Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 37 / JUNE 1983 / PAGE 279

Data Base Manager For Apple
Multi-Trieve, a data base management system for the Apple II + and Apple IIe, has been released by Multisoft. Instead of displaying data in a traditional way, one record per screen, Multi-Trieve displays records in the form of a table, with field left/right justification, column headings, decimal point alignment, and running totals for numeric fields.
    The horizontal scroll can shift a table to the right or left to view the fields that are outside of the physical boundaries of the screen.
    Multi-Trieve supports the 80-column Text Card on Apple IIe, significantly increasing the number of fields (columns) that can be seen at any given time. Multi-Trieve is menu-driven, and it includes file Search/Edit, indexes, sorting at data entry, file reorganizing, multiple fields in selection criteria, and the ability to split a single-diskette file into two diskettes.
    Multi-Trieve offers three printing methods, either in normal or condensed character set:
  • Default Report Writer for print ing of reports automatically formatted by the program.
  • Form/Label Writer.
  • A single-stroke snapshot of any data screen.
Multi-Trieve requires 48K RAM, at least one disk drive, and Applesoft in ROM. It will sell for $199.

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