短頭無線LANカードが、PC110(Win95B)で動いた。 「English Note」
有り難うございました。 m(..)m > Nさん。(それから、ドライバ類を利用させて頂いたメルコさんにも、感謝すべきか!。m(..)m

オーディオのIRQは、書き替わっていると思われるので、一旦終了した後、DOS Ver6.3で次のように書き込んだ。
PS2 IRQAUdio 5
PS2 DMAAUdio 1 (これは、蛇足かな?)
Short head Wireless LAN card worked on PC110 (Win95B)
Previously, Short head Wireless LAN card failed. Not to be discouraged, and also Sony made I tried a short head (short antenna part) type wireless LAN card .
I was about to give up on this for a while, but I got a valuable hint from a person and it worked well.
Thank you. m (..) m Mr. N . (And should I also thank Melco for using the drivers !. m (..) m
The photo on the left shows the state when the company's website is accessed.
The method is simple. Just crafted the Melco installation information file (xxx.inf) and installed the Melco driver. (Isn't it ...)
Sony Short head Wireless LAN card only has WinMe, 2000, XP drivers, so It can't be used with PC110 that has "#0000ff"> Win95B (OSR2) .
It's a shame that I'm still losing , so I managed to modify the existing driver or make a new one (ehe? Joke!) I was wondering. (Obtain the reference book " How to make a virtual device driver " ... Oh, it's a muddy rope!)
Just there, Mr. N sent an email saying "I'm running with the L11 driver made by Melco ." got. (That's 100 times more courage. If you know that it works, you can do something !?)
I tried it in several ways.
(These are based on the expectation that "even if the card is different, the internal LSI is probably the same. If so, it will not break.")
1. Install the driver with a Melco card, then switch to a Sony card- NG !!
2. Change the name of the driver made by Melco to the one made by Sony and incorporate it (the number is Not enough)-NG!
3. After installation with Sony , name the Melco driver in the system Replace with Sony made - NG!
4. Melco INF file contains manufacturer name, device ID, etc., all related to Sony name Rewrite and install- OK!
After trying various things, I was a little disappointed, and finally I tried the above 4.
Melco wireless LAN card ( WLI-PCM-L11/G ) INF file and compare the INF files for that ( PCWA-C150S ) made by Sony and I rewrote all the names of the Melco to Sony names by copying and pasting. Those parts are as shown on the left.
(For personal use, it probably won't be a copyright infringement issue.)
The installation with this has proceeded to the end. ... (However, run32.dll went wrong just before the end, and I had some other troubles, but there are no remaining problems.)
However, when I looked at the "system device manager" after the restart, I found that the "network adapter" that had been annoying for a long time was ! There is no mark! At last, the possibilities began to appear and disappear.
Care afterwards
When I launched it again, some audio-related things started complaining. (That is, I got an error message. This may be an example IO address or IRQ issue.)
And when I look at "Resources" in "LAN Adapter Properties", it is a very unfavorable value, so I changed the address from 300 to IRQ 9 . did. ( IRQ10 is used by WmousePd , so avoid this)
The audio IRQ seems to have been rewritten, so after finishing it, I wrote it in DOS Ver6.3 as follows.
PS2 DMAAU 1 (Is this a snake foot?)
After that, after completing the network-related settings, after starting up, it is wonderful! I was able to connect to the LAN and access the Internet.
As Mr. N pointed out, the client manager does not work, so there is a problem that the signal strength is not seen, but let's put up with it for a while.
Achieved my wishes!
The long-standing (?) Dream of "putting it in a carrying bag without inserting or removing the LAN card" has finally come true.
This is a bit cramped, but it looks like a mini mouse will fit in. (Medetashi! Medetashi!)