In version 8.1, DB2 OLAP Integration Server also requires Java, but
not at the same level used by DB2 OLAP Server. The following table
lists the levels of Java you will need:
Table 13. Levels of Java required for various UNIX operating systems.
Product | Operating system | Java Runtime Environment level |
DB2 OLAP Server | AIX | 1.2.2 |
Solaris | 1.3.0 | |
HP-UX | 1.2.2 | |
DB2 OLAP Integration Server | AIX | 1.3.0 |
Solaris | 1.3.0_02 | |
HP-UX | |
To enable Java to work with both DB2 OLAP Server and DB2 OLAP Integration Server on UNIX, perform the following steps:
The JRE installation packages and installation procedures for each of the supported platforms are substantially different. README files and installation instructions from the JRE providers are included in the .txt or .htm files that come with each package. Review these instructions carefully. You may need to refer to the web site of the JRE provider for additional information about installing the JRE.
After following the instructions for setting up Java on UNIX, if you are still having difficulties getting DB2 OLAP Server to work with Java, it may be necessary to set startup options for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). You can make DB2 OLAP Server use specific JVM startup options when it loads the JVM by setting the environment variables ESS_JVM_OPTION1 through ESS_JVM_OPTION9.
To install the Java Runtime Environment code follow the steps below, regardless of which UNIX operating system you are using:
tar -xvf jrte_<platform>_ess.tar
AIX requires that the following packages are installed prior to installing this package. You must have root privileges to install these packages:
Use the Smitty utility with the following file to install the JRE for DB2 OLAP Server:
where X is the version level.
Next, you need to set the Java environment variables for your operating system.
To install Java on Solaris, update the permissions on the .bin file:
chmod +x jXrel_XXXXX-solsparc.bin
where XXXXX represents the specific version number. Then run the self-extracting binary:
Next, you need to set the Java environment variables for your operating system.
To install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), run the following command:
swinstall rte_XXXXX.depot
where XXXXX represents the specific version number.
Next, you need to set the Java environment variables for your operating system.
On UNIX operating systems, you must update environment variables to enable DB2 OLAP Server to use the Java Runtime Environment. JREHOME represents the installation directory for the JRE.
After setting the following environment variables, log out of the system and then back in to activate the new settings. Run the following command to verify that the correct version of Java is set before starting DB2 OLAP Server:
>java -fullversion
For DB2 OLAP Server, you will see:
Scripts are provided to set up the environment variables to match the
correct level of JRE. Table 2 shows which script to use with each
Table 14. Environment variables to match levels of JRE for DB2 OLAP Server
Product | Shell | Script |
DB2 OLAP Server | Korn or Bourne | |
DB2 OLAP Server | CShell | essjava.csh |
On AIX, you must update the LIBPATH setting to include the JREHOME/bin/ and the JREHOME/bin/classic directories. These LIBPATH directory entries must be added to the beginning of the LIBPATH environment variable.
If you use the C shell, add the following text to the .cshrc file:
setenv JREHOME "/usr/java_dev2/jre" setenv LIBPATH "${JREHOME}/bin:${JREHOME}/bin/classic:${LIBPATH}" setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${JREHOME}/bin:${JREHOME}/bin/classic:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" set path=( ${JREHOME}/sh /usr/java_dev2/sh/ $path ) setenv CLASSPATH "${ARBORPATH}/java/jaxp.jar:${ARBORPATH}/java/parser.jar:${CLASSPATH}"
If you use the Bourne or Korn shell, add the following text to the .profile file:
export JREHOME=/usr/java_dev2/jre export LIBPATH=$JREHOME/bin:$JREHOME/bin/classic:$LIBPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$JREHOME/bin:$JREHOME/bin/classic:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=$JREHOME/sh:/usr/java_dev2/sh:$PATH export CLASSPATH=$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar:$CLASSPATH
For both the C and the Bourne or Korn shell, note that $JREHOME/bin must be added to the beginning of LIBPATH.
