This section provides an overview of additional significant changes in DB2
OLAP Integration Server Version 8.1. These changes are specific
to Release 6.5 of Hyperion Essbase Integration Services.
- Hybrid Analysis
- Relational databases can store several terabytes of data and thus they
have nearly unlimited scalability. Hybrid Analysis, a new function in
DB2 OLAP Integration Server V8.1, offers you a method of integrating
your OLAP database with a relational database and thereby take advantage of
the scalability of the relational database. With Hybrid Analysis, you
can support both multidimensional databases and relational databases, operate
with almost no limitation on outline sizes, and provide a rapid transfer of
data between OLAP databases and relational databases.
How Hybrid Analysis Works:
- Hybrid Analysis integrates an OLAP database with a relational database by
allowing a portion of an Essbase cube to reside in the relational
database. This Essbase portion consists of the lowest level members of
the dimensions defined for Hybrid Analysis and the associated data of these
- Using Essbase Integration Services Console, the data in the relational
database is mapped to hierarchies in the Essbase database. Hybrid
Analysis thus eliminates the need to load and store members and their data
within the OLAP database itself. It is this feature which combines the
efficiency of mass data scalability with the sophisticated data analysis and
rapid reporting of DB2 OLAP Server.
Using Hybrid Analysis:
- When using Hybrid Analysis, you create combinations of multidimensional
and relational data storages. You define your Hybrid Analysis data
storage options through the Integration Services Console at the member level
in the metaoutline.
- In the appropriate metaoutline dialog boxes, you perform the tasks
necessary for using Hybrid Analysis:
- Specifying the relational data source for the metaoutline
- Defining the hierarchy for the applicable dimension
- Building the metaoutline down to the appropriate level
- Performing the member and data loads
When you save a metaoutline as Hybrid Analysis-enabled, the console warns
you if the metaoutline contains dimensions or transformations that are likely
to produce incorrect member names or data values within the Hybrid Analysis
data storage.
You query the data from the relational database in much the same manner you
query data from an OLAP database, that is, by using reporting tools such as
Outline Editor, Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, Report Writer, and third-party
You can create a Hybrid Analysis storage using the TBC sample
- Multiple Data Source Connectivity
- You can access data from different data sources, primary and secondary,
each with its own icon. Multiple data source connectivity gives you
considerable flexibility in creating OLAP models and metaoutlines especially
in the following functions:
- Creating fact tables and dimensions
- Building logical join relationships with fact tables
- Changing to another data source for a specific dimension
- Connecting to primary and secondary data sources
- Editing the properties of a data source
- Creating new models and metaoutlines
- Opening existing models and metaoutlines
- Tables Grouped by Data Source and Owner
- With multiple data source connectivity, relational tables are listed,
categorized, and ordered by the name of the source or owner and by table
type. In the left frame of the OLAP Model main window, tables with the
same data source and owner are grouped together.
- Verification of Formulas
- DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides a rapid method of verifying and
editing static formulas before using the formulas in DB2 OLAP Server.
Formerly, when a static formula was entered in DB2 OLAP Integration Server,
the formula was passed directly to DB2 OLAP Server without any
verification. This often caused the formula to be rejected by DB2 OLAP
Server because of simple errors such as misspellings or missing
semicolons. Verifying the formula beforehand can save you significant
amounts of time during member and data loads.
Formula verification takes place in the Formula tab of the Member
Properties Dialog Box in the metaoutline. During verification, the
cursor stops at the location of each error. After correcting the error,
you can either start the verification process at the beginning of the formula
or choose to find the next error in the formula.
- Automatic Migration to Version 8.1
- In DB2 OLAP Integration Server Version 8.1, when you update an OLAP
metadata catalog you created using Version 7.1, DB2 OLAP Integration
Server runs a set of scripts that migrate your 7.1 catalog to version
- Native Driver Support on Oracle
- In addition to the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers already
supported, DB2 OLAP Integration Server 8.1 supports Oracle native
drivers. This support eliminates the need for database client software
and thus significantly facilitates the installation of DB2 OLAP Integration
Server on the UNIX operating system. Support of Oracle native drivers
also enhances performance on UNIX platforms.
