MIGRATION FROM DI 3.1 TO WDI 3.2 P8010043 - IC39773 - PQ90811 UP0035 ERROR MESSAGE WHEN COPYING EDI DATE TO AN ADF DATE P8010165 - PQ90367 ADF RECORDS NOT IDENTIFIED WHEN ID OFFSET > 1024 FOR DT MAP P8010103 - IC40433 - PQ90499 GLOBAL VARIABLE SET IN VALIDATION MAP($WDI_E99BENV_VAL) FOR UNB SEGMENT IS IGNORED, UT0030 MESSAGE ERRORS OCCUR P8010152 - IC41097 - PQ91127 INCORRECT TRANSLATION FROM EDI TO XML AFTER AMPERSAND (&) ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010174 - PQ90769 Allow all trading partners and associated usages be exported via batch export P8009806 - IC36833 - PQ90992 Support zoned decimal data type in ADF fields ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD13 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD12 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** May 2004 - CSD12 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD12 2. Enhancements 3. Recommended upgrades ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD12 P8009984 - PQ83370 ABEND ASRA OCCURS DURING PERFORM SEND FOR REQUESTOR ID ON INFORMATION EXCHANGE P8010017 - IC39385 RELEASE CHARACTER MISINTERPRETED WHEN ELEMENT ENDS WITH ?+ FOR RECEIVE MAP PROCESSING P8010028 - IC39541 - PQ87406 ESCAPE CHARACTERS NOT PRESERVED WHEN PASSING RFH2 CONTENT FROM AN INPUT EDI TO XML. FOR EXAMPLE &: IS REMOVED IN USR FOLDER P8010074 - PQ87407 SAP STATUS RECORD INCORRECT FOR GCN WITH EDIFACT NO GROUPS P8010038 - PQ85686 TRANSFORM TO EDI DOES NOT SUPPRESS TRAILING ZEROS AFTER DECIMAL P8009979 - IC38981 - PQ87408 AFTER CSD8, ADF TRANSACTIONS INCORRECTLY COMBINE AS ONE EDI OUTPUT TRANSACTION P8009782 - PQ87410 ISA16 INPUT DATA HAS ONE QUESTION MARK, BUT XML OUTPUT HAS TWO QUESTION MARKS P8010057 - PQ86084 16001 - THE "AREA" FIELD IS REQUIRED AND MUST BE AT LEAST 1 CHARACTER(S) LONG P8010079 - PQ87411 UNTDI BUNDLES DISPLAY INCORRECT IN TS FACILITY P8010060 - PQ87607 ABENDS0C4 OCCURS WHEN LOGGING APPLICATION DATA AND PAGEABLE TRANSLATION IN EFFECT AND IMAGE IS LARGE P8010080 - IC40187 - PQ87608 IF XML INPUT CONTAINS VALUE "0" AND IS MAPPED TO A NUMERIC EDI DATA ELEMENT, THEN THE ELEMENT IS MISSING FROM THE EDI OUTPUT P8010065 - PQ86450 TR0840 MESSAGE WHEN USING U ENVELOPE STANDARD P8010076 - PQ86886 WDI 3.2 INSTALL ERROR EI0012 IN STEP 6 OF JOB EDIJEXPD P8010018 - IC39387 - PQ87817 TR0052 MANDATORY SEG MISSING NOT ISSUED FOR GID SEGMENT IN CUSCAR EDI99B TRANSACTION P8010084 - IC40281 - PQ87893 DUPLICATE CHECK NOT ENFORCED WHEN USING MULTIPLE SITEID'S AND DUPENV(N) P8010040 - IC39754 - PQ87898 ELEMENT DEFINED AS SIMPLE BUT INPUT CONTAINS SUBELEMENTS. THIS CREATES CRYPTIC UT0021 ERROR AND INCORRECT CONTRL UCM04 = 18 P8010052 - IC39825 AND IC39834 - PQ87898 INCORRECT TP NICKNAME IN VN1044 MESSAGE IN PRT LOG. CSV INPUT REQUIRES EXTRA COMMA P8010081 - IC40229 - PQ87937 SEGMENT TERMINATOR HEX'0D' ON AIX CAUSES TR0204 TROUBLE WITH INPUT FILE P8010083 - PQ87243 HOST BATCH IMPORT OF USAGES FAILED. ERRONEOUS MESSAGE: EI0059 YOU CANNOT IMPORT SEND USAGES TO RECEIVE TRANSACTIONS P8010104 - PQ88140 DF PARSING INCORRECT WITH STRUCT WITHIN STRUCT P8010089 - IC40350 - PQ88145 WDI FAILS IF USING '0' AS SUBELEMENT DELIMITER IN EDI INPUT FILE. TR0050, TR0002, TR0015, AND TR0003 MESSAGE ERRORS OCCUR P8009962 - IC38912 - PQ88190 DATA TRANSFORMATION MEMORY LEAK CAUSES STORAGE SHORTAGE OR ERROR MSG: MB0001 FAILED TO LOAD EDIUTCNI P8010101 - PQ87751 CONVERSION OF STD TRANSACTION BEGINNING WITH A LOOP START SEGMENT CAUSES CLIENT ERROR 15220 ON MAP AFTER CONVERSION P8010106 - IC40469 - PQ88613 ERRONEOUS TR0051 MESSAGES WHEN USING EANCOM97 STANDARDS P8010122 - IC40621 MQ MESSAGE CONTAINING A VALID MQRFH2 HEADER IS NOT BEING PROCESSED BY THE WDI ADVANCED ADAPTER P8010134 - PQ88942 ERRONEOUS TR0820 - SEND MAPPING NOT FOUND - ISSUED WHEN APPLICATOIN (SENDING) TRADING PARTNER IS NOT ANY P8010128 - PQ89196 NOT ALL RECEIVE USAGES ARE EXPORTED WHEN THOUSANDS EXIST ON SAME RECEIVE MAP. ALSO AFFECTS MIGRATION FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8010068 - PQ87702 ENHANCEMENT - EXPORT USAGES AS AN ASSOC OBJECT OF TP ************************************************************** 3. Recommended upgrades If using WMQ v5.2 it is recommended to be at CSD6 service level for best results. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD12 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD11 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** March 2004 - CSD11 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD11. 2. Enhancements 3. Platform support ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD11 P8009987 DT delayed enveloping from the Transaction Store is failing P8009931 - IC38241 ERROR POSITIONING COUNT OFF BY 1 FOR FUNTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MAP $FA_CONTRL94B P8009704 - IC36241 WDISERVER - &E EXPRESSION OUTPUTS DECIMAL POINT AT END OF STRING CONTAINING ALL NUMERICS. (EDI TO ADF RECEIVE MAP.) P8009993 - IC39151 FF0209 ERROR GENERATED AND NON-UNIQUE CONTROL NUMBERS P8010003 When running an outbound DT transformation, the resulting envelope file is incomplete P8010013 - IC39337 TR0836 WHEN STACKING PERFORM STATEMENTS USING XML P8010011 - PQ84423 TRANSACTION STORE STATUS SET WRONG FOR 2ND TRANSACTION WHEN USING PERFORM TRANSLATE AND ENVELOPE CAUSING DUPLICATES P8010021 - IC39473 HIPAA TESTING FOUND WDI NOT RECOGNIZING THE LAST (2320B) ADX LOOP IN 2000B AS VALID P8010015 C&D DATA FORMAT WITH STRUCTURE NAMES BEGINNING WITH 'C' PROBLEM P8009991 - OA06349 STEP006 OF JOB, EDIJEXPD, ABENDED WITH A -811 P8010029 - IC39543 ADF TO X12 DT TRANSLATION RESULTS IN INCORRECT ROUNDING IN OUTPUT USING NUMFORMAT (\IT1_LOOP\D01\IT104\\, 4, "T") P8010033 - IC39644 ADAPTER REPORTING CCBRC = 8 CCBERC = 401 EVEN THOUGH NO ERRORS REPORTED IN PRTFILE P8010034 RAWDATA(Y) ON SENDFILE NOT WORKING P8009747 - IC36477 WDISERVER VALIDATION ERROR NOT ISSUED WHEN ALPHA CHARACTERS PRESENT IN NUMERIC ADF FIELD. (ADF TO ADF DT MAP.) P8010053 - PQ85979 Importing global Variables of 30 characters overruns a buffer- causing a Signal 11 on Windows. ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8009940 SERVER ENHANCEMENT - OPTIONAL RECORDS IN DT PROCESSING This enhancement adds support for I,E,G,T,Q Optional Records in the DT translator. DT Optional Record processing is the same as Send/Receive Optional Record processing with the following exceptions: 1. DT Optional Records are written to the tracking file. (If a tracking file is not specified, the records would be written to the exception file.) 2. Field GDATE2 in the DT 'I' record is not populated. 3. Field QDSNAME in the DT 'Q' record is not populated. 4. DT 'F' records are not generated. (this will be included in a future CSD) 5. When generating DT Optional Records for inbound transformations involving functional acknowledgment processing, the records written to the tracking file may not be contiguous. (This is because functional acknowledgment processing is embedded in the regular inbound processing.) ************************************************************** 3. Windows XP Platform Support WDI 3.2 Multi-Platform (MP) runs on the Windows XP platform with the following notes/concerns: 1) Windows XP requires MQSeries 5.3. WDI does not that require this, but this is required for using MQSeries on Windows XP. 2) WDI 3.2 MP runs on Windows XP with either DB2 7.2 or DB2 8.1. 3) However, there is a known problem with running the WDI 3.2 Client with Microsoft Access (the "Development" database). Whenever the user opens any list window, they will receive an error (actually two error messages) and then may get the list window displayed. For example: Attempt to open a list window (example: SETUP, DATA FORMATS, STANDARDS, MAPPING) and the user may get a pop-up window with the folllowing information: "11268 - An error occurred trying to open data source name "WDICLient32DEV". Path to the database is "C:\Program Files\IBM\WDI Client V3.2\wdiclient32dev.mdb". Database extended error code is "2000". You may need to re-install Microsoft DAO. Contact support if you need assistance." followed by another pop-up window with the following information: "12013 - An error occurred while updating the Transaction Store database table definitions in the "Development" system. Working with the Transaction Store may be problematic. An attempt will be made to correct the problem the next time the system is opened. " then the list window is displayed. Therefore, it is recommended that users of WDI 3.2 Client on Windows XP either: A) use DB2 for their development database. B) upgrade the original version of the wdiclient32dev.mdb file to a newer version of Access. 1) Do a release migration to export all of your system and configuration data. 2) Then put on a new version of the MDB's. 3) Then do a release migration to import the previously exported data. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD11 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD10 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** January 2004 - CSD10 Included in this section are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD10. This CSD contains both CSD9 fixes as well as CSD10 fixes. CSD9 was not released separately. ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD10 P8009885 - OA05298 INBOUND EDIFACT GIVING ERRONEOUS TR0016 MESSAGES P8009913 - PQ80606 SUBELEMENTS ARE MISSING FROM CERTAIN COMPOSITE ELEMENTS. IMPORT IS DROPPING SUBELEMENTS - AFFECTS CONVERSION FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 P8009963 - PQ82929 CUSTOMER IS GETTING ERROR MESSAGE TS00310 P8009943 - PQ81784 MIGRATION FROM 3.1 TO 3.2 DOES NOT MIGRATE ALL ELEMENTS P8009898 - IC38007 CANNOT CREATE MULTIPLE RULES IN THE SAME DT MAP USING TP ISA05/06 VALUE, WITH AN UNIQUE APPLICATION SENDER ID GS02 P8009933 - IC38340 SIGNAL 11 RECEIVED IN ADVANCED ADAPTER WHEN MANY TRANSACTIONS ARE IN ONE MSG (ONE INTERCHANGE) P8009969 ERRORS CAUSED WHEN TRANSLATING BIG EDI BATCH ON MQ P8009959 - IC38803 MESSAGE ERROR FF0120 AFTER PROCESSING MULTIPLE MESSAGES P8009970 - IC38955 ENHANCED ADAPTER ENCOUNTERS MQRC_HANDLE_NOT_AVAILABLE WHEN NUMBER OF TRIGGER MESSAGES = MAX OPEN HANDLES/NUMTHREADS P8009961 SET PROPERTY FOR ALPHANUM TABLE NAME P8009884 - IC37856 WDIADAPTER.EXE SIGNAL 11 WHEN 5 MSGS PUT ON QUEUE. XML TO EDI TRANLSATION AND MAPCHAIN INVOLVED P8009966 - IC38932 TDT LOOP NOT PROCESSED IN VALIDATION MAP FOR EANCOM96 ORDRSP TRANSACTION P8009986 ALLOW QUEUE NAMES UP TO MAX ALLOWED BY MQ (48) P8009960 - IC38829 RU0001 NO ACTIVE RULE ERROR OCCURS WHEN DIFFERENT TRANSACTIONS ARE IN SAME INTERCHANGE BUT USE DIFFERENT EDI DICTIONARIES P8009995 MP CONTROL STRINGS NOT GETTING IMPORTED INTO DATABASE P8009980 - PQ83143 CONVERSION OF STD W/LOOP REPEAT 1 CAUSING ERRORS ON CLIENT 3.2: 15445 AND 15446. THEN, RESIDUAL LOOP QUALIFICATION CAUSES 15443. P8010005 SERVER - EDI VALUES WITH HEX '01' FA DROPS HEX '01' P8010007 PERFORM IMPORT MEMORY EXCEPTION FOR ERR MSGS P8010008 UPDATED FAMAPS AND TA1MAPS FOR cSD10 **These files are available for downloading from the web site ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD10 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD9 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** December 2003 - CSD9 Included in this section for CSD9 are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD9 ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD9 P8009760 - IC36562 WDISERVER - TR0051 ISSUED ERRONEOUSLY FOR EDI TO XML DT MAP WHEN TRANSLATOR ENCOUNTERS SAME SEGMENT USED IN ANOTHER LOOP LEVEL. P8009926 - IC38195 X12V4R1 SEGMENT TD5, EDI STANDARD SYNTAX NOTES IN WDI ELEMENT RULES ARE INCORRECT OR WDI ERROR MESSAGES ARE INCORRECT. P8009828 **new enhancement** Add support for XML schema Note: Separate document with full details available on web site. P8009929 - IC38220 ERRONEOUS TR0051 ERRORS REPORTED ON DIFFERENT VALIDATION MAPS P8009921 - IC38181 WDI TRANSLATOR MISINTERPRETS DEFINTION OF MANDATORY SEGMENTS DURING VALIDATION OF EDIFACT TRANSACTION GEN TR0053 & TR0052 P8009941 EDI AND XML INPUT ON OPEN SYSTEMS READING AS TEXT NOT BINARY P8009936 - IC38355 TR0103 INVALID SEGMENT COUNT. SEGMENT IN INPUT MESSAGE CONTAINS TWO QUESTION-MARKS(??). P8009818 - IC36980 ONE BYTE NUMERIC VALUE IN DATA TYPE N2 CAUSING AN ABEND P8009945 - IC38624 EMPTY SEGMENTS OUTPUT FOR SOURCE BASED ADF TO EDI MAP WHEN INPUT FIELD IS BLANK. P8009942 - IC38506 WDI GETS LOST W/BAD MESSAGES / 997 QUESTION P8009666 WHEN LOOKING SPECIFIC ADF, ON THE GENERAL TAB, CLICK ON WHERE USED ITS DOES'NT SHOW TRANSFORMATION MAPS. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD9 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD8 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** November, 2003 - CSD8 Included in this section for CSD8 are: 1. Special note for MQ 5.2 users 2. List of problems resolved in CSD8 3. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. Special note for MQ 5.2 users If you are on V5.2 of MQ you will need to do the following: Cause: This was caused by the segment 8 problem. Solution: Add an entry in the mqs.ini to correct this. Add the following under the QMGR stanza. .QueueManager: . Name= . Directory= . IPCCBaseAddress=12 The following segments can be specified: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 (8 is the default one and usually conflicts with JVM). Here is a link which descripes this in more detail: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=863&context=SW910&q= AIX+memory+connect+2059&uid=swg21035441&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en ************************************************************** 2. List of problems resolved in CSD8 P8009859 - IC37479 TRANSLATOR ABENDS WITH 25 MEG INPUT FILE. W2K SIGNAL 11 ERROR AIX SIGNAL 4 P8009837 - IC37303 WRONG CONTROL NUMBER RECORD UPDATED WITH MINIMAL TRADING PARTNER SETUP P8009863 - PQ78994 WDI GENERATING INVALID JOB RETURN CODE P8009855 - PQ78684 WDI 3.2 FILLING UP PRTFILE (SYSOUT) WITH UNNECESSARY PERFORM STATEMENTS P8009853 TR0002 DATA ELEMENT TOO LONG IS ISSUED ERRONEOUSLY DURING SEND TRANSLATION. MINUS SIGN INCORRECTLY BEING COUNTED IN LENGTH P8009764 TRANSLATE ADF TO XML WITH SET XMLWORK RESULTS IN ABEND P8009832 - IC37235 STRCOMP YIELDS DIFFERENT RESULTS ON AIX VS. W2K WHEN COMPARING TO NULL. INCORRECTLY YIELDS FALSE ON AIX. W2K YIELDS TRUE P8009746 - IC36476 WDISERVER AFTER CSD4 APPLIED, ADF TO ADF DATA TRANSFORMATION OF LONG NUMERICS RESULT IN INCORRECT OUTPUT - NO ERROR REPORTED P8009883 - IC37826 DATA TRANSFORMATION MAP, XML TO X12 THE USAGE OF ANY 2 SPECIFIC TRADING PARTNERS FAIL P8009890 - IC37889 COMMAND CHAIN CONTINUES WHEN TR0852 ERROR OCCURS AND "SUCCESS" IS SPECIFIED ON NEXT SERVICE PROFILE P8009874 The Windows version of the PSPD import file (ixf) is invalid P8009873 - IC37720 WDI UNABLE TO TRANSLATE EDI INPUT WITH LINE FEED (LF) AS SEGMENT TERMINATOR P8009876 - IC37762 VALIDATION MAP PERFORMANCE NEEDS IMPROVING. EXTENSIVE USE OF FAEERROR FUNCTION W/LARGE INPUT IS CAUSING SERIOUS DEGRADATION P8009891 - PQ79975 TABLE, EDIMAPELE, NOT GETTING POPULATED PROPERLY, AFTER MIGRATION FROM VSAM 3.1 TO 3.2 Included also in this fix: P8009892 - IC37925 PATH RESOLUTION ERRORS OCCUR FOR PARTICULAR RECEIVE MAP WHEN CONVERTING FROM DI/MVS 3.1 TO WDI 3.2 MP ON W2K. and P8009894 - PQ80135 ERROR TRYING TO OPEN ELEMENT 20 OF THE BGM SEGMENT P8009880 - IC37787 NO ERROR ISSUED FOR DATE FIELD VALIDATION WHEN STRING USED ON HIPAA 835 BPR16 373 DATE CCYYMMDD included with this fix is P8009887 - IC37886 CD WDI DOESN'T APPLY DECIMAL DATA RULES FROM STANDARD P8009847 - IC37348 WDI32 MP CSD5 WDISERVER AND WDIADAPTER PROBLEMS THE SPECIFIED MODULE COULD NOT BE FOUND P8009920 - IC38178 SPECIFIC REQUIRMENT TO ADJUST OUTPUT ORDER BASED ON HL01 P8009917 - IC38162 EV0018 MESSAGE OCCURS IF ELEMENT DELIMITER IS HEX 1A AND SEGMENT DELIMITER IS 0A P8009868 - IC37544 DURING XML TO EDI TRANSFORMATION, NO AUTOMATIC INSERTION OF AN RELEASE CHARACTER P8009924 WDISERVER - ADF TO ... TRANSFORMS FAIL. GET UP0021 UT0004 ************************************************************** 3. Enhancements P8009842 Add TA1 support and activate SEVICESEGVAL keyword for Data Transformation processing. **see separate document on web site for full details** P8009925 VARIABLES USED BY TA1 ENHANCEMENT NOT INITILIZED DB2 8.1 Support WebSphere Data Interchange 3.2 will work on a DB2 7.2 or DB2 8.1 database. Note1: When migrating from DB2 7.2 to DB2 8.1 databases, there appears to be some DB2 migration restrictions associated with DB2 8.1 Clients accessing a DB2 7.x database. Consult the following DB2 8.1 Release Notes documentation for more information on this restriction: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/db2/fixes/english-us/ db2winIA32v8/fixpak/FP1_WR21316/Release.Notes/release.txt If you are in a migration state, and are using WDI 3.2 Client (with DB2 8.1 Client software) to access a WDI 3.2 MP Server database (on a DB2 7.1 database), you may experience the following error messages: "11041 - A database error occurred while attempting to open table "EDIENU32.EDIPSDI". ODBC return code is: -1. Description: SQL0805N Package "NULLID.SYSYSH200" was not found. SQLSTATE=51002" After pressing Cancel button, this is followed by: "11231 - Unable to determine the version of the database. If the table EDIPSDI was not found, you may need to upgrade your database to the current WebSphere Data Interchange release.". No upgrade of WebSphere Data interchange is required. The situation is a part of DB2 migration. Note2: There is no known problem with accessing DB2 8.1 databases with a DB2 7.2 Client. To avoid problems during this migration state: 1) It is recommended that a copy of the WDI 3.2 MP Client that uses DB2 7.2 Client software exist during migration from DB2 7.2 to DB2 8.1, as this Client software will be able to access both DB2 7.1 and DB2 8.1 (Server) databases. 