With Hybrid Analysis, Essbase supports retrieval of data from a external relational data source. By enabling Hybrid Analysis in Essbase Integration Services, a portion of database cell values are computable from an external relational source, instead of being loaded into an OLAP Server database. Hybrid Analysis allows access to lower level data that is too large to load into an OLAP Server database.
You need to license Essbase Integration Services to build Hybrid Analysis-enabled metaoutlines.
Essbase Query Designer (EQD) provides the ability to design queries with filtering criteria. With Release 6.5, EQD supports the use of negative numbers in the filtering criteria.
Keyboard accessibility for EQD is greatly enhanced in Release 6.5. When launching EQD, focus is set to the first item in the tree in the navigation panel. From there, users can access most EQD functionality using the keyboard. For more information see the Spreadsheet Add-in online help on EQD keyboard shortcuts.