- Automatic Configuration Settings for Command Line Parameters
- In Version 8.1, you can store server configuration file settings
for command line parameters in a single file called eis.cfg. The
DB2 OLAP Integration Server runs eis.cfg which in turn
automatically sets the configurations for you. This process eliminates
the need for manually entering configurations each time you perform a member
or data load.
The following changes are specific to Release 6.2 of Hyperion
Essbase Integration Services:
- New Client Console with Dynamic Intelligent Help Window
- DB2 OLAP Integration Server introduces the new Essbase Integration
Services Console and companion Intelligent Help window. The new
dockable Intelligent Help window contains dynamic links to key program
functions to automate the major operations necessary for moving data from a
relational database to online analytical processing (OLAP). This
convenient new feature provides the following enhanced installation and client
component functionality:
- Automatically detects the OLAP model fact table, dimensions, and
hierarchies to create an OLAP model.
- Automatically detects dimensions and hierarchies in an OLAP model to
create a basic metaoutline.
- OLAP Metadata Catalog and Sample Application Creation
- When you first start DB2 OLAP Integration Server Console after installing
DB2 OLAP Integration Server, the system displays a new OLAP Metadata Catalog
Setup dialog box. For first-time installations, you can click a button
in this dialog box to create the OLAP Metadata Catalog. For existing
users, if the system detects a previous version of the catalog, your existing
catalog is updated to the current version. With Version 8.1, no
other migration procedures are required, other than to update your existing
OLAP Metadata Catalog. You must have an open database connectivity
(ODBC) connection defined for the OLAP metadata catalog before you begin the
automatic catalog creation process.
To create the OLAP Metadata Catalog, you first enter the DB2 OLAP
Integration Server name and then enter the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) for the
catalog that you want to create. The DSN defines the database where you
want to create the catalog. You then enter your user name and password
for the DSN and click the OK button. You can choose not to show the
OLAP Metadata Catalog Setup dialog box at each startup by clicking a check
box. If you disable the option to view the OLAP Metadata Catalog Setup
dialog box each time that you open a new session of Integration Services
Console, you can select Tools > Create Catalog to view the dialog box
After the OLAP Metadata Catalog has been automatically created or updated
from a previous version, you can access a new Sample Application Setup dialog
box by selecting Tools > Create Sample. This dialog box enables
automatic loading of the TBC sample application, including the sample data,
sample OLAP model, and sample metaoutline. You must define an ODBC
connection for the TBC sample application before you begin the automatic
creation process.
To create the sample application, you must first connect to the OLAP
Metadata Catalog where you want to store the sample data source, OLAP model,
and metaoutline. You then enter the appropriate ODBC Data Source Name
and password for the DSN user name TBC (tbc for
Informix). DB2 OLAP Integration Server then creates the sample
application automatically. The system displays a warning message if it
detects that duplicate tables exist from a previous sample application.
If a previous sample application is detected, the system will delete and
replace the existing tables, or you must provide a new data source name before
After the OLAP Metadata Catalog has been created and, optionally, the
sample TBC application has been created, the system displays the current Login
dialog box.
- Automatic Detection of Fact Table and Dimensions
- After you click the OLAP Model icon for first-time model creation and log
in to the appropriate data source, you can choose to have the OLAP model fact
table and all related dimensions created automatically.
A quick-access link to the automatic detection option for creating a fact
table is provided in the inline text of the Intelligent Help window (see
Intelligent Help on page 19). In addition, a Tools menu option (Tools >
Create Fact Table) is available from the OLAP Model main window.
When you select the fact table automatic-detection option using either
method, the system displays a Create Fact Table dialog box. This dialog
box shows the fact tables detected in the current data source to which you are
connected, along with any existing fact tables in the OLAP Metadata Catalog
that are present in the current data source. You can select either from
a list of fact tables in existing OLAP models or from a list of potential fact
table candidates to define the fact table to use. Check boxes in the
Create Fact Table dialog box enable you to create the Time and Accounts
dimensions automatically. If you prefer, you can create the Time or
Accounts dimensions manually at a later time.
