(C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp., 1999l
All Rights Reserved * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
The Component Broker Log Analyzer takes one or more activity or trace logs, merges all the data, and displays the entries in UnitOfWork sequence. It analyzes error conditions in the log entries to provide error message explanations and also interprets General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) packets and General Page Fault (GPF) call stacks. As seen in the following image, the Log Analyzer's main window has three panes:
Logs pane (left)
Lists all the
UnitOfWork (UOW) instances and its associated entries from the logs that you
have opened. The file name of the first log that you opened is shown in the
pane's title bar. There is a root folder and under it, each UOW has a folder
icon which you can expand to show all the entries for that UOW. All
log entries without any UOW identification are grouped into a single
folder in this tree view. The UOW folders are sorted to show the UOW with the
latest timestamp at the top of the list. The entries within each UOW
are listed in the reverse sequence, that is the first (earliest) entry for that
UOW is displayed at the top of the list within that folder. If you have
merged several logs in the Log Analyzer, all the log entries are merged in
timestamp sequence within each UOW folder, as if they all came from the same
Each UOW line has the following format:
Click the icon
next to the UOW folder to see all the log entries for the UOW. Each log entry's
identification has the following format:
Every log entry is assigned an entry number, Rec_nnnn, when a log is opened in the Log Analyzer. If more than one file is opened in the Log Analyzer (merged files), the Rec_nnnn identification will not be unique because the number is relative to the entry sequence in the original log file and not to the merged data that the Log Analyzer is displaying. This Rec_nnnn appears in the first line (RecoredId) in the Records pane.
By default, each entry in this pane is color-coded to help you quickly identify the ones that have high severity errors.
These colors are configurable and can be changed in the Log Analyzer's Preferences Log page. See changing background color for different error severity levels for more information on how to do this.
After the Analyze or Advanced analyze action has been invoked, each log entry that was analyzed has the following icons:
Record pane (upper right)
When you
select an entry under the UnitOfWork in the Logs pane, you see the entry in the
Record pane. The entry's identification is shown in the pane's title bar.
Right-click in this Record pane to see the actions that you can perform on the
entry. There is a drop down arrow next to Record which allows
you to go back to look at the last ten records that you have viewed. The
cache for the historical data (10, by default) is set in the Preferences General
page. Note: The associated analysis data for these cached
records are not shown. To see analysis information for cached data, reselect the
entry from the Logs pane.
Note: The Log Analyzer's timestamp format must match the format that was used by the showlog command when formatting the log. See Changing timestamp format for more information on how to change the Log Analyzer's timestamp format.
You can enable/disable line wrap mode for the Record Pane using the Log Analyzer Preferences notebook: Record. To print contents of this pane, select Record > Print when the Record pane is in focus.
Analysis pane (lower
There are five tabbed pages in this pane. When Analyze
action has been invoked and additional information is available, the
information will appear in the first four pages. The last page, GPF, is filled
in when the Advanced
analyze action is invoked and there is a GPF dump. If the
page tab is grayed out, there is no information in that page. The pages of the
Analysis pane are:
You can set line wrap for information that appears in some of the pages in the Analysis pane using the Log Analyzer Preferences notebook: Analyzer output.
Status line
There is a status line at the bottom of the
window showing the status of actions.
Log Analyzer features
Here are some of the features of
the Component Broker Log Analyzer:
Setting Up (Installing) the Component Broker Log
Download logbr.zip into the directory where
Component Broker is installed (usually C:\CBroker) and expand it
Starting the Component Broker Log
The Component Broker Log Analyzer can be started by
following these steps:
ivblogbr [logfilename logfilename ...]
and optionally specify one or more logfilenames which are fully qualified names of log files. If more than one file name is specified, all the data from the logs are merged. The Log Analyzer main window opens.
Opening a formatted activity log or an XML file in the Log
You can open your formatted activity or trace log by
selecting Open from the File menu. You can choose to
open your formatted log file or a previously saved XML file. If you already have
a log file opened in the Log Analyzer, the system will prompt you to save and
close that file prior to opening a new one.
