Service Levels:
Read this before you start |
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This Release Notes document and the Installation Guide are essential for installing DB2 OLAP Server products successfully. Before you begin installing any DB2 OLAP Server products, read this Release Notes document, which supplements and corrects information in the Installation Guide.
The Installation Guide is available in the root directory of the DB2 OLAP Server CD and it can be downloaded along with DB2 OLAP Server, or from our Web site:
You can install all the documentation, including the Installation Guide, on your client computer by selecting the Custom option in the installation program, and selecting which books you want to install.
Moving to the Refreshed release |
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Other installation updates |
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Operating System | Java level |
Windows | 1.3.0-C |
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0) Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build ca130-20010330 (JIT enabled: jitc)) |
Solaris Operating System |
If you wish to keep the buffered I/O default for databases being migrated from direct I/O, you may want to adjust caches (index cache, data cache) if you previously changed them for direct I/O.
For more detailed information, see the Installation Guide.
Documentation updates |
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DB2 OLAP Server Version 8.1 offers your enterprise the option of installing the client components from a shared network file server. If you use this option, a file called netinst.htm is installed on the file server in the \install directory. The netinst.htm file contains insructions on how to install the clients from the network. The copy of netinst.htm that is installed on the file server are incorrect. The correct copy of netinst.htm is stored in the root directory of the CD. If you put the clients on a file server, copy netinst.htm from the root of the CD and replace the version that is installed in the \install directory on the file server.
Two books for DB2 OLAP Integration Server moved to online help
The OLAP Integration Server Model User’s Guide and the OLAP Integration Server Metaoutline User’s Guide were discontinued as of Version 7.1 FixPak 8 (Essbase 6.2). Procedures from these guides are now available in the online help. Conceptual information and details on preparing relational data for a multidimensional database are provided in a new document entitled the Integration Server Data Preparation Guide.
Documentation refers to Hyperion default directory instead of IBM directory.
The default installation directory for DB2 OLAP Server is different from the default installation directory for Hyperion Essbase. Most of the documentation refers to the Hyperion directory. The IBM directory is:
To activate Hybrid Analysis, take the following steps:
DB2 OLAP Server does not support Teradata. Chapter
1 of the Installation Guide incorrectly states that DB2 OLAP Integration
Server supports the Teradata RDBMS. Teradata is not supported by
DB2 OLAP Integration Server.
OLAP Miner configuration file updates:
(32105) When using parallel calculation in multiple bitmap mode, you may encounter high memory usage. If you encounter this, you can use the configuration setting ParCalcMultipleBitmapMemOpt to optimize memory use in multiple bitmap mode. This setting can be used together with, or separately from, MultipleBitmapMemCheck.
To enable ParCalcMultipleBitmapMemOpt, add this line to your essbase.cfg file:
ParCalcMultipleBitmapMemOpt TRUE
101 Port Limit Default Increases to 501, Can Be Changed
Beginning with Version 7.1 FixPak 8 (Essbase 6.2), the default port settings for the ServerPortEnd, ServerPortBegin, and PortInc configuration file settings, when combined, yield an available number of ports to be 101.
Specifically, the number of available ports is equal to:
ServerPortEnd - ServerPortBegin
----------------------------------------- + 1
PortInc * (ports needed per application)
Prior to Version 7.1 FixPak 8, the number of ports needed per application was 1. In Version 7.1 FixPak 8, that number was increased to 2.
To have access to more than 501 ports in Version 8.1, increase the value of these configuration settings.
For example, assume default values for ServerPortEnd and ServerPortBegin, and default values for PortInc. The formula would be: [((33768 - 32768) / (1 * 2)] + 1 = (1000 / 2) + 1 = 501
The minimum and default value for AGTSVRCONNECTIONS is 1, not 2 and 5 respectively, as stated in the documentation.
