Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 17 / OCTOBER 1981 / PAGE 169


Corrections And Clarifications

COMPUTE! # 14, pg. 68 — To clarify Mr. Victor's comments on conversions:

In Applesoft BASIC, "DIM A$(40)" means that memory should be reserved for the string variables A$(0), A$(l),...,A$(40). (Note: this is 41 variables, not 40, a quirk of BASIC.) The variable "A$" is another variable (the 42nd) used to store the various strings discussed in the article. The statement "DIM A$(40)" at the start of the programs in the article does not mean that A$ will be 40 characters long. The DIM statement does not refer to A$, it refers to the subscripted variable A$(i).

COMPUTE! #15, pg. 80 — the Editor's Note on halting the dynamic mode should have read POKE 842, 12.

COMPUTE! #15, pg. 64 — at the bottom of the page, following the words "clears the flag," this paragraph was omitted:

But is this efficient? Of course! How could you possibly reduce such a trivial, two-line program segment? Well, maybe you can! Consider the following alternative:

     ROR ALFALK           ;Enable Alpha-Lock Mode
sets the flag, and
     LSR ALFALK           ;Disable Alpha-Lock Mode
clears the flag.

COMPUTE! #15, pg. 99 — the following program was not printed:

10010 GRAPHICS 8 + 16  : SETCOLOR 4,5,10
10020 POKE 204, COLUML : POKE 205, COLUMH
10030 FOR I = 1600 TO 1636
10040 READ X : POKE I, X : NEXT I
10050 X = USR (1600)
10060 DATA 104, 120, 166, 205, 141, 10, 212, 141, 24, 208, 200, 177, 204, 141, 23, 208, 200,
        208, 2, 230, 205, 173, 11
10070 DATA 212, 201, 16, 16, 4, 160, 0, 134, 205, 177, 204, 24, 144, 223

COMPUTE! #16, pg. 86 — To permit "SHOOT" to run on the new (Revision B) ROMs, change line 201 to: BUF $ (589,589) = CHR$(95): BUF$ (590,590) = CHR$ (228). To permit it to run on black and white TVs, change line 202 to: BUF$ (97,97) = CHR$(0):BUF$ (98,98) = CHR$(0). The source code correction is: 124B 4C 5F e4 JMP SYS VBV.

COMPUTE #15, pg. 79 — these templates should have appeared full-size;

COMPUTE! #15, pg. 120 — Charles Brannon has improved his "Keyword" program to cancel the keyword action in the quote mode and to permit it to be deactivated.

110 IF PEEK(PEEK(53) * 256) <> 120 THEN P~~OKE 53, PEEK (53)-1 : CLR
120 HI = PEEK (53) : BASE = HI * 256
140 FOR I = 0 TO 164: READ A: POKE  BASE + ~~I,A : NEXT I
160 POKE BASE + 22, HI : POKE BASE + 58, HI
170 POKE BASE + 100, HI : POKE BASE + 110, HI~~
180 IF PEEK (50003) = 160 THEN 230
200 POKE BASE + 65,146 : POKE BASE + 69, 192~~
210 POKE BASE + 131, 46 : POKE BASE + 132, 23~~0
220 PRINT  "{CLEAR} ***  KEYWORD 3.0 ***~~{DOWN} " : GOTO 240
230 PRINT  " {CLEAR} *** KEYWORD 4.0 ***~~"{DOWN}"
240 PRINT "ON/OFF:       SYS {REV}" ;BASE~~
250 PRINT "{DOWN}TABLE AT:               {REV}~~ " ; BASE + 138
260 END
270 DATA 120, 165, 144, 201, 37, 208
280 DATA 10, 169, 85, 133, 144, 169
290 DATA 228, 133, 145, 88, 96, 169
300 DATA 37, 133, 144, 169, 63, 133
310 DATA 145, 88, 96, 234, 234, 234
320 DATA 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 0
330 DATA 0, 165, 205, 208, 89, 234
340 DATA 165, 217, 201, 193, 144, 82
350 DATA 201, 219, 176, 78, 56, 233
360 DATA 193, 170, 189, 138, 63, 162
370 DATA 0, 134, 158, 170, 160, 178
380 DATA 132, 31, 160, 176, 132, 32
390 DATA 160, 0, 10, 240, 16, 202
400 DATA 16, 12, 230, 31, 208, 2
410 DATA 230, 32, 177, 31, 16, 246
420 DATA 48, 241, 200, 177, 31, 48
430 DATA 17, 8, 142, 164, 63, 230
440 DATA 158, 166, 158, 157, 111, 2
450 DATA 174, 164, 63, 40, 208, 234
460 DATA 230, 158, 166, 158, 41, 127
470 DATA 157, 111, 2, 169, 20, 141
480 DATA 111, 2, 230, 158, 76, 85
490 DATA 228, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234~~
510 DATA 153, 194, 152, 157, 132, 129~~
520 DATA 137, 200, 133, 161, 135, 155~~
530 DATA 163, 130, 159, 151, 160, 138~~
540 DATA 148, 167, 187, 149, 147, 148~~
550 DATA 141, 158, 0