Table of Contents
As in most manuals, we have to start out with the stuff for the lawyers. While we must ask that you read this section, in general this is what it all means:
VOLT/LX belongs to us, not you. What you bought was a right to use VOLT/LX. You can use it on as many computers as you'd like, but each person that uses VOLT/LX must pay for a copy.
You agree that you use VOLT/LX at your own risk. We are not responsible for anything that happens as a result of your use of this software.
If you bought this program for use by the U.S. Government, the Government is only allowed to use it for one person. (If we don't include this stuff about FARS and DFARS, the Government will assume that they can make as many copies as they would like, and that they can do what ever they want with it. At least they're trying to save us tax payers some money, but sorry, we can't let them do it by pirating VOLT/LX.)
VOLT/LX and the VOLT/LX logo are trademarks of D&A Software.
HP, HP 100LX, HP 200LX, and 1000CX are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. All other product names are copyright and registered trademarks/tradenames of their respective owners.
VOLT/LX is distributed on an "as is" basis. Neither D&A Software,
nor the software author, guarantees this
program to be free from defects and may not be held responsible for
any losses caused, directly or indirectly, by the use of this software.
If you are not completely satisfied with VOLT/LX within thirty (30) days
of purchase, you may receive a refund of your purchase price, when you
return all items along with the proof of purchase. Further, since D&A
Software does not have any direct affiliation with Hewlett Packard Co.,
future models of the HP Palmtop may not be compatible with VOLT/LX. D&A
Software does not guarantee that updates will be available to maintain
compatibility with future HP Palmtop models. Further, if updates are offered,
an upgrade fee may be required. Your use of this program constitutes your
acceptance of these terms.
With the exception of the Limited Warranty stated above, D&A Software, and the software author, disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied.
RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S.
Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii)
of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS 252.227-7013
or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted
Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19.
(C) Copyright 1996 by D&A Software
VOLT/LX tracks these two important values for your batteries. It displays the voltage and also the time used on the battery. VOLT/LX provides this information for those customers who do not use rechargeable batteries, but are concerned with tracking the voltage and service time provided by their batteries.
VOLT/LX is related to ABC/LX, which is a full-featured battery charging management system for rechargeable batteries. It utilizes the same TSR that ABC/LX uses. VOLT/LX is limited in functions and is directed to users of non-rechargeable batteries. If you change to rechargeable batteries, please see Section 4, "What is ABC/LX?" for more information about ABC/LX.
Moving the programs from the diskette to the palmtop Adjustments to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file on the palmtop Booting the palmtop Running VOLTRSET.EXE
Change "C:\BIN" to reflect the correct drive and path name (subdirectory) where VOLT/LX is installed.
Make sure to add this line to AUTOEXEC.BAT before the System Manager startup (i.e. before a line specifying 100 or 200). If no AUTOEXEC.BAT file is present, copy the one from the D: drive to the C:\ directory (or to A:\ if you use a flash card or SRAM card).
Change "C:\BIN" to reflect the actual drive and path name (subdirectory) where VOLTRSET.EXE is located. You must reset ABCTSR each time you change batteries.
The voltage display indicates the voltage of your batteries. The on-battery timer displays the total amount of time the palmtop was turned on using batteries (adapter not connected). The format of the values is:
Voltage v.vv
On-Battery Timer hhh:mm
You can reset the on-battery timer to 000:00 by running VOLTRSET.EXE. This should be done after batteries are replaced.
You can upgrade from VOLT/LX to ABC/LX version 1.0 and use the enclosed coupon when you purchase ABC/LX version 1.0. It is worth US$5.00 towards the purchase price.
VOLT/LX was developed on the HP 200LX Palmtop
5 June 1996