Essbase provides you with various ways to customize the worksheet view. For example, you may want to apply visual cues, or styles, to certain member names or to data cells in the worksheet, or you may want to display alternative names, or aliases, for member names. This section steps you through the following formatting procedures:
This section of the tutorial starts with a new worksheet.
In a spreadsheet report, you may have many hierarchical levels of database information displayed. By defining and applying visual cues, or styles, to the text and cells in the worksheet, you can easily keep track of specific database members, dimensions, and cell functions. Styles are a great way to help view and distinguish data in Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in.
This section of the tutorial describes the following:
Each dimension in a database may contain a large number of hierarchical levels. As you view data in the worksheet, you may not be familiar with all the hierarchical levels of the database outline. To indicate which members have underlying children, you can apply formatting styles to parent members, including those with attributes.
To apply styles to parent members:
Essbase displays the Style tab.
Figure 45. Essbase Options Dialog Box, Style Tab
In the Members area, you can define styles for various types of database members, such as parent, child, and shared members.
Clicking this box defines a font and color style for parent member names. Essbase defines a default color of navy for all parent members. You can select a font format by clicking the Format button to the right of the Members box and using the Font dialog box.
Essbase displays the Font dialog box.
Even though you have defined styles, they are not enabled until you select the Use Styles check box from the Essbase Options dialog box and refresh the worksheet.
Essbase displays parent member names in bold, navy font.
Essbase displays Jan, Feb, and Mar in a regular font, because these members do not have underlying children.
In addition to applying styles to parent members (as you did in the previous section), you can also apply styles to members of a dimension in a database. Applying styles to dimensions makes it easy to view the various dimension members in Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in.
To apply styles to dimensions:
When the Font dialog box is displayed, from the Font style list box select Italic, and then click OK.
Essbase redisplays the worksheet and implements the newly defined styles. For example, members of the Scenario dimension are displayed with a red background.
You can apply styles to data cells, such as read-only cells, read/write cells, linked object cells, and Essbase Integration Server drill-through cells to distinguish them from other cells in the worksheet. The Sample Basic database that you are using for this tutorial does not contain data cells with any of these characteristics. In the advanced tutorial presented in "An Advanced Essbase Tutorial", you attach a linked reporting object to a data cell and apply a style to the cell.
In general, to apply styles to data cells, follow these steps:
The only way you can apply a background color to data is to define a style for dimensions. If dimension styles are defined, and the Use Styles setting is turned on, members of a dimension always have the background color defined for their dimension.
The text styles that you can apply to members, dimensions, and data cells have a hierarchy that determines which characteristics are applied. Member styles are at the top of that hierarchy. Thus, member styles are always applied (as long as styles are turned on). Note that in Figure Figure 49, the Qtr1 label in cell B6 is in bold, navy font, and has a yellow background. The navy font comes from the style defined for parent members, and the yellow background comes from the style defined for Year.
Essbase uses the following order of precedence when applying multiple text styles:
If you want to see a child member style, make sure that the parent member style is turned off. If you want to see a shared member style, make sure that both parent and child member styles are turned off.
Styles can be very helpful tools for keeping track of data in Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in. Applying styles, however, involves additional processing time during a retrieval request. This additional processing has a slight impact on the speed of Essbase retrievals.
If you do not want to apply styles to the worksheet view, you can clear them. You can also turn off styles so they are not displayed when you refresh the view (by selecting Essbase > Retrieve, for example). So that the worksheet matches the illustrations presented in the following tasks, do not remove styles if you are stepping through the tutorial.
To remove all styles from a worksheet:
Aliases are alternate names for database members. You can create reports that use the database member name, which is often a stock number or a product code, or an alias name, which can be more descriptive. Aliases are defined by the Essbase application designer. Each database can contain one or more alias tables
. For example, members of Product in the Sample Basic database are defined as codes, such as 100 and 200. A descriptive alias for each member of Product, such as Colas and Root Beer, is defined in an alias table. In some cases, alias names may vary depending on the combination of other database members. For example, a Product member may have a different alias for each market in which it is sold. For more information, see the Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in online help or the Database Administrator's Guide.
To display the alias of a member rather than its database name:
Figure 50. Enabling Aliases in the Essbase Options Display Tab
Essbase changes the Product codes (100, 200, and so forth) to their predefined aliases (Colas, Root Beer, Cream Soda, and so forth). In the Sample Basic database, Product is the only dimension with predefined aliases.
Figure 51. Result of Displaying Aliases
Notice that Essbase is still displaying the styles that you created and applied in the previous sections.
In addition to displaying aliases for database members, you can also tell Essbase to display both aliases and database member names in Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in.
To display the name and alias of a member:
Be sure that Use Aliases is already checked.
Essbase displays both member names and their aliases for row dimensions. Because the only row dimension in this example that has preassigned aliases is Product, only the Product members display their aliases. Region members simply repeat the member name instead of displaying an alias.
Figure 52. Result of Displaying Both Member Names and Aliases
By default, Essbase displays member labels only once for each nested row and column group. If you are connected to a large database when using Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, you may have to scroll down or across the worksheet to see additional data rows and columns. In some cases, as you scroll down or across, member labels may disappear from view. Essbase provides a feature for repeating member labels in each row or column cell that represents a data point so that you can always see a member label in the worksheet view.
To repeat member labels down and across the worksheet:
Essbase displays a member label in every column and row cell. For the Sample Basic database that you are using for this tutorial, repeating member labels is probably not necessary because the database is relatively small. This feature is particularly helpful for keeping track of member labels when scrolling through large worksheets.
Figure 54. Result of Repeating Member Labels