Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 124 / DECEMBER 1990 / PAGE G-21

Big CPU in the Sky

In your recent article "Into the Crystal Ball" (June 1990), many people blamed software companies or the market for the declining interest in the 64. They blamed everything except what's really wrong. It's hardware, not software or the market. The main problem is that the 64 isn't attractive anymore. The 64 has already died and gone to the big CPU in the sky.

I've had a 64 for close to ten years, but it lacks hardware capabilities. It should be taken into the factory and given a total overhaul. When it comes out, it should have 256K of ROM, an operating system that takes up minimal space in memory, a faster CPU, 64K or 128K of video RAM, a ramdisk, and a built-in program that would still let it run conventional 64 software.

It may sound like I have MS-DOS in mind, but the 64 has to have some sort of hardware enhancement and a true operating system.