PC Monochrome Graphics
Michael A. Covington
Here are some graphics screens which don't require a color/graphics adapter—they'll work on any IBM PC (or PCjr), even those equipped only with the monochrome display board.
Owners of the IBM monochrome display often feel a bit left out because their systems do not support point-by-point graphics. The monochrome display adapter can produce a variety of special characters that could be used to construct drawings, but most programs never employ more than a few of them.
The brief program accompanying this article takes advantage of these special characters to create dramatic-looking patterns—actually contour maps of three-dimensional mathematical functions. Some of the displays look rather like Scottish tartans. The program runs on a PC or PCjr with any display, but the IBM monochrome display yields the best results.
Line 160 in the program defines the variable W as a function of ROW and COL. The function can be anything you wish. Here are some functions that result in attractive patterns:
An almost infinite variety of other functions are possible. Just substitute your function for line 160, save, and then run the program. Exit with Ctrl-Break.
PC Monochrome Graphics
Refer to "COMPUTEI's Guide For Typing In Programs" article before typing this program in.
BP 30 SCRNWIDTH = 80 CE 50 DIM A$( 4 ) KH 60 A$ ( 0 ) = " " NM 70 A$ ( 2 ) = CHR$(176) NF 80 A$ ( 2 ) = CHR$(177) PO 90 A$ ( 3 ) = CHR$(178) HC 100 A$ ( 4 ) = CHR$(219) HI 110 CLS:KEY OFF CP 120 FOR R0W = 1 TO 22 JM 130 FOR COL = 1 TO SCRNWIDTH-1 NP 140 ' Change the following line EK 150 ' to get different patterns OH 160 W = SQRC ( (2*(R0W- 11))^2 + (COL-40)^2) AF 170 PRINT A$ (ABS (W) MOD 5); ON 180 NEXT 190 PRINT 200 NEXT 210 BEEP