Solaris API Makefile Library Order
30328: For Solaris, your makefile should include all of these libraries, in this order:
Messages sent to the user-defined Callback function are passed to DB2 OLAP Server in EssInit. Previous to Version 7.1 FixPak 8, if a message contained NLS characters (foreign language characters, such as accented characters), DB2 OLAP Server provided them in OEM (DOS) format. In Version 7.1 FixPak 8 and later, these messages are completely in character (Windows) format, to avoid the misinterpretation of certain characters.
This only affects non-English editions of the product.
Server Password Distinct From Supervisor
When you change the password for the supervisor it does not affect the system password, the password required when you start DB2 OLAP Server. During initial installation, DB2 OLAP Server creates two identical user names and passwords, one for the system user who starts DB2 OLAP Server, and a separate supervisor (super user). Thus, you can change the supervisor's password without affecting the password used to start DB2 OLAP Server. To change the system password, use the Agent command PASSWORD. See the Installation Guide or Database Administrator's Guide for details. (24928, 31846, 31851)
The documentation should state in the Notes section for configuration setting MAXLOGINS:
If the setting is too low, DB2 OLAP Server increases the value to 1000. (30278)
Some Actions are Always in Committed Access Mode
The documentation should state that these processes always use committed access:
Memory Issues With Committed Access Mode
This information is missing from the main documentation set:
Valid Values for CALCPARALLEL
Valid values for CALCPARALLEL (or SET CALCPARALLEL) are 1-4. Documentation incorrectly states 0-4.
Reserved Words Requiring Quotation Marks
The documentation may not contain a complete list of reserved words that must be enclosed in quotation marks to be used for member names. The list will be updated in a future release.
Changing Database Names While Outline Locked
Previous versions of DB2 OLAP Server allowed you to change a database name while the corresponding outline was locked. DB2 OLAP Server now returns an error message and does not change the database name.
If you need to perform this task, you can write an ESSCMD script that unlocks the outline (UNLOCKOBJECTS command). If you need to perform this task from MaxL, you can call the ESSCMD script from a MaxL script, using a MaxL shell escape to ESSCMD. For example, a MaxL script that includes the line: shell ESSCMD unlock.scr will run the ESSCMD script unlock.scr. Note: the ESSCMD script must contain its own login statement. (31617)
HTML Documentation
You may encounter these issues with HTML documentation:
On Windows NT, the Database Administrator's Guide in PDF format (dbag.pdf) can cause the Acrobat Reader 3.02 to hang when it is launched from the Documentation menu, which is available from Start -> Programs -> DB2 OLAP Server V8.1 -> Documentation. The workaround is to launch the file directly from the x:\ibm\db2olap\docs directory, or upgrade to a later version of Acrobat Reader.
MaxL Documentation
The MaxL documentation shows an incomplete example for creating a user that will be authenticated using external authentication (32532). This example is more complete because it includes the host name:
'cn=Engineers, ou=Groups, dc=yahoo, dc=com@hostname:389'
Sample applications for OIS |
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For each of the sample databases, a new sample OLAP Metadata Catalog (TBC_MD) contains sample OLAP models (TBC Model or HA TBC Model) and sample metaoutlines (TBC Metaoutline or HA TBC Metaoutline). The OLAP models and OLAP metaoutlines for the sample applications are provided in XML files.
The sample applications demonstrate how to create a Measures dimension recursively, using a sort on an alternate column in the relational data source, and how to load metadata from database columns. Additionally, the sample applications include UDAs and Date Time Series data, additional years, drill-through paths, and a Time table to demonstrate incremental update for data loads. The sample applications also demonstrate how to enable and use Hybrid Analysis.
For each of the sample databases, DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.1 provides two drill-through sample spreadsheets based on the TBC sample data. These two spreadsheets are:
In order to use the sample drill-through reports, essdt.xls and essdt.123, you need to log in to a computer that has both the DB2 OLAP and DB2 OLAP Integration Server installed. You must perform a member and data load and calculate the data for the sample OIS database that you will access from the Spreadsheet Add-in.
Note: When creating samples, make sure the user id TBC is in uppercase letters (TBC); otherwise you may get error messages indicating that some tables do not exist.
