PRO/LX - Project Management
Add-On for PIM/PE

Introducing PRO/LX | Quick Start and Try | Concept | Planning a Project | Tracking a Project | The GUI (Graphical User Interface)
PRO.CFG File | The PIM File Format | Tips and Tricks | CCPM Literature and Links | Home
Updated: June 25, 2001


PRO/LX is a utility that works together with PIM/PE and turns "PIM" from "Personal Information Management" into "Project Information Management". PRO/LX uses the same file format as PIM/PE and provides a method to plan tasks and resources. Once you have done the work in PRO/LX, you can use the resulting PIM file in PIM/PE and the tasks can be handled in PIM/PE. You thus have all possibilities of PIM/PE to work with those tasks. For example, you can set filters for specific resources and create a list of all future dates and tasks in which that resource is involved.

When developing PRO/LX, the goal was to create something that is as simple as possible, yet still provides useful support for project management. Most project management (PM) software packages are large and complicated and support complex algorithms for critical path computations, resource leveling etc. When using those packages, there is always a lot of new topics to learn, many parameters to be set and many hours to be spent to find out how to work around the problem that the program wants to move certain activities to places around where it should not.

So all this complexity was reduced to a minimum in PRO/LX. I believe you can do with it at least what you can do with the "big guys" (except producing colorful printouts) but with much less effort. I don't mean you can do the same operations, but you can get to the same result.



Because PRO/LX does not move around tasks automatically, lots of parameters are not needed at all (project start date, project end date, etc.) and only the following parameters are left to be set for each task:

While tracking a task, the following parameters are needed in addition to the above:

That's all! You set up those parameters and PRO/LX detects potential problems, helping you to move the tasks to a place so that the whole project plan works, tracks project progress and suggests what to do when potential problems can be foreseen.

In order to ensure the project plan works out, PRO/LX has adopted some strategies from "Critical Chain Project Management" (CCPM). See the end of this text for some references about CCPM.

Of course the simplicity of PRO/LX also leads to some constraints. These constraints and the basic assumptions that underlie the software (mostly taken from CCPM) are listed below:


In order to set up a project, the following steps need to be done:

  1. identify the tasks and resources
  2. for each task, enter the following:
  3. sort the task so that there is an approximate order (timewise)
  4. press F6 (Check) and look at what PRO/LX finds out
  5. if PRO/LX has no problems to report, we are done and have a working project schedule
  6. if not, move tasks according to the findings of PRO/LX and go back to step (4)

PRO/LX can report the following problems:


While the project is running, periodically (e.g. daily or weekly) do the following:

  1. If not yet done, update the start dates
  2. Get new estimates for the needed effort for all tasks in progress
  3. Update the estimated effort for all those tasks (press "u" while task is highlighted)
  4. If tasks are completed already, mark them as complete (press "!" while task is highlighted)
  5. Press F8 (Track). PRO/LX will remind you of any missing or obsolete estimates and recommend actions.

PRO/LX can report the following situations:

THE GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Most of the display should be self-explanatory. Worthwhile mentioning are the different types of bars used in the graph though:

   Empty rectangle:       task, not yet done
   Empty bold rectangle:  task on critical chain, not yet done
   Filled rectangle:      task, completed
   Grey rectangle:        buffer
   Horizontal line:       updated start date and estimated effort

The following key strokes are recognised by PRO/LX. Most of those functions are also available through the menus (which also list the hot keys).

   F1          display rudimentary online help
   SF1         display program version, memory etc.
   DOWN        move to next task
   UP          move to previous task
   PGDN        move down a screenful of tasks
   PGUP        move up a screenful of tasks
   HOME        move to first task in list
   END         move to last task in list
   F2          add a new task (starting today, effort of 5 days)
   F3          move task up in list
   F4          move task down in list
   F6          check if schedule contains problems and determine
               tasks on critical chain
   F8          track project progress
   RIGHT       increase start day of task
   LEFT        decrease start day of task
   Ctrl-LEFT   display earlier dates (scroll horizontally)
   Ctrl-RIGHT  display later dates (scroll horizontally)
   DEL         delete highlighted task
   Ctrl-P      print schedule to file
   e           set estimated effort of highlighted task (planning)
   u           update effort estimation for highlighted task (tracking)
   B           set buffer before highlighted task
   b           set buffer after highlighted task
   n           change name of highlighted task
   r           change resources required for highlighted task
   d           change dependencies for highlighted task
   y           set the width of a day for the schedule display
   h           show "today marker" at a day other than today
   Ctrl-s      set project beginning to given date
   space       toggle "done" state of task
   ?           display state and timing information for the highlighted task
   ENTER       display task details in PIM format
   ALT-Q       terminate program
   / or MENU   display menu
   MENU I      set resource filter


Lots of options can be set in the configuration file PRO.CFG. The file consists of several sections.

