Classic Computer Magazine Archive A.N.A.L.O.G. ISSUE 67 / DECEMBER 1988 / PAGE 8

8-Bit NEWS

Panelologists unite!

    Comicbooking Your Atari is a new XE/XL software package specially designed for panelologists (i.e., comic book collectors). At $19.95, the new system offers collectors an easy-to-use data base to track and maintain information about comic book collections. The system focuses on appearance, title, issue number, cost, value and other data pertaining to a collector's library. The system works well for speculation; valuation of a comic book can be made at purchase or sale and to determine an asking price.
    The 20-page user's manual reads like a beginning course in data management. The user is taken step-by-step through the system's many features and functions. "The program is so user-friendly," says A.L. Bue, the developer, "that most Atarians will have little need of the manual to get started."

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