Known issues and workarounds |
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Hybrid Analysis known issues
Hybrid Analysis supports only DB2 using native drivers or Merant drivers, and Oracle ODBC using Merant drivers. See the Installation Guide for details.
If your system has Oracle ODBC drivers and you plan to use Hybrid Analysis, you must upgrade to Oracle 8.1.6 or later (30531). Enabling Hybrid Analysis while using Oracle ODBC drivers earlier than 8.1.6 causes the following conditions:
Version 8.1 of the MaxL Perl Module ( works with Version 8.1 of DB2 OLAP Server. It is not compatible with previous releases.
Although the limit for stored calculations is 64 KB, calculation scripts created in MaxL that have multi-byte characters cannot exceed 40 KB.
Some display output constants are not described in the MaxL documentation. The constant definitions are given below, and can also be found in maxldefs.h.
Possible values of the currency conversion field of the display database statement:Known bugs in DB2 OLAP Server:
Constant Value 1 division 2 multiplication Possible values of the file type field of the display disk volume statement:
Constant Value 1 index 2 data 3 index and data Possible values of the type field of the display privilege statement:
Constant Value 1 system privilege 2 system role 3 execute calculation 4 filter
Every effort has been made to ensure that DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP
Integration Server are as free of bugs as possible. Some known problems
and system limitations are listed below, with workarounds when appropriate.
The numbers next to each bug are internal reference numbers.
Number |
Description | |
IBM5810 | Do not install the Arabic version of the product. The Arabic version is currently not supported but will be in a future update. | |
IBM5801 | If you installed Clients Only from the English-only release, do not install the clients from the Refreshed release. The English clients you already installed are fully-functional; the fixes in Essbase are only on the server. If you install the Refreshed clients on top of the English-only clients, the licensing program will be disabled and the clients will not work. The workaround is to uninstall the English-only clients and reinstall the Refreshed clients. | |
IBM5809 | If you install a Lotus 1-2-3 or Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program
after you install DB2 OLAP Server, and you have a problem with the spreadsheet
program, you must update your Windows PATH statement using the short format.
For example, on Windows NT, take these steps to update your PATH statement:
statement in the autoexec.bat file. It must be in the short form. |
IBM5725 | If you migrated from Version 7.1 to the Refreshed Version 8.1 (Essbase on UNIX, you might see an error message about two license numbers being registered when you launch DB2 OLAP Server. Disregard this message. | |
IBM5816 | If you install OLAP Miner and then uninstall it, the Spreadsheet Add-in for 1-2-3 might be disabled. The workaround is to manually add the Spreadsheet Addin to Lotus 1-2-3. Follow the instructions in "Adding Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in" in Chapter 2 of the Spreadsheet Add-in User's Guide for 1.2.3. | |
IBMNA1 | If you use DB2 OLAP Server or DB2 OLAP Integration
Server on UNIX, you might encounter problems with them after you install
DB2 Universal Database V7, FixPak 2a or later, or DB2 Universal Database
V8. DB2 installs new ODBC drivers that support UNICODE, but DB2 OLAP
Server does not support these new drivers. The workaround is to switch
your ODBC files to point to the non-UNICODE ODBC drivers.
