
A collection of utilities useful for building OTTO modes.


Display handles a few things that make writing modes easier.


#include "display.hpp"
#include "timeline.hpp"

static Display display = { { 96.0f, 96.0f } };

STAK_EXPORT int update(float dt) {
    display.update([dt] {
    return 0;

STAK_EXPORT int draw() {
    display.draw([] {
        // Draw some things pre-transformed to the OTTO display
    return 0;

STAK_EXPORT int shutter_button_pressed() {
    if (!display.wake()) { // Wake the display
        // If the display was not asleep, rect to the button press.
    return 0;


Timeline provides a static instance of a Choreograph Timeline. Choreograph is used for all of the transitions in otto-menu and otto-gif-mode. It's usually not necessary to have more than one instance of Timeline, but definitely possible.


static Output<float> value = 0.0f;

// Tween `value` to 1.0 over 2 seconds
timeline.apply(&value).then<RampTo>(1.0f, 2.0f, EaseInOutQuad());