[Setup] Section

   Font=           sets the font to be used: 1=big 2=medium 3=small 4=tiny
                   name=HFN font. Examples:
   NameWidth=      sets the width of the task name area in pixels
   ResWidth=       sets the width of the resource name area in pixels
   DaySize=        sets the width of one day in pixels
   DateDeli=       determines which characters are accepted as delimiters
                   in dates. This setting should match with the same
                   setting in PIM.CFG and PE.CFG
   IsoDate=        if not 0, all dates are displayed in ISO format, i.e.
                   YYYY-MM-DD. This should also be set the same as in
                   PIM.CFG and PE.CFG.
   BufferSize=     determines the default buffer size. The given value is
                   in percent of the task or project length. For example if
                   a value of 50 is given, a buffer is allocated so that it
                   is about half of the duration of the task (or project)
   PrintNameWidth= sets the width of the task name area in characters when
   PrintResWidth=  sets the width of the resource name area in characters
                   when printing
   PrintDaySize=   sets the number of days that should be represented by
                   one character when printing
   CriticalPrio=   if set, tasks on the critical chain are saved with the
                   given priority (e.g. CriticalPrio=a).
   DayChar=        specifies the character to be used for "day" in CDF
                   output. Default is "d" (e.g. "13d" for 13 days).
   Delimiter=      specifies the delimiter used for CDF output. Default
                   is ",".
   WithBuffers=    determines if the durations in CDF output include the
                   buffer durations (WithBuffers=1). Default is: no.     

[NoWork] Section

Each line in this section specifies a day which is not a working day. This can be specified by providing a date or a weekday. Week days are given as:

   0=Mon 1=Tue 2=Wed...6=Sun
Each line must end with an additional "=". Examples:
   5=            (Saturday)
   6=            (Sunday)
   1999-JUL-04   (Holiday)

The remaining sections determine specific projects. If a section is named, for example, [BuildHouse] and PRO/LX is started with

   PRO BuildHouse

Everything is set up according to the data in this section. Each section must at least contain one line that specifies the PIM file belonging to the project. Example:


Apart from that entry, you can specify any of the entries that may appear in the [Setup] section. They will override the values in [Setup].

If for that project, the dates in [NoWork] do not apply, you may set up an alternative [NoWork] section and name it, for example, [MyNoWork]. You can then tell PRO/LX that this is the section it should use by defining


in the project section.


The following format is used to save information about a task:

   +( 12-NOV-1999          planned start date
   +t Task4                task name
   +e 2                    estimated task effort
   +s 14-NOV-1999          updated start date
   +u 4                    updated task effort
   +B 2                    size of buffer before task
   +b 8                    size of buffer after task
   +c GARZ                 resource needed for task
   +< Task1                task that needs to be completed before 
                           this one

   +. 16-NOV-1999          date on which task was completed
   +! Task4 #12-NOV-1999   completion "mark" for given task


*** How to separate projects within PIM/PE

Add a line such as

   +C Project1

to the beginning of a project file (but after the time stamp). This will set category "Project1" for the whole file and you can use a filter for that category in PIM.


Larry P. Leach: Critical Chain Project Management

Francis S. "Frank" Patrick: Critical Chain Scheduling and Buffer Management
Very good intro to CCPM

Ed D. Walker II: An introduction to Critical Chain Project Management

Chesapeake Consulting
You can sign up to receive a paper on CCPM which is worth reading

The Product Development Institute - For Speed! TOC CCPM -

ProChain Solutions Home -- Critical Chain Project Management Solutions -

Fran Stone Enterprises - TOC Jonah's Jonah -

Eliyahu Goldratt The Goal Crazy About Constraints! -

Dr Holt TOC Power Point Presentations -

Constraints Management SIG--Theory of Constraints -

Constraint Accounting Measurements John Caspari -

CIRAS - Theory of Constraints -

Bill Dettmer from Goal Systems International -

AMC Homepage TOC consulting -

Andreas Garzotto, 24-Nov-99

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