For automatic detection of dimensions, you can choose the
automatic-detection link in the Intelligent Help window or select Tools >
Create Dimensions to initiate the dimension-creation process. The
system begins by looking for all tables joined to the fact table with
primary-foreign key relationships. Next, it searches for all tables
joined to the previously detected tables and adds them to the OLAP model
schema. In a database where no primary-foreign key relationships are
defined, the system begins by searching for all tables joined to the fact
table and then uses the column name and type to determine join keys. If
two tables have the same column name and type, the system assumes that the two
tables are joined on that column. To reduce the possibility of creating
invalid dimensions, the system does not search for join keys in any tables
that are not joined to the fact table.
- Automatic Detection of Hierarchies
- Like the Create Fact Table and Create Dimensions options, a new option for
automatic detection of hierarchies is provided with Version 8.1.
Use the automatic-detection link to this option provided in the text of the
Intelligent Help window (see Intelligent Help on page 19). Menu
commands on the Tools menu in the OLAP Model and OLAP Metaoutline main windows
also provide access to this option. From the OLAP Model main window,
select Tools > Create Hierarchies; from the OLAP Metaoutline main window,
select Tools > Get Existing Hierarchies. You can choose to create a
single hierarchy or multiple hierarchies.
When you select the automatic hierarchy detection option, using either
method, DB2 OLAP Integration Server searches for and detects hierarchies that
exist in the OLAP Metadata Catalog. The system then displays the
detected hierarchies in a hierarchical tree format that includes the dimension
name, the hierarchy names, and the associated member names.
Automatic hierarchy detection does not detect any filters contained within
the hierarchies. In addition, the system compares the hierarchical
structure of the data source with that of the OLAP model dimensions and
deletes any invalid columns from the detected hierarchies. For example,
if the OLAP model Product dimension contains Category, Family, and SKU
columns, but the data source does not contain a Category column, the hierarchy
that is returned contains only Family and SKU columns.
- Intelligent Help
- This feature enhances user convenience and ease of operation. When
you open the OLAP Model or OLAP Metaoutline main window to create or modify an
OLAP model or a metaoutline, DB2 OLAP Integration Server Console provides a
new option known as Intelligent Help to guide you through the process.
Intelligent Help is displayed in a separate window that provides numbered
procedures, along with links to new automatic detection options and frequently
used functions.
Process buttons along the top of the window contain labels for each main
group of related tasks. For example, the process buttons for the OLAP
Model tasks groups contain the following labels:
- Fact
- Dimension
- Table and Column properties
- Hierarchy
- Finish
The operations that you need to perform to create an OLAP model fall into
these main groupings.
Below the task-group process buttons, the Intelligent Help window consists
of a right and left frame:
- The left frame lists the major tasks to be performed for each of the
process groups.
- The right frame contains detailed, numbered procedures for performing the
tasks itemized in the left frame. Links to automatic detection
functions and to user interface dialog boxes are provided in this frame, where
The Intelligent Help window is a dockable, relocatable window that you can
move and resize as you prefer. Integration Services Console displays
the Intelligent Help window automatically the first time that you create or
open an OLAP model or metaoutline. You can click an icon to undock the
Intelligent Help window and move it away from the console. You can
click a check box to show or hide the Intelligent Help window at startup, and
you can click a Close icon to close the window at any time during a console
Both the toolbar and the Tools menu in the OLAP Model and OLAP Metaoutline
main windows provide options for selecting Intelligent Help. The system
remembers whether the Intelligent Help window was open or closed during your
last work session. If the Intelligent Help window is open when you
close an OLAP model, the window is displayed automatically when you reopen the
model to work on it at a later time.
As always, online help is available to provide in-depth conceptual
information and dialog box entry details.
