Welcome to my old computer collection

Here you will find information about old computers, their parts and peripherals.

The main objective of this site is to provide information not only about technical specifications of old computers, but also instructions to make an old computer running again as well as how to use the old computers (retrocomputing) and its basic software.

You will not find large amount of software for these devices, but some files, needed to make them running, are in this site.

 Site news:

2023-12-11 The site has been transferred to the new provider. Most of things should work now (they bumped PHP to some new version, so regexes could not work freely). If only FTP account could work as well. There are also some strange connectivity problems, sometimes the connection gets ?deflected? to an unknown page, but this should get solved quickly.
2023-06-19 As every year, there may be technical problems with the site. The onion link oldcompwolfbxvvtwfnvzvaewhmynrefodf7fmfmhgonibhm5mgdjsqd․onion will be
running as a back-up.
2022-05-01 Small update in IBM PS/1 2123 including missing pinouts and floppy drive rework.
2021-08-23 Small updates in IC Tester tool, as well as things to 3D Print.
2021-06-25 As every year, Technical problems possible. So, the website has a poor-performance mirror in TOR network at oldcompujggniul7․onion or oldcompwolfbxvvtwfnvzvaewhmynrefodf7fmfmhgonibhm5mgdjsqd․onion - to enter it you may use a Tor program or use a Tor gate, for example replacing .onion with .onion.ws in the address.
If this will go down, I'll try with another hosting.
If it will fail, I will push a static copy to archive.org.
2020-09-04 Small updates in Halikan LA-30A, Philips VG8000 (at last proper PSU currents!) and ALR ProvEISA, thanks for information that video conferencing solution was going well on it and that there was NetWare 4.1 running on it.
2020-08-03 After a very short absence the problems are gone and the site is operational. Now a Commodore 64 Web.it - a "Interne appliance" which has, except logo, nothing in comomn with Comomdore 64, being a small 486-like PC with keyboard and touchpad, made to use Internet in late 1990s. It has additionally a CCS64 Commodore emulator.
2020-06-17 WARNING: Technical problems possible: As recently every year, my provider is quite reluctant about renewal, so I have no idea will there be a downtime as two years ago or not. If so, here's a temporary backup address: oldcompujggniul7․onion - to enter it you may use a Tor program or use a Tor gate, replacing .onion with .onion.ws in the address. As I don't have any other possibility for server (I'm behind five NATs), this is the only workaround I found. This experimental "server" works on a machine with poor network, so just be patient. Yes, only a few kB/s, but it is out there.
2020-05-21 Added Texas Instruments VPU200 - A TMS9900-powered microcomputer used to program industrial control devices. Although it has been made in 1984, it has 256kB of RAM and 5.25-inch floppy drive. A built-in display has a white screen which was rare in the age of green or amber CRTs.
2020-04-08 Added Panasonic CF-35 notebook from mid/late 1990s. The computer has a 200MHz Pentium processor, expandable RAM and, what was rare in 1990s, a touchpad. The built-in 12.1-inch 800x600 LCD is better than in average notebook from these times.
2020-03-14 Added a recently acquired Nec PC-8201A. This small, portable microcomputer from 1980s had some popularity among both programmers and text authors as it had a text editor built-in. Additional ROMs were present too. 16kB of RAM could be upgraded up to 64kB.
2020-02-06 Added Sharp EL-7000 - probably not entirely as a computer, but something between a programmable typewriter and calculator, a battery-powered device to calculate and type short notes which then can be printed on a paper ribbon.

News archive

Site map / glossary

Select category from menu below or on the left.

8-bit micros PC and compatibles Laptops and portables Apple Macs
8-bit and early 16-bit microcomputers IBM PCs and clones Laptops and portables Apple computers



Terminals Media and mass storage Calculators Other items
Terminal units Media Calculators Others















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