Photos of various Lazer Tag systems, prototypes, etc.

Worlds Of Wonder:

This is the system that put the name "Lazer Tag" on the map. Although I had nothing to do with the development of the WoW system, I've had the good fortune and pleasure to work for and with the people who did.

Some WoW Prototypes

Tiger Lazer Tag, a.k.a. "Lazer Tag II":

After Worlds Of Wonder went bankrupt at the end of the 1980's, the Lazer Tag line of equipment dissapeared from the stores and was slowly replaced by other systems, mainly Laser Challenge from ToyMax. But the brand lived on in the minds of it's creators, and in the mid-1990's they were able to ressurect it through Tiger Electronics, a toy company which at the time was primarily known for small hand-held electronic games. I was involved in the development of the new signal format and the writing of the original code which ran on a combination of a Motorola 68HC05K1 and a Winbond "Power Speech" sound-effects chip.

Lensed Tiger LT "Striker"

Lazer Tag Team Ops

Eventually all good things come to an end -- Tiger Lazer Tag ran it's course, and slowly dissapeared again from the shelves.

In the years that followed, tremendous advances were made in the performance and cost of "toy grade" microprocessors, and we felt it was again time to ressurect the Lazer Tag brand name.

The result was Lazer Tag Team Ops, a system of Lazer Tag components that share information and allows almost unlimitted expandability (new concepts) and user programability (variations on existing concepts), provides automatic player and team rankings, and gives players head-to-head comparative scoring information, amongst many other features.

Pictures of Lazer Tag Team Ops equipment