2) It is further recommended to use the WDI 3.2 MP Client release migration facility during the migration from the DB2 7.2 database to the DB2 8.1 database. If you are installing WDI 3.2 MP on DB2 8.1 without migration, then you should not encounter the above errors." ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD8 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD7 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** September, 2003 - CSD7 Included in this section for CSD7 are: 1. List of problems resolved in CSD7 2. Enhancements ************************************************************** 1. List of problems resolved in CSD7 P8009783 - OA04685 PERFORM IMPORT OF MAP - ALL DT, VAL, FA MAPS COMPILE=YES. P8009790 - IC36749 XML TO XML REMOVES ![CDATA[]] CONSTRUCT ON SPECIAL CHARACTERs SUCH AS "&", "<", AND ">" P8009822 - PQ78184 ABEND IF GE SEGMENT MISSING SEG TERMINATOR P8009781 - IC36670 MANDATORY SEGMENTS ARE MISSING FROM AN FAERROR IN VALIDATION MAP ***see separate user document on web site**** P8009771 - PQ75981 WHEN TRANSLATING CSV FILES WDI 3.2 IS NOT RECOGNIZING CR/LF P8009819 - OA04453 ADF-TO-ADF TRANSLATION PRODUCES SPECAIL CHARACTERS (@@@@@@@) IN TARGET ADF FILE P8009824 - IC37165 AN ATTEMPT TO ENVELOPE OR DE-ENVELOPE FAILED P8009576 - IC35606 wHEN A VALID VN1043 IS ISSUED, AN ERRONEOUS VN1007 IS REPORTED P8009714 - IC36299 WDI 3.2 TRADING PARTNER PROFILE QUALIFIER DOESN'T POPULATE IN ISA07 USING DATA TRANSFORMATION MAP. P8009761 - IC36568 PERFORM SEND TO MQ SHOWS LINE FEED BETWEEN RECORDS. CARRIAGE RETURN MISSING. P8009838 - OA04709 DI NOT GENERATING TR0051/52 MESSAGES FOR OUT OF SEQUENCE SEGMENTS ************************************************************** 2. Enhancements P8009727 AND P8009823 Added C&D record support for Data Transformation processing ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD7 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD6 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** ************************************************************** *** Updated Notes for WDIAdapter Setup On AIX *** ************************************************************** NOTE: These instructions are intended to clarify the setup of the WDIAdapter program on the AIX platform. These steps do not have any counter part on the Windows platform. When setting up and using the WDIAdatper program to interface with an MQSeries queue you may need to alter the permissions on the default trigger monitor program supplied by MQSeries. This program is installed into /usr/mqm/bin and by default it has the following permissions: -r-sr-s--- 1 mqm mqm 28558 Jun 3 01:49 runmqtrm When the execute permission bit has an 's' value it indicates that when this program is executed the user id should be changed to the owner of the file during the execution of that program. Since the LIBPATH environment variable is not inherited when the user id is switched (for security reasons) this can cause problems with WDI. To resolve this problem you should change the permissions to the following: -r-xr-x--- 1 mqm mqm 28558 Jun 3 01:49 runmqtrm This can be done by simply issuing the following command: chmod ug-s runmqtrm You should also ensure that the user you plan to run the WDIAdapter program as is part of the mqm group. This can be done using the SMITTY interface. ------------------------------------------------------------ July 2003 - CSD6 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. P8009759 Functional Group ID (GS01) empty when using delayed enveloping P8009728 New function: Allow user to get and set the RFH2 and MQMD values in the map using the GetProperty/SetProperty commands. **Please see separate detailed document from web site** P8009721 - IC36339 Transformation map generating space on XML tags. When sending more than 32k of data (ADF,EDI,XML) to a file or a queue a LF (AIX) or a CR/LF (Windows) was being inserted into the data. P8009768 - IC36596 DT maps from XML-->EDI, Encountered problem when mapping nested loops with multiple hierarchical levels. P8009750 - IC36512 WDISERVER - EDI data containing release character is processed incorrectly by a receive map. P8009706 - IC36271 Messages are frequesntly written to WDI.FAILURE.Q P8009756 - IC36452 Problem with FAERROR call in the validation map P8009778 - IC36659 Literal value specified in the E Envelope Profile are not generated into EDI Interchanges. P8009769 - IC36599 Outbound EDI DT Map incorrectly populating GS08 SETPROPERTY not taking precedence and value truncated with EDI2DICT P8009800 Certain input files causes TR0836. The one observed cause is that it occurs only when multiple interchanges are processed. P8009411 - IC36473 Command chaining not working on EDI to XML double translation P8009796 - IC36762 If HL04 is 0 it is omitted in HIPAA DT map P8009785 - IC36674 EDI to XML Qualify by value mapping missing output at CSD4 level P8009795 Problem with segmented data output on XML P8009805 Problem caused by null ELMVALUE P8009810 Abend caused by uninitilized memory when the translator was invoKed multiple times by stacking PERFORM commands in a single command file. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD6 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD5 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** With CSD5, a new multi-threaded WDI MQ adapter is also available. Review the WebSphere Data Interchange Enhanced Adapter Install Guide for CSD5 document avialable from the WDI website. ---------------------------------------------------------- June 2003 - CSD5 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. P8009648 - IC36025 FAERROR not being reported for invalid value in validation map using EDIFACT. P8009713 The DT processing had several memory leaks which caused memory to be leaked on each message that was processed. These were found and fixed. P8009720 PERFORM IMPORT gets a protection exception importing a standard that is part of a DT map export. P8009724 - IC36356 When element separator is HEX'5E' various errors are issued erroneously