The non-UNICODE drivers have been renamed to add "_36" in their names. For example, for Solaris, the driver was renamed to, and for AIX, the driver db2.o was renamed to db2_36.o. For more information about changing ODBC drivers, see "Configuring the SQL Interface" in the Installation Guide. Future FixPaks of DB2 Universal Database will continue to have this same restriction until the DB2 OLAP Server ODBC program is changed to accept UNICODE drivers. See the Installation Guide for more information about supported software. |
IBM5238 | In the ESSBASE.CFG configuration file, when you specify a value for the HaMemoryCacheSize parameter, do not include a space between the numeral and the qualifier. For example, "2M" is acceptable, but "2 M" causes an error. | |
18529 | In Excel, in Query Designer, the server location radio button may not be active in the "Hyperion Essbase Query Designer Save As Query" window when you try to save a query. This occurs because a selected cell is in Edit mode. If you are typing in a cell, Essbase menu items do not function, although they appear enabled, until you get out of Edit mode. | |
19278 | If a member name contains the ampersand (&), even if it is surrounded with quotation marks, and if the member name is in a calculation script, the script may fail validation if the user has Application Designer permission. DB2 OLAP Server incorrectly interprets the ampersand as the signal for a substitution variable. If you run the script without validation, it performs the calculation correctly. Users with supervisor privilege do not receive this validation error. | |
19593 | DB2 OLAP Server does not support discontinuous selection in Lotus, although it does in Excel. | |
19614 | At the end of a calculation started in Lotus, a dialog box appears with a message that the calculation is complete. Clicking on the dialog box does not close it. Press Esc/Cancel from the keyboard to close the dialog box. | |
20451 | DB2 OLAP Server does not warn you if you request that export results be written to a file that already exists. DB2 OLAP Server overwrites the existing file. | |
20488 | If you create a dimension build rule that uses "Create Using Text" on the last column, and if the last true field in the input file is an "Alias" column that has some blank records, the text generated by the "Create Using Text" feature will not be placed into the last column, but will be placed in any record where the "Alias" column is blank. The rule, which passes validation, will fail during the build. To correct, delimit the blank fields. | |
20562 | Leaving the Spreadsheet Add-in idle for long periods of time may cause extra "Please Log In" messages, because the user may have been logged out due to inactivity. Click OK until the message stops appearing. | |
20600 | DB2 OLAP Server may not be able to open a file if the directory location contains a space. This is true for all files such as load files, rules files, calculation scripts, etc. Consider moving the file so that there are no spaces in the directory path. | |
20606 | When logged in with database designer privilege, the entire list of users is displayed in Security > Database, even though only the list of users that the database designer has privileges to modify should appear. Attempts to modify users for whom database designer should not have privileges will not be successful. | |
21012 | If you use Set Member Filter in EQD, any MBCS values may display as broken characters. Type the values into Notepad, and then copy and paste them over the broken characters. | |
22235 | Using Dynamic Time Series (DTS) members on a partitioned
database may cause a server crash if these conditions are true:
22545 | When compiling client API programs on NT, with MS VC ++
version 6.0 and higher, you may experience random API program crashes because
when a workspace file is created a bug in MS VC++ causes the API program
to crash.
Workaround: compile the program on the command line by using the compiler "cl" directly, after verifying that there are no problems with the API program itself. |
22678 | Valid calculation scripts with a FIX command and nested parentheses within the FIX command may not validate in the Calc Script Editor of the Application Manager and may report spurious errors. The same script will run without problems on the server. | |
23380, 30329 | If you start DB2 OLAP Server as a service on NT, you can
ignore this message, it is informational only:
The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( EssbaseService ) cannot be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): EssbaseService error: 0, Starting Essbase Service.... |
24037 | When you view a drill through report via the Spreadsheet Add-In, all members at a particular generation or level in a dimension are displayed with highlighting, even if only one member of that generation or level is associated with the drill through report. | |
24106 | If you use the Query Designer to change members in a spreadsheet,
then select a dimension and choose Essbase > Cascade, and then in the Destination
Options tab, select the option "One Workbook, Separate Sheets," you may
receive the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error:
Runtime Error! C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Excel.exe....abnormal program termination! error. |
25938, 27865, 27338 | Running too many concurrent reports may overwhelm DB2 OLAP Server or operating system resources, especially against partitioned databases. If this occurs, reduce the number of such reports running concurrently. | |
26931 | If, during outline revision, you delete a member with a
particular alias name, and then create a new member with the same alias
name, the alias will fail to register and DB2 OLAP Server creates the new
member without an alias.