If you get a "wrong timestamp format" error message, it means that the format of the timestamp (the date and/or the time) information that is in the formatted log does not match the Log Analyzer's timestamp format setting. See Changing timestamp format for more information on how to change the Log Analyzer's timestamp format.
Merging several logs in the Log Analyzer
You can open
(merge) several logs in the Log Analyzer. The first file that you open, use the
File > Open action. Subsequently, for each file that you
open use the Merge with action. All the entries from the logs
are merged in timestamp sequence within each UOW folder, as if they all came
from the same log.
Analyzing logs
You can invoke the analyze and/or advanced
analyze actions to obtain additional analysis data for the log that you have
opened in the Log Analyzer. The analyze action populates information in the
Analysis pane's Symptom, ORB trace, Minor code, and Message ID pages. The
advanced analyze action populates information in the GPF page. Follow these
steps to invoke these actions:
Note: To perform analysis on all the records, select the root folder (the first folder) in the Logs pane.
Optionally, you can also select Analyze or Advanced analyze from the Record menu and analysis will be performed on the selected entries in the focused pane.
Changing background color for different error
severity levels
You can use the settings in the Preferences
notebook to change the default colors that are used to indicate the different
severity levels of errors in log entries. Follow these steps to open the
Preferences notebook to the Logs page:
To choose a background color for selected log entry that has a severity 1 error, do the following:
Repeat similar steps to change the background color for selected log entry that have severity 2 and 3 errors.
To choose a background color for an unselected log entry that has a severity 1 error, do the following:
Repeat similar steps to change the background color for unselected log entry that have severity 2 and 3 errors.
When you are done, click OK to close the notebook and apply the changes.
Changing timestamp format
showlog command writes all the timestamp data in the formatted
log using the time and date formats in the workstation's Regional Settings. The
Log Analyzer must use the same timestamp format to open the log. If the formats
do not match, you will get a "wrong timestamp format" error message. Follow
these steps to change the Log Analyzer's timestamp format:
If you do not see the format that you want in the time and/or date lists, do the following:
-DTimeStampDateFormat= "M/d/yyyy,MM/dd/yyyy,M/d/yy,MM/dd/yy,yy/MM/dd,dd-MMM-yy" -DTimeStampTimeFormat= "H:mm:ss.,h:mm:ss.,hh:mm:ss.,HH:mm:ss.,HH:mm:ss,hh:mm:ss"
Saving logs
If the first file that you
opened is an XML file, select File > Save to resave the XML
file with all the data that is currently displayed in the Log Analyzer. Any
Symptom, ORB Trace and GPF analysis information is also saved. If logs are
merged in the Log Analyzer, the saved file contains entries of all the merged
logs in the sequence that is shown in the Logs pane. Note: If
the merged logs have different timestamp formats, you should not save
the merged information because the Log Analyzer only recognizes a single
timestamp format for each file that it opens.
To save all the Log Analyzer's data in another file, select File > Save as.
To selectively save some of the entries, select the log entries that you want to save in the Logs pane and select Record > Save to file. Hold down the Ctrl key for multiple selections. You can select UOW folders, in which case, all the entries in the folders are selected and saved. All the retrieved Symptom, ORB Trace and GPF analysis information for those entries is also saved.
Printing logs
To print all the Log
Analyzer's data, select File > Print log. All the retrieved
Symptom, ORB Trace and GPF analysis information is also printed.
To selectively print some of the entries, select the log entries that you want to save and select Record > Print. Hold down the Ctrl key for multiple selections. You can select UOW folders, in which case, all the entries in the folders are selected and printed. All the retrieved Symptom, ORB Trace and GPF analysis information for those entries is also printed.
To print the Record Pane's contents, click the Record Pane to select the pane and then select Record > Print. This action prints the focused pane.
To print one of the Analysis pane's pages, select the page so that it is currently displayed in the pane and then select Record > Print.