during PERFORM TRANSFORM SYNTAX(E) P8009684 Server import with Host STD convert reports no data. P8009326 WDISERVER erroneous TR0001 issued during ADF to XML translation for a mandatory attribute in optional XML element. P8009716 - IC36319 CR/LF NOT WORKING IN ADF P8009723 Add SAP interface for Data Transformation processing. ***Please see separate document for full description*** P8009726 - IC36365 WDISERVER Unable to process multiple validation maps when different transaction types are in one interchange. P8009712 - IC36289 WDIADAPTER does not write failed MSG to FAILURE Q during EDI to XML when using Send/Recv maps and EDIXPROC abends. P8009722 - IC36340 EDI output msg > 32K contains unexpected CRLF character. ADF to EDI Send map is being used. P8009708 Customer unable to compile map on DI 3.2, after migrating from 3.1 using fix to fix translation. P8009739 - IC36431 WDI 3.2 MP AIX unexpected null characters in X12 output instead of expected data or spaces. P8009660 TS Interchange report - No groups with control number by transaction P8009725 - IC36360 Erroneous TR0051 errors reported on validation map. P8009735 - IC36420 ADF N2 Field blank causing TR0016 messages. P8009754 Invalid access to memory problem. P8009737 Creation of new multi threading adapter. ***Please see separate document for full description*** P8009738 - IC36429 Unable to process different EDIFACT message types within one interchange when no group envelopes are present. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD5 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD4 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** Changes to the WDI Adapter for Websphere MQ This CSD contains significant changes to the WDI Adapter executable. For installation, each site should define a new WMQ Queue "WDI.FAILURE.Q," or configure individual exception queues as noted below. "User" level Unit of Work WDI Adapter uses a user level commit point. Effective with this change, no "commit" processing for MQ or DB2 recoverable resources will be invoked during the normal processing by the utility. The WDI Adapter program will call a service in WDI to perform the Commit or Rollback after all processing of the command chain has completed. All resources will be hardened or restored together. By design, the Event Log does not participate in this Unit of Work. In general, any non-utility return code or a utility return code of 8 or 12 will cause a backout. Utility return code 8 with extended return code 1 or 2 may not cause backout. Backout information from Queue definition As each message is read from the input queue, the WDI Adapter will now check its BackoutCount. This count starts at zero and is incremented each time the message participates in a Rollback. If the backout count exceeds the Backout Threshold defined in the Queue properties, the message will be written to the Queue defined in the Backout Requeue Name. Failure Queue The WDI Adapter no longer references the System Dead Letter Queue. Messages with a detectable error are copied unaltered to the Backout Requeue Name defined for the input queue or to the queue "WDI.FAILURE.Q." If neither is defined, the adapter will terminate. Error Messages Each error message has been embellished with additional descriptive text. All errors continue to be written to the standard output stream of the process. -------------------------------------------------------------- April/May 2003 - CSD4 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. CSDs are cumulative, so this CSD will include fixes from previous CSDs unless otherwise noted. P8009655 IF DOING DT PROCESSING WITH INPUT EDIFACT DATA THAT DOES NOT HAVE A GROUP HEADER/TRAILER (UNG/UNE), THE INTERCHANGE IS NOT DISPLAYED ON THE CLIENT TRANSACTION STORE QUERY. P8009551 TR1205, RC =125 ON INBOUND DEENVELOPE AND TRANSLATE BECAUSE OF BAD DATA P8009620 - IC35916 GROUP HEADER AND TRAILER ALWAYS GENERATED P8009619 - IC35915 REL CHARACTER IS NOT WORKING IN DT MAPS P8009646 - IC36000 SPORADIC WDIADAPTER FAILURES DURING XML TO EDI (RECEIVE MAP) TRANSLATION UNDER STRESS TEST. P8009667 NEW ENVELOPE CREATED FOR EACH TRANSACTION P8009521 XML FATAL MEMORY LOCATION EXCEPTION OCCURS WITH LARGE XML INPUT FILE P8009559 PERFORM REMOVE NOT DELETING ROWS FROM EDITSTO. ENCOUNTERS SQLCODE501 REASON 00C90096. P8009593 FF0591 & FF0597 ARE NOT BEING DISPLAYED IN THE PRTFILE P8009659 TR0836 MESSAGE GEN FA AND DUP ENV NOT DETECTED P8009665 RECONSTRUCT DOES NOT SUPPORT MIN TRADING PARTNERS P8009657 - IC36047 PROCESSING OF AN XML->ADF TRANSFORMATION THE WDI SERVER LOSSES IT'S CONNECTION WITH THE DATABASE. P8009670 - IC36093 INSIDE EDIFFS, PRODUCTION/USAGE - TEST OPT IS NOT WORKING P8009637 - IC35978 UNS SEGMENT IN SUSDEC MESSAGES IS BEING MATCHED AGAINST 2 DIFFERENT POSITIONS IN VALIDATION MAP. P8009685 INTERMITTENT ABEND ON PERFORM RECONSTRUCT P8009672 - IC36098 RC12 ISSUED FOR TR0852, STOPPING WDIADAPTER TRIGGER. RC8 MORE APPROPRIATE. P8009636 XML TAG DEFINED IN DTD, NOT IN INPUT CAUSES INVALID ERROR TR0003 DATA ELEMENT TOO SHORT. P8009680 - IC36131 ESCAPE CHARACTERS IN EDI AND XML NOT TRANSLATED TO OUTPUT. P8009674 - IC36101 INCORRECT SYNTAX ERROR CODES BEING PRODUCED IN THE FUNCTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WHEN THE UNT SEGMENT IS INVALID. P8009677 - IC36116 TESTING MAP AND WINDOWS WAS TERMINATED THE PROGRAM. P8009617 - IC35901 WDIADAPTER FAILS SPORADICALLY WITH FF0579 DURING XML RECEIVE MAP PROCESSING WHEN MULTIPLE MSGS PUT ON MQ QUEUE. P8009686 - IC36153 R VALUE CONVERSION TO N2 NOT WORKING CORRECTLY ON DT MAP. P8009688 CONVERSION ERROR IF NO ENV PROFILE. P8009519 RULES NODE ENHANCEMENTS - USAGE IND AND APP FIELDS P8009591 - IC35703 WDIADAPTER DOES NOT FORWARD INPUT MESSAGE TO THE WDI.FAILURE.QUEUE WHEN A MESSAGE FAILS TRANSLATION. P8009625 - IC35932 SENDING MORE THAN ONE SALES REPORT RESULT IN FAILURE. P8009594 - IC35714 INVALID UNA SEGMENT IN EDIFACT P8009687 ERROR TR0836 LISTS TABLE EDIVSCST THAT DOES NOT EXIST