Workaround: Either delete the alias from the Outline Editor and save, or use a different alias name when revising. |
27034 | Due to a Microsoft bug, you may not be able to display the Spreadsheet Add-in in IE 5.0 if you are running on operating system NT4.0. If you try to open an .xls file from IE 5.0 on NT4.0, the spreadsheet may open in a separate window. | |
27370 | The application log, when displayed via Application Manager, may incorrectly fail to show some log entries for the current day because it evaluates the time using GMT. To view missing log entries, select "All Dates." | |
27927 | Whenever one process is logged out by another process (such
as Application Manager running on another machine), the process doing the
logout is logged off, and trying to access the server produces an error
message even though Application Manager controls appear to still be active.
Workaround: Log in again. |
28064 | Trying to associate an attribute with an implied shared member causes the association to be ignored, and DB2 OLAP Server writes a message to the application log. An implied shared member is a member with only one child. | |
28140 | For EssOtlQueryMembers on UNIX, the currency conversion
type returned is incorrect.
Workaround: Use EssOtlFindMember instead. |
28506 | When the installation program for SQL Interface asks you to specify a driver, if you specify Merant, you won't be able to use DB2 Native drivers, and if you specify DB2 Native drivers, you won't be able to use Merant drivers. | |
28507 | Some characters, such as those using umlaut or accent marks, cannot be typed in ESSCMD interactive mode. | |
30122 | If you use a partition definition where one or more member functions in the definition resolve to an empty set, then DB2 OLAP Server may write more than one message in the application log when you validate the partition. Each message has the same information about a member function resolving to an empty set. All but the first message in the sequence can be ignored. | |
30600 | If you enable parallel calculation (CALCPARALLEL or SET
CALCPARALLEL greater than the default 0) on a database that is part of
a transparent partition, increase the value of SERVERTHREADS for each source
database that is part of the transparent partition, using these rules:
(number of source databases) * (value of CALCPARALLEL) |
30641 | The index page size is now fixed at 8 KB. | |
32024 | If you use Hybrid Analysis with source data in Oracle,
in either of these situations, you must use Oracle version 8.1.7 or higher:
<ROW (Market) [HA-enabled dimension] <DESCENDANTS (Market) |
32060 | If you use direct I/O, and have set DLTHREADSWRITE to a value of 16 or greater, DB2 OLAP Server may crash during a parallel data load. If you encounter this error, reduce the number of block write threads by lowering the value of DLTHREADSWRITE to 15 or less, then restarting DB2 OLAP Server. | |
32107 | If you perform a calculation on a target database of a
transparent partition, and at least one of the source databases is in the
same application as the target, and you encounter these errors, your application
may crash:
32317 | DB2 OLAP Server only: You can no longer select 'DB2 relational' as a storage method when creating applications using Application Manager, because beginning with DB2 OLAP Server Release 8.1, the relational storage manager is not available. |
OLAP Miner mines the multidimensional data in Hybrid Analysis cubes. You can use OLAP Miner to mine the multidimensional portion of cubes that are enabled for Hybrid Analysis. OLAP Miner does not access the relational portion of Hybrid Analysis cubes.
Known Limitations in DB2 OLAP Integration Server:
Tips |
Top |
On Solaris, if you want to use cache memory locking, you must run the file.
NOTE: Cache memory locking is only available with direct I/O.
CAUTION: Using may interfere with SQL Interface. You may need to choose between SQL Interface and cache memory locking.
If you receive compilation errors in your calculation scripts, check the errors to be sure that variable names are not enclosed in quotation marks. The first character of variable names must be a letter (a through z). Variable names may contain: letters, numbers (0 through 9), and the special characters: $ (dollar sign), # (number sign), and _ (underscore).
For Japanese versions of DB2 OLAP Server to work properly on AIX and Solaris, you must install additional locales not shipped with DB2 OLAP Server. These are included on the setup CD of each operating system.
When migrating from DB2 OLAP Server V7.1, FixPak 7 and earlier, to Version
7.1 FixPak 8 and later or Version 8 (From Essbase 5.x to 6.2 or later),
if you notice a degradation in calculation performance and your outline
has several formulas on dynamic calculation members, add a line with CALCMODE
BLOCK to your essbase.cfg file. Restart DB2 OLAP Server,
then rerun the same calculation to see if it improves performance.