物事集 令和二年七月版
BCC++ 書籍付録 試用 「English Note」 「七月十三日」

+++ BCC++が、付録にあった! +++
Moonlightさんが、「PC110」のRXレジスタの値を表示・変更するプログラムを、「Borland Turbo C++」で作成されたと聞いて、“はて?”と考えた。
ところが、何気無く本棚を見ると、『14歳からはじめるC++ゲームプログラミング教室 大槻 有一郎著 ラトルズ(発行) 2008年12月 4刷 ¥2,381+税』(購入¥400税込み)という書籍が目に付いた。
表紙に、無料ツール付きCD-ROMが付いている旨の表記があるので、よもやとは思いながらも、調べてみると、「無料版BCC5.5」の他に、統合開発環境用の「BCC Developer」などが盛沢山に入っていた!
(因みに、ネット上からダウンロードさせて貰った「Embarcadero Freeware BCC102」は、「PC110-Win95」上では、何かが不足しているらしく、起動しなかった)
「BCC5.5」本体はまだ、試していないが、「BCC Developer」の方は、この「PC110」上では、何とか動くものの、やはり無理がある。
BCC++ book appendix trial [2020/07/13]
![Fig_1 : Books I bought → Fig_2 : BCC Developer works on the [PC110]](fig/edk0713a.jpg)
+++ BCC++ was as the appendix of a book ! +++
When I heard that Mr. Moonlight developed a "C program" that can change the value of RX register of "PC110" with the "Borland Turbo C++", I had some slight questions.
Sure, the best way to run a program on "PC110" is to create it on "PC110".
Was there such a "C++ compiler" in my stock.
Well, I remember thatI bought a "C compilers" in "text-based", but I don't have such thing anymore.
However, when I casually looked at the bookshelf, I found a book called "C++ game programming class starting from age 14 auther : Yuichiroh Ohtsuki publisher : Rutles \2,381+Tax" (I bought \400 tax includ) .
This book is good to buy, but left alone (due to too much difficulty) and barely seen.
On the cover, there is a notation that there is a CD-ROM with free tools, so I thought, but when I looked it up, in addition to "Free version BCC 5.5", A lot of "BCC Developer" for integrated development environment were included !
Things are tried and put in "Win95-CF" of the "PC110", and I installed it.
All seem to run without trouble on "Win95".
(By the way, the "Embarcadero BCC102" that I downloaded from the internet did not start up on "PC110-Win95". I don't know reasons.)
I haven't tried "BCC5.5" itself, but "BCC Developer" has this "PC110 Although it works on the [PC110], it is still impossible.
(When I move a window, it's terrible that many icons that disappeared once are displayed again about one by one every second !)
On the "PC110", it may be better to just check the programs and perform "C program development" on another machine.
But for the time, I can trace Mr. Moonlight's C program.
岳飛伝 武者絵? 私憤 「七月一日」

+++ 木偶を模写? +++