P8009568 NOT RECOGNIZING DUPENV(N) KEYWORD P8009702 TR0821 OCCURS FOR MAP MIGRATED FROM 3.1 WITH OLD CONTROL STRING FOR RECEIVE MAP USING C&D STYLE ADF P8009689 - IC36178 CONTROL NUMBRS NOT BEING GENERATED CORRECTLY P8009682 - IC36134 AN ATTEMPT TO RETRIEVE AN AMM ELEMENT NAME FAILED' OCCURS WHEN A CONSTANT TO A XML ATTRIBUTE LIMITS THE STRING TO 99 CHARS P8009697 - IC36224 WHEN AN EDI ELEMENT WITH A MAX LENGTH OF 512BYTES IS TRANSFORMED CONTAINS EXTRA CHARACTERS: NOTABLY HEX1A P8009669 - IC36092 ON VALIDATION MAP,THE LAST LOOP IS NOT BEING PROCESSED P8009691 TRANSFORM ENVELOPING - LEAST NUMBER OF ENVELOPES P8009695 - IC36208 N2 ROUNDS UP INCORRECTLY P8009703 - IC36239 XML DATA CONTAINING QUESTION MARK IS PROCESSED INCORRECTLY BY A RECEIVE MAP P8009658 - IC36048 MESSAGE WRITTEN TO OUTPUT MQSERIES QUEUE THE DATA TRANSFORMATION ARE MISSING CARRIAGE RETURNS AS RECORD DELIMITERS P8009673 - IC36099 WDI DOES NOT ADHERE TO THE ENVELOPE SEGMENT SPECIFICATIONS IN THE E ENVELOPE STANDARS UNDER EDI STANDARDS ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD4 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD3 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** Please reference a separate document available on our web site which details the enhancements made that are included in this CSD. March 2003 - CSD3 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. CSDs are cumulative, so this CSD will include fixes from previous CSDs unless otherwise noted. P8009529 - IC35249 INBOUND EDI MESSAGES REPORT ERROR IN WRONG POSITION P8009561 0 ENVELOPING ON INBOUND CREATES FUNCTIONAL ACKS WITH ISA HEADER. ISA SHOULD NOT BE CREATED. P8009080 DOC TR0025 DUPLICATE TRANSACTION HAS BEEN DETECTED P8009545 - IC35337 AN ABEND OCCURS WHEN A MAP COMMAND REFERENCES A NON-EXISTENT SUBELEMENT OF A COMPOSITE DATA ELEMENT. P8009577 - IC35618 HIPAA VALIDATION MAPS DO NOT SHOW ALL ERRORS IF MORE THAN 1 TYPE EXISTS IN THE SAME SEGMENT. P8009569 TRANSACTION STORE FOR DT MAPS P8009590 - IC35700 ADF TO XML AND XML TO ADF TR0016 ISSUED FOR SEND/RECEIVE MAPS WITH SPECIAL LANGUAGE CHARACTERS AS INPUT. P8009582 - IC35672 WDIADAPTER FAILS AFTER PROCESSING NUMEROUS MESSAGES IN THE SAME INSTANCE. P8009583 - IC35674 EDI TO ADF RECEIVE TRANSLATION FAILS WITH TR0051 WHEN INPUT EXCEEDS 32K AND NO CRLF CHARACTERS. P8009604 ADD EDITRACE TO OPEN PLATFORMS P8009596 - IC35730 XML OUTPUT MSG > 32K ADDS EXTRA CARRIAGE RETURN CAUSING THE XML DATA TO BE NOT WELL FORMED. P8009597 - IC35736 HIPAA VALIDATION MAP IS NOT PROCESSING OR RECOGNIZING LAST LOOP IN THE STANDARD WHEN PRESENT IN THE DATA. P8009606 - IC35815 INVALID RFH2 HEADER GENERATED WHEN INPUT RFH2 CONTAINS NON-NATIVE CCSID. P8009562 SIGNAL 11 - TRANSFORM - ADF2EDI - ADF PARSER P8009610 - IC35843 WDIADAPTER ABENDS DURING ADF TO XML PROCESSING WHEN TRANSLATING CERTAIN INPUT FILES. P8009627 - IC35941 RESIDUAL OUTPUT IN REPEATING SEGMENT IN A TARGET BASED XML TO EDI MAP. P8009607 - IC35827 UNB AND UNH ENVELOPE HEADERS INCORRECT WHEN RUNNING UNDER AIX. P8009647 - IC36002 ADF TO XML (SEND MAP) ENCOUNTERS TR0852 'NO TEXT FOUND FOR MESSAGE TR0852 IN MESSAGE FILE EDIMSG' ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD3 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD2 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** February 2003 - CSD2 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD. CSDs are cumulative, so this CSD will include fixes from previous CSDs unless otherwise noted. P8009101 PERFORM REMOVE TRANSACTIONS LOCKING OUT TRANSLATOR WITH INTERMITTENT DEADLOCKS AND TIMEOUTS. FF0457 ALSO OCCURS. P8009458 VARIOUS ISSUES WITH CONTRL FUNCTIONAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. RECEIVE MAP USAGE SET TO CONTV21. P8009237 PERFORM ENVELOPE FAILS WITH TR0836 BECAUSE HOST STANDARD NOT FOUND IN EDIVSCST. HOST STANDARD SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED. P8009441 CONTRL message generated for CONTV21 contains incorrect value of "8" in DE 0083 Action Code in the UCM. The action code should be "7". P8009438 ABEND OCCURS IF A DUPLICATE GROUP IS DETECTED P8009151 The problem was caused by the fact that no file was associated with the DD name OUTMSG. When the following set file command was added to the command file the VN1045 error went away. set file(OUTMSG, baseout.msg) The error handling was changed so that better error message would be generated (VN1007 unable to open file) in this condition. P8009229 WHEN TR0016 ISSUED ALONG WITH TR0008 THE CONDITION IS NOT REFLECTED IN THE FA. P8009491 NULL CHARACTER AT END OF EDIFACT UNA SEGMENT p8009499 ADF OUTPUT INCORRECT WITH STRUCTURE REPEAT 22 p8009527 WDI 3.2 MP SERVER INSTALL SCRIPT LINE MISSING FOR EDIUTCU CAUSES UT0055 SEVERITY 08 SQL CODE -805 P8009505 NULL CHARACTERS ADDED TO FILE DURING NETWORK TRANSFERS WHEN A XML FILE IS BEING CREATED WITHIN WEBSPHERE DATA INTERCHANGE NULL CHARACTERS ARE ADDED TO THE END P8009542 For EDI->XML data transformation maps, output data being written to an MQSeries queue is being truncated when the output xml data reaches a certain size, roughly 4-5K. P8009437 Create a PERFORM DELETE USAGE command with the following keywords: a) DIR (X) where X can be S(send) or R(receive), default is R send and receive b) TPTID(xxx) where xxx is the Mapname, 30 characters send and receive c) TPID(xxx) where xxx is the internal Trading partner ID, 35 bytes send d) TPNICKN(xxx) where xxx is the EDI Trading Partner Nickname (profile send and receive e) APPLTPID(xxx) where xxx is the Application Trading Partner nickname, send and receive, this is a new keyword f) APPSNDID(xxx) where xxx is the Application Sender ID, 35 characters receive g) AGENCY(xxx) where xxx is the responsible agency code, 8 characters, default is blank h) VERSION(xxx) where xxx is the version, 8 characters, default is blank i) REL(xxx) where xxx is the release, 8 characters, default is blank j) APPRECID(xxx) where xxx is the Application Receiver ID, 35 characters receive The PERFORM DELETE