On Solaris, you must set the ESS_JVM_OPTION option. Note that JREHOME must be at the beginning of the PATH statement before /usr/bin.
If you use the C shell, add the following text to the .cshrc file:
setenv ESS_JVM_OPTION1 "-XX: +AllowUserSignalHandlers" setenv JREHOME "${ARBORPATH}/bin/j2rel_3_0" set path=( ${JREHOME}/bin $path) setenv CLASSPATH "${ARBORPATH}/java/jaxp.jar:${ARBORPATH}/java/parser.jar:${CLASSPATH}" setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${JREHOME}/bin:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
If you use the Bourne or Korn shell, add the following text to the .profile file:
ESS_JVM_OPTION1=-XX:+AllowUserSignalHandlers export ESS_JVM__OPTION1 JREHOME=$ARBORPATH/bin/j2rel_3_0 export JREHOME PATH=$JREHOME/bin:$PATH export PATH export CLASSPATH=$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar:$CLASSPATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$JREHOME/bin:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
On HP-UX, you must update the SHLIB_PATH setting to include the JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC/ and the JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC/classic directories.
Attention: The directory, PA_RISC, may be PA_RISC2.0, depending on the processor used by the computer running HP-UX. Additionally, due to a problem with the Just In Time compiler in Release 1.2.2 of the JRE for HP-UX, you must also set an ESS_JVM_OPTION option.
Some of these environment variable settings are coded assuming the variables are already set on your HP-UX system, and they add new values to your existing settings. HP-UX does not automatically create these variables if they do not exist. If you receive an error message about environment variables not being set, you must manually create the variables. See your HP-UX documentation for more information about setting environment variables.
If you use the C shell, add the following text to the .cshrc file:
setenv JREHOME "/opt/java1.2/jre" setenv SHLIB_PATH "${JREHOME}/lib/PA_RISC:${JREHOME}/lib/PA_RISC/classic:${SHLIB_PATH}" set path=( $path ${JREHOME}/bin ) setenv ESS_JVM_OPTION1 "-Djava.compiler=NONE" setenv CLASSPATH "${ARBORPATH}/java/jaxp.jar:${ARBORPATH}/java/parser.jar:${CLASSPATH}"
If you use the Bourne or Korn shell, add the following text to the .profile file:
JREHOME=/opt/javal.2/jre export JREHOME SHLIB_PATH=$JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC:$JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC/classic:$SHLIB_PATH; export SHLIB_PATH PATH=$PATH:$JREHOME/bin; export PATH ESS_JVM_OPTION1=-Djava.compiler=NONE; export ES_JVM_OPTION1 CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$ARBORPATH/java/jaxp.jar:$ARBORPATH/java/parser.jar; export CLASSPATH
The Java API JAXP is required by DB2 OLAP Server to enable Java-based features such as custom-defined macros and custom-defined functions. JAXP is installed on your system when you install the JRE. In most situations, installation and configuration of the JRE for DB2 OLAP Server is complete when you install the JRE. However, if you have installed the JRE but your server cannot detect JAXP, make sure the following file has been copied to JREHOME/lib/ext:
Then set the JVMMODULELOCATION to enable Hyperion Essbase to find and load Java. JVMMODULELOCATION is a setting in the essbase.cfg file that enables you to designate a specific installation of the Java Runtime Environment for use with DB2 OLAP Server. This setting is particularly useful if you have multiple versions of Java installed on the computer running the OLAP server component.
To set the JVMMODULELOCATION parameters, you must specify the full oath and filename of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) library. The name and location of this library varies, depending on the JRE version and operating system you are using.
JVMMODULELOCATION FullpathAndFilenameOfJvmLibraryFile
The following examples show how to set JVMMODULELOCATION on the UNIX systems supported by DB2 OLAP Server. Do not include spaces in the path and filename. Do not enclose the parameter in quotation marks. A semicolon is not required at the end of the line.
