Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 115 / DECEMBER 1989 / PAGE 8

With Once Upon a Time…, children can win scholarships and other prizes.


If you can write a story about how energy builds a better America, you can win a $5,000 scholarship from Compu-Teach.

To enter Compu-Teach's second annual creative writing contest, youngsters between 6 and 13 years old must use the company's Once Upon a Time … or Once Upon a Time … II to create books that are 6–10 pages long.

Children choose from seven categories: electricity, coal, natural gas, oil, renewable energy resources, energy conservation, and nuclear energy.

Besides the $5,000 grand-prize scholarship, Compu-Teach will award savings bonds, software, and National Energy Foundation educational materials.

You can get contest materials by calling Compu-Teach at (800) 448-3224. All entries must be received by February 28, 1990.