Timex Tutorial
The Programming Kit 1, a BASIC
tutorial program for Timex/Sinclair users, is among three new programs
produced by Timeworks. The
Programming Kit, a how-to learning approach to programming,
includes an explanation of an eight-step approach to program design.
Family Pak
is a set of five 2K programs designed for day-to-day home tasks. The
programs are Check Book Balancer, Recipe Recorder, Mini-Money Manager,
Homework Helper and Memoboard, a family message center.
Timeworks' third new program, Scyon's Revenge, is a deepspace
combat game that includes, 3-D simulation. The game is provided with a
keyboard overlay to give you the feeling of punching command buttons
rather than hunting and pecking on a keyboard.
Timeworks, Inc.
405 Lake Cook Road
Building A
Deerfield, IL 60015