Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 32 / JANUARY 1983 / PAGE 186

Copy VIC Disk Files

Roger L. Smith, Mesa, AZ

The "Copy 2031 Files" program by G. H. Watson (COMPUTE!, August 1982) was greatly appreciated. It was suggested that the program might run on the VIC-20 if appropriate changes were made. The following program makes those changes.

The program will work with either VIC-1540 or the new VIC-1541 disk drives. However, your VIC must have a 3K memory expansion plugged in since the program uses memory beginning at the expansion start-of-BASIC address ($0400) to handle the file transfer.

As noted in the original article, the program will handle BASIC program files. To copy sequential files (data files, ASM/TED files), replace the appended P with an S by using POKE 7672,83. Program files use POKE 7672,80. If you want to transfer more than one file, you will have to type SYS 7354 each time.

600 SYS7354
634 DATA 169, 1, 133, 184, 32, 195
640 DATA 255, 169, 8, 133, 186, 169
646 DATA 15, 133, 185, 169, 0, 133
652 DATA 183, 32, 192, 255, 160, 29
658 DATA 169, 179, 32, 30, 203, 32
664 DATA 96, 197, 169, 0, 133, 187
670 DATA 169, 2, 133, 188, 160, 255
676 DATA 200, 177, 187, 208, 251, 162
682 DATA 4, 189, 245, 29, 145, 187
688 DATA 200, 202, 208, 247, 132, 183
694 DATA 169, 2, 133, 184, 32, 195
700 DATA 255, 169, 8, 133, 186, 169
706 DATA 2, 133, 185, 32, 192, 255
712 DATA 32, 141, 29, 162, 2, 32
718 DATA 199, 242, 169, 4, 133, 1
724 DATA 169, 3, 133, 0, 160, 0
730 DATA 32, 14, 242, 145, 0, 166
736 DATA 144, 208, 7, 200, 208, 244
742 DATA 230, 1, 208, 240, 132, 5
748 DATA 165, 1, 133, 6, 169, 2
754 DATA 32, 195, 255, 32, 204, 255
760 DATA 160, 29, 169, 191, 32, 30
766 DATA 203, 32, 228, 255, 240, 251
772 DATA 164, 183, 136, 169, 87, 145
778 DATA 187, 32, 192, 255, 32, 141
784 DATA 29, 162, 2, 32, 9, 243
790 DATA 169, 4, 133, 1, 169, 3
796 DATA 133, 0, 160, 0, 177, 0
802 DATA 32, 122, 242, 165, 1, 197
808 DATA 6, 208, 4, 196, 5, 240
814 DATA 14, 200, 208, 238, 230, 1
820 DATA 208, 234, 160, 29, 169, 228
826 DATA 32, 30, 203, 169, 2, 32
832 DATA 195, 255, 169, 1, 32, 195
838 DATA 255, 32, 204, 255, 76, 116
844 DATA 196, 162, 1, 32, 199, 242
850 DATA 32, 14, 242, 141, 240, 29
856 DATA 32, 14, 242, 141, 241, 29
862 DATA 32, 204, 255, 173, 240, 29
868 DATA 201, 48, 208, 206, 173, 241
874 DATA 29, 201, 48, 208, 199, 32
880 DATA 204, 255, 96, 13, 70, 73
886 DATA 76, 69, 78, 65, 77, 69
892 DATA 63, 32, 0, 13, 83, 87
898 DATA 73, 84, 67, 72, 32, 68
904 DATA 73, 83, 75, 69, 84, 84
910 DATA 69, 83, 44, 13, 84, 72
916 DATA 69, 78, 32, 72, 73, 84
922 DATA 32, 82, 69, 84, 85, 82
928 DATA 78, 46, 13, 0, 13, 68
934 DATA 73, 83, 75, 32, 69, 82
940 DATA 82, 79, 82, 32, 0, 0
946 DATA 33, 13, 0, 0, 82, 44
952 DATA 80, 44, 246, 230, 1, 76