Tackle Your ST
Jefferson Software is now shipping the Tackle Box ST, literally more than 1,000 pages of information on GEM and the ST packaged into what looks like a fishing tackle box. The package sells for only $69.95 and even includes GDOS support. Jefferson sells their own GEM version of Modula 2—Modula is an interesting language that is the successor to Pascal. JS Modula 2 includes source code for GEM and TOS application development at a cost of only $49.95. Jefferson also sells XPRO Prolog, a fifth generation artifical intelligence language that conforms to the Edinburgh standard syntax for only $59.95.
Jefferson Software
12416 N. 28 Drive –18-236
Phoenix, AZ 85029
(602) 243-3106
(602) 276-6102 (JS BBS)