
Re: Pen calibration in windows

Matthew Carpenter (mcarpent@rs5.tcs.tulane.edu) wrote:

: Thought I would try here before trying to deal with tech support...

: I am using windows 3.1 with windows for pen 1.0a on a Dauphin DTR1. The
: problem: my pen is no longer calibrated correctly, and it is far enough
: out of calibration that I can't successfully use the calibrate program
: in the control panel in windows to recailbrate it!

In the SYSTEM.INI file of the Windows directory, there is a segment called
[Pen Driver] which contains the following entries for my computer:

I tried recalibrating my pen deliberately incorrectly, and these settings
did change.  I'd guess that editing these settings are a good place to start
getting your PenWin setup up and running again.  As far as a "good" note
taking application, if you find one, lemme know!!!
				-- Stephen Cheung
				-- Computation Center Help Desk
				-- University of Texas at Austin

My suggestions don't represent anyone, and stuff like that.  
