独り言集 令和元年七月版
iPhone利用で幅確認 「7月26日」 to English Note

+++ iPhoneで表示横幅の確認 +++
Check with the iPhone

+++ Picture width check with the iPhone +++
I think that the picture / photograph on my website (except the main page) is an "auxiliary means" for remembering things recorded, and the size of the picture on this site is about 400x300 dots 2 .
One day, when I was looking at my site with the iPhones (junk) ,
I realized that the figure / photograph and the sentence were not well-balanced.
When the figure / photograph is large, the character group is small and sometimes the degree is over.
It's easy to expand the text group, but it is awkward to see if the balance with the picture / photograph is not good.
Therefore, I always check with " iPhone " but it is still unbalanced with "400x300".
At the time of display, the method of shrinking to "320 x 240" was adopted.
This is perfect for the width of the vertically held "iPhone"!
. . . However, with horizontal holding, the width of the figure / photograph is not enough. (But, okay?)
Now, while using a series of " iPhone "s, while charging them in order, they are also used for monitoring of this site, also for their maintenance.
BOOT SECTOR 改変 「7月22日」 to English Note

+++ ct65535uの試作 +++
其処で、“BOOT SECTOR”内に、その縮小版「ct65535u.exe」を組み込む実験を始めた。(図2<クリック>)
結果は、画面が異常になるが、それには、およそ2パターンあって、その一つは、LCD, CRT共、同じ赤く細かい模様。(図1)

+++ ct65535uの実態と効果 +++
幸い、HDDの“BOOT SECTOR(トラック0、ヘッド0、セクタ1)”はかなり空きがある。
Rewrite BOOT SECTOR 「7/22」

+++ ct65535u trial +++
The programming for TFTized" PC110 " is like a round maze.
This direction is correct ! Even if I think, it is actually "dead end".
Actually, "ct65535a.exe" created for " PC-DOS " is immediately used by " Win95 ".
So, I came up with using the "multi boot selector" to try it out.
However, the "multi boot selector" does not have a function to launch " ct65535a.exe ".
Therefore, there is no menu display of "selector" on the TFT screen. (This is trouble!)
I thought it would be good to make " ct65535a.exe " work before launching that "selector".
At this point, I started an experiment to incorporate the reduced version "ct65535u.exe" into "BOOT SECTOR". (Fig_2 <click> )
. . . But wait! ?
After booting the OS you should usually have a "display driver" built into your PC. It may affect "ct65535u".
If so, would "ct65535u.exe" embedded at the same time be invalidated ?
Rather, there may be other harms from incorporating.
These really need to be verified.
As a trial, I incorporated this "ct65535u.exe" and tried to boot with it.
The result is that the screen becomes abnormal, but it has about 2 patterns, one of which is the same red and fine pattern for both LCD and CRT. (Fig_1)
The other is an abnormality peculiar to LCD and the entire screen is clean, but the upper part slips down two lines and it is in the state where it is canceled around the central part.
Therefore, two lines will be missing near the central part. . . . This seems to be related to the method of driving the DSTN-LCD in two.
However, neither of these can be resolved by (following) " ct65535a.exe ".
+++ Actual state and effect of ct65535u +++
Because the "embedded part" of "ct65535u.exe" is less than about 100 bytes in size, it is easy to embed in a small empty space. ( zip for experiment )
Fortunately, the HDD "BOOT SECTOR (track 0, head 0, sector 1)" is quite open.
(But if you are FDD, you have to put in quite hard to embed, so we made embedding prohibited)
The embedded state and the cleared state are shown in Fig_3 and Fig_4 <click> .
I tried to boot on both of these.
The result is as described above. When embedded, the display becomes abnormal.
Besides, "Reset" using "Ctrl + Alt + Del" keys doesn't work properly.
Of course, when not embedded, nothing happens.
Both states are repeatable, so there is no "ordinary bug" in the program.
However, even if the setting of TFT is embedded in the boot sector, the display does not appear almost immediately and "display abnormality" also occurs, so this program itself was meaningless. (Sad)
(This program may be diverted to another use, so I will change the name and save it)
机上模様替え 「7月16日」 to English Note