- Loading of DB2 OLAP Server Properties from Database Columns
- This new feature enables the following DB2 OLAP Server properties to be
loaded from database columns in the same way that Consolidation Attributes and
UDAs currently are loaded from DB2 OLAP Integration Server into DB2 OLAP
- Two-pass calculation
- Data storage attribute
- Time balance
- Skip type
- Variance reporting
- Formulas
Inclusion of this feature follows the DB2 OLAP Server Administration
Services Console model, enabling you to define major DB2 OLAP Server settings
from within DB2 OLAP Integration Server. You define these member
settings using the metaoutline Member Properties dialog box, Member Info
tab. When property values are combined in one database column, you can
separate them with a comma or a space (for example: +, Expense,
Last, Both). When you use a word to define a property, only the first
letter is used during a member load; for example, (O)nly or (E)xpense or
(T)wo Pass Calc.
For details on allowable values for properties loaded from database
columns, click the Help button in the Member Info tab of the metaoutline
Member Properties dialog box.
- XML Import/Export
- DB2 OLAP Version 8.1 XML Import/Export enables you to import data
into and export data from the OLAP Metadata Catalog. You can now
quickly transfer OLAP models and metaoutlines from one OLAP Metadata Catalog
to another through use of this feature. You can also use an XML-based
editor to rename the OLAP model associated with a metaoutline and import the
revised data into the OLAP Metadata Catalog. Be sure to use an XML
editor that supports UTF 8 UNICODE.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) consists of two parts:
- Data Type Definition (DTD): This part describes the
allowable structure of XML documents. A DTD defines the major elements
within a document, the child elements, and related attributes. It can
constrain the pieces of data that occur in a document, the hierarchy of the
data that it includes, and the number of times each piece of data
occurs. DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides a predefined DTD to ensure
that you use the same data format when you create XML documents.
- XML documents: This part specifies how to use the tagged
markup to indicate the meaning of data, somewhat like a card catalog.
In DB2 OLAP Integration Server, the data in an XML document describes the
dimensions, members, hierarchies, and settings in OLAP models and
metaoutlines. This information is stored in tables in the OLAP Metadata
To use the new XML Import/Export feature, DB2 OLAP Integration Server
provides a new dialog box named the XML Import/Export dialog box.
Select the File > XML Import/Export command from the OLAP Model or OLAP
Metaoutline main window to access the dialog box.
You can then select the Import tab and enter the necessary information to
open either an OLAP model or metaoutline from an XML file. You can also
select the Export tab to save an OLAP model or metaoutline as an XML
file. Click the Save As XML File button, enter an XML file name, and
navigate to the directory where you want to save the file.
- Incremental Update to Data
- This feature enables you to add to and subtract from DB2 OLAP Server data
during member loads and data loads. By default, DB2 OLAP Integration
Server updates all dimensions and members. Incremental updating of an
existing DB2 OLAP Server outline is faster than updating all dimensions and
members. The Essbase Integration Services Console includes an
Incremental Update dialog box to use for selecting update options.
For member load, you have the following options:
- Preserve all data (this is the default setting): preserves all
existing data that applies to the changed outline when restructuring
- Preserve input data: preserves only those blocks containing data
that is loaded.
- Preserve level 0 data: preserves data only for level zero
- Discard all data: clears all data from the database.
For data load, you have the following options:
- Overwrite (this is the default setting): replaces the values in the
database with the values in the data source.
- Add: adds values in the data source to the existing values in the
- Subtract: subtracts the values in the data source from the existing
values in the database.
For both member and data loads, you have the following Attribute Dimension
Restriction options:
- Delete all dimensions (this is the default setting): deletes all
attribute dimensions associated with any base dimension selected for the
incremental update.
- No update to existing dimensions: keeps attribute dimensions
unchanged while updating other areas.
- Update existing dimensions: updates all changes to
- Member Load and Data Load Filter Options
- This feature enables you to limit filters to a member load or a data load,
or to apply filters to both member and data loads.
