DB2 Professional Certification Program from IBM ----------------------------------------------- Questions and Answers (last updated 12/12/95) GENERAL PROGRAM --------------- Q1. What is the DB2 Professional Certification Program from IBM? A1. The DB2 Professional Certification Program from IBM is a formal program that provides a method for individuals to demonstrate their knowledge and proficiency in the areas of Database Administration and Application Development for the DB2 family of Version 2 common server products. Q2. How do I enroll in the program? A2. You may enroll in the program by contacting Drake Prometric at 1-800-959-EXAM (3926) within North America. Drake will provide information about the exams and also explain the procedure of taking an exam. Outside of North America contact your IBM representative for enrollment procedures. Q3. How many DB2 exams are required to become a Certified DB2 Database Administrator? A3. You must successfully complete 2 exams: þ DB2 Fundamentals (#500) þ DB2 Administration (#501) Q4. How many DB2 exams are required to become a Certified DB2 Application Developer? A4. You must successfully complete 2 exams: þ DB2 Fundamentals (#500) þ DB2 Application Developer (#502) Q5. How much do the exams cost to take? A5. The DB2 exams cost $100 (U.S.). Q6. Where do I take the exams? A6. The DB2 exams may be taken at any Drake Authorized Testing Center in North America. Outside of North America contact IBM Education & Training for more information. Getting Prepared ---------------- Q7. How do I obtain information on the content of the tests? A7. To ensure that you have the skills required to successfully complete the tests you should examine the test objectives. The test objectives can be obtained from the IBM fax service at 1-800-IBM-4FAX (426-4329). Q8. How do I prepare for the tests? A8. Depending on your experience with the DB2 common server products you may already be prepared. If you feel that your current skill level does not cover all of the test objectives then you may decide to: take a DB2 course, examine the product documentation more thoroughly, obtain hands-on experience with the DB2 product. The DB2 tests are written to test your knowledge and skill of the DB2 version 2 products and not your ability to study. It is recommended that you have at least 6 months of experience with the product before attempting to complete this program. Q9. Do I need to take an IBM Education & Training Course? A9. There are no course requirements for this program. Some of the current IBM courses are suggested as preparation for the test but, the tests do not map, one to one, directly to any IBM course. Remember that the test objectives should be your study guide and any supporting experiences, courses, and books are appro- priate study materials. Q10. When are the tests available? A10. Within North America: þ DB2 Fundamentals (#500) is currently available (beta) þ DB2 Administration (#501) available December 21st (beta) þ DB2 Application Development (#502) available December 21st (beta) When the tests are re-published in their final form they will be availabe on a world-wide basis. Q11. What is a beta test? A11. A beta test is a test containing a number of questions corresponding to the test objectives which is taken by the a group of examinees. When enough tests have been taken the test results are analyzed and the test is re-published in a final form. There are NO fees associated with a beta test and you will receive your test result following the beta test period. Q12. Do the DB2 tests contain operating specific questions? A12. Since the goal of the DB2 tests are to verify DB2 knowledge and not operating system knowledge, every attempt has been made to have all of the questions non-platform specific. Q13. Do I need to be recertified when a new version of DB2 is released? A13. If there are many changes to the DB2 common server product in a subsequent version an update test may be required to become certified for the new version. Q14. Are there recommended DB2 publications as study-guides? A14. IBM is currently in the process of writing a DB2 Certification Handbook. A good DB2 study book is, "Using the New DB2: IBM's Object-Relational Database System" by Don Chamberlin published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (target to be available in April 1996, ISBN 1-55860-373-5). Q15. Where do I get IBM course information? A15. In North America, call 1-800-IBM-TEACH. Outside of North America contact your local IBM repre- sentative for information.