Floyd Beaston
Both the Commodore VIC and 64 have graphics characters right on the keys. This program lets you take advantage of these graphics by allowing you to SAVE and LOAD screen pictures made using character graphics.
My eight-year-old son loves to "draw" artwork on the screen using combinations of the graphics symbols on the keys. Because the "artworks" vanished forever when we turned off the computer, my son became more and more frustrated.
These programs for the VIC and 64 were written to help with this problem by allowing you to SAVE and LOAD all characters, including graphics symbols, on the screen.
To use the VIC version, first remove any expansion board and then type in Program 1. Then enter this line:
CLR:POKE46,PEEK(46) + 4
and SAVE to disk or tape.
Operating The VIC Version
If you wish to draw a picture (to later SAVE), LOAD the program and change line 1 to:
Next, clear your screen and begin drawing. When you are finished, change the cursor color to match the background color, then type RUN. (You won't be able to see the command RUN since it will be the same color as the background.) In a few seconds, change the cursor color back to a visible color and then SAVE the program to tape or disk. Your screen will also be saved.
To retrieve your picture, LOAD the program
from tape or disk and change line 1 to:
1 GOTO20
This will magically return your picture to the screen.
Program 1: Art Museum (VIC Version)
0 S=7680:C=38400:GOSUB63999 1 GOTO20 10 FORJ=0TO505:POKEML+J,PEEK(S+J):POKEML+ 506+J,PEEK(C+J):NEXT:END 20 FORJ=0TO505:POKES+J,PEEK(ML+J):POKEC+J ,PEEK(ML+506+J):NEXT:PRINT"{HOME}"; 21 GOTO21 63999 ML=PEEK(61)+PEEK(62)*256+31:RETURN
Program 2: Art Museum (64 Version)
The 64 version of "Art Museum" (Program 2) stores the contents of screen memory at 16384 ($4000) and the contents of color memory at 1750. To use this version, first type in and SAVE the program then draw your picture on the screen using the cursor control keys and diameter graphics. When your picture is complete, change the cursor color to the background color and then invisibly type GOTO 10 and press RETURN. Then press S (for SAVE). This saves your screen creation at l6384. After a wait of about 25 seconds, change the cursor color to a visible color and clear the screen.
If you wish to SAVE your screen to tape or disk, type GOSUB 4010: GOTO 1000 and press RETURN. You will then be prompted for filename and storage medium (tape or disk). After responding to these prompts, your screen will be saved to disk or tape. To LOAD a file, type RUN and the program will prompt for filename and storage medium. Once your file is loaded, type GOTO10 and hit any key except S. Your stored file will gradually appear on the screen.
2 INPUT "DISK OR TAPE";E$:IFE$="D"THENE=8. 3 E=1:GOTO1900 10 POKE55,255:POKE56,63 20 FORT=0TO200:NEXT 30 GETA$:IFA$=""THEN30 35 CO=55296:SC=1024:DR=16384:CR=DR+1024 40 ON((A$="S")+2)GOTO100,200 100 FORT=0TO999:POKEDR+T,PEEK(SC+T) 110 POKECR+T,(PEEK(CO+T)AND15) 120 NEXT:PRINT"{HOME}":END 200 FORT=0TO999:POKESC+T,PEEK(DR+T) 210 POKECO+T,PEEK(CR+T) 220 NEXT:PRINT"{HOME}":END 1000 REM SAVE SCREEN 1010 INPUT"SAVE SCREEN Y OR N";S$ 1020 IF S$="N"THEN END 1021 POKE250,0:POKE251,64 1022 POKE252,0:POKE253,96 1030 INPUT"FILE NAME FOR SCREEN" F$ 1035 F$="0:"+F$ 1036 INPUT"{WHT}DISK OR TAPE";E$:IFE$="D" THENE=8:GOTO1040 1037 E=l 1040 OPEN1, E,1,F$ :SYS49152:CL0SE1:END 1900 INPUT "FILENAME";L$:L$="0:"+L$ 2000 OPEN1,E,0,L$:SYS49162:CLOSE1:END 4010 I=49152 4020 READ A:IF A=256 THEN RETURN 4030 POKE I,A:I=I+1:GOTO 4020 49152 DATA 166,252,164,253,169,250,32 49160 DATA 216,255,96,165,184,166,186 49168 DATA 160,255,32,186,255,169,0 49176 DATA 162,0,160,64,32,213,255 49184 DATA 96,256