Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 4, NO. 4 / AUGUST 1985


Here's important news about online savings for Antic readers!

Now you can access the latest Atari news on ANTIC ONLINE and participate in SIG*Atari, the largest Atari users group, on TWO nationwide information utilities.

ANTIC ONLINE is now available on the economical Delphi service ($6 per hour for either 1200 baud or 300 baud) as well as on Compuserve ($7.75 hourly for 1200, $6 for 300 baud).

Delphi ANTIC ONLINE will be a full database servive – which means that on Delphi you'll be able to download certain selected Antic programs, and important Atari news can be updated daily instead of weekly.

And for the month of July only, Delphi has a money-saving offer especially for Antic readers.


If you are an Antic SUBSCRIBER, you can get a FREE lifetime subscription to Delphi and one FREE hour online – that's a $35.95 value at NO COST to you.

Just phone Delphi from your local Tymnet or Uninet number and follow these directions:

Tymnet – 1200 baud: When you connect to Tymnet, you'll get a line of X's on your screen. As soon as this happens, type the letter A. When Tymnet asks you to "Please log in", type DELPHI [RETURN].

Tymnet – 300 baud: After you connect to Tymnet, you'll be asked to type your "terminal identifier." Type the letter A. When Tymnet asks you to log in, type DELPHI [RETURN]

Uninet – (300 or 1200 baud): After you connect, type [RETURN] [.] [RETURN] to access Uninet. AT "service" prompt, type GVC [RETURN].

After you are connected to Delphi, give your User Name as ANTICSUB. And as your Password give the 18-character number at the top of your Antic subscription label.


You can also take advantage of this $35.95 savings by subscribing to Antic and Delphi at the same time online. When you phone Delphi from your local log-on number, answer the prompts with ANTICREF as your User Name and ONLINE as your Password. You'll get the FREE Delphi lifetime subscription plus the FREE hour online. And you'll be billed later for 12 issues of Antic Magazine at the low regular subscription price of only $28.


And any Antic reader can also take advantage of Delphi's bonus $15 savings offer. You geta $21.95 Delphi Handbook and Command Card plus Three Hours of online time worth $18 – for only $24.95. Save $15 off the regular $39.95 cost.

Just follow the online prompts for this special bonus offer when you log onto Delphi with ANTICREF as your user name and ONLINE as your password.