物事集 令和三年一月版
水滸伝 [To English Note ] 「令和三年一月十日」

『水滸伝 上、下 津本 陽著 潮出版社 1刷 二〇〇一年十二月 ¥1,800』(購入¥210税込み)
先般、北方謙三氏の『史記 武帝記』を読み終えて後、『史記』の解説本で、その"無味乾燥さ"に、"げんなり"した後で、此の本を見掛けて、"味付け具合"を知りたくて買ってみた。
Suikoden [2021/01/08]
"Suikoden 1st, 2nd Yo Tsumoto by Ushio Publishing Co., Ltd. 1st print December 2001 \ 1,800 ”(Purchase \ 210 including tax)
Recently, after reading Kenzo Kitakata 's " The history - Emperor Wu ", in the commentary book of "History" (by Shiba-sen), this was genuine but the "dryness and tasteless" Then, I saw this book and bought it because I wanted to know "seasoning".
I think this author has a very different drawing style from Mr. Kitakata ,
Mr. Kitakata is depicted as a good gangster with all the characters (high) aspirations, but interesting point of this Mr. Tsumoto's story is that most of the people are unreliable and/or not much different from the Yakuza (Outlaw).
It seems more like a group of rebellious people against a group of resistance to the administration of Gao Qiu the administration of the dynasty of the time.
Even so, at that time, "murder" by powerful human beings seemed to be a daily occurrence, so weak people must have had to live smaller.
Isn't their characteristic still the same today ?
The charactors seems to be who forced with such power and take away what they want from others.
Frendship seems only a method, and a kind of to their power.
They seem to be different with Westerners who have come to know the compromise and frendship after the much battles.
And also it's a characteristic that is much different from the Japanese who have lived in a compromise in a small country.