On AIX (JRE 1.2.2): make sure you enter this setting in mixed case, as follows:
JvmModuleLocation /usr/java_dev2/jre/bin/classic/libjvm.a
On Solaris (JRE 1.3): The path of the JVM library file is:
On Solaris, do not set the JVMMODULELOCATION to point directly to the file. If you do, the JVM will crash when DB2 OLAP Server attempts to load it. Instead, set JVMMODULELOCATION to the symbolic link for this file. The default location for the symbolic link is:
where /olaptest/essbase7/bin is the ARBORPATH in this example.
On HP-UX (JRE 1.2): Make sure you enter this setting in mixed case, as follows:
JvmModuleLocation /opt/javal.2/jre/lib/PA_RISC/classic/
The directory PA_RISC might be PA_RISC2.0, depending on the processor used by the computer running HP-UX.
On UNIX operating systems, you must update environment variables to enable DB2 OLAP Integration Server to use the Java Runtime Environment.
After setting the environment variables below, log out of the system and back in to activate the new settings. Run the following command to verify that the correct version of Java is set before starting Essbase:
For DB2 OLAP Integration server, you will see:
Scripts are provided to set up the environment variables to match the
correct level of JRE. The following table shows which script to use
with each product.
Table 15. Environment variables to match levels of JRE for DB2 OLAP Integration Server
Product | Shell | Script |
DB2 OLAP Integration Server | Korn or Bourne | |
DB2 OLAP Integration Server | CShell | hisjava.csh |
On AIX, you must update the LIBPATH setting to include the JREHOME/bin/ and the JREHOME/bin/classic directories. These directory entries must be added to the beginning of the LIBPATH environment variable.
If you use a Bourne or Korn C shell, add the following additional variables from the file:
If you use the C shell, add the following additional variables from the file:
setenv TEMP " /tmp" setenv JAVA_HOME "{ARBORPATH}/is" setenv PATH "${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}" setenv CLASSPATH "${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${CLASSPATH}" setenv LIBPATH "${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${LIBPATH}"
On Solaris, you must set the ESS_JVM_OPTION option. Note that JREHOME must be at the beginning of the PATH statement, before /usr/bin.
If you use Bourne or Korn C shell, add the following additional variables from the file:
If you use C shell, add the following additional variables from the file:
setenv TEMP "/tmp" setenv JAVA_HOME "${ARBORPATH}/is" setenv PATH "${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}" setenv CLASSPATH "${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${CLASSPATH}" setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
On HP-UX, you must update the SHLIB_PATH setting to include the JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC/ and the JREHOME/lib/PA_RISC/classic directories.
Attention: The directory PA_RISC may be PA_RISC2.0, depending on the processor used by the computer running HP-UX. In addition, due to a problem with the Just In Time compiler in release 1.2.2 of the JRE for HP-UX, you must also set an ESS_JVM_OPTION option.
Some of these environment variable settings are coded assuming the variables are already set on your HP-UX system, and they add new values to your existing settings. HP-UX does not automatically create these variables if they do not exist. If you receive an error message about environment variables not being set, you must manually create the variables. See your HP-UX documentation for more information about setting environment variables.
If you use a Bourne or Korn C shell, add the following additional variables from the file:
export TEMP =/tmp export JAVA_HOME=/opt/javal.3/jre export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH export CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib:$CLASSPATH export SHLIB_PATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib$SHLIB_PATH
If you use a C shell, add the following additional variables from the file:
setenv TEMP " /tmp" setenv JAVA_HOME "${ARBORPATH}/is" setenv PATH "${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}" setenv CLASSPATH "${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${CLASSPATH}" setenv SHLIB_PATH "${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${ISHOME}/esslib:${ISHOME}/islib;${SHLIB_PATH}"
To find out which shell is currently running on your UNIX system, run this command:
> echo $SHELL
The following list describes various responses that you might get, depending on the kind of shell you are using:
Another way to find out which shell you are currently using is to examine the etc/password file. You can see this by running the cat command. For example:
cat /etc/passwd