Modifications Or Corrections To Previous Articles
To produce the correct alternate character set for the VIC version of UXB (November 1982, p. 56) the following lines must be added to Program 1:
596 POKE51, 0 : POKE 58, 28 : POKE 55, 0 : POKE 56, 28 : CLR : CB = 7168 597 READ A : IF A = -1 THEN 600 598 FOR N = 0 TO 7 : READ B : POKE(CB + A * 8 + N), B : NEXT 599 GOTO 597 900 DATA 1, 153, 219, 189, 153, 129, 66, 36, 36 910 DATA 17, 126, 255, 199, 203, 211, 227, 255, 126 920 DATA 24, 36, 36, 36, 36, 60, 36, 66, 129 930 DATA 26, 4, 24, 24, 60, 126, 126, 126, 60 940 DATA 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 950 DATA -1
Pack Up Your DATA
There is an error in line 130 of the example program which condenses PET or VIC data for files (October 1982, p. 162). The line should read:
130 V% = V/256 : L = V - (V% * 256)
VIC Superchase
The VIC version of this game (October 1982, p. 66) requires several changes. Lines 10 and 22 should be removed from the program. In line 12100, a semicolon should be added after the CHR$(142). Also in that line, the characters shown as underlined ampersands (&) are typed in by holding down the Commodore logo key and hitting the "+" key. The characters shown as underlined dollar signs ($) in line 14010 are typed in by holding down the logo key and hitting the "@" key.
VIC Pixelator
The author sent in some additions and clarifications on his custom character editor (October 1982, p. 141):
Under certain circumstances, the "Pixdata" program will not adjust the end-of-program pointers causing the program to reappear and interfere with the newly written DATA statements. This can be taken into account by changing two lines in the program and adding two new lines. Notice that you must type the abbreviations pO and pE for POKE and PEEK to fit line 170 into the computer:
10 C = PEEK(56) : POKE 51, 0 : POKE 52, 20 : POKE 55, 0 : POKE 56, 20 170 A2 = INT(AA/256) : A1 = AA - A2 * 256 : B = PEEK(43) + 256 * PEEK (44) : POKEB, A1 : POKEB + 1, A2 : POKE 56, C 180 ZZ = ZZ + 257 - AA + B : Z2 = INT(ZZ/256) : Z1 = ZZ - Z2 * 256 190 POKE 251, Z1 : POKE174, 0 : POKE175, 0 : POKE46, Z2 : POKE 45, PEEK(251)
Also, memory expansion of 8K or more on the VIC usually moves the screen memory so that there is not enough room between the end of the screen and the beginning of the last available character map area in RAM for the "Pixelator" to operate. Before loading the Pixelator, 8K users should enter the following as a single line and then hit RETURN:
POKE 43, 0 : POKE 44, 2244 : : POKE 45, 00 : POKE 46, 24 : POKE 47, 0 : POKE 48,24
This moves the start-of-BASIC memory to 6144. Now type:
POKE 6143, 0 : POKE 6144, 0 : POKE 6145, 0
and hit RETURN. This simply cleans up the area. Now LOAD the Pixelator, delete line 30, and make this change:
20 XX = 5120 : SC = 4096 : CL = 37888 4010 SYSXX - 16 : PRINT "{HOME}" : PRINT "LOOKING AT " ; S5$ : POKESC + 33, C0
SAVE the program before using it. Make the following change in both Pixaver and Pixeloader:
10 XX = 5120
Make these changes in Pixdata:
10 C = PEEK(56) : POKE 51, 0 : POKE 52, 32 : POKE55, 0 : POKE 56, 32 20 XX = 5120 40 ZZ = 8192 : AA = ZZ
8K users can access the RAM character set by typing:
POKE 36869, PEEK(36869)ANDNOT15OR13
Finally, the symbols appearing in lines 70, 80, and 90 of the printed listing of Pixelator might be confusing. A more attractive display can be achieved by changing the underlined slashes to Commodore-P (hold down the Commodore logo key while typing "P"); the underlined apostrophe (-) should be Commodore-M; the underlined percent sign (%) should be Commodore-G; and the underlined 7 should be Commodore-Y.
Atari Mathman Improvements
Our thanks to John Bergen for the following enhancements to this program (October 1982, p. 72). With these changes, Mathman can recover the incorrect answer after it is sent off the screen, print the correct response, turn the screen a new color after each trial, and also show a student the current question number:
11 Y = INT(RND(O) * 15) : SETCOLOR 4 , Y , 6 : SETCOLOR 2 , Y , 4 375 POSITION 0, 22 : ?"SCORE-" ; SCO ;"{3 SPACES}TURNS-" ; 0 1070 POSITION 8, 10 : ?"{4}" : POSITION 10, 10 : ? B * C : "
" 1071 POSITION 8, 12 : ? "{4
}" : POSITION 10, 12 : ? AS ; "
" 1072 FOR Z = 1 TO 200 : NEXT Z