
Re: DAUPHIN-L: Dauphin memory, drive, pen, modem, battery and , recognition Q&A.

>I have a question about the power supply since mine has quit producing 
>any voltage.  Is the supply regulated?  I was planning on building a 12V 
>regulated supply rated at 2.5 to 3 amps, is this likely to work?
>Brian Beattie       | [From an MIT job ad] "Applicants must also have
>                    | extensive knowledge of UNIX, although they should
>beattie@proaxis.com | have sufficently good programming taste to not
>Fax (503)754-3406   | consider this an achievement."
I don't know the current draw, but my son is successfully using a 12 V, 5 AH
gel cell type battery to power his DTR-1 which he is using to compile and
download programs into a 68HC11 board for his science fair project.


James M. Potter, President      E-mail: jpotter@jpaw.com
JP Accelerator Works, Inc.      URL: www.jpaw.com/jpaw/
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