USAGE will have the following syntax: format for send usage PERFORM DELETE USAGE WHERE DIR(S) TPTID(mapname) APPLTPID(atpid) TPNICKN(etpid) TPID(intpid) format for receive usage PERFORM DELETE USAGE WHERE DIR(R) TPTID(mapname) APPLTPID(atpid) TPNICKN(etpid) APPSNDID(appsenderid) || APPRECID(appreceiverid) AGENCY(agency) VERSION(version) REL(release) format to delete all usages for a given map PERFORM DELETE USAGE WHERE DIR(S/R) TPTID(mapname) All values that are not required will default to blank. DIR will default to R. If both APPSNDID and APPRECID are entered, APPSNDID will be used. P8009404 IF A TRANSLATION TABLE IS CREATED WITH MORE THAN 407 ENTRIES AND IT IS COPIED TO A NEW TABLE, ONLY 407 ENTRIES ARE COPIED. P8009502 WHEN XML FILE IS BEING CREATED IN WDI, WDI DOES NOT ESCAPE RESERVED XML CHARACTERS P8009540 EDIFACT DATA TAGGED ONTO THE END OF A SUCCESSFUL XML USING SEND/ RECEIVE MAPS. THE PROBLEM OCCURS WHEN THE XML DATA PRODUCED HAS FEWER BYTES THAN THE EDIFACT DATA CREATED IN THE TRANSLATION PROCESS, A RARE EVENT WHEN CONSIDERING XML TAG LENGTH. P8009174 When a type of MQ is specified on an ADF WDI currently writes the file out to a MQSeries queue one record per-messaage. This needs to be changed so that the entire file is written out to the queue as a single MQSeries message. P8009495 CTL NUMS HAVE LEADING ZEROS IN GS, GE, ST,SE P8009168 IMPORT 3.1 MAP INTO 4.1 OR WDI 3.2 GETTING DB ERROR P8009494 EXPORT LOOPS FOR HEAVILY REPEATED MAPPINGS P8009487 PERFORM EXPORT 4.1 DT MAPS SOURCE DOC NOT EXPORTING P8009524 MIGRATE DI 4.1 TO WDI 3.2 EXPORT DTD FAILS DB ERROR 8,12 P8009532 EXPORT TABLES WITH CORRUPT RECLN FIELD ABENDS P8009547 DELFILE WILL NOT BE DELETED FOR A TRANSLATION WARNING P8009475 OUTBOUND JOB ABENDING WITH OC4 P8009522 CUSTOMER MIGRATED FROM 3.1 TO 4.1 AND BATCH JOB (SEND/RCV) NOW GETTING FF0475. CUSTOMER ON CICS TS 2.2 P8009541 TR0052 message is issued for each GID segment P8009543 SPLITTING OF OUTPUT XML ONEMSG(Y) IN PERFORM TRANSFORM COMMAND IS NOW VALID P8009546 VALIDATION ERRORS NOT REPORTED IN CONTRL MESSAGE P8009566 EDI TO XML TRANSFORM FAILS WHEN INPUT ISA CONTAINS MULTIPLE GS ENVELOPES WITH DIFFERENT EDI TRANSACTION TYPES. ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD2 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** **************************************************************** *** START OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD1 README.TXT *** **************************************************************** November 2002 - CSD1 The following problems have been resolved on this CSD: - ADDED "SEGMENTATION ALLOWED" AND "LOGICAL ORDER" FLAG TO THE MQPUTS - IF UNABLE TO OPEN DESIGNATED FILE WRITE TO EXCEPTION FILE - EDI TO ADF WITH 2 AND Z2 DATA INCORRECT - EXTRA DELIMITERS GENERATED IN UNB SEGMENT - EDI PARSER IGNORES SUBELEMENT DLM IF UNA WITHOUT REP DLM - EDIFACT USAGE INDICATOR '1' NOT RECOGNIZED AS TEST - MISSING SE SEGMENT CAUSES ABEND IN VALIDATION NODE - VALIDATION NODE - APPLY SUBELEMENT SYNTAX NOTES CORRECTLY - SPACES BETWEEN ELEMENTS OF THE RFH2 FOLDER - REPEATING SEG IN LOOP INCORRECT IN THE AMM - XML GEN REPORTS ERROR AMM0011 - VALIDATION NODE - CALL CALIDATION MAP ON OUTPUT - VALIDATION NODE - ERRONEOUS TR0052 FROM NESTED HL LOOP - RU0001 NO ACTIVE RULE WHEN 2 DTDS WITH SAME ROOTELEMENT - DB2 VIEWS NEED TO BE ADDED TO GRNTEC32.DDL - MISSING EDIPSTV, EDIPSTT ENTRIES IN LOAD DATA - MISSING VALIDATION MAP OUTVALMAP ON SAMPLE RULE - MQ ERROR 2012 (MQRC_ENVIRONMENT_ERROR) ON AIX - EDI GENERATOR NOT PROCESSING SEG ELEMENTS CORRECTLY - RFH2 HEADER FOR OUTPUT MSG INCORRECT IF ORIGINATED IN JMS ************************************************************** *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 CSD1 README.TXT *** ************************************************************** *** *** (C) Copyright International Business Machines Corp. 2002. *** All Rights Reserved *** Licensed Materials - Property Of IBM *** *** Welcome to WebSphere Data Interchange Version 3.2 *** *** *** For information on how to set up WebSphere MQ for WebSphere Data Interchange see the wdi_mq_setup.txt file in the samples directory. On Windows platforms the WebSphere MQ Services Trigger Monitor does not fully support PROCESS definitions that contain file paths having embedded blank characters e.g. "C:\Program files\". Instead run the WebSphere MQ trigger monitor program runmqtrm as described in wdi_mq_setup.txt. ************************************************************** *** Install instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 ************************************************************** 1) Perform subsequent steps as a user with DB2 administrator authority. 2) After the InstallShield installation, the directory structure within the installation directory is as follows: bin bind ddl ixf include lib runtime runtime/adf runtime/aex runtime/dicmd runtime/dicts runtime/dtds runtime/edi runtime/eex runtime/fak runtime/prt runtime/qry runtime/rcv runtime/rpt runtime/trk runtime/wrk runtime/xex runtime/xml samples * Additional directories may be created for use by InstallShield. These are used for things like keeping uninstall information, and the Java Virtual Machine binaries. 3) Change directory to the ddl directory 4) Issue the command: db2 create db ediec32e This process will create the database. When this process has completed successfully the database has been built. Once the database has been created, issue the command: altrec32 This process will alter some of the default parameters related to log file size and number of primary and secondary logs. 5) Change to the DB2 directory which contains the bind files for the DB2 utilities. - If installing on Windows, this typically has a name like C:\Program Files\SQLLIB\bnd. - If installing on AIX, this typically has a name like /u//sqllib/bnd, where is the id of the instance owner. (See DB/2 Quick Beginnings "Binding Database Utilities") 6) Issue the following commands: db2 connect to ediec32e db2 bind @db2ubind.lst messages bind.msg grant public db2 bind @db2cli.lst messages clibind.msg grant public db2 connect reset Note for AIX installations: You may need to specify a different file for the messages for example /tmp/bind.msg, if you do not have write authority to the current directory. 