Margaret M. Fleck: Grants

GE Foundation Faculty Fellowship Grant, $22,940, fall 1991-summer 1992.

NSF CISE Research Instrumentation Grant, ``Vision and Simulation Projects at the University of Iowa,'' $150,000, April 1992 through September 1993, [with Joe Kearney and David Forsyth], CDA-9121985.

NSF Research Initiation Award, ``Finding Boundaries in Variable Scale Images'' $110,000 over three years, July 1992 through June 1996, IRI-9209728.

NSF Site REU grant, $225,000, [with Joe Kearney], February 1994 through July 1997, CDA-9322132

Author, successful departmental proposal to the U. Iowa Computing Fee Committee (1993) for a new undergraduate teaching laboratory.

NSF grant ``Wide-angle Symmetry,'' July 1995 through June 1999, $187,000, IRI-9420716/IRI-9796311.

NSF CAREER development award ``Finding Image Intensity Boundaries,'' August 1995 through July 1999, $135,000, IRI-9501493/IRI-9796307.

NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, site grant, $241,295 [with Jim Cremer and Joe Kearney], March 1997 through February 2000, CDA-9619957.

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