+++ シンクロ・スコープ大き過ぎ! +++
そこで、先日買ったマルチメータ「SOAR製5025」(ジャンク ¥780送料込み)と小型オシロスコープ「SONY/TEK.335」とに置き替えてみた。(図1)

+++ 90度BNCコネクタ利用 +++
Desk Toprdesign 「7/16」

+++ Synchro scope too big! +++
In the past, in order to combine "waveform observation" and "voltage, current, and resistance measurement" and to place heavy objects as low as possible, " Iwatsu Synchro Scope: SS-5711D "was placed on the front of the desk. (Fig_2 <click> )
I was looking at this for a while, but it turned out that space performance was very bad.
The digital multimeters is good and useful, but the use of synchroscopes has recently been infrequently used, so it is only wasting space.
Because the space available on the front of the desk was narrow, I started to feel inconvenient strongly.
Therefore, I bought a multimeter " SOAR 5025 " (Junk \ 780 shipping included) and I tried replacing it with small oscilloscope SONY/TEK.335 ". (Fig_1)
With this, the open space became wide enough, and it became easier to do things like "disassemble" of putting small items.

+++ 90 degree BNC connector use +++
However, " SONY/TEK.335 " is small overall, but because it is a type that inserts the probe from the side, extra space is required at the side. (It's a bother! Fig_4 <click> )
After thinking about it, I remembered the existence of the "BNC connector" that turned 90 degrees, and searched for my junk box, but there was none.
So, with the bids on " Yahoo! Auctions! ", I bought 2 connectors. (\ 370 shipping included, \ 620 shipping included)
With these, the horizontal space is also refreshing!
I solved it well though! and Self-portrait.
PC110用 ct65535.com バグ 「7月10日」 to English Note

+++ Fn+F7による不具合 +++
「PC110] ct65535.com Bug 「7/10」

+++ trouble by Fn+F7 +++
" ct65535.com " currently in use is normally stable, and even under " PC-DOS " or under " Win95 ", the display is normal. (Fig_1 is the screen of the filer under " PC-DOS ")
However, when I try to perform "display switching" using the Fn + F7 key , an error occurs, and the screen is compressed to about 1/2 in the horizontal direction, and the right end is chipped It will (Fig_2 <click> )
This phenomenon may also occur after standby.
This returns to normal if " ct65535.com " is activated again and "w" is keyed in, but it is quite difficult to do it manually.
Besides, " Win95 " doesn't work well.
The last resort is "power off and on".
I am trying to remedy this problem, for example, by trying to “take in key interrupt” or “operation with only F7 key” or check “internal registers”of “ C65535 chip”.
In this case, " ct65535s.Com (tentative name) " should be largely rewritten as a resident type, and I am thinking it might be a good way to proceed it with a "F7 key" only.
Now, I am enjoying such "solving & remodeling of problems" . (Lol)
PC110用 失敗PCB 「7月6日」 to English Note

