DB2 OLAP Server Installation Guide
This section describes how to set up the sample applications for DB2 OLAP
To prepare the sample databases for use, you must load data into
them. Each of the sample databases has a corresponding data load
Table 17 shows the sample applications, the databases that are
contained within them, and their corresponding data load files:
Table 17. Sample databases and data load files
| Database
| Data load file
| Basic
| Calcdat
| Currcalc
| Rates
| Basic
| Data
| Company
| Calccomp
| East
| Calceast
To load data into the sample databases, choose an application and database
and the corresponding data load file from Table 17 and complete these steps.
- Open Application Manager.
- Connect to the server on which the application is installed.
- From the Applications list box, select one of the applications.
- From the Databases list box, select one of the databases.
- From the Database drop-down menu, select Database >
Load Data. The Data Load dialog box is displayed. The
Data Load dialog box is described in detail in the Application Manager online
help, and in the Database Administrator's Guide.
- Click the Find button above the Data files list box
to locate a data file to load. The Open Server Data File Objects dialog
box is displayed.
- Ensure that List Objects of Type is Text
- From the Objects list box, select a data load file.
- Click OK to close the dialog box. DB2 OLAP Server
updates the Data Load dialog box to display the file you selected.
- Click OK to load the selected file. The data file is a
fully calculated data set. It may take several minutes to load, and
then the Data Load Completed dialog box is displayed.
- Click Close.
DB2 OLAP Server provides a comprehensive security system for a secure
multiple user environment. By default, the sample applications are
created with a security access level of None, which means that no user can
connect to the sample databases unless the user is defined as a
The system supervisor, defined when the server component was installed,
automatically has supervisor privilege. Therefore, the system
supervisor can make the sample applications available to other users.
To provide all users with Write access to the sample databases, repeat the
following procedure for each database.
- Log on using the system supervisor account.
- Open the Application Manager.
- Connect to the server on which the application for which you want to
provide access is installed.
- From the Applications list box, select the application.
- Select Application > Settings. The
Application Settings dialog box is displayed.
- From the Minimum Database Access group, select the
Write option and clickOK to save the setting. DB2
OLAP Server closes the dialog box and returns you to the Application Desktop
You can also use Administration Services to perform this task, using the
Application Properties window. See the Administration Services Online
Help for more information.
The applications are now ready for use. If you want to use the
Partitioning applications, follow the instructions in Setting the environment for the partitioning sample applications. If you do not want to use the Partitioning
applications, your next step might be to create the appropriate user names to
be able to log on to DB2 OLAP Server. See the Database
Administrator's Guide for information on creating users.
DB2 OLAP Server includes two sample applications and databases that show
the features of Partitioning:
- Samppart, Company
- Sampeast, East
These applications and databases include partition definitions stored in
.ddb files. The .ddb files define
the map between member combinations in the target database, Company, and the
source database, East. The Database Administrator's
Guide describes Partitioning, member combinations, and the differences
between target and source databases.
For these applications to work in your environment, you need to match or
change the information contained in the .ddb files.
To use the applications:
- Create a user named partitionuser. This is necessary
because the sample partitions use this user name to transfer data between the
Company database and the East database.
- Change the server name that is embedded in the applications.
Do not edit the .ddb files to change this
information. Instead, complete the steps in the following
sections: Creating the partition user describes how to create the required user name, so
that your users can use these applications. Changing embedded server names in the sample partition definitions describes how to change the embedded server name to your
server name.
You must create a user named Partitionuser before you work with the
Samppart and Sampeast applications. Partitionuser must have Application
Designer access to both applications.
To create the Partitionuser:
- Open the Application Manager.
- Using a user name that is a supervisor or that has Create/Delete Users,
Groups privilege, connect to the server on which the Samppart and Sampeast
applications are installed.
- Select Security > Users/Groups. The
User/Group Security dialog box is displayed.
- Click New User. DB2 OLAP Server displays the New User
dialog box.
- In the Username text box, type partitionuser.
Be sure to use all lowercase letters.
- In the Password text box, type a password. DB2 OLAP
Server displays asterisks in the place of the characters you type. Type
the password again in the Confirm Password text box.
- Click App Access. DB2 OLAP Server displays the
User/Group Application Access dialog box.
- From the Applications list box, select Sampeast and
click App Designer in the Access group.
- Select Samppart from the Applications list box, then
click App Designer in the Access group.
- Click OK to return to the New User dialog box.
- Click OK to return to the User/Group Security dialog
- Click Close.
You can also use Administration Services to perform this task, using the
User Properties window. See the online help for Administration Services
for more information.
The following steps change the embedded server name in the partition
definition files (.ddb) to your server name. The
.ddb files shipped with Samppart and Sampeast are based on
the server name localhost.
To change the server name in the Samppart Company .ddb
- In the Application Desktop window, select the Samppart
application and Company database.
- From the Database drop down menu, select Database
> Partition Manager. After a brief pause, DB2 OLAP Server
displays the Partition Manager dialog box. If the Partition Manager
dialog box does not appear or if it contains no definition entries, you might
not have purchased and installed Partitioning. Contact your DB2 OLAP
Server system administrator to ascertain this.
- Under the Source Cube heading, select the first definition
entry, Localhost: SampEast: East.
- Click Edit. The Dangling Remote Reference
dialog box is displayed. Because you are not connected to a server
named Localhost, DB2 OLAP Server warns you before it enables you to edit the
- Click Advanced. The Fix Dangling Partition Reference
dialog box is displayed.
- In the Action group, select Correct the invalid partition
- In the Server text box in the Reconnect group,
replace Localhost with your server name.
- Click Apply. DB2 OLAP Server displays the Partition
Manager dialog box.
- In the Source Cube list, select the second definition entry,
Localhost: Sampeast: East.
- Repeat 4 through 8.
- In the Target Cube list, select Localhost: Sampeast:
- Repeat 4 through 8.
- Select Partition > Close to return to the
Application Desktop window.
To change the server name in the Sampeast East .ddb file,
take the following actions:
- In the Application Desktop window, select the Sampeast
application and East database.
- From the Database drop down menu, select Partition
Manager. After a brief pause, DB2 OLAP Server displays the
Partition Manager dialog box.
- Under the Source Cube heading, select Localhost:
samppart: Company.
- Click Edit. The Dangling Remote Reference
dialog box is displayed. Because you are not connected to a server
named Localhost, DB2 OLAP Server warns you before it enables you to edit the
- Click Advanced. The Fix Dangling Partition Reference
dialog box is displayed.
- In the Action group, select Correct the invalid partition
- In the Server text box in the Reconnect group,
replace Localhost with your server name.
- Click Apply. DB2 OLAP Server displays the
Partition Manager dialog box.
- In the Source Cube list, select the first definition entry,
Localhost: samppart: Company.
- Repeat steps 4 through 8.
- In the Target Cube list, select Localhost: Sampeast:
- Repeat steps 4 through 8.
- Select Partition > Close to return to the
Application Desktop window.
After setting up the environment for the Samppart and Sampeast databases,
you need to load data into each database. This topic shows you how to
load the Samppart Company database.
- Open the Application Manager.
- Connect to the server on which Samppart is installed.
- From the Applications list box, select Samppart.
- From the Databases list box, select Company.
- From the Database drop-down list, select Load
Data. The Data Load dialog box is displayed.
- From above the Data files list box, click the Find
button. The Open Server Data File Objects dialog box is
- Ensure that List Objects of Type is Text
- From the Objects list box, select CALCCOMP.
- Click OK to close the dialog box.
- Click OK to load the selected file.
- Click Close.
Repeat for the Sampeast application, East database, and calceast data
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