7) Change the current directory back to the ddl directory. 8) Issue the command: db2 -tf ediec32.ddl -l ec32.log This process creates the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 tables, indices, views, etc. 9) The next step will issue GRANT statements necessary for DI Client access to the newly created tables. The default is to issue GRANTs to public. You may wish to change public to specific userids or a group of authorized users. 10) Issue the commands: db2 -tf grntec32.ddl -l grntec32.log 11) Change directory to the ixf directory 12) Issue the following command: loadec32 This process will load initial data into the DB2 tables. The loading may generate warnings, but you can just ignore them. 13) Change directory to the bind directory 14) The next step will issue GRANT statements necessary for WebSphere Data Interchange Server access to the newly created tables. The default within bindgrnt.fil is to issue GRANTs to public. You may wish to change public to specific userids or a group of authorized users. 15) Issue the command: db2 -tf bindgrnt.fil -l bind.log This process will BIND the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 DB2 packages and GRANT execute authority to public. 16) The installation for the WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 is complete. Notes on setting the PATH: For Windows installations, the bin directory for WDI 3.2 is added to the end of your current path. If you have another version of WDI installed on your system, you need to change your path to make sure that the WDI 3.2 bin directory comes before any other versions of WDI in your PATH. If other versions of WDI executables are found in your path, you may receive database errors such as a -818, since the executables from other versions are not bound to the EDIEC32E database. For AIX installations, there is a script in the samples directory that can be used to set up the WDI environment variables. To use this script, enter the command: . setdienv.sh This command can also be run from within your .profile when you login. By using the "." followed by a blank, this will set the variables in the current environment. Otherwise, the environment variables are only set for the duration of the script. *** Install verification steps 1) Change directory to the samples directory 2) Enter the command: wditest This will start a batch file (Windows) or shell script (AIX) to set up environment variables and run a translation using the sample map and data provided. The environment is restored at the end of the test. If the installation is successful, you should see the following output: DI Translator Started, build date: (WDI build date) DI Translator processed your request. DI Translator shutdown If error(s) are written to the console or to the prtfile (in the samples directory), check the messages and take appropriate corrective action. *** Setting up a TCP/IP alias for remote access to AIX databases For improved performance when accessing an AIX database from the WDI Client, use of a TCP/IP alias is suggested. This also prevents certain performance related database errors. To set up a TCP/IP alias for a database do the following steps using an id with db2 sysadm authority: You will need to substitute your local values for the following: is the service name in /etc/services for the DB2 port is the host name for the machine is the tcpip node name you want to define is the database name is the database alias Issue these commands one time for the machine to create the TCP/IP node: db2set DB2COMM=tcpip db2 update dbm cfg using svcename db2 catalog tcpip node remote server Then for each database, you will define an alias by issuing the following command: db2 catalog database as at node For example, if your system had the following local values: db2tcp01 is the service name in /etc/services for the DB2 port wdihost is the host name for the machine wditcp is the tcpip node name you want to define EDIEC32E is the database name WDITCP32 is the database alias you want to use You would issue the following commands: db2set DB2COMM=tcpip db2 update dbm cfg using svcename db2tcp01 db2 catalog tcpip node wditcp remote wdihost server db2tcp01 db2 catalog database EDIEC32E as WDITCP32 at node wditcp When remote DB2 clients connect to the EDIEC32E database, they can use the WDITCP32 alias for the database name. If you want to define additional TCP/IP aliases for that system, you only need to issue the "db2 catalog database" command for the other databases. You do not need to define the node again. For more information, refer to your DB2 documentation. *** Uninstall instructions for WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 To uninstall on AIX: 1) Change directory to the _uninst directory 2) Issue the command: uninstall.bin To uninstall on Windows: 1) Use the Windows "Add/Remove Programs" dialog on the control panel to uninstall the program. *** Acknowledgements *** This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/). Copyright (c) 1999-2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under Apache Software License, Version 1.1. A copy of this license (LICENSE.TXT) is included in the same directory as this file. This product also includes International Components for Unicode. Copyright (c) 1995-2001 International Business Machines Corporation and others All rights reserved. This is distributed under the X License (XLicense.html), which is included in the same directory as this file. ********************************************************* *** END OF WebSphere Data Interchange V3.2 README.TXT *** *********************************************************