+++ 間違ったまま出図・生産 +++
(各20個/10枚 各$24.51 DHL送料込み)
「PC110] Failed PCBs 「7/6」

+++ Drawing and making mistakes +++
While drawing 3 types while drafting, I am excited by the first PCB (printed circuit board) production. I'm thrilled to be able to transfer Gerber data to the maker.
Two of them were delivered two days later after the first. (Fig_1)
(20 pieces / 10 plate each $ 24.51 DHL shipping fee included)
However, both have problems.
One of them was for the (unfamiliar) "hand layout board", so " Bad " was known from the beginning, but The“ wiring group ”is not connected to the“ pin terminal ”of the connector . (Right side of Fig_1)
Seeing the split in the wiring of arrived boards, I lamented with "It's true !"
Another type of "auto layout board" is The terminal number of "40 pin connector" was opposite .(Left side of Fig_1)
After putting "connectors", I noticed last.
(It is obvious that it can not be used), but for a while, only confirmation of the bonding state of " PC110 " and 5-inch TFT" has been performed. (Fig_2 <click>)
This time, when combining PC110 with TFT ( DTN ), these upper-pin Connectors" (when viewed from the side of the leg pin) the "40 pin connector" has the left end "No. 1 pin".
In addition, the "30 pin connector" must have the right end to "No. 1 pin".
When I did "manual layout" by myself, I attached a narrow strip with the reverse number on the "40 pin" side to prevent mistakes.
However, when I let it do by "automatic", I completely forgot.
Accord with the first "circuit diagram" , "automatic layout software ( FreeRouter )" had worked followed the terminal number of the circuit diagram without regard to the direction of the terminal.
(I think it would be nice if I could flip the "40-pin connector" left and right in hindsight, but in fact, it seems that there aren't any good "parts" like that in the list)
Unfortunately, it was not possible to confirm the property of the "automatic layout substrate".
After that, I shall wait the " connectors mounted PCBA " that I ordered as the final version.
(But it's just in a range of hobbies and not the products).
While waiting for it, I would like to improve the program ct65535.com.
不動PC110 検討 「7月2日」 to English Note

+++ POST中に致命的不具合を検知 +++
(BIOS設定/Easy Setupに入る前に弾かれる)

+++ 突っ込むべきはハードかソフトか? +++
Study of non-working 「PC110」 「7/2」

+++ Detects fatal defects during POST +++
I'm in the process of making prototype PCBs for the TFT display (not yet arrived), but I wanted to use the immobile PC110 for confirmation if possible.(Fig_1)
Of course, it can not be used until it comes, so I'm somehow searching for repair, but the situation is not so good.
The current situation is " 00163 error "(the malicious one) , and when I enter "Date and Time" according to the procedure and press [OK], the reset is occured again. (Fig_2 <click>)
It hangs up and becomes repetition from the beginning.
What I found out after examining,
1. Memory display value is normal. (3MB or 20MB)
(Memory check seems normal)
2. It is not affected by the presence or absence of button cells.
(Even if it is full, removing it has no effect. No abnormality is seen in the terminal metal etc.)
3. The Fn key is mostly effective.
(Fn + F7, Fn + B, etc. are also valid, but "time" does not appear)
4. It seems that FD (floppy) is accessed about 3 times.
(I tried 720MB, 1.44MB FD but did not boot. I did not try 1.2MB)
5. The battery can be charged to 100%.
(Fn + Z is unknown effect. Fn + B can switch 0, 1, 2, 3)
6. Same behavior without port replicator
(The external display can not be used, but the beeper and the small liquid crystal display operate in the same way)
7. CPU clock has no effect.
(The same at either 66, 80 or 52 MHz)
8. No response when pressing and holding the F1 key before turning on the power.
(It cann"t to enter to BIOS setup / Easy Setup)

+++ Should it be hard or soft ? +++
From the time the power is turned on to the "date and time setting", the main body looks almost healthy.
However, after the initial "date setting", it seems that it is impossible to go ahead programmatically because the writing process has failed.
For me, please ! ignore that point now and move on ! I want to say. However, it seems that the manufacturer engineer did not intend to allow such a thing.
Although it is a photograph of another machine, looking at the "button battery" connection, it seems that there is almost no place or no possibility of failures. (Fig_3, Fig_4 <click>)
Besides, even if there is a "terminal short" or "battery removal", in reality, there is little possibility of breaking the hardware.
If it's hardware-related, removing it would be a quick solution, but in this part the approach would be less hopeful.
The most obvious thing is to ignore / pass errors in that part of the BIOS! ?
So I can not use date and time settings, but I think most of the other actions will be normal.
. . . But what do I actually do ? What kind of method is there ? The good idea of repairing does not come up.
(In the beginning, it looks like to read a little sectors of FD track, but I'm wondering if it can't be used? I have no idea what to do.)
For a moment, I tried to search for the stock on hand, thinking of replanting the BIOS chip, but long ago I had dropped it as a "don't care". (Repent!)
If I shall do, it's just a recipe to cook the current "BIOS chip"!
But it will probably take more than a year.(?)