Programs On Your START Disk
By Carolyn Rogers
START brings you another great word puzzler. Fill-It-In puzzles are
like crosswords without clues, in which you search through a list of words
and place them into the puzzle. You supply the words; the program generates
a puzzle.
By Thomas Hopper PAGE
This monochrome version of the color Putmaker (November 1988) is a
valuable tool for GFA BASIC 2.0 and 3.0 users. Create your program screens
with a DEGAS-compatible art program, then convert them to the GFA BASIC
PUT format.
By Ken Neuwman
Twister, our extended-format utility, now works with STEs! And, of
course, this month's START Classic still squeezes more bytes onto ST and
Mega floppies.
By Bruce Graves
Return to those thrilling days of yesteryear with the classic search
and avoid game-play of ZOT, who is on a quest to recover a magical chalice.
By Don Thomas
If you want to join the Revolution (see article elsewhere in this issue),
your how-to manual, the Revolution Handbook, is on disk in the FREE WARE
folder. NOTE: This software is copyrighted by Artisan Software, and is
freely distributable. START assumes no responsibility for the performance
of this program.
By Ken Badertscher, Atari Corp.
Hiding in your disk's ATARI folder is a gem of a program to speed up
your mouse and save your screen. Read MACCEL3.TXT for details. NOTE: The
copyright for this program is owned entirely by Atari Corp. START does
not support this software.
By Thumblecraft Software
Run Stock Technician, a powerful stock analyzer found in the DEMO folder,
for a glimpse of the bulls and the bears. Read the file STOKTECH.MAN for
details. NOTE: This is a demonstration program copyrighted by Tumblecraft
Software. START assumes no responsibility for the performance of this program.
1) Write protect your disk.
2) Make a backup copy. We format the disk using TWISTER.PRG (included on this disk) to increase the size of a single-sided disk to 400K. You can back up onto one Twisted, single-sided disk; one double-sided disk; or two GEM-formatted, single-sided disks. NOTE: TWISTER DOES NOT WORK WITH GEM'S DISKCOPY. To make a backup using GEM's filecopy, open a window for your START disk, then drag the files in the window to the icon representing your backup disk (users of single disk-drive systems will be instructed by GEM to swap disks.) 3) Store the original and use the backup hereafter. 4) Un-ARC the files. We use Double Click Software's DC SEA utility to create self-extracting archive files. To un-ARC a program, simply double-click on the filename. 5) When the dialog box appears, choose Extract. 6) When the file selector appears, choose a destination disk (hard disk, RAM disk or floppy disk) for the uncompressed files. Make sure the destination disk has enough space for the uncompressed files, whose sizes are given in the chart above. The screen goes blank, then the files are listed as they are extracted, and marked "OK" if the uncompression is successful. |