Re: DAUPHIN-L: visual basic -Reply
The drive is a little small to load the VB development files but VB runs
excellent from a parallel ZIP drive. It makes working on files while on the
road ideal, esp when you need to tweak something at a client's office.
>If you're trying to do development work on the DTR-1 using
>Visual Basic, I think the drive may be too small to load the
>full VB, but if you want to develop apps on another machine
>for use with the DTR-1 then that is possible.
>Since VB runs under windows then nothing will stop it from
>being run on the DTR-1 (space permitting).
>>>> Christopher G. Atkeson <cga@cc.gatech.edu>
>11/29/95 12:50pm >>>
>Does anyone have Visual Basic running on a DTR1?
>I am considering buying DTR1s for this application.
>Many Thanks,
>Chris Atkeson
Lawrence F. Beals, Jr : lbeals@infi.net
The Pillar Company
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