The Essbase Integration Services Console includes a revised DB2 OLAP Server
Application and Database dialog box with a simple drop-down list from which to
select or deselect filters.
- Improved SQL Drill-Through
- This feature takes advantage of the new data load optimizations by
including join key optimization in the SQL for drill-through. In join
key optimization, the join between a fact table and a dimension table is
removed if the join column is the same as the column selected. This
results in faster drill-through queries.
- Windows Service Utility Support
- This new utility adds the Windows NT and Windows 2000 service for DB2 OLAP
Integration Server, accepting parameters supported by the olapisvr
command. These parameters enable you to:
- View a list of available switches for starting DB2 OLAP Integration
- Set the buffer size that DB2 OLAP Integration Server uses when
transferring rows from the data source to the DB2 OLAP Server database.
- Set the number of records that DB2 OLAP Integration Server commits to DB2
OLAP Server during a data load.
- Give the log file a different name.
- Set the level of detail in the messages logged by DB2 OLAP Integration
- Set the DB2 OLAP Server message database file to a different name.
- Specify the number of threads for executing SQL, retrieving data,
transforming data, and performing a data load.
- Set the TCP port number at which DB2 OLAP Integration Server connects with
a client.
- Set the number of network listeners that DB2 OLAP Integration Server
- Improved Access to the Server Log File
- To assist users in analyzing and debugging member and data loads, DB2 OLAP
Integration Server now provides two methods of accessing the Server log
- During a member or data load, or at any other time, you can select Tools >
View Log File to view the Server log file.
- At the completion of a member or data load, a View Log File option button
is enabled that you can select to view the Server log file.
In both cases, DB2 OLAP Integration Server retrieves the log data and
displays it in the Server Log File window with a date and time stamp for each
activity that has occurred during the load. For very large member or
data loads, the server retrieves only the last 1 MB of the log file.
You can copy the log file and paste it to any text editor, such as Notepad, to
print it out for review and analysis.
- New Sample Application
- DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides a new sample application based on a
fictitious company named The Beverage Company (TBC). The TBC sample
application demonstrates creating a Measures dimension recursively, using a
sort on an alternate column in the relational data source, and loading
metadata from database columns. Additionally, the sample application
includes UDAs and Date Time Series data, additional years, new drill-through
paths, and a new Time table to demonstrate data load incremental
The TBC sample application includes the following components:
- Sample OLAP Metadata Catalog (TBC_MD)
- Sample data source (TBC)
- Sample OLAP model (TBC Model) and sample OLAP metaoutline (TBC
For the first time, the sample application OLAP model and OLAP metaoutline
are provided in Java-supported XML format.
The Essbase Integration Services Console provides a new Sample Application
Setup dialog box that is displayed automatically after installation of DB2
OLAP Integration Server. With the completion of a few simple entries in
the dialog box, you can now load the sample application automatically.
This automated feature enables you to create a functional sample
application that is ready to use within minutes. You must set up the
database for the OLAP Metadata Catalog and the TBC data source, and define
open database connectivity (ODBC) connections beforehand. When setting
up ODBC connections, the user name that you use when defining the Data Source
Name (DSN) for the data source must be TBC (tbc for Informix) because the
sample tables were created using this name.
- UNIX ODBC Configuration Utility
- DB2 OLAP Integration Server provides a new utility for UNIX users to
verify, add, or delete ODBC connections. The odbcconfig
utility enables you to edit ODBC configuration information in the
odbc.ini file. This new utility also displays current
environment settings related to relational database management system (RDBMS)
access. You can use the odbcconfig utility for diagnostic
testing of environment settings.
The odbcconfig utility provides the following menu options to
aid you in configuring and troubleshooting ODBC connections:
- List: Use this option to list all defined DSNs for the
OLAP Metadata Catalog and source databases and verify that they are
- Add: Use this option to add a DSN for the OLAP Metadata
Catalog and source databases.
- Delete: Use this option to delete a DSN for the OLAP
Metadata Catalog and source databases.
- Test: Use this option to test that the ODBC connections
that you created are valid.